Want to try Dowsing?

Dowsing Rods and Aura's

Why do I mention Dowsing Rods and Aura's? I didn't know anything about Aura's and didn't believe or disbelieve in them until I came upon a web site named Dowsing Rods and Aura's. An Aura is simply a magnet field around your body. Heres a little test you can try if you have learned to use your dowsing rods

Have a person stand in front of you. Walk slowly toward them and when your rods cross you are inside of their aura.Now back up slowly until your rods open and then close to a vee. This is the outer edge of the aura.

Now have the person focus on different emotions and measure their field simply by staying in front of them. First I have the person focus on anger.I give them a few minutes to focus and ask them to think about something that makes them angry.

I have to move forward to make the rods form a vee because anger makes the aura shrink.I then ask them to think of something that makes them very happy. Give them a few minutes and you will have to move way backwards to form the vee because happyness expands the aura way passed where the normal aura was.

Have them think of stress and love and see what happens..Have Fun....Art

my 6 year old picks up my rods every time he gets a chance,,,,,he wasn't having much luck as they were much too long.....i trimmed him a set down to where the tips are just inside of his aura....he can now dowse buried coins in the yard....he will locate the coin with the rods, pinpoint it under his foot, mark it, run get his shovel, and dig like crazy... he now tells people he is going to be a treasure hunter when he grows up.........only time i have seen him happier is when i let him target practice with the 22 rifle...............gldhntr

Hey gldhutr...Thanks...Getting the tips inside the aura did not enter my mind. I have often thought that the persons aura may be the reason they could not dowse. This gives some more options when tring to help others....Art

i think the aura or what i call personal energy is the key,,,,,,something about this personal energy, and the earths energies, working in harmony towards a goal.........gldhntr

i have been told that when extremely pissed off you can feel it in the air around me..........have never tried dowsing with my pissed aura, but might have to test it out, if it is that strong.........on deciding length on my sons rods, i dowsed his aura with him standing in front of me..measured the distance from his body to where i hit his energy....cut the rods this length minus 1/2 inch or less........so when he is holding them, his aura should be just outside the length of the rods.......it works for him.........very well too....................gldhntr

Who is this Art that keeps putting this stuff on this thread. In 1980 my job dried up. I worked a few jobs but to stay in my field I had to work 100's of miles from home. I did not want to live in these areas. I had been a weekend miner for many years so I became a full time Gold Dredger. I made my living that way until 1999 when a health problem stopped me from diving.

I continued to seek gold on the banks. I had some equipment that required the use of Dowsing Rods. I wasn't doing to good with the rods. In 2002 we purchased a computer for our grandson as it seem that his teachers preferred for him to copy and print his homework from the internet.

I started to post question and got called all kinds of names. I am a very stubborn person. I read between the lines and started to do a lot of test with my dowsing rods. 2004 was a good year with the rods as I recovered almost 3 pounds of gold. I'm still learning but I believe that the information I have should be passed on so others don't have to read between the lines.

Everything I write is how it works for me. Will it work for you ? The answer is I don't know. If you think positive it is a big help. The rods may work different and you may have to make some adjustments but I think the basic's are posted....Art

When inventor Thomas A Edison was ask, " What is electricity ?" He replied: "I don't know either--but its there--so lets use it."

I saw a question on another forum. Which hand to use when using one rod and which one is the most sensitive ?

?As a two rod user I through I knew the answer but I was wrong. As the signal from objects is on both sides of the object you need a way to tell which direction the object is when you find a signal line. With two rods when the rods close I drop one rod to my side and the other will always point to the object no matter which rod I drop to my side.

When I tried the same thing with a rod in one hand and nothing in the other I was surprised. Instead of pointing to the object it crossed in front of my chest no matter which hand it was in and seem to move with the same amount of pull?..Art

Hey Deacon.......I enjoy hearing how the rods work for others. My sons rods cross on the signal line as mind do. When he crosses a signal line and the target is with in 25 feet or so, both rods will point to the target as yours do. He can walk around the target and as long as he is with in 25 feet of the target both rods will continue to point at the target. If I walk the same circle mine will only cross at 4 spots. It doesn't make much difference what the rods do as long as you understand what they are telling you.......Art

when i hit a signal line the rods will cross. if i stop and back up slowly till rods barely get straight again and just stand there for a minute, both the rods will very slowly turn to point toward the target....sometimes, i have to ease back toward the line a little bit before they will turn and point..........once pointing directly at the target i can go all the way around it in a circle and the rods will stay locked on to target....................gldhntr

Gave your tip a try. I didn't give it a lot of time but will in the future. One rod turned quickly and I had to move back a little to get the other to point at the target. Once they were pointing at the target they stayed locked on it even when I crossed the signal lines. After walking a half circle I stared to follow them to the target. Unlike one rod the rods were stable and lead me right to the target. I will do some testing in the future with my Easter-egg blind testing and see how well it works for me....Art

Hey Gldhntr....I hope you don't mind but I posted your reply #33 on my group site. I think some of them will be interest....Art

Hey Deacon. ..I have saw two rods spin. It has never happened to me but to a friend of mine. I have played around with one rod and found they were not as good for me as two rods.....Art

deacon, i have had two rods spin over target....i have found that with me, when two rods cross over target, if i ease up they will pass crossed position and when both are perfectly paralell pointing in opposite directions the rods are directly over target.................................................................
art,, feel free to post any of my posts on any site you wish........on your post # 34 you said one rod was kind of slow turning,,,,i have found this to be caused by crossing the signal line at a slight angle...try going back and approach at a little different angle , and i think you will see when going straight across that both will swing with equal strength towards target........gldhntr

Some Basic Rules:

These are some basic rules which are a guide to beginners but still apply at all stages of the dowser?s career.

1/ Virtually all Dowsing is Seeking, Looking for Something. This must be appreciated and the mind focused in this direction at all times.

2/ Develop the Dowsing Sensitivity. Before a dowser is any good, it is necessary to develop a dowsing sensitivity. H/she must learn to cut out the brain and the five senses and allow the mind to reach out for the answer. You must practice a lot in your early days and in elementary dowsing work.

3/ Practice and Test. To develop 3 above, it is practice and more practice. For instance practice on know things. Dowse someone's well and check your results against those that are known ? that is how far down is the water and how deep is it?

4/ The Questions Asked Must be Clear, Correct and Appropriate to the Job in Hand. Think carefully and make a list of questions before you start.

5/ There Must be a Need to Know. It must be done for a specific task. Dowsing for a client, demonstrating the practice of dowsing ? but never to show off with ?What a good and clever boy or girl I am?.

6/ Have Confidence That Dowsing Works for You. This is essential, develop it, hang on to it, you will have failures but so what? - So many people say ?Oh yes it works for me, but I don?t think I?ll be any good? The answer to that is ?Oh ye of little faith? - get practising.

7/ It is Essential to Know the Background of the Field in Which You Are Working. If you want to do archaeological dowsing, get books from the library and learn the basic principles, this applies to anything, Psychic dowsing, any dowsing work.

8/ Be Bold in Application. Be prepared to take on anything even those which you haven?t tried before.

9/ Time. If there is a question of time, this must be taken into account. E.g., I want the height of the roof above floor level in the year 1250. Everything must relate to 1250 and it must be kept firmly in mind.

10/ Identification. If there are many objects similar to that which is being sought there must be some form of identification. Examples are lost children or animals. You are looking for a child, there are millions of children ? you should keep in mind ? I am looking for a European boy with ginger hair about ten years old etc.

11/ Preconceived Ideas ? Wishful Thinking. These are the biggest menaces in dowsing and the reason for most failures especially amongst the novice dowsers. Failure come about when you allow the brain and/or the five senses to intrude.

All dowsers, however skilled have to be cautious not to let this happen.






It has been some years since I looked in on treasurenet and I knew if Marc tried out dowsing it would work out. There is some very good advice on dowsing for beginners being posted here. I thought I would put in my pennies worth on dowsing for water. Beginners are complaining that they cannot dowse and find water. When professionally dowsing on farms for water in the 1980s I was always plagued by the enigma of brilliant dowsing results and some dry bores.

The drill would plunge through the outer calcite casing of the underground stream, through the blackish river grit and then through the whitish base of the underground pipe without a drop of water being present. After my last disaster of a dry bore I had a ( for me ) a brainwave..
Dowsers can only find what they can picture. Can you find hydrogen or oxygen, no, neither can I.

I was dowsing the minute cavities in the river grit and obtaining a collective cavity signal.
I switched over to imagining I was in a bath after obtaining a cavity signal, then if no pressure down below , no water. A lot of pressure meant a good bore, poor pressure meant salty water .

I was reading a newspaper soon after which had a reference to buried treasure and I realised I had been training myself forTreasure hunting as I have always been able to find the odd horse shoe or rifle barrel and now that I knew what a cavity signal was, I became a treasure trove hunter the same day.

This has been a wild ride the last few weeks. A lot of facts to consider. It is easy to see that dowsing is not an exact science and works different for each of us. I think the way each of us use dowsing is controlled by our goals. What I consider to be treasure may be junk to someone else. The fact that it works still amazes me. Will all of this change the way I use dowsing ? I don't think so but I have received some helpful tips.........Art

Went to a birthday party yesterday. As the party was breaking up one of the kids had lost his car key. They were looking for it on the lawn with flashlights as they assumed he had lost it while playing volley ball. I checked the lawn with my rods and found no key. They called this morning as they had found the key in one of the bathrooms after all the flashlights batteries were dead.....Art

Good question's....The signal line should have extended out of house. The area I checked was east of the house about 70 feet and did include the part of the house where the key was found. I can only pick up signal lines when I am at one of the cardinal directions from the object and I was. I checked one of my key's and I can pick it up at 100 feet ( With of my back yard ). I will check that again when I have more room as the lenght of the signal line varies with the size and material of the object.

When looking for lost objects I try to get like materials and tape it to the rods or hold them in my hands with the rod handles. I have been lucky at finding lost objects but when I fail I make no excuses. I find that finding gold in the mountains is a lot easier than finding lost objects...Art

just some fun to prove to yourself dowsing works without you moving your hands because of what you see or ideomotor response........ have someone videotape this for your later veiwing pleasure,,,,sit in a chair in the yard with earplugs in your ears,,,,,, have your kid hold a target out in front of you a ways , and get a good lock on it with rods,, have someone slip a thick cloth bag over your head so you can not see.......now your photographer quietly instructs the kid to walk about 15-20 feet left, then right, back and forth, or ever how he wants to as long as he is going slow and staying more or less in front of you........if your results were like mine you will see your rods followed the target every where it went as long as not moving too fast.........if this test does nothing other than boost your belief system it is worth the time to do it........after doing this you will know you did not do anything to make the rods move other than to concentrate on your target.......................gldhntr

Hey....Just wanted to bring this thread back toward the top before it goes bye-bye into cyber-space....Art

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