A little bit of information can be a dangerous thing. That’s the classic definition of FAKE NEWS. A little bit of information wrapped in a bushel basket of unsubstantiated Bull crap.
Here’s real facts:
Frank has absolutely no, none, nada, solid information other than what comes out of his imagination as to the source of any map from the Tumlinson family. His nomenclature of "Pegleg map" takes you down a road with a factual trail not yet confirmed and perhaps rightly questioned. You can believe it or not. Your choice. But its far from verified. Its SPECULATION based on his best guess. His assertion is one school of thought but there are several more just as credible.
To accept his post as fact with its underlying implications, you would have to believe Frank knows more about Pegleg and the relationship with Pegleg’s grandson; Travis, and Pegleg's direct children than the family does. Think on that and be guided accordingly.
Some in the family, but not all, “believe” Pegleg MAY have had maps in his later life. The truth of that is mere speculation. He could have, its not impossible. But; its conjecture.
No one today ever saw even one map directly and un-controversially sourced to Pegleg nor were they told one was derived from him. It’s a guess. Any paper/cloth/skin/photographic maps in the family’s possession today is source - UNKNOWN. Where they come from is based on “best guess” theory. That’s the true fact. Make of it what you will.
What we have are maps which depict a wider field of view of other well-known maps and add context to those well-known maps. Other drawings add even greater context to certain elements. Are they from Pegleg's collection or a much different source
As an aside; Janie never yelled “Sucker” at anyone. She was a mere child at the time. Neither did Aileen, her mother. The credited source and the voice of the sucker comment is Travis’ sister.
I’ve told you before and I reiterate……be careful of your heroes and villains. I can’t change your mind, nor will I try. This post is put here for posterity. When all the dust settles you will be able to judge who was bringing you unembellished information for your further review and contemplation; and who was just pulling your chain.