Want to try Dowsing?

Things that make you hmmm.... I was at my farm last weekend. I have a pipeline that runs through the middle of the property and was needing to find it so that I could put my fenceline up parrellel to it. I have dowsed water lines (an old biker showed me how). I found the gas pipeline and the both rods pointed in direction of flow. So I felt very comfortable that I had found it. WELL when my wife came out to check on me I showed her how I had found it and the rods began to cross about 20 feet from my marks and wouldnt point in the direction of flow anymore. I couldnt figure it out until I read your statement about dowsing being for a true reason, and that reason is not to show off. (that was what I was doing with out knowing it) I brought those rods back to Chicago with me and after some more reading my practicing will be begin in ernest.

Hey tmanfromtexas..You will find that the rods will work for most everyone. I think you have found out why I say practice and then practice some more. I don't expect that everyones rods will react the same as mine. Some will say that you knew the pipe line was there. No big deal. I am only going to search for gold in places that my research shows me that it should be there. Going to be away from the computer for 3 to 7 days so good luck everyone...Art

Dowsing can work for anyone, or not work.

Some things, buried power lines for one, a person can find without even trying, it's the magnetic field that will make the 'rods cross'. I have demonstrated this many times to folks.

Finding water, I am told involves the same principle really, I have never tried it.

I have used a pendulum to find lost items. It does work but takes a LOT of time and practice. don't think you are going to grab a pendulum, or dowsing rods, and in two days find the missing pirates treasure. Just like any other skill / profession / whatever you want to call it, it takes time and work to become proficient at it.

some days no matter how good you are, *or think you are* you are going to strike out, other days you will find what you seek.

I am not going to get into any deep hoodoo voodoo on why or how it works, as I do not feel myself qualified to make such statements but will just say. I have seen other people do it, and I have accomplished some small tasks myself. It CAN work if you work at it and give it a shot and most importantly believe in it's abilities and yourself.



those's are the right words for dowsing: some people get it within months, some don't
my self, I have found Spanish coins on a map, then went to the beach and dug up the next day.
Dowsing is a Tool, not some quick get rich deal: you have learn how to use the tool first.
all I know it's work for me, I have seen used in the Military from the late 80's to present day.
a pendulum is the best way learn first.

After reading this thread again, while I use a pendulum primarily, I have not tried wrapping it with an item, or otherwise doping it to find certain items. I find that if I am careful enough with my logic pattern I can pretty much accomplish that myself w/o crutches.

At this point I pretty much need to work on my accuracy as far as distance of pinpoint. I believe I can get this down a tad and do a bit less digging on some things I have went after. Again it's all practice, and lately I have been kind of scatterbrained and pre occupied with a lot of crap and not really in the mood/mindset I feel... to really dowse properly... there are too many distractions there..... life is settling down though thankfully and I feel Ill be good to go in a few weeks and get back in the saddle.


In my experience the witness/sample can be used for either application, Mental (meta-physics), or Physical (physics). Often Dowsers are unknowingly intertwining the two as a single application.

In my opinion, confusing the two applications has lead to much of the mis-understanding and controversy, and skeptic argument about Dowsing. Although the same Rod(s) may be used for either application, the method of application, limitations, and correct interpretation of the Rod(s) are entirely different. Intertwing the two applications without an understanding of which application the Rods are responding to, or which application is being discussed is confusing to the viewers , and those who wish to learn how to Dowse. Dell

I agree totally with you Dell..My methods work for physical dowsing…Some parts also works for mental dowsers. I have and still work hard to keep the mental part under control as it just screws me up.

As a black box user I think it is very important to only use Physical means for them to work properly. I may be wrong but it would not be the first time…

Hey guys, kinda new to this site and just scrolled down the main page far enough today to notice there was a dowsers forum on here. I'm not new to dowsing and have been doing it off and on since childhood (40 now) and have always used coat hangers with relative success. There are a lot of interesting posts in this thread that I would love to add or comment on but I will add to them at a later time as it is getting late here. Anyway, I thought I would include a post that I submitted on another site after reading several post from the skeptics of dowsing and felt that it would fit into this thread also because it does have a bit of a tutorial in it that may be very helpful to those of you that are new to dowsing or wonder why you may be having problems with accuracy.

Now the skeptics were talking about mounting the rods in a block of wood, and joking about ppl talking to the rods, just to clear up some confusion you may have about the content and direction of some of the post.


Ok it seems all of the skeptics think the rods are what does the locating when in reality it has nothing to do with the rods or a pendulum. Dowsing and divining is based on a psychic phenomenon known as ESP (extrasensory perception). The human body is the locating device. The rods are merely tools for identifying the minute signals received by your body.

It’s kind of like using a windsock to determine which way the wind is blowing. If you are standing in the middle of a paved parking lot with no visible ques to determine the direction, you can guess but you may be off 30 degrees in one direction or the other. To get an accurate reading you have to use a tool. So you pull out a windsock, piece of string, strip of ribbon or flag, blow smoke or toss some powder in the air to determine the absolute wind direction.

This is basically what the rods do, they are the pointing tools to show you direction and/or target location. I have read articles (GPAA Pick and Shovel Gazzet) about dowsers that could dowse barehanded. They were so self-aware that they could recognize small changes in heat sensations on their hand when the target was located.

Mounting the 2 rods on a board, defeats the purpose of having 2 independent rods and yes, they will both swing in the same direction when the angle of the board changes. Doing so is equivalent to mounting your metal detector to a fixture, turning it on and expecting it to locate an object w/o any further human interaction. Its not going to locate anything unless you pick it up and swing it side to side while walking in some direction. In the same sense dowsing rods won’t work unless they are held independently, one in each hand.

Talking to the rods: Yes you have to talk to them (actually you talk to yourself but…). If you want to know the answer you have to ask the question. For dowsing rods or pendulums to give you an answer, you have to ask the question. Let’s say you want to dowse a park for old coins. You drive to the park and look over the area you want to dowse while taking a few minutes to meditate and tune into the psyche. Yes, mood and mindset matters and you have to be tuned in. When you are ready you hold the rods in front of you and level them out parallel to each other. Now with out taking any steps you ask the question. “In what direction can I find an old coin in this area of the park?” While standing there you repeat the question several times (the good news is you don’t have to talk out loud, you can think the question also). After a minute or 2 your rods will begin to swing. If they both swing in the same direction, (lets say they both swing and point to the right 15 to 20 degrees) you start walking in the direction they point. Sometimes only one will point in the direction you need to go.

Now you have to tell the rods what to do when the item is located. So you tell them, “when over the location of the item (Old coin) the rods will cross”. You also have to continue asking for direction of the item while telling the rods what to do when you locate it. As you get closer to the item the rods will slowly start to cross. If you walk past the item the rods will over cross and swing as far back as they can until they lay against your chest. Mark the spot where they crossed on the ground. Walk about 10 paces beyond the point you marked and start again. If the rods cross at a distance away from the first location, mark the second location. Now you want to turn 90 degrees left or right and walk 10 paces and start again.

So if your first line was north to south, your second line would be south to north, 3rd line east to west, 4th line west to east. Now you should have 4 marks on the ground. If you draw a line from one to the other to form a cross, your target should be at the X. Some say the distance between each mark is how deep the target is in the ground or from the height of the rods. Another way to find out the depth is to stand over the target and once again ask the question and give the command, “How deep below the surface is the object? As I count the rods will cross when I reach the number that relates to the depth in inches”. Now you slowly start counting while pausing between numbers to allow the rods to react. When you get to the depth the rods will cross, if you count past the depth, the rods will open again.

Now you can dig up your target or go back the truck for your metal detector to see if the rods were right. The only problem with depending on the detector is if the coin you located was an old wooden nickel or plastic coin some kid lost. Its still an old coin although it may not have value. So in answering the question about dowsing rods being discriminating, yes they are. They will locate only what you ask it to locate and discriminate out everything else. Be it power lines, sewer lines, water for a well, gold, silver, keys, watches, rings, gem stones or what ever you desire to locate. That’s what you will locate.

Bottom line: Dowsing Rods do not locate the target, your body and subconscious mind do the locating. Dowsing Rods are merely visual tools for the dowser to use to recognize a target’s location. Metal detectors wont work unless you turn it on and swing it while walking, Dowsing rods wont work unless you have faith, ask the questions and give commands. Kinda like a calculator, you need an answer to a problem, you input a command, and you get a result. The problem with skeptics is they want results that are repeatable any time/every time. Psyche or ESP doesn’t work that way. Its not something that can be turned on and off like the flip of a switch. Your body and mind has to be in tune with nature just as your metal detector has to be balanced to the mineral content of the soil in the area you are searching.

Another problem is that people are lazy or in a hurry. They want to be able to flip a switch and have a device tell then where the biggest chunk of gold or a huge cash of treasure is buried and how deep it is. They want to be able to drive up to it in the truck and not have to walk more than 20 feet off the road or dig more than an inch below the dirt for it. Also they don’t want to have to spend more than a few minutes out in the field looking for the treasure before moving on to the next hoard of treasure. What they don’t consider is that it takes hours to walk a field with a metal detector to cover the whole area. While it can be dowsed in a few minutes that requires walking a portion of the area and not having to dig up 40 cans, bottle caps and gum wrappers to find 1 ring or coin.

Are you still a skeptic about dowsing or even ESP? Think about how many times you have been in a restaurant or bar and had the feeling someone you couldn’t see was watching or starring at you and you turn around to see who it is. How did you know what direction to look? I would say you dowsed the person starring with out the use of tools.

Very good analogy of dowsing….I can tell by your post that you are a dowser.
I always work off a North-South line. The way you squared the object is the only way I can mark anything when I use one rod.

The frame in post 9 is a simple thing that proves that Idomotor Response is not the way all dowsing works...Art

Hello from a new member and excited one at that. I stumbled onto this site a few weeks ago
and have been going over the old posts and would like to share some info on what I learned in the eighties(b4 internet)
Good water runs north to south
Hard water runs east to west
Oil south of the equator runs toward the equator
Oil north of the equator runs away from the equator

(If my memory serves me right)
that being said here is yet another theory of why dowsing works
Our body runs on a minute amount of electricity(some say 55mgheritz I believe, for a healthy body)and the more diseased one is, the lower the amount.Each object has a frequency of its own and the larger it is the frequency changes.According to this theory the body has the ability to either raise or lower the frequency simply by thinking of an object. If interested in tossing ideas about this theory back and forth please respond

aarthrj3811 said:
Dowsing Rods and Aura's

Why do I mention Dowsing Rods and Aura's? I didn't know anything about Aura's and didn't believe or disbelieve in them until I came upon a web site named Dowsing Rods and Aura's. An Aura is simply a magnet field around your body. Heres a little test you can try if you have learned to use your dowsing rods

Have a person stand in front of you. Walk slowly toward them and when your rods cross you are inside of their aura.Now back up slowly until your rods open and then close to a vee. This is the outer edge of the aura.

Now have the person focus on different emotions and measure their field simply by staying in front of them. First I have the person focus on anger.I give them a few minutes to focus and ask them to think about something that makes them angry.

I have to move forward to make the rods form a vee because anger makes the aura shrink.I then ask them to think of something that makes them very happy. Give them a few minutes and you will have to move way backwards to form the vee because happyness expands the aura way passed where the normal aura was.

Have them think of stress and love and see what happens..Have Fun....Art

I know this is an old post, but I only just found it!

Here's something I saw (experienced, really) with L-rods and the aura. The dowser brought the rods close to me and I saw them "open up" when they were about 8-10 inches from me. He backed off, and they came back to "straight forward" in his hands.

Then he had me "close a window" in front of myself. No, not an actual window - like a mime, I guess. So, I "closed the window in front of me." He repeated his action of bringing the rods closer to me, but this time, they didn't "open up" - but actually touched my arm. Then he had me "open" that fool imaginary window again, and then the rods parted ways again as they were brought close to my person. It was almost as if "closing yourself off" was counter-productive, but "opening yourself up" (opening that window) was more, uh - protection (?) to your person.

It was wild.


Hey Nan…Have some one take a set of rods and have them think of something bad that has happened to them. Have them walk toward a wall. Note where the rods close if they do. Now have them think of some thing happy and do the same thing. …Art

aarthrj3811 said:
Hey Nan…Have some one take a set of rods and have them think of something bad that has happened to them. Have them walk toward a wall. Note where the rods close if they do. Now have them think of some thing happy and do the same thing. …Art

Will do. Shoot, I'll do it too. :)


Once in a while I get the feeling that the rods are not working properly. I hang both rods down at my side for a few minutes and then they will work properly. I don’t know if the rods have built up an electric charge or something else is happening. I don’t care what is happening as long as I know how to fix the problem…Art

Intresting you said that mike, I was playing around with a meter yesterday around a target, and when I inserted the probes into the ground the rods lost the signal.


Hey bigm…..Could you and Mike try something for me….When the rods are crossed lift a one foot off the ground and tell me what happens…Art

Thanks Mike….When on a signal line and I raise either foot the rods will open. Just like I turned a light switch off. That tells me that the signal is flowing through my body and I just disconnected it. When using man made signal lines they will remain closed...Art

Hey bigm…..Could you and Mike try something for me….When the rods are crossed lift a one foot off the ground and tell me what happens…Art
sorry about the delay, the weather hasnt been too good, and I havent been on the board
I forgot about lifting the leg, will redo it tomorrow.
However , just by using one rod while the other one is down , the rod tracks the target.
Art something is happening when I use the rods , After just a few minutes of holding the rods my strength just leaves me and I get real weak, especially if I just hold the right handed rod. Like a car running out of gas.
Have you ever come across this?

Being a male, Dont you feel like barking when lifting one foot off the floor, or do you dowse.???????????????????? :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

Hey Ladies and gentlemen……After much thought I have decided that I should add a little to this thread. My dowsing position used to be with my arms at shoulder height and push out as far as I could. My 14 ¾ inch rods would be closed when my heel was on the target. After having a stroke and finding that the rods would not work I had to make some changes.
My new position is with my elbows tight against my rib cage. I now need to use a 9 ½ inch rod….Art

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