WANTED: Hikers to help document the conclusion of the Peralta Stone Maps


If the Stones are a partial map of the pegleg map then I would assume you got a pegleg map for the Horse and priest map to. Or were they made up. And how come pegleg's Map showed up after the Stone maps. Should it not been first.
Not to mention your buddy Ryan and you question the family only after Janie passed, She would of set you two's straight fast.


After Janie sold the stones she yelled out her car window "SUCKER" So you may be correct about what she would have said.

I was kinda thinking that about the Family you got the pegleg map from, with all do respect Sir,


A little bit of information can be a dangerous thing. That’s the classic definition of FAKE NEWS. A little bit of information wrapped in a bushel basket of unsubstantiated Bull crap.

Here’s real facts:

Frank has absolutely no, none, nada, solid information other than what comes out of his imagination as to the source of any map from the Tumlinson family. His nomenclature of "Pegleg map" takes you down a road with a factual trail not yet confirmed and perhaps rightly questioned. You can believe it or not. Your choice. But its far from verified. Its SPECULATION based on his best guess. His assertion is one school of thought but there are several more just as credible.

To accept his post as fact with its underlying implications, you would have to believe Frank knows more about Pegleg and the relationship with Pegleg’s grandson; Travis, and Pegleg's direct children than the family does. Think on that and be guided accordingly.

Some in the family, but not all, “believe” Pegleg MAY have had maps in his later life. The truth of that is mere speculation. He could have, its not impossible. But; its conjecture.

No one today ever saw even one map directly and un-controversially sourced to Pegleg nor were they told one was derived from him. It’s a guess. Any paper/cloth/skin/photographic maps in the family’s possession today is source - UNKNOWN. Where they come from is based on “best guess” theory. That’s the true fact. Make of it what you will.

What we have are maps which depict a wider field of view of other well-known maps and add context to those well-known maps. Other drawings add even greater context to certain elements. Are they from Pegleg's collection or a much different source???

As an aside; Janie never yelled “Sucker” at anyone. She was a mere child at the time. Neither did Aileen, her mother. The credited source and the voice of the sucker comment is Travis’ sister.

I’ve told you before and I reiterate……be careful of your heroes and villains. I can’t change your mind, nor will I try. This post is put here for posterity. When all the dust settles you will be able to judge who was bringing you unembellished information for your further review and contemplation; and who was just pulling your chain.


Yeah I know, The only map acredited to the The family is the Peralta Maps, The rest came later by different authors who
needless to say to cement themselves into the ledgen.
The other known map of Ruth's came before the Stones, It has none of the marks of the Stones or a solid relationship to
a church. But it does exist in the field as does the other. Franks map is fake. I knew that when he was carry it on the ledgen's show. But I still enjoyed the show! And being what 70 he still puts the boots on the ground.


"When all the dust settles you will be able to judge who was bringing you unembellished information for your further review and contemplation; and who was just pulling your chain."

Can't wait ....................... hope I live that long.


"When all the dust settles you will be able to judge who was bringing you unembellished information for your further review and contemplation; and who was just pulling your chain."

Can't wait ....................... hope I live that long.

There gonna be a lot of chain pulling. Real soon now, Ryan hooked up with Lesueur, it should be a non biased base show
as told by the teller and you all can be the judge. But as I told Ryan from day one, There Will be the final story with a
WTF ending.


My chips are on Sarge!

I am a firm believer that the PSM's do lead to a treasure area...And I believe that I have indisputable proof of said statement...I even have ore from the area I believe is depicted in the stones...IF anyone chooses to believe me that is their right...IF nobody chooses to believe...That is also their right...

The stones are legitimate...Maybe one day I may spill my guts and reveal some information to ya'll...But I doubt that will be anytime soon...

I am a firm believer that the PSM's do lead to a treasure area...And I believe that I have indisputable proof of said statement...I even have ore from the area I believe is depicted in the stones...IF anyone chooses to believe me that is their right...IF nobody chooses to believe...That is also their right...

The stones are legitimate...Maybe one day I may spill my guts and reveal some information to ya'll...But I doubt that will be anytime soon...

Well John

Fell free to spill, I've gave more away then anyone, It doesn't matter to me, Cause no one knows what to look for.

So go and post, Spill that deep dark secret.


my suggestion to both of you is if you know where "IT" is...just go get it..talking about it isn't going to get you anywhere:dontknow:

my suggestion to both of you is if you know where "IT" is...just go get it..talking about it isn't going to get you anywhere:dontknow:

I am in no rush azdave...Maybe one day I will try to return to said site and get me some...But at the current moment I am in no hurry to try to return to said area nor am I in any hurry to try to prove my claims either....Time will tell...

Who knows???Said area may have been filed upon by someone by now...I have not been to the area in over 20 years...

Yeah Dave, If John wants to procrastinate another 20 he can. I'll be there Tomorrow or by the end of the week for sure.
Can't miss Ryan coming out of the closet, it should be Fabulous! Besides I got a few loose ends to tie up before I rap it up. And Finnish this thing.

I'm gonna come spring start a new treasure hunt a little closer to home, I tracked down a old dude as a kid who's father
owned a cattle ranch south of the home stake mine in South Dakota. He said as a kid there on the ranch was a stream with big funny shaped rocks in it he walked on to cross the stream, But Now the stream is gone because of development of Rapid City throughout the years. Rectangular and long he described the shinny Rocks. Here's the catch, The Homestake mine was robbed so often that they started to produce 500 pound bars to keep them from being stolen, guess what happened.


Yeah Dave, If John wants to procrastinate another 20 he can. I'll be there Tomorrow or by the end of the week for sure.
Can't miss Ryan coming out of the closet, it should be Fabulous! Besides I got a few loose ends to tie up before I rap it up. And Finnish this thing.

I'm gonna come spring start a new treasure hunt a little closer to home, I tracked down a old dude as a kid who's father
owned a cattle ranch south of the home stake mine in South Dakota. He said as a kid there on the ranch was a stream with big funny shaped rocks in it he walked on to cross the stream, But Now the stream is gone because of development of Rapid City throughout the years. Rectangular and long he described the shinny Rocks. Here's the catch, The Homestake mine was robbed so often that they started to produce 500 pound bars to keep them from being stolen, guess what happened.


Good luck babymick1...IF you find any of my little play areas within a week...Well...You'll be one lucky s.o.b....lol...I doubt anyone will ante up to make IT worth my while to return to the area in the PSM's anytime soon...

As for searching closer to home...Reno is just a hop skip and a jump away...hehehe...You can search for your 500 pound bars and I'll search for my paragons...Though you'll probably have much better odds than me...I am going up against a billion to one odds of ever finding another paragon diamond...And ten million to one odds of even finding another diamond...

IT could happen...

A little bit of information can be a dangerous thing. That’s the classic definition of FAKE NEWS. A little bit of information wrapped in a bushel basket of unsubstantiated Bull crap.

Here’s real facts:

Frank has absolutely no, none, nada, solid information other than what comes out of his imagination as to the source of any map from the Tumlinson family. His nomenclature of "Pegleg map" takes you down a road with a factual trail not yet confirmed and perhaps rightly questioned. You can believe it or not. Your choice. But its far from verified. Its SPECULATION based on his best guess. His assertion is one school of thought but there are several more just as credible.

To accept his post as fact with its underlying implications, you would have to believe Frank knows more about Pegleg and the relationship with Pegleg’s grandson; Travis, and Pegleg's direct children than the family does. Think on that and be guided accordingly.

Some in the family, but not all, “believe” Pegleg MAY have had maps in his later life. The truth of that is mere speculation. He could have, its not impossible. But; its conjecture.

No one today ever saw even one map directly and un-controversially sourced to Pegleg nor were they told one was derived from him. It’s a guess. Any paper/cloth/skin/photographic maps in the family’s possession today is source - UNKNOWN. Where they come from is based on “best guess” theory. That’s the true fact. Make of it what you will.

What we have are maps which depict a wider field of view of other well-known maps and add context to those well-known maps. Other drawings add even greater context to certain elements. Are they from Pegleg's collection or a much different source???

As an aside; Janie never yelled “Sucker” at anyone. She was a mere child at the time. Neither did Aileen, her mother. The credited source and the voice of the sucker comment is Travis’ sister.

I’ve told you before and I reiterate……be careful of your heroes and villains. I can’t change your mind, nor will I try. This post is put here for posterity. When all the dust settles you will be able to judge who was bringing you unembellished information for your further review and contemplation; and who was just pulling your chain.

When is that video thing from Ryan Gordon going to be released?

A little bit of information can be a dangerous thing. That’s the classic definition of FAKE NEWS. A little bit of information wrapped in a bushel basket of unsubstantiated Bull crap.

Here’s real facts:

Frank has absolutely no, none, nada, solid information other than what comes out of his imagination as to the source of any map from the Tumlinson family. His nomenclature of "Pegleg map" takes you down a road with a factual trail not yet confirmed and perhaps rightly questioned. You can believe it or not. Your choice. But its far from verified. Its SPECULATION based on his best guess. His assertion is one school of thought but there are several more just as credible.

To accept his post as fact with its underlying implications, you would have to believe Frank knows more about Pegleg and the relationship with Pegleg’s grandson; Travis, and Pegleg's direct children than the family does. Think on that and be guided accordingly.


I suspect you are greatly underestimating Frank here.

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

That's putting it mildly, Oro.

Old's not underestimating Frank... there's a pattern here... first Wayne gets sucker punched, disparaging comments about the Rendezvous, a kick in the head to Sarge...and that's just the stuff I've seen, being a new guy and all...I suspect it will all become clear shortly.

You guys are most certainly correct. There is a pattern, a method and a purpose. Perhaps not the one you think, but there is one.

What my critics find offensive is that I won't let dis-information stand unchallenged. Not from anyone. That runs the gambit from Matthew to Frank and others large and small in the community.

When dis-information is unchallenged it becomes a part of the accepted truth. That's happened over and over again. How many times have we seen posts written way down the line that refer back to statements or events "as fact" that never happened or were twisted to suit a different narrative. If I know, beyond doubt, of the fallacy of that I become complicit in it.

Its perfectly within your right to dislike how I do it. I've never claimed to be diplomatic. I hit things head on. I wage my battles in the front yard. Not behind someone's back. Always have. That ruffles feathers. Perhaps the charm school approach would be better. I never acquired that skill.

A little bit of information can be a dangerous thing. That’s the classic definition of FAKE NEWS. A little bit of information wrapped in a bushel basket of unsubstantiated Bull crap.

Here’s real facts:

Frank has absolutely no, none, nada, solid information other than what comes out of his imagination as to the source of any map from the Tumlinson family. His nomenclature of "Pegleg map" takes you down a road with a factual trail not yet confirmed and perhaps rightly questioned. You can believe it or not. Your choice. But its far from verified. Its SPECULATION based on his best guess. His assertion is one school of thought but there are several more just as credible.

To accept his post as fact with its underlying implications, you would have to believe Frank knows more about Pegleg and the relationship with Pegleg’s grandson; Travis, and Pegleg's direct children than the family does. Think on that and be guided accordingly.

Some in the family, but not all, “believe” Pegleg MAY have had maps in his later life. The truth of that is mere speculation. He could have, its not impossible. But; its conjecture.

No one today ever saw even one map directly and un-controversially sourced to Pegleg nor were they told one was derived from him. It’s a guess. Any paper/cloth/skin/photographic maps in the family’s possession today is source - UNKNOWN. Where they come from is based on “best guess” theory. That’s the true fact. Make of it what you will.

What we have are maps which depict a wider field of view of other well-known maps and add context to those well-known maps. Other drawings add even greater context to certain elements. Are they from Pegleg's collection or a much different source???

As an aside; Janie never yelled “Sucker” at anyone. She was a mere child at the time. Neither did Aileen, her mother. The credited source and the voice of the sucker comment is Travis’ sister.

I’ve told you before and I reiterate……be careful of your heroes and villains. I can’t change your mind, nor will I try. This post is put here for posterity. When all the dust settles you will be able to judge who was bringing you unembellished information for your further review and contemplation; and who was just pulling your chain.

Hi Old,

Thank you for the explanation. I admire your stand against disinformation and in hitting things head on. I for one am not offended, just curious. This forum is pretty much all speculation, disinformation, and people's theories, from wild ones to informed ones. I don't know what the pattern is, only that I see one. What is it about Frank's theories that differentiates them from all the rest and gets your attention and brand of "Fake News"?

Not trying to be overly critical, but it might help to apply your own stringent desire for the facts to your own posts. For example: " Here’s real facts: (emphasis mine)

Frank has absolutely no, none, nada, solid information other than what comes out of his imagination as to the source of any map from the Tumlinson family"

Is that a fact? You know all the information Frank has? I doubt it. Yet you call it fact.

Can you tell us which "Wayne" it was that insulted you? You gave Somehiker such a public beating, I think in the interest of fairness you should give it a public explanation. How's that for not doing things behind someone's back?

(If you have worked this out privately, however, please accept my apologies for interfering and ignore that)

I don't want to go on, I hope you can see my point. If you say there's only a pattern of truth and nothing more, good enough.

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