Dowsing defined

That most would does not make them right.

Many things have general definitions, but escape the full understanding of those who would have us call them experts. Hypnosis and gravity are two big examples that come to mind. So-called experts mock hypnosis, and other so-called experts state they don't really know what gravity is.

My strong suspicion is, someday, gravity experts will discover magnetics, figure out everything has polarity, compliments of the mass from which it is composed (explaining why the moon is attracted to earth, and affects our tides (it, probably, is that blasted magnetic water)).

I haven't dabbled with dowsing since I was a LITTLE kid, nearly 70 years ago, so I am far from an expert. That said, there are many wells out there that exist by way of someone who believed in dowsing. Regarding that, it's not likely magic, and no one knows what the human mind is capable of.

Most doctors can't even figure out ascorbic acid, passed as vitamin C, will not cure scurvy, while the C in a potato will [as, of course, will limes] because of the other things in the potatoes that work with the C.

Doctors not owned by big pharma recognize their knowledge is far more limited than the AMA and others would have us believe. For example, many doctors recognize some people are more susceptible to flux lines, EMF and what have you, while most are wholly unaware of its presence.

Science barely knows about or understands the mind. They do not know what signals it can send or receive (Einstein said most ideas are floating about us, we just have to reach out and grasp them). They cannot explain the seemingly infinite coincidences that do or may suggest we can do far more than the experts believe.

In the end, it remains, chasing electrical lines, detecting and dowsing involve signals. It is indisputable the former involve injecting signals that are highly affected by ground conditions (e.g., conductivity, near by signal generating devices) that require understanding that is as much art as it is rules of known physics.

All I know is I have seen electricians dowse electrical lines 5" deep and then dig up with a back hoe. I can constantly dowse my water and sewer lines just for fun with coat hangers. It is more than magic because I do not believe in magic.

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I dowsed for water on my property and it worked great for me.
I just cut some thick copper wires and bent them, worked just fine. It really wasn't hard at all but I've never tried it for anything else.

It was my first time trying it and someone told me it doesn't work for some people but it seemed to work legitimately.

I dowsed for water on my property and it worked great for me.
I just cut some thick copper wires and bent them, worked just fine. It really wasn't hard at all but I've never tried it for anything else.

It was my first time trying it and someone told me it doesn't work for some people but it seemed to work legitimately.
Were you thinking water, or dowsing for any anomaly? Did you use water to signal water, or were you dowsing for any anomaly? Did you dowse a flow direction, or a width? Are you tapped into a water table or underground spring? How did you determine it wasn't a ley line, or underground power line? How did you dowse the depth? Did you dowse for sulfur, or salt, in the water?
I'm interested in dowsing also.. I like to learn new things, and compare techniques..

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Were you thinking water, or dowsing for any anomaly? Did you use water to signal water, or were you dowsing for any anomaly? Did you dowse a flow direction, or a width? Are you tapped into a water table or underground spring? How did you determine it wasn't a ley line, or underground power line? How did you dowse the depth? Did you dowse for sulfur, or salt, in the water?
I'm interested in dowsing also.. I like to learn new things, and compare techniques..
A lot of that I haven't done myself. But I can easily Dowse a connection line, from in my house, from a water bottle and Lake Gitchigumee a couple miles away..
But then I can't, if I run my Microwave...

I live off grid so there's nothing under.
I just walked around slowly with the rods and marked where they crossed to drill for water.
I was getting hits all over so I just went with the closest hit.
I was naturally thinking about water but just because I was dowsing.
I don't know about the water table or any of that but I'm in Colorado so there is water everywhere underneath.
The hits all had different strengths in the rods and you can feel it.

Science barely knows about or understands _____________.
In my 27 years of talking with dowsers on forums, that's about the most predictable argument they make. Fill in the blank. My favorite is that "science tells us that bumblebees can't fly," which is a total myth. All of this is to imply that science doesn't understand how dowsing works, when the reality is that science understands it very well, and way better than dowsers do.

Einstein said most ideas are floating about us, we just have to reach out and grasp them.
Did Einstein say that? Here are a couple more:

“I know very well that many scientists consider dowsing as they do astrology, as a type of ancient superstition. According to my conviction, this is, however, unjustified. The dowsing rod is a simple instrument which shows the reaction of the human nervous system to certain factors which are unknown to us at this time.” -- Einstein

"Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” -- Einstein

There are two problems with these. First, Einstein never said them, they were invented by people who write dowsing books. Fake Einstein quotes are called "Neinsteins" and are pretty common with proponents of pseudoscience. Second, all of this is an appeal to authority: Einstein said such-and-such, so it must be true. But Einstein was sometimes wrong, as can be the case with anyone, so an appeal to authority is usually a sign of having nothing else useful to argue.

In the end, it remains, chasing electrical lines, detecting and dowsing involve signals.
Line tracers and metal detectors use signals, specifically alternating magnetic fields. Dowsing does not. Ironically, one of the key components for most dowsing (L-rods, pendulums, and bobbers) is gravity, that thing that no one in science seems to understand :wink:. Take away gravity, and these things simply stop working. This is pretty easy to demonstrate with L-rods.

All the "resonant frequency" stuff such as what @dowser is proposing has been hashed and rehashed now for decades, even going back to the 1920s with Royal Rife's frequency generator for curing cancer. Everyone who comes up with "element" frequencies never seem to agree on what those frequencies are. Everyone's numbers are different, it's as if they just make it all up. One thing I have found in 27 years of dowsing investigations is that dowsers are horrible at knowing how to properly design and execute a scientific test and what they do instead is an exercise in self-deception. I could give numerous examples of dowsers I have met who simply couldn't do anything they thought they could do, but instead I'll leave it at this: If dowsing were real, and element frequencies were real, then metal detector manufacturers would have developed something based on that.

Be kind, this topic is tagged. "Quantum frequency conjoiners" This is where I'm bringing them in .

Only when doing bong loads.
Fun fact, the majority of the amount of canabanoids are absorbed in just a couple seconds. So holding in your hit does nothing more but make you cough and limit oxygen intake, as well as deposit more tar and such in your lungs. So no need to hold in those hits, breath in then exhale.

Dowser, I do hope you will allow me a brief bit of levity in your thread. There are some opportunities that simply can not be passed up.

Fun fact, the majority of the amount of cannabinoids are absorbed in just a couple seconds. So holding in your hit does nothing more but make you cough and limit oxygen intake, as well as deposit more tar and such in your lungs. So no need to hold in those hits, breath in then exhale.

Now, if we could find the resonant frequency of a bong hit, and then transmit
that frequency to the masses globally, there would finally be world peace.
old stoner.gif

Dowser, I do hope you will allow me a brief bit of levity in your thread. There are some opportunities that simply can not be passed up.

Now, if we could find the resonant frequency of a bong hit, and then transmit
that frequency to the masses globally, there would finally be world peace. View attachment 2191099
I don't mind..

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It's not 100% guarantee yet.
So far scheduled in March, my buddy and I traveling miles to location is a go. A week planned.
Digging is involved, and were both old. Microwave interference has to be concidered, along with bad weather.
I've never done what I'm about to Dowse in this situation. I can only hope my results are what I expect.. I just have to get there!, I'm trying...
dowser, how about making a mobile Faraday cage that you dowse while inside the cage? Might require a team to move the cage as you walk and could be a problem around trees...


dowser, how about making a mobile Faraday cage that you dowse while inside the cage? Might require a team to move the cage as you walk and could be a problem around trees...

I don't need any help, I can already dowse what I want, when I want.. I just can't have what I Dowse!

I don't need any help, I can already dowse what I want, when I want.. I just can't have what I Dowse!
Do you realize how much that sounds like a cop out ("I can find stuff, I just can't prove it")?

I have a past topic "Which treasure to Dowse", where I'm searching for legal treasure suggestions. I'm still waiting. Im not gonna travel to find an illegal to have treasure, just to prove dowsing.. It would cost me, and brake my heart watching them take it away. There's a topic about posting our large treasure finds, and there is an ongoing topic about finding Gold coins on Federal land, basically the same every land. There is no legal or illegal easy keep treasure that can be posted on here, that is buried near me..

I have a past topic "Which treasure to Dowse", where I'm searching for legal treasure suggestions. I'm still waiting.
My guess is you'll be waiting an awfully long time. If someone knows where a treasure is, they're not going to post it on the internet. Most wouldn't post a location where there was even a possibility of a few old copper pennies, much less anything "large".

In my 27 years of talking with dowsers on forums, that's about the most predictable argument they make. Fill in the blank. My favorite is that "science tells us that bumblebees can't fly," which is a total myth. All of this is to imply that science doesn't understand how dowsing works, when the reality is that science understands it very well, and way better than dowsers do.

Did Einstein say that? Here are a couple more:

“I know very well that many scientists consider dowsing as they do astrology, as a type of ancient superstition. According to my conviction, this is, however, unjustified. The dowsing rod is a simple instrument which shows the reaction of the human nervous system to certain factors which are unknown to us at this time.” -- Einstein

"Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” -- Einstein

There are two problems with these. First, Einstein never said them, they were invented by people who write dowsing books. Fake Einstein quotes are called "Neinsteins" and are pretty common with proponents of pseudoscience. Second, all of this is an appeal to authority: Einstein said such-and-such, so it must be true. But Einstein was sometimes wrong, as can be the case with anyone, so an appeal to authority is usually a sign of having nothing else useful to argue.

Line tracers and metal detectors use signals, specifically alternating magnetic fields. Dowsing does not. Ironically, one of the key components for most dowsing (L-rods, pendulums, and bobbers) is gravity, that thing that no one in science seems to understand :wink:. Take away gravity, and these things simply stop working. This is pretty easy to demonstrate with L-rods.

All the "resonant frequency" stuff such as what @dowser is proposing has been hashed and rehashed now for decades, even going back to the 1920s with Royal Rife's frequency generator for curing cancer. Everyone who comes up with "element" frequencies never seem to agree on what those frequencies are. Everyone's numbers are different, it's as if they just make it all up. One thing I have found in 27 years of dowsing investigations is that dowsers are horrible at knowing how to properly design and execute a scientific test and what they do instead is an exercise in self-deception. I could give numerous examples of dowsers I have met who simply couldn't do anything they thought they could do, but instead I'll leave it at this: If dowsing were real, and element frequencies were real, then metal detector manufacturers would have developed something based on that.

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