Summation of Oren Swearingen's Statements about my Father across the web .
1. Chandler interviews Harvey Snow , Harvey Compiles several events and sites into one formulated story
of cave with 1300 steps . Harvey Gave Chandler what he asked for " A Story "
Chandler never specified exactly what type of Story he preferred , and Dad was wise enough to NOT reveal
any actual sites or events,
at that time of the interview , Alamogordo was swarming with thousands of claimants to the Peak Treasure .
It was a Huge Road side attraction mostly populated with Clowns and Crazies .
Dad , owing to that condition and the many intrusions into his privacy , desired for all the outside folks to just go away
and allow him his peace .
ergo , give the Author what he requested , send him on his way , and get back to watching Hee Haw and " All in the Family "
on T.V.
2. Chandler decides for himself that he would print this preposterous story .
3. Gullible FREAKS seek Dad out after reading the Book " 100 tons of Gold " and rather than maintaining his Peace ,
after the exit of Chandler .
That book brings into Dads life a Brand New Circus of Dreamers .
Nice ,,, right ? You should have been there to see it .
and this all going down just as he Buried his Daughter who was Murdered by other dreamers who became home invaders.
figure it out , Oren Shows up demanding like a Child to know the locale of the Cave , he is not known by anyone ,
and for all Dad knew ,Oren may have been involved with the people that caused his Daughters Death ,
that suspicion could easily be laid on any of the hundreds of people swarming around sniffing for Treasure Clues .
Bad timing for Idiots to be bothering dad about Treasure .
4. Oren , believed placated now by Dad , when Dad pointed to Hard Scrabble , should just fade away as many did .
Not Oren , he buddies up with other people
creates a plan to send a Young Father into Hard Scabbel flying of all things ,
a flimsy Ultra Lite Craft
and the Guy crashes and dies with it .
Oren , LIVID and foaming at the Gills at Dad for the death of his young friend
returns to Dad angry , DEMANDING TO KNOW: if the guys death was in vain do to a Red Herring, then demands to
know the exact site .
Dad , thinks : Good old Claude introduced this guy to me , So Dad's reply was : " Go ask Claude "
sending Oren Back to where Oren Came from , the person who brought Oren to dads house
in the first place .
Oren leaves , Dad Calls Claude : " Expect that Mole to call you Claude , I told him to ask you where the 1300 is ,
He's your problem now , keep him busy with something other than .
Claude agrees to run a ruse on the Mole Oren .
Neither Claude nor Dad trust this sniffing around clown , so a Red herring once again shall be proffered as bait .
Dad and Claude underestimate just had deeply obsessed with finding a treasure , Oren actually is ,
they figure this Mole will get weary after no success ,,, and waddle away like so many others who came and went in the past .
NOTE that Oren remained right up to his end ,,, focused on treasure , he never did find a cure for the Obsession .
Where was I ? at number five ?
5. Oren Calls Claude , makes an Offer to pay his way to New Mexico from Oklahoma , and as well , get him onto the base
with a permit , if Claude will show him the 1300 steps .
Claude , and I know he had to be smiling at this , agrees to come on down and make Oren the next contestant
in " The price is too dear to pay " game .
Claude takes Oren to an Old cave they had found years ago , here it is Oren , good luck my Boy .
Oren is now in Uber P.O. mode at Dad when Claude tells him : " Harvey made that story up "
Oren , in his mind must have internalized that Accident that killed his young friend , as Dad's fault , a wasted life and a waste of money , time , and whatever else he could manage to muster up to fuel his HATE at Dad .
I beleieve this is number six , right ?
6. Oren who has spent so much effort to glean information on a site , gets this location from Claude, is taken there in fact
and walked into it ,,,
Yet !
Oren never does anything with this Red Herring Cavern , he never attempts to dig it up , never files for a permit to get to it .
He had , obviously , people who could get him permission to enter the base and go to it anytime he wished .
Yet ,,, after all of that ,
He never does bust a move on it , beyond just a visit or two , to the site .
7. However , he does expend a huge amount of energy refutting my Dads story and calling him a Liar ,
for the next 40 years .
Moral of this story :
Be careful what you share with the World out there .
One cannot trust in the mental stability of living entities that have engaged in Warfare for their entire existence on this planet .
or ,,,,
some people declare war on a person with a passion unfathomable ,, even when , they themselves created the issues .
it is just how it is folks .
The squeaky wheel gets the grease ,, Oren made the loudest Squeak ,,, while dad sat silent , and people believed the squeaker
and now , from what was stated in another thread ,,,
There is another Person falling for Orens story about that Cave Claude took him to ,, and is considering attempting
to clear the shaft and see whats at the end .
I know how people THINK , and , sad , that there is no cure for that .