The second Rondezvous I went to, my wife was pregnant and my daughter was 2. We left almost as soon as we got there and felt the heat.
My first one though, was a blast. Frank Augustine won a prize of "Gold panning class with Woody" and he was obviously, not too interested. It ended up with me and I spent a whole day up by Payson digging rocks and dirt in a river with Woody. I learned a lot from him for sure. Where to look, how gold acts in the water, etc.... I also learned, I didnt like it so much.
On the other hand, because of the first Rendezvous, I made a couple contacts and went searching with Frank A a few times on Woody's side-by-side with another THunter who posts on here, but I wont name him since I dont have permission. There, and from those 3, I learned sooo much about prospecting, looking, dealing with the desert, even though I only went out with them a few times, blah blah. I didnt learn enough to speak intelligently about it apparently. I am PA guy in AZ (side note, so are Frank A and Jack San Felice....go PA!!) . Coal mines in Appalachian mountains are my thing. Lol but that was a blast. Jeep trails into desert mountains. Minelab Gold Monster 1000's everywhere. Lol That was absolutely fun and thats what I'll continue to do.
So......thats why Im back on here. I have been waiting for my daughter to be at least 2 before the family picnics by Byuos Butte while Dad metal detects, start up again
Speaking of the Dutchman now, have you read Bob Brewers theory on the Lost Dutchman? Its a whole-nother thread that I'll start, but just curious if anyone has ever looked into his angle....