Watch this space?

Sheesh... you know how many people I talk to in a week... arrrrg.
See that's the problem ARRC You should talk less and Listen more

And I know that you have ALOT of "food for thought" on this subject...
But sheesh... gimp boy... we have already burned up 3 whips on ya already... so... calm down... don't be so "eager"...
Down gimp !
DOWN !...
I know we have been teaching you how to stand again... but at the moment your "normal" "down" position is better.

See that's the problem ARRC You should talk less and Listen more

Lol... if I listened to all the crapola I heard in a day... heh.

And is this what your mother has been telling you all these years ?

Ok that's it... I am showing the picture of you coming out of the "chest" in the cabin...
Just because you were the cabin "gimp"... does not mean you "outrank" me :P

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Again with the Listen part. If so you would know they had to amputate my leg after we were hit by a drunk driver that killed my brother. And yes AARC I do walk with a limp so I am a Gimp I suppose. But I don't need you to remind me. I get up everyday and put on my leg.

Sheesh man... I had no idea... I am sorry about your brother.

I can feel the "stunned" moment you are having...

But have you not learned the ole expression...
When you play with fire. :P

Fire? I've seen more spark from a wet

I was unaware of your circumstance...
And it seems you are insinuating that I "should have known" this...

Was anyone else "aware" of this ?

I do not "follow" your posts and was unaware of your plight.
And apologize.

There must not be any treasure to look for wherever you guys are from. I used to look forward to checking out the recent posts on T-net every morning. Now I'm greeted with more and more foolishness. Congratulations, you've driven me away. I'm going to delete the icon from my desktop.

sads669, are you taking your mum anywhere special for dinner on her ?
I don't believe for a minute, that she wants to go to the Pub for a pint and some kidney pie. So don't try to pull tone.

Let's all celebrate The Queens Mum birthday. After all 90 should be a Big celebration and yeah she probably does want to drink to wipe away any thought of giving birth to SADS.

And now that you mention it...

I do remember our conversation... but not of your accident.

There must not be any treasure to look for wherever you guys are from. I used to look forward to checking out the recent posts on T-net every morning. Now I'm greeted with more and more foolishness. Congratulations, you've driven me away. I'm going to delete the icon from my desktop.

Sorry that you were offended by foolishness but if you have been following this thread then you would know that the preceding 60 pages were just that FOOLISHNESS. Personally I follow this thread to offend and be offended.

Furthermore... You know how many people from S.C. I have talked to on here ?

PLUS... all the ones I meet here in person...

Hard to keep "who" is "who" and such.

Wont forget now :P heh

Wanna kiss and make up? You are kinda cute when you're flustered
images (62).jpg

I just read your PM...

I can say this... That is no "joke"... and in my opinion is taking things from playing around... to a serious level.
This can have "residual" consequences for those who ARE in this real position.

There must not be any treasure to look for wherever you guys are from. I used to look forward to checking out the recent posts on T-net every morning. Now I'm greeted with more and more foolishness. Congratulations, you've driven me away. I'm going to delete the icon from my desktop.
Please post pictures of the treasure You found. We'd all be interested in seeing it.
Since none of us have ever found anything or are looking for any.

Please post pictures of the treasure You found. We'd all be interested in seeing it.
Since none of us have ever found anything or are looking for any.

Speak for yourself old man... heh... :P

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