Victorio Peak Update

Give me some time to go through some files and try to find some photos, mdog. It's been awhile since I looked at that stuff, but as I recall, there are several middle eastern goddess looking carvings, hebrew-style symbols or alphabet letters, and such. Also, some ogham-appearing marks, which I think are actually related more to the British Isles - ?? There used to be a website where videos of carving panels were shown by some local historians. They didn't reveal exactly where the carvings were located, but it looked to me these were high up on ridges overlooking the Rio Grande on the east side. I'll see if I can get that site link too. The Los Lunas Decalogue stone is another example, but it's way north of the Caballos. That site is easy to google.

Middle eastern Goddess symbols

like these of " Tanit " ?

they are out there

here the link

See Mike

I bait you

and you bite


You were there in 1982 with Claude and oren ?

I was there with Dad in 1982

you heard the call ?


Just like Oren

Join the LDS due

you'll fit in with those NUTZ

Promoting ONFP now ?

get away from there

they've already got your mind

next will be your soul

and Claude showed Oren a sack of snakes right ?

oren was a Known Mole

Claude and Dad were known tricksters

You gonna be the nexy dude to crash up there in an Ultras liet

did you ever actually speak with Oren ?

I mean on phone
or in person ?

it was easy to spot , he had loose nuts

and he corralled you in ?

These stories were almost all Formulated

and Like Oren said concerning that cave he was shown " Npo Body knows whats down there "

so what makes you believe it's a genuine treasure site worth your time ?

Oren's dreams ?

Pathetic ?

Is the Kettle Black Mr. Pot ?



You are a pathetic whacko douche who has never done anything yourself. You live off your dads stories and last name. By yourself, all you have is a headfull of whackjob.


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See the Omega ?











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These were carved
some are stele

some are round balls set on a conical stone

as a Phoenicia Miner

you gave tithe at one of these sites

Tanit must Hve Her Cut of the Treasure she gives you

The Legend is

That one of Tanits atributes

is as a Guardian Of Treasure .

If you find her

or any of the various representations of her

and Tanit Symbol at all

Toss a coin at the base

and scout around
for the Treasure she is Guarding

This Goddess was brought to the Spain shores by Moores when they invaded and too control

some people in spain and Portugal still have Tanits and believe in her powers .



You are a pathetic whacko douche who has never done anything yourself. You live off your dads stories and last name. By yourself, all you have is a headfull of whackjob.


heh heh

You Mad Bro ?

why don't you tell us how you really feel



Bet-ilim: Canaanite Blog: First Roman War- Part 3











Alrighty then

Seems to me , That Gollum , just as Oren Swearingen Before him ,,

is on a fishing expedition to find out where the cave of 1300 steps is at


heh heh

To Begin

we'll get some facts straight .

Oren Claimed he was taken to Domijhon canyon and shown this cave that was blocked up
and Claude was the person who guided him in there .

in 1982 , so far , correct ?

1300 is not in Domijohn canyon

Claude Suddereth did not come down to our house in 1982

I was on the phone with him from my Dads house in Sept. 1982 , and Claude was not interested at all in coming down , HEALTH
of Wife at that time

Next , the story is that Hiles chased a lion into a Cave

Yeah , and I chased Godzillia up King Kongs Booty . FALSE .

The next story was that soldiers from the base found it and showed it to Cluade ? Oren ? Doc Noss ? Letha Guthrie ?

and every Mormon on the Planet .


Now the facts

Spelling of the Name Rhoads may be a bit off , it might be Rodes

anyway a Topo Map east side quadrangle near Hard Scabble will have the name of the Ranch and Canyon .

way back in the 1930's Rhoads was losing his grip

He sons and wife were considering have him Committed

Well , they failed

Just about the time the Army was to take their land , Old Man Rhoads took all the money he had
around the house and out of the bank

and Ran off up Rhoades Canyon with it ..

a couple days later , he came out of there not any more well in the head , than when he went in .

he fought to stand on the Land , and was I believe the last Rancher to be forced off his Ranch by the Army .

Tough Guy ,,, was he not?

yep he was .

on his death bed at the hospital , still bitter at the Wife and Boys for attempting to have him committed

They asked him where he hid the Money

He replied : " I hid it where only a CRAZY man would hide it , and only a CRAZY Man would find it .

then good old Rhoads left for the greener golf course in the sky .

Enter Charlie Haley .

Charlie Haley was born about the Day the smoke from Jim Millers Gun , from shooting Pat Garrett , cleared out of town .

He went to school with Rhoads , and they were life long friends .

Charlie had a Silver Mine Claim right up against Harvey Snow's Placer Claim .

One Day , while out there , ( often went together ) Charlie Told the story of Roads , the lost money , and the Family search
for it after the death of Roads .

Charlie asked harvey , hey ya think that metal detector of yours can find that box of money , mine is too old .

Dad was hooked , he asked tghe whereabouts of the Sons ,

Charlie : " Their here in Town , they read about you , and actually Harvey , They asked me to ask you "

Enter the Roads Boys .

The Son's recounted to harvey , that they saw their Dad take the Box of money up the canyon ,
and they suspect that it had to be somewhere up there , but , they searched many times and could not find it .

Note : Ergo the story of the men in the jeep who asked Harvey to seek out something for them in Hard Scrabble )

Dad's story is a bit embellished , but nothing compared to the tid bits that were left out .

They drove in from the east side , NOT the West side of the San Andreas as most sneaks have to .

They parked right inside hoads Canyon and walked around for a while scanning with the metal detector .

nothing was found at that point.
Agreed was that Dad would Camp there , he would take a couple days searching and they could pick him up
on the third day , ( I did a lot of three day pick up situations out there , I being the one to be picked up )

One of the Roads said " There's a cave up there aways Harvey , we suspect he put it in there , but we ain't CRAZY enough to go in there lookin' " then laughed.

They pointed out the area of the Cave .

Next morning dad went right to it and entered .
There are steps , the cave slants at a very gradual grade and the steps are very shallow steps about 3 to 4 inches high .

That is the location of the 1300 steps

Orens story was bait to get that location by agitating me with false claims he made about Dad

I see Gollum here has picked up the Ball .

Oren and Gollum are funny ,, they have no clue of SPOOF operations and how the true nature of the Beaste
uses your most primal urges against you .

Bait and stick operations are first researched to find what the Target Individual desires most in life .

Then , That item is used by a dangle in front of the persons face

The Target individual isw now your PUPPET

Tis true , it works so fine .

let us now deal with the Histrionics of Hiles and his story .

To begin , it not all lies , however , he never entered a cave with 1300 steps to anyone's knowledge .

where did he get that story ?

Easy . and there is a newspaper account of it dating back I believe around the late 1930's .

It was a young guy about 15 years of age .

He was a Herder working for a Local Rancher watching over his Sheep .

Again, Hiles made his claim that " HE " followed a Lion into a Cave , NOT HARDLY .

The Kid is how I will refer to him for his story .

His Dog went after one of the Sheep that wandered away from the herd a bit , the kid walked up there
watching his dog turn the sheep back and down off a low ridge .

as the dog and sheep passed him , and as he turned to watch them , his eye caught the glimpse of an opening in the opposite ridege ,
Herding is the most boring job , so he came back later , month or two later , and being bored , he
went to the cave and entered it .

Steps were carved in the bedrock floor , walking down them a short ways , his interest became piqued ,,,

Later Still , roll forward a few months now , He was on his day off , had heard treasure stories all his life out there ,
so he determined to bring his supplies and explore this cave with the steps .

He went in , a very long ways , and took a turn or two ,, went through a narrow low tunnel and made a few more mistakes .

he became disoriented , and soon , like for three or four days kinda soon , he worked his way out through
a small opening ,,,,,,

he was now on the east side of the San Andreas , he was out of his wits from the stress and fear .

He was picked up by a driver , taken to the police , and eventually he was home and Babbling .

The paper picked up the story and printed it .

~~~~ End the Kid story ~~~~~~`

Now Hiles and his Fib,,,

Sit in a Coffee shop , McDonalds or any place , watering hole ect. ,,, and listen to the locals
of that area ,,that gather there ,,,

10 out of 10 times , The subject of Gold Mines and Treasure stories will be spoken amongst them .

Hiles a Few times or more , told his Lion in the cave story , he described the tunnel as having steps going down .

Hey , it's a matter of " Let's sit around and tell some lies " Kind of thing and unless you are a lifetime Rural resident ,,,
You may not be famiar with the fact that evry one there at the table blabbing away ,,, accepts each others tales as lies .

You see , it is a matter of Tellin' Tall Tales , and the art is to tell one and listen to one .

This is a Common , it is a Cultural Norm in these area's .

it is STORY TELLIN' and as I said. it's an Art .

My Dad Harvey was deemed by all his buddies, to be very good at it .

Hiles has his made up story as anyone there did , he had quite a few i imagine

You have to have a GOOD one , if you're going to hang with this crowd ...

Now ,,,
where it all goes insane ,,,

There is one problem with the Culture of the raconteur ,,,

and that is ::::

Sometimes an outsider is around ,,, and hears the stories told by the good old boys ,,,,

and sometimes , one of those non local tourist ,,, will hear and believe .

and then become a pest ,,,

and begin to seek the legends ,,,

That would be Chandler's Book : " One Hundred Tons of Gold "

it is a compilation of the " Good Old Boy Tales "

Problem ?

yeah a Problem stuck it's head in ,,,
the problem is ,,,,

People read that Book and took those Fibs as Gospel and came seeking

One such person was Oren Swearingen .

How do you tell a persistent Pest to fade away ?

You tell him ,,, GO ASK CLAUDE !


That is what was done

the above is true

these stories , mostly , are STORIES ,,,

and by Gawd ,, it pains me to see people become obsessed with them and take them seriously .

In Oren's case , it had some very sad results

he lost a friend , to a crash of a craft , while chasing one of the " Old Man Tales ",,, My Dad's, Harvey Snow .

The other Sad portion ,,,, Oren wasted a lot of his time writing a bad mouth about my Dad Harvey .

and now here in the pages of this Forum , you read that the old story keeps it's curse alive .

Now a Note to Gollum :

The lives of many people i am very personally acquainted with , myself included , have been very adversely
effected by these " Tall Tales of the Good Old Boys "

That is what Happen BACK THEN

the most important thing

is where we go NOW

Those old stains on that trail , have a need to fade away , so we the folks who deropped them there can
live forward and heal ourselves .

One just Died the other Day , Oren , he never healed, right up to the end he remained stuck
in the stories of the past .

I got free years ago from a past i could neither deny nor change

So from that past , I decided not to run from it , but face it down and out of my life and Travel on

I have been on the road permanently since 1996

I travel not to forget , I travel to remain free .

I determined to not allow myself to be destroyed by all the PAST negative events surrounding the TREASURE STORIES

Drug through hell by the Seekers ,

I turned to them , held ground, gave commandment , BACK OFF ,,,

Mike , those sites are empty

1300 steps was a STORY TOLD

If Oren believed it was real , and somewhere out there , that's sad .

He went his way now

let him go , he deserves the Peace Man .

My Dad to was a Believer ,,,

He's gone ,,,
let him go

he deserves the peace

I am no longer Carrying Him nor Oren

why are you ?

Think about those words Mike , they came , they dreamed the same dream
they went .

their gone , let them fly home , let them have PEACE ,,, if any two men deserve it , those two certainly do .

You can " F " with if you have a need , I can take it ,

But leave the Dead ALONE

Roger Snow

Alrighty then

Seems to me , That Gollum , just as Oren Swearingen Before him ,,

is on a fishing expedition to find out where the cave of 1300 steps is at


heh heh

To Begin

we'll get some facts straight .

Oren Claimed he was taken to Domijhon canyon and shown this cave that was blocked up
and Claude was the person who guided him in there .

in 1982 , so far , correct ?

1300 is not in Domijohn canyon

Claude Suddereth did not come down to our house in 1982

I was on the phone with him from my Dads house in Sept. 1982 , and Claude was not interested at all in coming down , HEALTH
of Wife at that time

Next , the story is that Hiles chased a lion into a Cave

Yeah , and I chased Godzillia up King Kongs Booty . FALSE .

The next story was that soldiers from the base found it and showed it to Cluade ? Oren ? Doc Noss ? Letha Guthrie ?

and every Mormon on the Planet .


Now the facts

Spelling of the Name Rhoads may be a bit off , it might be Rodes

anyway a Topo Map east side quadrangle near Hard Scabble will have the name of the Ranch and Canyon .

way back in the 1930's Rhoads was losing his grip

He sons and wife were considering have him Committed

Well , they failed

Just about the time the Army was to take their land , Old Man Rhoads took all the money he had
around the house and out of the bank

and Ran off up Rhoades Canyon with it ..

a couple days later , he came out of there not any more well in the head , than when he went in .

he fought to stand on the Land , and was I believe the last Rancher to be forced off his Ranch by the Army .

Tough Guy ,,, was he not?

yep he was .

on his death bed at the hospital , still bitter at the Wife and Boys for attempting to have him committed

They asked him where he hid the Money

He replied : " I hid it where only a CRAZY man would hide it , and only a CRAZY Man would find it .

then good old Rhoads left for the greener golf course in the sky .

Enter Charlie Haley .

Charlie Haley was born about the Day the smoke from Jim Millers Gun , from shooting Pat Garrett , cleared out of town .

He went to school with Rhoads , and they were life long friends .

Charlie had a Silver Mine Claim right up against Harvey Snow's Placer Claim .

One Day , while out there , ( often went together ) Charlie Told the story of Roads , the lost money , and the Family search
for it after the death of Roads .

Charlie asked harvey , hey ya think that metal detector of yours can find that box of money , mine is too old .

Dad was hooked , he asked tghe whereabouts of the Sons ,

Charlie : " Their here in Town , they read about you , and actually Harvey , They asked me to ask you "

Enter the Roads Boys .

The Son's recounted to harvey , that they saw their Dad take the Box of money up the canyon ,
and they suspect that it had to be somewhere up there , but , they searched many times and could not find it .

Note : Ergo the story of the men in the jeep who asked Harvey to seek out something for them in Hard Scrabble )

Dad's story is a bit embellished , but nothing compared to the tid bits that were left out .

They drove in from the east side , NOT the West side of the San Andreas as most sneaks have to .

They parked right inside hoads Canyon and walked around for a while scanning with the metal detector .

nothing was found at that point.
Agreed was that Dad would Camp there , he would take a couple days searching and they could pick him up
on the third day , ( I did a lot of three day pick up situations out there , I being the one to be picked up )

One of the Roads said " There's a cave up there aways Harvey , we suspect he put it in there , but we ain't CRAZY enough to go in there lookin' " then laughed.

They pointed out the area of the Cave .

Next morning dad went right to it and entered .
There are steps , the cave slants at a very gradual grade and the steps are very shallow steps about 3 to 4 inches high .

That is the location of the 1300 steps

Orens story was bait to get that location by agitating me with false claims he made about Dad

I see Gollum here has picked up the Ball .

Oren and Gollum are funny ,, they have no clue of SPOOF operations and how the true nature of the Beaste
uses your most primal urges against you .

Bait and stick operations are first researched to find what the Target Individual desires most in life .

Then , That item is used by a dangle in front of the persons face

The Target individual isw now your PUPPET

Tis true , it works so fine .

let us now deal with the Histrionics of Hiles and his story .

To begin , it not all lies , however , he never entered a cave with 1300 steps to anyone's knowledge .

where did he get that story ?

Easy . and there is a newspaper account of it dating back I believe around the late 1930's .

It was a young guy about 15 years of age .

He was a Herder working for a Local Rancher watching over his Sheep .

Again, Hiles made his claim that " HE " followed a Lion into a Cave , NOT HARDLY .

The Kid is how I will refer to him for his story .

His Dog went after one of the Sheep that wandered away from the herd a bit , the kid walked up there
watching his dog turn the sheep back and down off a low ridge .

as the dog and sheep passed him , and as he turned to watch them , his eye caught the glimpse of an opening in the opposite ridege ,
Herding is the most boring job , so he came back later , month or two later , and being bored , he
went to the cave and entered it .

Steps were carved in the bedrock floor , walking down them a short ways , his interest became piqued ,,,

Later Still , roll forward a few months now , He was on his day off , had heard treasure stories all his life out there ,
so he determined to bring his supplies and explore this cave with the steps .

He went in , a very long ways , and took a turn or two ,, went through a narrow low tunnel and made a few more mistakes .

he became disoriented , and soon , like for three or four days kinda soon , he worked his way out through
a small opening ,,,,,,

he was now on the east side of the San Andreas , he was out of his wits from the stress and fear .

He was picked up by a driver , taken to the police , and eventually he was home and Babbling .

The paper picked up the story and printed it .

~~~~ End the Kid story ~~~~~~`

Now Hiles and his Fib,,,

Sit in a Coffee shop , McDonalds or any place , watering hole ect. ,,, and listen to the locals
of that area ,,that gather there ,,,

10 out of 10 times , The subject of Gold Mines and Treasure stories will be spoken amongst them .

Hiles a Few times or more , told his Lion in the cave story , he described the tunnel as having steps going down .

Hey , it's a matter of " Let's sit around and tell some lies " Kind of thing and unless you are a lifetime Rural resident ,,,
You may not be famiar with the fact that evry one there at the table blabbing away ,,, accepts each others tales as lies .

You see , it is a matter of Tellin' Tall Tales , and the art is to tell one and listen to one .

This is a Common , it is a Cultural Norm in these area's .

it is STORY TELLIN' and as I said. it's an Art .

My Dad Harvey was deemed by all his buddies, to be very good at it .

Hiles has his made up story as anyone there did , he had quite a few i imagine

You have to have a GOOD one , if you're going to hang with this crowd ...

Now ,,,
where it all goes insane ,,,

There is one problem with the Culture of the raconteur ,,,

and that is ::::

Sometimes an outsider is around ,,, and hears the stories told by the good old boys ,,,,

and sometimes , one of those non local tourist ,,, will hear and believe .

and then become a pest ,,,

and begin to seek the legends ,,,

That would be Chandler's Book : " One Hundred Tons of Gold "

it is a compilation of the " Good Old Boy Tales "

Problem ?

yeah a Problem stuck it's head in ,,,
the problem is ,,,,

People read that Book and took those Fibs as Gospel and came seeking

One such person was Oren Swearingen .

How do you tell a persistent Pest to fade away ?

You tell him ,,, GO ASK CLAUDE !


That is what was done

the above is true

these stories , mostly , are STORIES ,,,

and by Gawd ,, it pains me to see people become obsessed with them and take them seriously .

In Oren's case , it had some very sad results

he lost a friend , to a crash of a craft , while chasing one of the " Old Man Tales ",,, My Dad's, Harvey Snow .

The other Sad portion ,,,, Oren wasted a lot of his time writing a bad mouth about my Dad Harvey .

and now here in the pages of this Forum , you read that the old story keeps it's curse alive .

Now a Note to Gollum :

The lives of many people i am very personally acquainted with , myself included , have been very adversely
effected by these " Tall Tales of the Good Old Boys "

That is what Happen BACK THEN

the most important thing

is where we go NOW

Those old stains on that trail , have a need to fade away , so we the folks who deropped them there can
live forward and heal ourselves .

One just Died the other Day , Oren , he never healed, right up to the end he remained stuck
in the stories of the past .

I got free years ago from a past i could neither deny nor change

So from that past , I decided not to run from it , but face it down and out of my life and Travel on

I have been on the road permanently since 1996

I travel not to forget , I travel to remain free .

I determined to not allow myself to be destroyed by all the PAST negative events surrounding the TREASURE STORIES

Drug through hell by the Seekers ,

I turned to them , held ground, gave commandment , BACK OFF ,,,

Mike , those sites are empty

1300 steps was a STORY TOLD

If Oren believed it was real , and somewhere out there , that's sad .

He went his way now

let him go , he deserves the Peace Man .

My Dad to was a Believer ,,,

He's gone ,,,
let him go

he deserves the peace

I am no longer Carrying Him nor Oren

why are you ?

Think about those words Mike , they came , they dreamed the same dream
they went .

their gone , let them fly home , let them have PEACE ,,, if any two men deserve it , those two certainly do .

You can " F " with if you have a need , I can take it ,

But leave the Dead ALONE

Roger Snow

I am not in the least bit mad. Do you think you are the first internet douche I have ever dealt with? Guess what, your not the last either. Internet douches come and go. You are nothing special.

Oren saw the cave. Your dad didn't. Neither did you. Claude Suddreth must have seen something in Oren that he didn't in your dad. HE SHOWED THE CAVE TO OREN. Your dad only knew a story.

You lied about Joe Batson. You have nothing to say to me until you admit that you were full of BS about it. Either that, or show me where I was wrong.



you cannot see where you were wrong

here it is again for you

Leave the DEAD in peace .

simple that

any Man , with a proper level of integrity , has an understanding how wrong it is to disrespect the dead .

You yourself stated that

Right under a post i made of Oren's disrespect of my Dead Dad

I copy pasted Oren's own Text of that statement he made where he disrespected a Dead man .

I offered up the admonishment , : Leave the Dead in Peace , over a few years ago

or I'd come back in here and tear the house down with facts .

You people asked for what you have received from me .

On the Hiles 1300 steps

it is impossible for Claude , my Dad , or Hiles himself to show Oren a cave with 1300 steps as discribed by Hiles ,
my dad ,

for it was a TALL TALE that Hiles made up using the story of the 15 year old Kid .
who may have entered any cave in those mountains .

My Dad's story as printed in 100 tons of gold is as well a compilation of several stories formulated together
taking small details of each and spinning a Tale together .

I suppose there is no way to get that across to people .

These were Tall Tales of sheep herders , miners , prospectors , friends around a camp fire or at a table
in the Tula Rosa Cafe'

I SWEAR an OATH that the fact is , Oren may have been shown a cave
it may be as Oren describes
Claude and my Dad may have said it was in almost any area .

Oren may have Pictures of a Cave

BUT , all those people are dead
all of them told tall tales

I personally never visited with Oren at that Cave he says Claude showed him .

He emailed me years ago that it was in

1. Domijohn Canyon and a BIG boulder block the stairs

2. Lost Man Canyon , and it had a spiral staircase going vertically down , but filled almost to the brim with dirt

3. Name of the Canyon escapes my mind , yet not the same as either of the other two names .

He sent those emails to me in 2000 , 2001 , 2002 up until August 18th of that year,

He sent tons of emails to me while I was Building the Library in Eugene Oregon

sometimes , we would be online and emailing at the exact same time so it was as real time emails .

I read all he sent
pondered much
never dissuaded him with facts i knew to be reverse of what he stated in the emails .

Mike , Oren was Elderly
understand , He had dreamed very hard to see a Treasure in situ ,,, for many years since the 1950's .

To expect he was fully rational at his age after his operations and all the health problems he lived through ,
is not rational at all .

I am not putting Oren Down at all , he did his best to all he met ,

yet , rely on the recounting of tall tells to be fact is just not ,,


Just dream the dreams he gave you if you choose .

if you are totally committed to seeking out that cave he said he had photos of

do as you will .

Ignore if you wish my advice to not take the tales of these men as Gospel ,,

and ,,, I can do no more in my attempt to save you the waste of time and resources you'll experience .

sorry Mike

sometimes , Us Elders have to just stand Back and let the young Bucks Run their Heads into the tree .

no insult man

it's true , the facts are , I knew these men well , I am one of them , if each story we told were truth

we could plate the globe with the Gold .

The Raconteur is a Natural Born story teller of history

some times we recount the Historical facts
sometimes we relay the fairy tales

and sometimes we spread the dreams of our generations desires .

Everything suffers its own impermanence by virtue of the fogging of the story tellers mind through age .

Oren, my Dad , some others were the Keepers of the Vault .

They collected notes as hair on a Bear ,,,

and put those to use telling the stories to the listener .

I sat upon my Grandfathers knee

as he spun the tales of Old
and recounted the Might and the Glory .

Understand that verse I just made up ?

it is verbal illustration of the Culture of Tribal lore keepers .

dad and Oren can viewed as Treasure Lore Keepers

we cannot rightly believe all they conveyed as fact .


View attachment 1066240

See the Omega ?











That's a real interesting observation. Thank you Roger.

I always like to read your posts about the Phoenicians and I always find confirmation of the things you describe in my research. As a matter of fact, there are times when I use your description of the things you've found to guide my research. Thanks for taking the time to repeat a lot of your information. :thumbsup:

While it is fresh upon my mind , I'll recount a story of just how tragic some of the events are
that come from Believing too had in the Treasure legends .

This is a personal account and regards personal friends I felt a great deal of empathy with and for .

I mentioned the adjacent claim to my Dads of Charlie Haley , a well known Personality around Lincoln , Otero , and Dona Ana
counties of South Central New Mexico

He himself had many tales to recount from his acquaintances of people who were of the times of such
Historical Figures as Billy the Kid and Pat Garret .

Many tales I listen to as he gave the accounts , the Man was such a Joy to be around .
Pleasant in demeanor , and as has been said a fore of others ,,, never a harsh word against anyone ever
passed his aged lips .

Move to the other side of Dads claims from Charlies , and abuting those claims were the claims of another
sweetest persona , Elton Nelson , a Man of extreme wealth out of Big Timber Montana .
where he owned a ranch in excess of 5000 acres running Cattle and Timber operations .

Elton and his Son were bonded together as one , close in a way that just anyone would have loved to be with their
loved one .

Elton and Son would come down each year and Winter with dad at Dad's place in Tula Rosa

I would at times leave my Home on the Beach of Los Angeles and join them there at Dads .

I became quite fond of these men for their Grace and openness, as well as the warmth they exuded .

Like Charlie , just pure honest non self aggrandizing , un self entitled , open friendly characteristics .

They had heard of a news paper story about two young brothers who lived on the Malpais out east of the claims .

These two boys had found a cave in the Lava Flow , inside they found some old Aztec stuff .

came out , and never could locate it again .
They did on first visit , bring out a couple Aztec artifacts from the cave .

Elton and Son , had determined to seek that cave out , and over the years spent at dads place in the winter , they would allot
a few days each time they came down , to seeking out that cave .

One Year , I was so enmeshed in a New enterprise I had begun , and was very busy getting it off the ground
and pushing for it's success , that i could not get away to Dads for the Annual meet up .

Elton and Son , Sans dad , left for the Malpais to scout out yet another grid in their search .

They stopped and picked another friend and landed there on site with him .

The three split up and began to walk the grid in search of the Aztec cave .

Elton , was about 6 foot 8 , and had the strong girth of an Oak , heavy even naked , with gear he topped 300 pounds
of Muscle and gear .

Elton found an entrance to a narrow cave , bending down , with Gun in hand to defend against a possible Mnt. Lion ,,

he slid sideways through the entrance ,

His footing gave way on the loose nodes of lava at his feet and he tumbled down to the ground
a top his revolver ,,,

The gun went off and severed an artery in his stomach .

In Panic , his Son and friend attempted to get him free of the notch and to the Pick up to
drive him to the Hospital .

No use, he was too big to carry , so as the friend took off with the pick up to get help back in town ,,

The Son held his Dad as Elton passed away in his Arms .

The Son never returned to dads place again .

He withdrew from the World , perhaps for life now .

The following year , Charlie Haley was up at the claims , he was leeching ore , and the fumes over came him

He tried to get out of the shack for fresh air and died there in the door way of the Shack .

Few days went by , and Charlie had not come back and stop at Dads to go out to Coffee at the Cafe ' as they always did .

Dad and Dick Cole became concerned and went looking for Charlie up at the Claims .

They found him in situ as he was when he died .

The following year after that ,,

I lost Dad to Murder .

I came out for his funeral , and found his home had been stripped by my half brother Walter , everything gone .

I came back a couple years later , and the Paneling had been torn off the walls by Treasure Hunters seeking Dads
Stash of Gold that they were convinced was hidden on the Place

In the yard had been dug holes every where a metal detector had read a signal .

I came home disgusted by the Mentality of possessed Treasure seekers .

not long after , a year or so , an attempted abduction of me went wrong for the Kidnappers and I shot one through the throat

The feds grabbed the others after a few days ..

I give this as a Testimony as to why it is , that I today attempt to warn people against giving too much validity to
the Tales .

I have to state it clear

If , a person gets even close to a discovery/recovery , They are best to heed the possibilities that their lives will indeed
be invaded by people they would never wish to dine with .

Though to some of us , Treasure Hunting is a Hobby , there are people who take your attempts to find treasure very seriously
and they are Psychopaths
They will indeed sniff you out .

They come when they feel your treasure is real and see evidence in their minds that it is .

These people are Sick in the mind in a way few of us can understand .

They exist , of that one must not doubt .

they lurk this forum , of that do not doubt .
they lurk many web pages .


Give me some time to go through some files and try to find some photos, mdog. It's been awhile since I looked at that stuff, but as I recall, there are several middle eastern goddess looking carvings, hebrew-style symbols or alphabet letters, and such. Also, some ogham-appearing marks, which I think are actually related more to the British Isles - ?? There used to be a website where videos of carving panels were shown by some local historians. They didn't reveal exactly where the carvings were located, but it looked to me these were high up on ridges overlooking the Rio Grande on the east side. I'll see if I can get that site link too. The Los Lunas Decalogue stone is another example, but it's way north of the Caballos. That site is easy to google.

Thanks Sdcfia. High up on a bluff and on the east side of a river sounds good.

If you or any other readers are interested in this type of stuff, I have a thread in the Treasure Marks and Signs forum that might interest you. Here's the link.

Most of it is just my opinion but I try to back it up with the research that others have done.

Thanks Sdcfia. High up on a bluff and on the east side of a river sounds good.

If you or any other readers are interested in this type of stuff, I have a thread in the Treasure Marks and Signs forum that might interest you. Here's the link.

Most of it is just my opinion but I try to back it up with the research that others have done.

Below are some old scanned photos of quite a few unusual carvings found in the Caballo/Las Cruces vicinity. They first appeared quite a few years ago in a private newsletter published in Hatch, NM. Unfortunately, the guy who scanned them clipped a little text in a few of them. I also included a few photos that I took when I was in New Mexico visiting petroglyph sites a few years ago. These are at Three Rivers, which looks directly across the Tularosa Basin to the San Andreas Range. I was unable to relocate the videos - my old links were dead and I couldn't find much on YouTube. Too bad, too, because they were impressive.

Tanit1.webp Tanit2.webp

Ancient1.webp Ancient2.webp

Ancient3.webp Celestial1.webp Celestial2.webp

Ogam1.webp Ogam2.webp Ogam3.webp

Ogam4.webp Ogam5.webp Justin.webp

Three Rivers 1.webp Three Rivers 2.webp

Three Rivers 3.webp

Sdcfia, thank you for taking the time to post your pictures. The Tanit symbols are something I would like to find. The snake and spiral up high might be something to watch for when you are looking around. I think they might be Old World connected but the Mayans used it for sure.




Not my pictures.

That's a real interesting observation. Thank you Roger.

I always like to read your posts about the Phoenicians and I always find confirmation of the things you describe in my research. As a matter of fact, there are times when I use your description of the things you've found to guide my research. Thanks for taking the time to repeat a lot of your information. :thumbsup:

You are welcome
most of the recent post , are compiled for a book form , why i write is more therapy then a need to express
opinion for acknowledgement or other internal striving

The information is of no other use to me any longer .

We each of us in this 7 billion strong human soup , have by natural instinctive drive , to seek the Mystery that answers
the question of our existence .

I have my theories but absolutely no solutions as to that answer .

I do however at this point in my trail of life , made a conclusion that to withhold further that which I have
come to know , should not leave with me .

I as well know for a certain , that what was hoarded by those before me , is not the be all nor end all answer to the Mystery
of the secreted vaults of treasure .

I can only give what my own summations are as to the clues .

May they be as wrong as they might be correct , only matters as to ,,, if these ever come to a fruitful conclusion for those
who come seeking after us who have sought, and have gone on .

We as a Civilization , for thousands of years have been held captive to ignorance by those who through their
selfish Greed and power Mongering over others , have caused our enslavement to ignorance .

We own the Classified Documentations , that are with held from us , unless we request them , and only then do we receive but
highly redacted copies as though we cannot be trusted with our own material collected by what is supposed as
our hired employees .

I deeply despise the withholding .

as I do the lies .

We are all unitary connected together in this experience in this world

none greater
none lesser

i do not condone the Entitled , nor shall I supply them with power over us .

In my own silent revolt against them , I have but few tools at disposal to undermine That system of power over us .

How ashamed I should be not to implement them as often as I can manage .

If these ancient symbols lead to a discovery that crashes the lies , and if my giving in some way , helps to
wane the power of ignorance .

Then by the DNA of my soul , I must give them to others .

No hero am I, i simply have that Natural Born Drive for Justice .

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