Watch this space?

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I am sorry to have started a thread that has offended an individual, that was never my intention,

I have honestly pursued the waitress and the Bell story throughout this thread and even spoke to her ( as I posted on Tuesday) recently in continuing the effort to locate and dive the " Shipwreck ( which this TN Forum thread is all about, Shipwrecks)

However, I am absolutely delighted that the thread appears to give many, many TN members the chance to tease each other and all the time I get PM's from people thanking me and the others who post for enriching their lives with this frivolous nonsense...I will continue to post in it ( I didn't see a complaint about, " do treasures have spirits nor would I like to! "

I will continue to tell the Old Man to get stuffed, call ARRC Archie ( which he hates) and abuse anyone else who is willing to join me on this thread in an effort to make FELLOW posters and lurkers alike laugh their heads off.

If you don't like " watch this space, " un subscribe from it, don't open it, or if you feel strongly complain to the MODS.........

ps, Old man and Archie, get stuffed......and Tyler why are you not on the step?


My Mums neighbors dog........good party.

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*** ARRC unsubscribes from thread because sads is back***

Oh wait... I never subscribed to begin with :P

BVI, calm down. You said, that you wanted to go after the best wreck that has Treasure. I saved the virgin wreck with gold coins that were recovered for you and sads669. What would you rather go after first? A wreck that Mel Fisher said, was a Privateer and T/Diver said was a merchant ship, or a virgin wreck that produced Gold Coins? Your call.

And no I didn't draw the map today. I first drew it on Monday, but I spit coffee all over it because of sads669 and had to draw it again.

Don't blame me cos you messed up the map dribbling.

However, me and BVI are ready.....


It does fit the map. *** hangs head *** oh well.
MPH200, I'd tell you where it is except for 2 reasons.
#1. BVI, has threatened to cut off those 2 bells that hang to my knees, if I do.

#2. The location is identified on the map, if you look in the right places.

Ya know... ..... ...... ............................ I was watchin that hooters video......

And I have a great idea...

We start a restaurant just like hooters...

But instead of women waitresses we use men dressed just like that in the video...

Copy the hooters whole concept... except using the color green...

And call it...



Heh... AND !

Sads has to "run" it :P

Only thing we cant copy... (must have at least one for infringement),,,,

Would not wanna copy....

IS "fanny packs" or "aprons" ...

Must wear shirt pockets instead :P

:P heh

Guess where you can stick your new you refused to give me the sheath.."

Gonna stick it in me cooooc-nuuuuut and put me some Gin or lime in it.....:occasion14:

Oh Crap, need to post so my thread count isn't 666 any more. Oh crap I just mentioned 666 here...

SADS, Happy Birthday to your Mom.

And for all who care, when I open the site, I stop here first,,,,, I just got to.

See sads...
Relax... enjoy the ride...

Might want to put your seatbelt on though.

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