WANTED: Hikers to help document the conclusion of the Peralta Stone Maps

393stroker are you monitoring this site still?? I hope you are because close to 3 months ago I had been looking like every other Dutch Hunter for 35 years and finding nothing, so I trashed all 35 years worth of research and started in a new area. Low an Behold things started looking up. I have over the course of 3 months found 4 locations that I have to put Boots on the Ground. I stake my life on my findings, I have found carved in a wash A Location that has a Heart with a Cross in it and a knife on the side. Thanks to Google Earth. I know where all the Mines are at and the possible treasure is as well. I myself am looking for a few good people to go and get it all, but I'm not going to tell you I'm going to hand it over to the State because I feel that I have 35 years of research that needs to be paid for. I've learned that only 5 of Jacob Waltz Clues were correct and the rest were trash, made up by people who didn't want anyone finding the Gold. If you're interested in a profit the By God you need to see me

Hi Gary, and welcome to TN. It all sounds good except the staking you life part. I had the opportunity to hike to my search area last August so I took it. I pulled the plug on the 3rd day because the heat and climbing around off trail got the best of me and I didn't have enough gas in the tank to continue. I'm hoping to get back there again before the years end.

Hi Gary, and welcome to TN. It all sounds good except the staking you life part. I had the opportunity to hike to my search area last August so I took it. I pulled the plug on the 3rd day because the heat and climbing around off trail got the best of me and I didn't have enough gas in the tank to continue. I'm hoping to get back there again before the years end.

Better time would be in the "winter months", Starting in Nov to Feb. That way you will hopefully miss the Monsoon season and flash floods.

Better time would be in the "winter months", Starting in Nov to Feb. That way you will hopefully miss the Monsoon season and flash floods.

Not this Winter though! I'm still a little dehydrated from my small hike Saturday!

Not to mention a bit sunburnt...

If it's far, it would be best to have an outfitter take you in by horse. Or just use a drone. That's it! We'll start a "Drone Man" hiking and searching service! Just charge a fee each time someone wants a person to check a site off Google Earth out! You'll make a killing! Time plus labor and a percent of fictitious treasure or gold...that's the only way you'll gonna make google pay for anything!

Ten foot rule applies when out in the hills.
If a wild animal is with in 10 feet of you and when you yell at it and stamp on the ground, it doesn't run away, Shoot it! It is either sick from the heat or Rabid.
Wild animals when run when they know that you know they are there. If not they are sick, Rabid, or have been dumped off by "caring owners" and have no fear of Man.
I was taught this when I was 14 by my father and others that had grown up in southern central Az. Florence for me.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all - and while I cannot address the warning about rabid animals in the Superstitions, I would only point out that if you should encounter a fox in daytime or a raccoon, I would recommend to avoid it as these animals are normally nocturnal. It is not proof that they are rabid to be out in daylight but it could be and you don't want to go through the shots for rabies.

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:

Happy Thanksgiving to you all - and while I cannot address the warning about rabid animals in the Superstitions, I would only point out that if you should encounter a fox in daytime or a raccoon, I would recommend to avoid it as these animals are normally nocturnal. It is not proof that they are rabid to be out in daylight but it could be and you don't want to go through the shots for rabies.

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:

For those of you that don't know how Rabies spreads, it is bats. They carry it normally but it is not active. When it turns active they can't fly and totter along on the ground until a fox or racoon or dog, cat or other animal comes along and goes "Snap, Crunch". If the bones or skull cut the gums, it becomes Rabid.
My dad was a Pinal County Health Inspector and it was nothing to open the freezer on the weekend and see baggies stacked along one side waiting for Monday for him to take them to the Lab for testing.
Florence, where I learned the ten foot rule. Saw a bat staggering along and picked up the biggest flat rock I could find and dropped it on the bat. The rock was to also keep other animals from eating it and becoming Rabid.

Hello my friends, I don`t know how to say this so I`ll just be frank. I know that a lot of us have a lot of time and energy in trying to figure out the whereabouts of some lost goldmine and where the stones may lead, if they are real maps of a real place with gold to be found. I have been studying this puzzle for only about 3 weeks and have a lot of respect for those before me trying to solve the problem.I have come to the point that I have enough clues and determination to varify my find. I will be traveling to Phoenix in the next few weeks to hike in the Supes to see what is there first hand.I have talked to friends and family and co-workers and they all think that I`m just a daydreamer.So that is the situation, I could use some back-up to join this venture.I talked to the main man at the museum that has the stones, he informed me that a thousand people have said the same thing in the past but have not been able to PROVE there find.If you are serious as I am about this I will be at the museum to present my theory when I can break away from work and travel from Houston.I don`t know the laws concerning mining in there and I don`t plan on mining.But if something is found it`s equal shares. Thanks in advance ,Chuck Chatsko

Well, let me be the first to tell you and others I have found the exact canyon the LDM and Peralta / Jesuit Mines are in and in Spring 2018 I will with the help of a hand picked team go out and inspect the canyon. I will bring out as many samples as I can so it can be assayed by the only person I will trust in Arizona, he has his own Lab and equipment. Then I'll sell that to fund another expedition back in and bring out more. In the canyon I have found the Latin Heart, Cross of the Church of Santa Fe and Dagger all carved in Stone. The Walz Cache Map is right below the Latin Heart, A witch / Priest is carved in the mountain, numerous crosses carved in stone, and Jacob Waltz Mine has been located. And I can prove everything I have stated, and the Peralta Stones are quite REAL. Without them I would have never found the canyon. Interested Parties can contact me : gary.herndon@hotmail.com

Well, let me be the first to tell you and others I have found the exact canyon the LDM and Peralta / Jesuit Mines are in and in Spring 2018 I will with the help of a hand picked team go out and inspect the canyon. I will bring out as many samples as I can so it can be assayed by the only person I will trust in Arizona, he has his own Lab and equipment. Then I'll sell that to fund another expedition back in and bring out more. In the canyon I have found the Latin Heart, Cross of the Church of Santa Fe and Dagger all carved in Stone. The Walz Cache Map is right below the Latin Heart, A witch / Priest is carved in the mountain, numerous crosses carved in stone, and Jacob Waltz Mine has been located. And I can prove everything I have stated, and the Peralta Stones are quite REAL. Without them I would have never found the canyon. Interested Parties can contact me : gary.herndon@hotmail.com

Mr. Herndon,

There would be considerably more interest, if you would post pictures of some of the artifacts you have found in the mountains. No locations, just pictures of the carvings themselves.

I wish you luck in your search,

Joe Ribaudo

Well, let me be the first to tell you and others I have found the exact canyon the LDM and Peralta / Jesuit Mines are in and in Spring 2018 I will with the help of a hand picked team go out and inspect the canyon. I will bring out as many samples as I can so it can be assayed by the only person I will trust in Arizona, he has his own Lab and equipment. Then I'll sell that to fund another expedition back in and bring out more. In the canyon I have found the Latin Heart, Cross of the Church of Santa Fe and Dagger all carved in Stone. The Walz Cache Map is right below the Latin Heart, A witch / Priest is carved in the mountain, numerous crosses carved in stone, and Jacob Waltz Mine has been located. And I can prove everything I have stated, and the Peralta Stones are quite REAL. Without them I would have never found the canyon. Interested Parties can contact me : gary.herndon@hotmail.com

Gary most of that area in Black Canyon is under claim by Roadrunners Prospecting Club. Removing samples is theft unless you are a member.

By your comments, should I assume it's an issue of "weather" versus "wildlife" or is wildlife just as deadly? I'm planning on a potential trip that direction next spring and just want to be aware of all hazards. Not from the area and dying would really put a damper on the trip.

Weather can shift 40-50 degrees from noon to night, the wildlife (snakes normally out at night), and the fact that the terrain off trail can dump you off into cactus, rocks, or Thorny plants with little warning. Always tell someone of your route and area of exploration and how long you will be out there. I would rather "scare" you and make you think about safety and making it back alive, if not in good shape. With out a second person to get you help or out of the areas, you must take it on yourself to plan for the worse and hope it is never needed. There are no "Park Rangers" and seldom Forest Rangers out there. Search and Rescue is done by Pinal County from Florence, up to over 20 miles away. I hope tht you have a good and safe trip looking out there, but make sure that someone knows where you are going (the area) and the amount of time you will be out there.

a friend just had to get the 4 doses of rabies shots
he was getting christmas dec, from attic and was
bit by a bat crawling behind a box, its been about
1 week since last dose, he seems ok says his one
arm is sore, and they burned like a tetanus shot
the pest control bill was big $$$

Johnwhite and hooch, we have rules on language and politics, post by our rules or lose the ability to post.

Last edited:
a friend just had to get the 4 doses of rabies shots
he was getting christmas dec, from attic and was
bit by a bat crawling behind a box, its been about
1 week since last dose, he seems ok says his one
arm is sore, and they burned like a tetanus shot
the pest control bill was big $$$

I was watching a show once on T.V., years ago, about bats and a certain insect...I don't remember exactly what the name of the insect was/is, but I do believe it was a vampire bat...Anyhow...I believe that they had a unique relationship where the insect would feed off of the vampire bat and the insect carried a certain parasite which would be transferred to the bat...And the parasite could live and multiply in the bat without the bat dying...But IF the bat were to bite a human the parasite would be transferred to the human, and multiply, and there was/is no treatment for said parasite and it would be a slow painful death for the human...At least this is what I believe the program stated...Does anyone in hear know of such a insect and vampire bats???Or did I just imagine it???So, IF my memory serves me correctly...Rabies seems like a lesser of two evils...Yet it is still something that I would not want to experience...

I bet the pest control bill was pretty expensive...

And I am sorry for my political views...

393stroker .... Dude Ive messaged you about this before with no reply are you going to get it done or just type it out and wait for the Spirit to move you?? I have all the info about where the Stones lead to but they are not Peralta made they are Jesuit Made. I know the canyon location fotr the Latin Heart and the LDM is in the same canyon. Ive started preparing buying food supplies,packs,tents, etc.,. But I'm going for the long haul not a weekend warrior but up to 10 days camping in the canyon.... And Im on the idea to get Filthy Rich since no one really wants to help out. I've put out over 1000 emails to every individual, company or group that wants to save vital State or National History but no one wants to help fund an expedition. So, either I get someone who is interested as much as I am or I just do it myself and reap the rewards. Like I told you before, I have all the images and I ready to go as soon as my wheels get out of the shop. hit me up gary.herndon@hotmail.com

sgtfda .... Dude you're way off location, the canyon I'm going in is extremely rough and hard to get too and its in No Man's Land meaning its hours from anything civilized ... Black Canyon is NOT my Destination and how you came up with that idea God only knows. Sgtfda, you want to make more than the History Channel is paying you? Then prepare to hike with me I can guarantee you'll load your pack and push pull or drag it out Full. Did Wayne hit you with a rock in the back of the head?

3 Pics are up, one of the terrain of The Latin Heart with the cross of the Church of Santa Fe inside with Dagger beside it, Jacob Waltz Cache area and it is compatible to the diagram that Waltz drew himself , The Witch Priest, there are 2 dates on the carving lol see if you can find them it took me about a week

393stroker .... Dude Ive messaged you about this before with no reply are you going to get it done or just type it out and wait for the Spirit to move you?? I have all the info about where the Stones lead to but they are not Peralta made they are Jesuit Made. I know the canyon location fotr the Latin Heart and the LDM is in the same canyon. Ive started preparing buying food supplies,packs,tents, etc.,. But I'm going for the long haul not a weekend warrior but up to 10 days camping in the canyon.... And Im on the idea to get Filthy Rich since no one really wants to help out. I've put out over 1000 emails to every individual, company or group that wants to save vital State or National History but no one wants to help fund an expedition. So, either I get someone who is interested as much as I am or I just do it myself and reap the rewards. Like I told you before, I have all the images and I ready to go as soon as my wheels get out of the shop. hit me up gary.herndon@hotmail.com

Thank you for the offer Gary. I can relate to how you feel about getting out there and beginning your adventure. I would go with you but I need to check out my search area up on White Mountain first. It's kind of hard for me to get down that way since I live in Houston and have a job and a wife and a life. I'm still fixing my house from the Harvey flood. Unless you have a horse or mule I wouldn't take too much stuff. Places I've been an animal couldn't go anyway. But I would like to get down there sometime in March, after some rain.

393stroker .... Dude Ive messaged you about this before with no reply are you going to get it done or just type it out and wait for the Spirit to move you?? I have all the info about where the Stones lead to but they are not Peralta made they are Jesuit Made. I know the canyon location fotr the Latin Heart and the LDM is in the same canyon. Ive started preparing buying food supplies,packs,tents, etc.,. But I'm going for the long haul not a weekend warrior but up to 10 days camping in the canyon.... And Im on the idea to get Filthy Rich since no one really wants to help out. I've put out over 1000 emails to every individual, company or group that wants to save vital State or National History but no one wants to help fund an expedition. So, either I get someone who is interested as much as I am or I just do it myself and reap the rewards. Like I told you before, I have all the images and I ready to go as soon as my wheels get out of the shop. hit me up gary.herndon@hotmail.com

You would probably need to offer clear and absolute proof to back up your claims before anyone would be willing to help you. You state that you "have all the images," so why not share a few with us?

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