Victorio Peak Update

if there is, just take a plate of donuts to the driver's side window. Don't forget the laxative glazing...

I am not missing one, the same two are still here, why do you need one.? np:cat:

I'm having trouble staying logged in. Anybody else?

I trust you are speaking from experience? :o :o :laughing7:

Don't fret yourself, you haven't missed anything and there is no Machiavellian plot afoot (except for a little thievery), heheheh....just some gratuitous PDOA bidness. Nothing to see there...move along.... :wink:

oh good ness i hope you are talking about my on going battle with computers , and not the other:hello2:

sorry for the interruption here i was able to get the work phone to load page 40 . still having trouble with any device i have logged on to here with. carry on ....


If I'm right, then the upside down cross thingie is truly upside down and is in Palomas in the Caballos right near the "Abalos" glyphs (tree, flag, bird, anvil, hammer, etc). Pedro de Abalos (Avalos) filed the first mining claim in the SW, IIRC, in the Fra Cristobal range, and some of my local buddies have lots and lots to say about that.

After some years, I now think that those Abalos glyphs are contemporary, though they sure are nicely done and of a good style. LOTS of caves in the Magdelena limestone 'round there. Good luck peeking in every one in your lifetime. Must be something there, 'cuz Willie White even writes about the area - hah!

Regarding the others: I see nothing but the usual native stuff that I am familiar with from that region. There ARE post-contact glyphs here and there regionally, but they are the 0.1%.

Pretty sure the Los Lunas whatever was debunked. They even took the dead guy's name off the University building after that and other things were debunked, even though he gave them lots of $. There are some interesting glyphs in the general Los Lunas region, but not the big mystery stone with Hebrew or whatever.

Several stories of boat glyphs up and down the rio. Checked out the Palm one and it's not a boat. Rincon dynamited boulder consensus was a thunderbird not a boat (75/25%), and I've not braved the eco-fascist hypocrite Subaru crowd to check out Broad Canyon's supposed glyph; Broad Canyon's old name was supposedly Canon del Barco named for a boat glyph.

Remember you can use Google translate for Catalan, etc. in addition to Spanish. My research says Portuguese nautical terms are the mostr likely relevant for land navigation in 1500-1900. My source? wish I had that good of a memory...

Thanks for posting your images.

For shields, some Navajo sites I've been to have the best/biggest/most ornate. If anyone wants to share some wisdom regarding these, I'd appreciate it. The bear paw/shield in the images posted seems different than the other paw marks I'm familiar with ( lots of Cougar ones out there: triangle with three "comma" claws, and also good 'ol turkey tracks)

The birth glyphs (Tanit?) are found here and there and wherever from what I've seen. There's also a plain as day Chongo out in Lazy-land and also a Macaw - inquire locally.

Don't harm glyphs!

Below are some old scanned photos of quite a few unusual carvings found in the Caballo/Las Cruces vicinity. They first appeared quite a few years ago in a private newsletter published in Hatch, NM. Unfortunately, the guy who scanned them clipped a little text in a few of them. I also included a few photos that I took when I was in New Mexico visiting petroglyph sites a few years ago. These are at Three Rivers, which looks directly across the Tularosa Basin to the San Andreas Range. I was unable to relocate the videos - my old links were dead and I couldn't find much on YouTube. Too bad, too, because they were impressive.

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not too busy , but was when I was reading " De Rey Metallica " Back years ago ,
it was that book that confirmed for me , that what I was seeing in the Area was Potrie Geese

Quote NMTH : " My research says Portuguese nautical terms are the mostr likely relevant for land navigation in 1500-1900. My source? wish I had that good of a memory... """""""""""~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Perhaps you read it in that Book .

On record , conceded that the Portuguese were they best Navigators of those times , even other European Kingdoms , aside from Spain
sought them out . ( per various studies of contemporary writings on the subject of Navigation )

On to symbols ,
One in Particular , is for the " Chain "

A chain is 5 1/2 yards in length ( 16.8ft)

On one Map painted on a Bluff , can be seen a set of consecutive dots from left to right .

The Dot represents in this case , a Chain , The symbol before the Dots , is that for a " Chain "
given to denote which increment to be used for the numbered dots .

at the exact mathematical equation ,,, per those dots , is found a Flat Top Boulder , down low , another symbol .

Note : No , I did not attempt to dig below the boulder .

Forgot to add

many of the sites laid out , including some established buildings , were done with Portuguese as surveyors for the project .

good point NMTH , I had almost totally forgotten that .

Why is it that I and others cannot view the attached images, like King Soloman's strike mark, on this and other posts?
~Texas Jay

View attachment 1066825

For this post , I made this sketch just now , of King Solomons Strike Mark .

This if you spin it and take the Stem off , does it look like the Omega ?


On your Maps , some have that Omega , and regardless of other interpretations , This is the Kings Strike at His mines
and Storage sites .

The search for the Holy Grail story , is not a search for a Actual Chalice

The search was for Ophir Treasure Deposit's where the GRAIL CUP strike3 Mark of King Solomon
was carved to Mark the Ophir Treasure Vaults

The Templar Secrets .

Understand ?

The expedition was focused at finding these Chalices Carved where the Vaults were located .

Solomon's Strike Mark represents The Royal Cup of the Davidic Bloodline


you seek carved on stone and bluffs

the permanently carved strikemark

The Strike Mark of King Solomon is not the " Star of David , nor is it the Bloodline's , The Star of David was created by a 17th
century Rabi .

Minus the stem , the strike mark was carved at all sites that held a Vault of the Two Kings Treasure .

The search for thew Holy Grail , as I said , was not for the Cup that Jesus Drank from at the last supper .

it was for this strike mark at various sites in this Hemisphere now known as The Americas .

After some thought a few years back ,, I decided to reveal what the Davidic Royal Strike Mar looked like .

This is Family Knowledge passed down through my Linage .

No Brag .

The first nine Knights were actively seeking to recover their Family Linage "Knowledge "
from , what until then ,
had been Hostile held territory .

To my knowledge , the strike mark had not been revealed to the General Population .
Until I released it back in the late 1990's or so .

It was a very closely guarded secret , not only by us , but the Vatican as well
who also for near 1700 years sought the Gold of Ophir via finding the strikemarks,

The Vatican have no rights to anything Davidic .

Deemed a Threat By the Royals who sit falsely upon the thrones
as well as the Imposter Church of the Vatican's creation ,

The Templars with their evidence could bring down both Church and State .

Ergo the persection of the 14th century , and the Roasting of DuLemay

I believe it was " Family Hunter " that posited the query : " Does the Gov't hassle all treasure hunters or just those
who seek at whitesands "

Now you have a hint

The truth is very powerful

Evidence it , and the Dominoes just might topple from under Those that hold power over others
by False Foundation .

Give it a Think for a bit .

Enslavement of your mind , your body , and your soul ?

You may wish to trust your soul to Romans

I choose my own WILL and trust nothing that wreaks power down on people like Acid Rain .

Why is it that I and others cannot view the attached images, like King Soloman's strike mark, on this and other posts?
~Texas Jay

Here ya go - I saved the alleged strike mark from a treasminder2 post several years ago.

solomon's strikemark.gif

Thank you, sdcfia. I appreciate it.
~Texas Jay

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