Alrighty then
Seems to me , That Gollum , just as Oren Swearingen Before him ,,
is on a fishing expedition to find out where the cave of 1300 steps is at
heh heh
To Begin
we'll get some facts straight .
Oren Claimed he was taken to Domijhon canyon and shown this cave that was blocked up
and Claude was the person who guided him in there .
in 1982 , so far , correct ?
1300 is not in Domijohn canyon
Claude Suddereth did not come down to our house in 1982
I was on the phone with him from my Dads house in Sept. 1982 , and Claude was not interested at all in coming down , HEALTH
of Wife at that time
Next , the story is that Hiles chased a lion into a Cave
Yeah , and I chased Godzillia up King Kongs Booty . FALSE .
The next story was that soldiers from the base found it and showed it to Cluade ? Oren ? Doc Noss ? Letha Guthrie ?
and every Mormon on the Planet .
Now the facts
Spelling of the Name Rhoads may be a bit off , it might be Rodes
anyway a Topo Map east side quadrangle near Hard Scabble will have the name of the Ranch and Canyon .
way back in the 1930's Rhoads was losing his grip
He sons and wife were considering have him Committed
Well , they failed
Just about the time the Army was to take their land , Old Man Rhoads took all the money he had
around the house and out of the bank
and Ran off up Rhoades Canyon with it ..
a couple days later , he came out of there not any more well in the head , than when he went in .
he fought to stand on the Land , and was I believe the last Rancher to be forced off his Ranch by the Army .
Tough Guy ,,, was he not?
yep he was .
on his death bed at the hospital , still bitter at the Wife and Boys for attempting to have him committed
They asked him where he hid the Money
He replied : " I hid it where only a CRAZY man would hide it , and only a CRAZY Man would find it .
then good old Rhoads left for the greener golf course in the sky .
Enter Charlie Haley .
Charlie Haley was born about the Day the smoke from Jim Millers Gun , from shooting Pat Garrett , cleared out of town .
He went to school with Rhoads , and they were life long friends .
Charlie had a Silver Mine Claim right up against Harvey Snow's Placer Claim .
One Day , while out there , ( often went together ) Charlie Told the story of Roads , the lost money , and the Family search
for it after the death of Roads .
Charlie asked harvey , hey ya think that metal detector of yours can find that box of money , mine is too old .
Dad was hooked , he asked tghe whereabouts of the Sons ,
Charlie : " Their here in Town , they read about you , and actually Harvey , They asked me to ask you "
Enter the Roads Boys .
The Son's recounted to harvey , that they saw their Dad take the Box of money up the canyon ,
and they suspect that it had to be somewhere up there , but , they searched many times and could not find it .
Note : Ergo the story of the men in the jeep who asked Harvey to seek out something for them in Hard Scrabble )
Dad's story is a bit embellished , but nothing compared to the tid bits that were left out .
They drove in from the east side , NOT the West side of the San Andreas as most sneaks have to .
They parked right inside hoads Canyon and walked around for a while scanning with the metal detector .
nothing was found at that point.
Agreed was that Dad would Camp there , he would take a couple days searching and they could pick him up
on the third day , ( I did a lot of three day pick up situations out there , I being the one to be picked up )
One of the Roads said " There's a cave up there aways Harvey , we suspect he put it in there , but we ain't CRAZY enough to go in there lookin' " then laughed.
They pointed out the area of the Cave .
Next morning dad went right to it and entered .
There are steps , the cave slants at a very gradual grade and the steps are very shallow steps about 3 to 4 inches high .
That is the location of the 1300 steps
Orens story was bait to get that location by agitating me with false claims he made about Dad
I see Gollum here has picked up the Ball .
Oren and Gollum are funny ,, they have no clue of SPOOF operations and how the true nature of the Beaste
uses your most primal urges against you .
Bait and stick operations are first researched to find what the Target Individual desires most in life .
Then , That item is used by a dangle in front of the persons face
The Target individual isw now your PUPPET
Tis true , it works so fine .
let us now deal with the Histrionics of Hiles and his story .
To begin , it not all lies , however , he never entered a cave with 1300 steps to anyone's knowledge .
where did he get that story ?
Easy . and there is a newspaper account of it dating back I believe around the late 1930's .
It was a young guy about 15 years of age .
He was a Herder working for a Local Rancher watching over his Sheep .
Again, Hiles made his claim that " HE " followed a Lion into a Cave , NOT HARDLY .
The Kid is how I will refer to him for his story .
His Dog went after one of the Sheep that wandered away from the herd a bit , the kid walked up there
watching his dog turn the sheep back and down off a low ridge .
as the dog and sheep passed him , and as he turned to watch them , his eye caught the glimpse of an opening in the opposite ridege ,
Herding is the most boring job , so he came back later , month or two later , and being bored , he
went to the cave and entered it .
Steps were carved in the bedrock floor , walking down them a short ways , his interest became piqued ,,,
Later Still , roll forward a few months now , He was on his day off , had heard treasure stories all his life out there ,
so he determined to bring his supplies and explore this cave with the steps .
He went in , a very long ways , and took a turn or two ,, went through a narrow low tunnel and made a few more mistakes .
he became disoriented , and soon , like for three or four days kinda soon , he worked his way out through
a small opening ,,,,,,
he was now on the east side of the San Andreas , he was out of his wits from the stress and fear .
He was picked up by a driver , taken to the police , and eventually he was home and Babbling .
The paper picked up the story and printed it .
~~~~ End the Kid story ~~~~~~`
Now Hiles and his Fib,,,
Sit in a Coffee shop , McDonalds or any place , watering hole ect. ,,, and listen to the locals
of that area ,,that gather there ,,,
10 out of 10 times , The subject of Gold Mines and Treasure stories will be spoken amongst them .
Hiles a Few times or more , told his Lion in the cave story , he described the tunnel as having steps going down .
Hey , it's a matter of " Let's sit around and tell some lies " Kind of thing and unless you are a lifetime Rural resident ,,,
You may not be famiar with the fact that evry one there at the table blabbing away ,,, accepts each others tales as lies .
You see , it is a matter of Tellin' Tall Tales , and the art is to tell one and listen to one .
This is a Common , it is a Cultural Norm in these area's .
it is STORY TELLIN' and as I said. it's an Art .
My Dad Harvey was deemed by all his buddies, to be very good at it .
Hiles has his made up story as anyone there did , he had quite a few i imagine
You have to have a GOOD one , if you're going to hang with this crowd ...
Now ,,,
where it all goes insane ,,,
There is one problem with the Culture of the raconteur ,,,
and that is ::::
Sometimes an outsider is around ,,, and hears the stories told by the good old boys ,,,,
and sometimes , one of those non local tourist ,,, will hear and believe .
and then become a pest ,,,
and begin to seek the legends ,,,
That would be Chandler's Book : " One Hundred Tons of Gold "
it is a compilation of the " Good Old Boy Tales "
Problem ?
yeah a Problem stuck it's head in ,,,
the problem is ,,,,
People read that Book and took those Fibs as Gospel and came seeking
One such person was Oren Swearingen .
How do you tell a persistent Pest to fade away ?
You tell him ,,, GO ASK CLAUDE !
That is what was done
the above is true
these stories , mostly , are STORIES ,,,
and by Gawd ,, it pains me to see people become obsessed with them and take them seriously .
In Oren's case , it had some very sad results
he lost a friend , to a crash of a craft , while chasing one of the " Old Man Tales ",,, My Dad's, Harvey Snow .
The other Sad portion ,,,, Oren wasted a lot of his time writing a bad mouth about my Dad Harvey .
and now here in the pages of this Forum , you read that the old story keeps it's curse alive .
Now a Note to Gollum :
The lives of many people i am very personally acquainted with , myself included , have been very adversely
effected by these " Tall Tales of the Good Old Boys "
That is what Happen BACK THEN
the most important thing
is where we go NOW
Those old stains on that trail , have a need to fade away , so we the folks who deropped them there can
live forward and heal ourselves .
One just Died the other Day , Oren , he never healed, right up to the end he remained stuck
in the stories of the past .
I got free years ago from a past i could neither deny nor change
So from that past , I decided not to run from it , but face it down and out of my life and Travel on
I have been on the road permanently since 1996
I travel not to forget , I travel to remain free .
I determined to not allow myself to be destroyed by all the PAST negative events surrounding the TREASURE STORIES
Drug through hell by the Seekers ,
I turned to them , held ground, gave commandment , BACK OFF ,,,
Mike , those sites are empty
1300 steps was a STORY TOLD
If Oren believed it was real , and somewhere out there , that's sad .
He went his way now
let him go , he deserves the Peace Man .
My Dad to was a Believer ,,,
He's gone ,,,
let him go
he deserves the peace
I am no longer Carrying Him nor Oren
why are you ?
Think about those words Mike , they came , they dreamed the same dream
they went .
their gone , let them fly home , let them have PEACE ,,, if any two men deserve it , those two certainly do .
You can " F " with if you have a need , I can take it ,
But leave the Dead ALONE
Roger Snow