Want to try Dowsing?

Hey Victioro….Take masking tape and put a large X on the rug or on the patio. Use a compass to put the tape in a North-South and East- West positions…Put a target in the middle of the X then walk a few feet from the target. When the rods close mark the spot. Do this on all four ends of the tape. Tell me if they are crossing the same distance from the masking tape each time. Then put your heel on the target. If the rods are not crossed move your arms in and out and see if there is one spot where they are crossed. Let us know how this experiment comes out…Art


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Thank You Mike.Sir.

Thanks Trish….To me Dowsing is a simple Mechanical Tool that I use. I started out using the rods while following Man Made Signals and I was finding gold. I was digging a lot of Micro-Gold. I came to the internet to find ways to determine the size of what I was following. I did find ways but to this day I have found nothing that works perfect.

I read one post that mentioned natural signals that ran in the North-South and East-West directions. I started experimenting with this idea without my electronics. That simple post is what hooked me.

My methods work for me and others. I try most everything that I read about but it has to save me time before I will change my methods. Now that I am an old man I still remember what my Dad told me when I was building my first house……Keep it simple …So that’s what I do…Art

Pretty cool did not know the topic was here. Grew up and of course learned to dowse. Started with a fresh cut dog wood branch shaped like the letter Y. One hand held loosely at each top of the Y. A slight bend in the stick is best for me. When you go over a target the branch will raise straight up not down. Tried bent coat hangers later on and they did well but swiveled in my hands in a left or right direction.The stick works best for me as I am always over my target with sticks up.
Guess everyone is diffrent but sure works good for me.
Great topic and good post.

Hey TnMountains….Thanks for reading my stuff. Dowsing works but it usually works a little different for each of us. Put your methods on here as you never know when one sentence or word will make someone into a better dowser….Art

I am by no means an expert. I just always knew I could hit any water or elec line. I have dowsed for fun before we had a couple wells drilled and I was dead on. I think it pretty easy and have showed many people. Not sure I could do gold or stuff like that.That's why I have the mighty Tesoro.
I will cut the Y out of a young live tree. It only has to be 1/4 to 1/2 thick. I like it to have a slight bend in the bottom of the Y. The overall length does not need to be much over two feet. A fresh growing dogwood works well for me but any green tree will work.
I hold each section of the Y loosely in my hands perfectly balanced palms kinda facing outwards and the stick just resting on your forefingers,with the bend down in front of me. Walk slowly and as I pass over my target the branch will raise up and run into you. I back away and the stick comes down. Have done it with my eyes closed and get the same results. The stick will almost feel like it wants to go over you as you pass over and away from the target.
Thought this was the way everyone did it as it is how I was taught.
Just relax and it will work. I suggest doing your water line or a hose first. This is how I was taught was to dowse for water.
That's really all I know its not very scientific or complicated it just works.
Is this not the other way beside coat hangers bent into the letter L ?
Will read some more post when I get caught up.
Have fun not sure I have said anything new.

Well, just for GP, I bent me a coat hanger yesterday, I had my 8 year old son, my 7 year old niece walk the same path as I did, at about the same spot, both of rods swung closed towards the center.... ??? ??? :-\ :-\ so I get my MD, and check the area, couple of small beeps, but nothing solid?????

Well, just for GP, I bent me a coat hanger yesterday, I had my 8 year old son, my 7 year old niece walk the same path as I did, at about the same spot, both of rods swung closed towards the center.... so I get my MD, and check the area, couple of small beeps, but nothing solid? ?

Sorry I didn’t see this sooner…..When the rods cross it does not always mean some thing is there..Every object puts out lines of force from them. Some say that there are 17 lines of force from gold…I don’t know if this is right….I call these lines signal lines..The only place that I can pick them up is when I am in one of the cardinal directions from the object. Whatever your kids were picking up could have been many feet from them…Art

There is some great info in this thread and you are a good instructor. :icon_thumleft:

Art, If you cross a signal line from a right angle and I take it that is when the lines crossed on Mr. Jody. Now if he would have pivoted in that spot, would the rods have opened up and he been able to follow the line? IF so, how would one determin which direction to follow that line, as there are two choices of direction at that point? Thank's ahead of time.

Art, If you cross a signal line from a right angle and I take it that is when the lines crossed on Mr. Jody. Now if he would have pivoted in that spot, would the rods have opened up and he been able to follow the line? IF so, how would one determin which direction to follow that line, as there are two choices of direction at that point? Thank's ahead of time.

When the rods cross you stop and square your body to the line. Turn 90 degree’s your rods should open…Then there are two option’s that can be used to follow the signal line…Walk a S pattern to the target…That’s what I recommend. You can also move your hands closer to each other and see if the rods will form a vee shape for you. If the vee shape forms adjust your hands until the tips are about two inches apart. Now just walk directly to the target keeping the tips in the right place.
The best way to practice this is put a target on the ground…Go 30 feet or more. Find the signal and mark it….Run a string or rope from the mark to the target..I have a photo of the S pattern that came with a tool I bought ….Art


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Ok…For me each object puts a signal line out in a North-South and East-Direction. So when you are following a signal line you may encounter a line from another object. When I am following a signal line and the rods cross I am not always sure that I have found the target . To make sure that it is the signal that I was following I take a few more steps and turn 90 degrees. I then drop one rod to my side. The up rod will always point to the target. Switch the rods and see if the other rod points the same as the other one…I can only write about how dowsing works for me..If this will work for you it sure beats the heck out of digging an extra hole…Art

Re: Want to try Dowsing?
Reply To This Topic #101 Posted Mar 17, 2010, 08:53:56 PM Quote

Quote from: hetty on Jan 28, 2008, 03:05:03 PM
Being a male, Dont you feel like barking when lifting one foot off the floor, or do you dowse. ??

It's a trick! It's gonna make him pee!

Gee Tommy….Some of us enjoy Dowsing….Some people who know nothing about our hobby seem to think that they are welcome here…Art

In 2005 I started this thread to tell about how Dowsing works for me…Over the years I have learned a lot from other Dowsers and from what I know I have helped a lot of people with this thread.
These are a few of the locations that you as Dowsers should be aware of.


Dowsing in the car..... I use a baited rod most of the time. It works best if you put you elbow on the center console. The rod will wonder a little as if it is searching. When it turns the direction it is pointing is the side of the road that the target is on. I go down the road at the speed limit. When a feel a short pull on the rod I know I have passed it. I turn a round and come back slowly. When the rod turns I will get out and check it out more and do whatever needs to be done.
I find that the limits on depth and distance are shorter when in the automobile. An example is a gold vein. I seem to have a 20 foot depth and a range of about 4 miles when in the car. Again it takes a lot of practice and learning to do it right.
This is another way to save time….If you have three or four sites you can check them out in a hurry. If there is parallel roads in the area you can take GPS readings and confirm your map dowsing fast and easy…..Art


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