Good evening Ryan,
I was out today it looks like you were out yesterday we must have just missed each other.
Went with some help today both my Grandsons they were a good help.
Found an old cowboy coffee pot about seventy five feet from the north grave looks to be dated around the time of Travis Tumlinson's access could be his coffee pot. Found some old military issue shells both a 50-70 and a 12 gauge shells dates the site old with a military post nearby most likely Buffalo Soldiers. They were stationed near all mines back then. Also found the most amazing sets of women's shoes I've ever seen!
I don't know if old Travis was a time traveler or not but his wife was petite and wore black leather Levis with platform shoes!
We went down below the mesa into Queen Creek and if you've never been there you wouldn't have run into two of the most ill tempered old Hoot Owls that I've ran into in my searches!
One thing I can say about it out there is each time I'm there I'm being watched. This time it was a guy in a white SUV with a black hat, shirt and camera. Could have been the Black Legion. I have him on film this time. I located the fence hole Travis used in 1949 and could see the ground right along the fence line was broken up like someone dug something there long ago.
That is if you believe the first map and the other maps were indeed found there in those fictional graves. Like that photo Somehiker posted showing a white tent grave side service in 1939 at one of the holes. Could if be someone planted those maps in 1939?
It looks like a white tent or was this a family burial plot or earlier graves of Buffalo Soldiers moved when the highway went through?
Could it be an old Cemetery?
If that's just not true then what Maps would be in both Graves when he said he found three of them in one hole?
I have some photo's I can post later.
Broken Fence and the Black Legion
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Golden Fleece Hal Told me I would find
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Boogie Boots for Ailleen
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Right out of Africa! Special Pony!
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Black Leather Pants worn by the Boogie Girls during Boogie Fever!
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More Boogie Boots!
Pee Wee's Big Adventure was filmed here!
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Stone Maps Practice Site
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