WANTED: Hikers to help document the conclusion of the Peralta Stone Maps

Hey Jim,

As to the rumors from the recent get together....... Derogatory comments did come back to me in record time from that event. From two totally unrelated sources. I called Wayne (somehiker) out on it publically. Not behind his back. He disavowed all knowledge of it and was vouched for by several. That caused me to replay in my mind exactly what was relayed to me by the individuals who heard the comments at the event. Giving Wayne (somehiker) every benefit of the doubt, I couldn't be certain if a last name was used in the retelling. He and I hashed that out very publically. I believe he is sincere. Do I believe there was talk? Yes, I do. By who, I'm not certain. Somehiker says it wasn't him. That's good enough for me. Regardless of who, its absurd on its face. I’ll leave it to Karma to take care of those who would partake in such talk.

As to what Frank may have and know and where we having differing opinions….

Let's dispense with the easy one first. Does any one here believe Janie (JANIE !!!) yelled "sucker" out of the car window to Clarence Mitchell when he purchased the last of the Stone Maps? I haven’t gone back to do the math, but I believe she was 8 years old at the time. Maybe 9 at the most. Janie was (I’m told) a quiet person, some would say timid, even as an adult. She didn’t like controversy and avoided it whenever possible. Do you really think she is the voice of the “sucker” comment??? I know she’s not because I have been told the story from the direct descendant of the person who supposedly did make that comment.

Frank has also told you Pegleg couldn’t have written a manuscript because he was illiterate. Well, that’s not true either. I have a copy of a letter written by Pegleg to his daughter just days before his death. His penmanship, sentence structure and spelling is impeccable. BTW, there is no known manuscript from Pegleg. That story too is fiction.

Now let talk about Pegleg and his maps. The source of Pegleg having maps is Frank Dobie’s book. The Dobie book tells a story from early in Pegleg’s life. Not his waning years. Any maps in “the family” now is Source Unknown. His family can not pin point where they came from. He’s a possibility, but so are a bunch of other possible sources.

How do I know that? Because I talk with them on a regular basis. We have all become quite good friends over the time we have had together. We talked today.

During the heat of the research we would speak sometimes as much as four times a day and for hours at a time. The source of the maps was a hot topic and covered fully individually and collectively. It was discussed, at length, numerous times.

Do I feel certain they are being truthful? Yes; I do.

Does the Peralta Tesora Mappa, various maps Frank has seen within the family, and various maps Garmin used share similarities. Yes, but so do hummingbirds and crows. They all have wings. Same amount of commonality.

Now..........If you have one ounce of fairness about you, ask Frank to pony up the source of his postings at issue as openly as I have.

Jr's mouthpiece would love to learn what I uncovered. So would Jr.
I stand by my statement.

Hi Old,

Thanks for the explanation. You didn’t owe me one, but you explained anyway. I don’t always agree with you, and while that’s irrelevant, I think your explanation does speak favorably to your credibility.

Being new to the forum here, there’s lots of stuff happening that goes right over my head. In regards to you, it just looked like one minute you’re all rainbows and unicorns, the next you’re off in the corner choking some guy out. Curious behavior, but none of my affair.

After a time, there looked like there was some sort of pattern to it. Had no idea what it was, but started to resent what seemed to be the injustice of it. Didn’t know I had walked right out between the lines while the shells were passing overhead. I was then briefly, and fairly, I believe, informed of the situation.

Looks like Sarge has already answered your question. While my answer is unfair, I wouldn’t have asked him anyway. Not my fight and and not equipped to evaluate the position of either side...until someone shows up with a big ol’ pile of treasure.

I will say this, though, in the interest of fairness: Your explanation, especially regarding the unknown “Wayne”, has set my mind at ease. Don’t know him personally, but Somehiker don’t fit that profile, and even if for some reason he did say something like that, he wouldn’t have denied it. No sucking up, just been reading his posts on another site for a decade or so, and what’s fair is fair. Just my observations. So thanks for clearing that up, among other things.

I believe I’ve distracted you long enough…thanks again and best of luck TO EVERYONE in all your endeavors - Jim

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Jr's mouthpiece would love to learn what I uncovered. So would Jr.
I stand by my statement.

Well, one thing is steadfast sure Frank your gonna know what Jr. has learned. He's most likely filming with Lesueur now
so if he owes anybody money, he's be hanging with the film guy.

But anyway here's a shot of the Perfil map, Hoyo the vertical lines and the two opposing Sombrero and Cimba in the back
ground, I don't believe Ruth had a map to the Dutchman's Mine, but he did have a map to the Gonzalas Mines since I believe that's the Story. It would be interesting finding out who filed a claim on the site after Ruth passed, It might shine a light on a name or a suspect in the Story.


There's there's mines all around in and under the back side of the peak in the center.
And the tunnel is in the V peaks in the background. Perfil map solved.


Now I'm getting closer, Starting to smell the Dutchman's Gold in the Air and it doesn't smell like a Matchbox



Stay tuned alitte harder hike to go, but I did say I'll walk you right up to the front door.

babymick1 it is funny how those fake maps take you through that pass, Right by the Perfil map.

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Mick I heard LaSueur dumped Jr. As per FB Mystery of the Superstition Mountains LaSueur and Larry Hedrick are now filming at Mullins treasure cave at the butte off Hewitt Canyon.
I showed Jr the Stone Map area a few years ago. Told him its was my opinion the butte was the hole in the stone map. Glad I did not show him more.
In the end it's all BS other than the mines indicated on the map. I lost interest and moved on. You can always tell when my comments threaten Jr's line of BS. His mouthpiece goes full tilt.ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1518023615.113880.webp

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Looks like you're walking us to the front door of Chunning's diggings


What Year was the Chunning diggings. I'd like to add it in the time line,

Thanks babymick1

Mick I heard LaSueur dumped Jr. As per FB Mystery of the Superstition Mountains LaSueur and Larry Hedrick are now filming at Mullins treasure cave at the butte off Hewitt Canyon.
I showed Jr the Stone Map area a few years ago. Told him its was my opinion the butte was the hole in the stone map. Glad I did not show him more.
In the end it's all BS other than the mines indicated on the map. I lost interest and moved on. You can always tell when my comments threaten Jr's line of BS. His mouthpiece goes full tilt.View attachment 1547524

I think you stood of stayed with it Frank,

There's only a small window, Where the Stone Maps could of been faked, A year after Waltz died there hauling millions out of there, The Perfil map, and the Stone Maps, Now could Travis have made it up. No because all on the Maps were not founded till now. Just because the trail takes you by there, those diggings aren't included in the maps,

The Gonzales diggings came after the maps


The Mullin brothers dug their treasure cave at the top of the butte in the 30's. They were looking for Jesuit treasure in the Millsite - Hewitt Canyon area. That is long before Travis. What do you think prompted the Mullins brothers to search that area?Garman who was friends with Jesse Mullins was also interested in that area. I seen slides of Garman and Tumilinson in that area. Who do you think pointed out that area to Travis? Garman? Climbing up that Butte is no easy task!

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What Year was the Chunning diggings. I'd like to add it in the time line,

Thanks babymick1

BM - I don't recall the specifics, but I know it's in the public record somewhere that Chunning filed a claim in the early 1900's (1901 maybe?) not far from the Indian Paint Mine. It was named something like the Worsner Claim or something (sp??).

Your last photo that I commented on almost shows the tunnel up on the ridge to the right.

I mean no disrespect to the original poster in my comments so please read with an open mind. I've asked a similar question before, is anyone aware of any hidden treasures that were legitimately found via treasure maps/legend/story/tale and then by following the clues from clue to clue? Now keep in mind by maps, I don't mean maps of a sunken ship or an ancient city that actually at one time existed. I'm talking the ones such as the OP's question, Oak Island, Lost Dutchmen's mine, Nazi Gold train, Jesse James etc etc. I'm a self professed skeptic and I just don't put any faith in the follow the map/legend/clues type scenarios. It seems to me finding treasure would be getting out there on the daily grind, bit by bit, digging those precious silver and gold coins and jewelry one at a time, finding those gold nuggets, meteors, stashed caches of the common man, civil war relics etc. Get out there, put in the work and research and one at a time your treasure will build!

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The Mullin brothers dug their treasure cave at the top of the butte in the 30's. They were looking for Jesuit treasure in the Millsite - Hewitt Canyon area. That is long before Travis. What do you think prompted the Mullins brothers to search that area?Garman who was friends with Jesse Mullins was also interested in that area. I seen slides of Garman and Tumilinson in that area. Who do you think pointed out that area to Travis? Garman? Climbing up that Butte is no easy task!

Frank, I'm not in Hewitt Canyon, but I'am aware that the two new each other, but I'm more then inclined it was Travis and Garman, being they teamed up under Travis. So is the Mullins diggings in Hewitt Canyon, Because if they are me and Travis/Garman never looked in the same place at all.

Shed some light brother, Are we in two different places.


Between Millsite and Hewitt

Yeah, were not near each other, Cubfan is on track. Which tells me Ruth was 30 years late, But using a map that was there before Chuning filed a claim on the site in 1900/1901, I believe it was the Gonzales Family diggings.

BM - I don't recall the specifics, but I know it's in the public record somewhere that Chunning filed a claim in the early 1900's (1901 maybe?) not far from the Indian Paint Mine. It was named something like the Worsner Claim or something (sp??).

Your last photo that I commented on almost shows the tunnel up on the ridge to the right.

Yeah, there's a lot of diggings in and around the area, but none I can link to the Stone Maps, Maybe maps missing, who knows. But how Ruth ended up with a Map from a family in Mexico is interesting.

But ohh well must not dwell to long!

babymick1. Thanks

BM - I don't recall the specifics, but I know it's in the public record somewhere that Chunning filed a claim in the early 1900's (1901 maybe?) not far from the Indian Paint Mine. It was named something like the Worsner Claim or something (sp??).

Your last photo that I commented on almost shows the tunnel up on the ridge to the right.

Paul & WRM,

Not sure what he named the claim, but it was reported on Dec. 7, 1901 "John Chuning claimed he found the Lost Dutchman Mine a short distance west of Weaver's Needle." Page 39 in "The Chronological History of the Superstition Wilderness Area,........" By, Tom Kollenborn.

One other thing......I had no problem connecting Chunning's claim to the Stone Maps.

Take care,


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Paul & WRM,

Not sure what he named the claim, but it was reported on Dec. 7, 1901 "John Chuning claimed he found the Lost Dutchman Mine a short distance west of Weaver's Needle." Page 39 in "The Chronological History of the Superstition Wilderness Area,........" By, Tom Kollenborn.

One other thing......I had no problem connecting Chunning's claim to the Stone Maps.

Take care,


Joe, would you know how wealthly Chunning became, I would assume he would of been worth millions if it was the Dutchman's. But I can't see any relationship to the Maps and this place. I believe this was found after the maps or there's more maps.

babymick1 you could explain your theory alittle bit and maybe I could see your point alittle bit better.

Joe, would you know how wealthly Chunning became, I would assume he would of been worth millions if it was the Dutchman's. But I can't see any relationship to the Maps and this place. I believe this was found after the maps or there's more maps.

babymick1 you could explain your theory alittle bit and maybe I could see your point alittle bit better.


Don't believe I said Chunning found the LDM, or any other rich mine or treasure.

Good luck,


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Mick, as far as Chuning, here's a placer claim north of the Salt and then the Worser claim you guys have been talking about. John Chuning kicked around quite a bit...if you're a fan of the Two Soldiers mine, not to burst any bubbles, but when the Silver King closed down he took work elsewhere (instead of racing out into the mountains to find the lost mine). Haven't really looked at his life with any detail, but I knwo for example he went to work up at the Vulture before he hooked up with Jim Bark.

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