Victorio Peak Update


now that I am posting again

the view count of this thread will rise expotentially high in a very short time

I have a following for sure

reason being

I write the facts that people have no knowledge of .

Mr. Snow has provided some valuable information about sites in the Organs, San Andreas and Caballo Mountains, plus insight into events that happened therein. I suggest those of you who wish to refer later to his posts save the ones you want to your own computers. Just saying'.

Okay Genius:

Let's use your reference. Look at the second paragraph:

In addition to presiding over Coldwater Cattle Company and aiding in the family oil and gas business, Joe Batson has operated in a number of other fields, including the communications, political, and banking arenas. In the early 1970s he purchased Monte Rosenwald and Associates, a well-established advertising company located in his hometown of Amarillo, Texas

So, by your best knowledge, if he was born in 1957, he would have been in his mid to late teens when he "PURCHASED MONTE ROSEN AND ASSOCIATES, A WELL-ESTABLISHED ADVERTISING COMPANY"

So, once again, within one minute I destroy your best input.

Care to try again, genius?


I am going to address oren's statement to Childress

here is the statement he made :Harveys friend never showed harvey the cave with the steps , he did nit trust harvey

end quote


true story now

begin events of 1966

We sat on the finger ridge looking to the east toward Soledad peak

dad pointed to the Bluuf that is the terminus of a Ridge that makes the east wall coming down from the high Mountain that is the south wall of Soledad Canyon

He points out a cave in the bluff

and retells the event when he and Claude Glassed that Cave and saw a Trunk like article in The mouth of it

They attempt to climb up to it

Claude is sure this is Mucho Deniero Cave , by t5he trunk they just saw

he is over excited to get to it and open it ,,

Up the bluff on their way , there is a crevice to jump across

Claude attempted to jump it against dads warning ,

he fell short and was mid air when Dad , Holding onto a brach , reached out and grabbed Claude's shirt collar and swung him back up onto the ledge saving his life .
This Claude is the Freind of my Dad's that Oren said did not tyrust my DadIn My conversations with Claude over the years, he would always recount that story how Dad saved his life

he always choked up , and say " Harevy , your dad SAVED MY LIFE

That event perhaps Bonded the two men togetehr for life .

Oren is going to attempt to convince people that Claude would betray my Fathers Trust and stab him in the back
by taking Oren to Dads actual site ?


These men had integrity uncommon with each other

As I already recountedx

dad and Claude did not trust Oren

They Felt he wqas a Mole , sent to glean information

and as you can read < Oren could not be trusted , he lied visciously , not only BOUT MY DAD , BUT AS WELL LIED ABOUT CLAUDE

I know Mike ( Gollum ) never Met Claude nor my dad

I know Oren swearingen to be persuaqsive with his lies

I as well know the agendas these Mormons were activating

as well as Orens personal unfounded Vendetat agaist my dad for his friends loss of life .

Mike can pick up the ball where oren dropped it

and attempt to carry .

he'll lose miserably .

when i stated shut up about my dad

that was not a request

it was a Commandment
break it

andf the Arse will be exposed .

I will tear the head off that Group and serve it to their masters at the church , I'll do that with words by which I'll expose that Lizard Worshipping Cult for what it truly isw.

an Organized criminal

now tell me again Mike , who did Claude TRUST ?

would Claude stab dad in the back , a man that saved his life ?

Or would Claude and dad feed that Mole oren swearingen another mouthful of red herring

which of the two makes sense to you Gollu,m ?\

Give it a try bud .

answer up my boy

want to jump on this gameboard with me

you have nothing for experience

you have the Rats Tale , and the ONFP Con men for your info .

lets play

you're being called out by a man who lived all this.

come get you some bud .

View attachment 1065755

This is the Joe Batson I was introduced to at Jerry Cheatums House by Jerry in 2002

Does he age or not ?

as i stated




Believe what you will

certainly chase off into the mountains and try to find treasure they pointed you to .

go for it

there's nothing they knew about out there

it is all wil-o-the wisp man

I assure you

if they knew where anything was located THYE WOULD QUIET DOWN AND MOVE ON WITH THE PROCEEDS




I still wanna know how the bars got there in the first place, anf the route..







Roger, can you please comment on the spring located near Rincon that Noss was rumored to camp at with Ova? Any idea of its name or location?






Please stop writing in all caps...

Rodger dodger 'I don want no stinkin bars,' just how did they get there, and from where"./

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s I have plenty of them down here to find 1500 bars of silver 650 mule lods of Gold.(1300 bars )

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I still wanna know how the bars got there in the first place, and the route..

Hi Don Jose,

First of all, I don't know squat about Victorio Peak, but I do like to look for evidence of ancient Old World trade in North America. If Victorio Peak was an accumulation site, why was that spot picked? There must be thousands of mountains with caves that could have been picked instead of Victorio Peak.

Here is a technique that I use when looking for sites along the Mississippi River, as well as other places, that might show evidence of trade from the ancient Old World. I believe that ancient mariners knew how to determine latitude and they used the latitudes of familiar ports in the Old World to determine drop off or pick up spots here in North America. I also believe this technique was used for a long time by specific groups, including the Jesuits. We'll use Victorio Peak as an example. The latitude of Victorio Peak is about 32 deg 55' 25". If you go to that same latitude along the coast of Israel, you will find yourself at Acre, or the ancient town of Acco. Acco - Map of Ancient Israel (Old Testament Maps). Acco was an ancient and important port. This has worked for me many times in my research.

As for where did the bars come from. They could have been moved from anywhere in the southwest as well as from points in the northern Rockies. I've been studying a trail that goes west from the Mississippi River to the Northern Rockies and, from that region, the traders could either back track to the Mississippi or follow the east side of the range down to the Rio Grande and then to the Gulf. If, for some reason, the traders wanted to avoid the river or the Gulf, they could move east with stops at camps set up at the predetermined latitude.

Just a guess and maybe something new you can consider.

Very thought provoking post Mdog, you earned a cuppa of coffee, join me?

As for the bars in question, they mostly came from clandestine mines in Sonora and were transferred to VP & the Caballos because they were on the Rio Grande, navageable sll the way to Matamoros for loading on Jesuit ships bound for Rome. At the moment I am exploring the possibility that they also surrounded their operation by a cloak of paid off Apaches, ensuring secrecy..

Inorite! I'm on page 125 of notes...

Mr. Snow has provided some valuable information about sites in the Organs, San Andreas and Caballo Mountains, plus insight into events that happened therein. I suggest those of you who wish to refer later to his posts save the ones you want to your own computers. Just saying'.

Very thought provoking post Mdog, you earned a cuppa of coffee, join me?

As for the bars in question, they mostly came from clandestine mines in Sonora and were transferred to VP & the Caballos because they were on the Rio Grande, navageable sll the way to Matamoros for loading on Jesuit ships bound for Rome. At the moment I am exploring the possibility that they also surrounded their operation by a cloak of paid off Apaches, ensuring secrecy..

That would be viable if you could provide even one example of the Apaches bargaining with Europeans, whom they had been at constant war with with since the mid 1600's in New Mexico. Why would the tribe favor the Jesuits over any other invaders (Spanish, Franciscans), and what sort of payment would they accept for a "hands off" agreement? Remember, these people were as treacherous as they come. Also, why is there no record with the Apache of such an alliance, which would have required numerous expeditions to move at a minimum 4,000 bars of gold (2,000 each for Caballos and VP that is rumored - may have been many more for all we know). Don't you suppose someone might have noticed? Basing this theory on the "Noss map" is acceptable only if you can verify its integrity.

Mdog's analysis is interesting. If you use the Caballos' (same 33degree latitude) navigatible river location as a major trail cache site, then you have an easy-to-find pick up spot for those unfamiliar with the territory. Of course, once the travelers find the mountain, then they need more information in order to locate the cache. It's interesting to note that this area (Caballos, Organs and Uvas Mountains) is the home of some mighty old Mediterranean style petroglyphs.

Hi my friend, have you ever checked if their was any agreement with the Apache|?? Remember this was only for a local chief. The Apache was a preditor, his way of life was preying upon his neighbors, as such he would certainly be amendable to a deal where he received his supplies without the potential loss of manpower Common sense, and the Apache wasn't long on his Land, since most of his supposed land belonged to other tribes.

In any event I can;t off hand remember where I found those references, but I wil search for you. Coffee?

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Very thought provoking post Mdog, you earned a cuppa of coffee, join me?

As for the bars in question, they mostly came from clandestine mines in Sonora and were transferred to VP & the Caballos because they were on the Rio Grande, navageable sll the way to Matamoros for loading on Jesuit ships bound for Rome. At the moment I am exploring the possibility that they also surrounded their operation by a cloak of paid off Apaches, ensuring secrecy..

Don Jose, have you ever considered the Comanches as a group paid to protect such an operation. It seems the Comanches broke away from the Shoshones who lived along the north branch of the Platte in Wyoming. There is an east-west trail that stretches from the Great Lakes to the northern Rockies and I've been looking for evidence that the Jesuits paid off the Pawnee to guard that trail. The trail moved along the Platte and into Wyoming. During the early 1700s, it seems like when the Spanish got close to the trail they were wiped out. This is an ancient trail and a couple of tribes along that trail, the Pawnee and Omaha, have religious practices that show ancient Old World influence. The Pawnee practiced child sacrifice to the evening and morning star, Venus, and the Omaha knew how to use the Pole Star to navigate and they had a sacred cedar post that they displayed pointing to the Pole Star. You might want to look for the early presence of the Comanches in that area. Or maybe some type of alliance between the Comanches and some other tribe to secure an area.

Roger, can you please comment on the spring located near Rincon that Noss was rumored to camp at with Ova? Any idea of its name or location?

This is from Dad and my Mom

Dad was stationed 509th bomber , at Roswell , met Mom who worked at the Court Cafe on Third and main downtown

Dad had a brand new Harley Davidson , asked Ma if she'd like to go for a Ride .

First night they camped up at the lake by Riodoso

from there they hit it down to Soccorro

and ended up Camping at the Southern tip of the Caballos .

At the end of the finger Ridge is where they were .

there was a Seep Spring there , and Dad found placer in it .

Later he got a tip on Rincon area .

he went there

as for a spring there he never said much

If i were to seek out a spring
The one above that terminus of that South Ridge is the one I'd seek .

He noted some sign while there that a cache might be there

Rincon Spring ?

Can't remember if that was what he meant .

he had so many sites

and talked for hours every day and night about them .

I get details mixed up anymore ,

Which Cave was in what Canyon or mountain and what details goes with which site .

thanks for your response

Summation of Oren Swearingen's Statements about my Father across the web .

1. Chandler interviews Harvey Snow , Harvey Compiles several events and sites into one formulated story
of cave with 1300 steps . Harvey Gave Chandler what he asked for " A Story "

Chandler never specified exactly what type of Story he preferred , and Dad was wise enough to NOT reveal
any actual sites or events,
at that time of the interview , Alamogordo was swarming with thousands of claimants to the Peak Treasure .

It was a Huge Road side attraction mostly populated with Clowns and Crazies .

Dad , owing to that condition and the many intrusions into his privacy , desired for all the outside folks to just go away
and allow him his peace .

ergo , give the Author what he requested , send him on his way , and get back to watching Hee Haw and " All in the Family "
on T.V.

2. Chandler decides for himself that he would print this preposterous story .

3. Gullible FREAKS seek Dad out after reading the Book " 100 tons of Gold " and rather than maintaining his Peace ,
after the exit of Chandler .
That book brings into Dads life a Brand New Circus of Dreamers .

Nice ,,, right ? You should have been there to see it .

and this all going down just as he Buried his Daughter who was Murdered by other dreamers who became home invaders.

figure it out , Oren Shows up demanding like a Child to know the locale of the Cave , he is not known by anyone ,
and for all Dad knew ,Oren may have been involved with the people that caused his Daughters Death ,
that suspicion could easily be laid on any of the hundreds of people swarming around sniffing for Treasure Clues .

Bad timing for Idiots to be bothering dad about Treasure .

4. Oren , believed placated now by Dad , when Dad pointed to Hard Scrabble , should just fade away as many did .

Not Oren , he buddies up with other people

creates a plan to send a Young Father into Hard Scabbel flying of all things ,
a flimsy Ultra Lite Craft

and the Guy crashes and dies with it .

Oren , LIVID and foaming at the Gills at Dad for the death of his young friend

returns to Dad angry , DEMANDING TO KNOW: if the guys death was in vain do to a Red Herring, then demands to
know the exact site .

Dad , thinks : Good old Claude introduced this guy to me , So Dad's reply was : " Go ask Claude "
sending Oren Back to where Oren Came from , the person who brought Oren to dads house
in the first place .

Oren leaves , Dad Calls Claude : " Expect that Mole to call you Claude , I told him to ask you where the 1300 is ,
He's your problem now , keep him busy with something other than .

Claude agrees to run a ruse on the Mole Oren .

Neither Claude nor Dad trust this sniffing around clown , so a Red herring once again shall be proffered as bait .

Dad and Claude underestimate just had deeply obsessed with finding a treasure , Oren actually is ,
they figure this Mole will get weary after no success ,,, and waddle away like so many others who came and went in the past .

NOTE that Oren remained right up to his end ,,, focused on treasure , he never did find a cure for the Obsession .

Where was I ? at number five ?


5. Oren Calls Claude , makes an Offer to pay his way to New Mexico from Oklahoma , and as well , get him onto the base
with a permit , if Claude will show him the 1300 steps .

Claude , and I know he had to be smiling at this , agrees to come on down and make Oren the next contestant
in " The price is too dear to pay " game .

Claude takes Oren to an Old cave they had found years ago , here it is Oren , good luck my Boy .

Oren is now in Uber P.O. mode at Dad when Claude tells him : " Harvey made that story up "
Oren , in his mind must have internalized that Accident that killed his young friend , as Dad's fault , a wasted life and a waste of money , time , and whatever else he could manage to muster up to fuel his HATE at Dad .

I beleieve this is number six , right ?

6. Oren who has spent so much effort to glean information on a site , gets this location from Claude, is taken there in fact
and walked into it ,,,

Yet !
Oren never does anything with this Red Herring Cavern , he never attempts to dig it up , never files for a permit to get to it .
He had , obviously , people who could get him permission to enter the base and go to it anytime he wished .

Yet ,,, after all of that ,
He never does bust a move on it , beyond just a visit or two , to the site .

7. However , he does expend a huge amount of energy refutting my Dads story and calling him a Liar ,
for the next 40 years .

Moral of this story :

Be careful what you share with the World out there .

One cannot trust in the mental stability of living entities that have engaged in Warfare for their entire existence on this planet .

or ,,,,

some people declare war on a person with a passion unfathomable ,, even when , they themselves created the issues .

it is just how it is folks .

The squeaky wheel gets the grease ,, Oren made the loudest Squeak ,,, while dad sat silent , and people believed the squeaker

and now , from what was stated in another thread ,,,
There is another Person falling for Orens story about that Cave Claude took him to ,, and is considering attempting
to clear the shaft and see whats at the end .

I know how people THINK , and , sad , that there is no cure for that .

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