Victorio Peak Update

Laid out in flat stones

is a large " Y " symbol

the tail of which is pointing directly at a dug up Vault KNOWN for a Fact to Be one of La Rue's vaults .

That one is a Phoenician symbol .

The letter , as anything of secret , was code worded .

The seven cities of Cibola is used .

The seven cities of Cibola can be found

by the use of the symbols of seven ancient civilizations

3 where the Sun Rises

3 where the Sun sets

and one at HIGH Noon

by the Sol of the Sun

Now lets do the Sol of the Sun

He means by the Solstice of the Sun

On the day of the Soltice these carved symbols are best viewed

for they APPEAR CLEAR on those two days .

I swear you caqn walk right past one of these symbols and not see it

you come back on Solstice and when the Sun is at the right degree

it stands out bright

They had a way to chisel these , that somehow made them visible only when the Sun hit them at
a certain time of day on a certain day of the year

That is no lie

It caught my breath when I first applied the formula and showed up in the Mountains one Summer Solstice

and Symbols began to appear all around the area's I had investigated many many times , and never saw them
until that day .

One the West Wall of North Canyon , way up high , is carved a symbol that you cannot see the form of

it looks natural

until that is

On The Solstice


There it is shining at you when the Rays of the Sun curve around the hump it is carved next to .

I still cannot figure out the Technique they used to cloak these , so that they show their faces only at one small
window of days a year .

two days later and you will not see them again until the Sun is back at that angle of degree in the sky .

and to that

It doesn't matter how much heat your group is packing, there is always a larger group packing much more than you who just may cross your path and ruin your day...

or ,,, the alternative ,,,

One tiny Viral germ may cross your path and ruin your day

Funny , how no matter how many bullets I own

I cannot take down a Tidal Wave

I cannot kill a tine microscopic virus

I never put in the Past tense , an Earthquake

Not even Poison can stop a Huricane

No Drone ever took down a Volcano nor stop it's Lava Flow

Funny how it is , that people believe stocking up food and ammo

is a cure all for any threat .

heh heheheheh

sneaky Mother Nature , she has always won .


for the Lurkers

for the spies

for all the trouble the pin heads who kidnapped me went through to get this info

Here I have given all of you " Useless waste of wheat and Oxygen "

the decoding of the La Rue Material .

it is so simple once You KNOW the Key

and that KEY is of my family

You go to the Organ Mountains

find that Map rock , ( try to read it now that some crumb painted over it )

You Look at the symbols on it

copy those on paper

on the Solstice

Stand and watch the Mountains while looking at them from the West about a Mile and a Half away to the west of Baylor Canyon Road .

the symbols will appear before your eyes on that Day

3 on the West side ( one out in front of Filmore Canyon already Looted by some other schmucks )

3 on the East side

The East Side has it's own Map Rock

that ,,, you will have to find on your own .
watch out for the Range riders if you sneak on that base though , they'll get cha's

and One at High Noon

Dead Center of the Organ Mountains is HIGH NOON and best seen when the Sun reaches HIGH NOON

Of the Vaults known to still be sealed

I can say but one is left on the East side

the one at high Noon ?

Forget it

The Rock Slide over it covers the Bluff up to 80 feet high . there is a way in without removing all that .

But expect to spend many months finding which Boulder to move and how to do that without causing yourself
to be gobbled up in a slide .

For you spies who watched me down there in the Mountains during my stay there from 2002 unto 2006

For all your effort

You missed it clown boys

You waited for me to go to a cache

Simply kids

I was checking them from a distance , just to see which had been dug into .

As you watched me there , I watched you watch me and smiled ,,, what fools

To Cowboy Hat at Bountiful

To answer how I got passed your Back up

and got to you at Bountiful

as well as how I knew you were there

Understand that Your Group is minute to the Power of the mind of certain gifted people

same with my escape from the gurney and straight jacket

Mind over matter .

Believe ?

no ?

if not , well that is hpow I had the edge over you , you are stuck in your parameters ,

THINK outside the Box if you can find a way to do it .

Don Jose de la Mancha wrote
Ed, I hate to disillusion you, but he, oro, has no need for Gophering , he has a piece of the pie at Tayopa plus a very interesting claim / mine in the Dakotas.

He prob. knows more about your area than you do. I can assure you that he is not a worm or gopher but of strict high integrety.

In other words he is a handshake deal guy.

Gracias for the vote of confidence amigo however your time and words are wasted in trying to talk to Ed, hence his being on the voluntary ignore list for some of us. He is only here to play games, like some others. Besides, I have found that if a man's word is no good, his papers are no good either. :dontknow:

Please do continue, thanks in any case - I could say the same about you. :thumbsup:


In the Solitude , night sky , Running river as the Milky way appears
None have this in greater need than I at that pinnacle of life

Turned my chin toward the Opposite Ridge to see in my mind ,,

Paris ,,
The wet of the streets as the sprinkling rain smoothed the lines in my eyes

Of which in these departures we as humans believe is real ,, the minds eyes
or the corporeal sight ?

that thought melded against the brow of left bank reasoning ,,within

Paris , home and loved sacred site of my Mothers before
Fathers before

and where ,, my heart felt it's place to be

Lazy wind , slows to breeze
Sail falls short
and the tiller I set to starboard and allow the current toi cause course

Again , the Milky way, as afore in the desert

Npo bounds here , this Sea , I am free to drift ,,
and as much my thoughts

" Could not the greed been cured ?
I asked

No answer for that here

White light dimed by flash of Metero falling cross port of us

that , changed the thought to where in that tail ,,, was the first to lay down the seed of Man

We are not travelers by nature

Human, loves it's comfort and familiar surroundings in order to be at ease and feel safe

It is Misfits as myself who take the unknown for it's grace and travel through its windows into the Worlds beyond

Nigh know well the unfounded course of delusions as realities

for whence the day has for it's manner , shall a truth be known as to which window is real as one must not .

In no wise was I doubting my reality , just that the foundations of the Norms could not be as set in stone as others perceived them to be

This ? This American dream ? THIS ,, is culture ?

The Americans have not a true self actuated Culture of their own

They are Shoppers , not Artist .

Waves at wake and the boom breaks the spell with the jangle of sheets against it

The chanmnel changes and now my minds movie is running a re-run of past moments

The desert again , this time the Day llight hours

marked upon the face of it , a large bould shines a symbological message ,,

Mysterious in meaning unto those without
the insider as myself
reads it clear enough


is all that is written there

everything changes

To what , shall the dream recompense our trials

Are not the skies as blue , without the dream coming true ?

Waterfalls still Fall , as they flow to the Sea , is it not as it ever was
without the dream

Have man his behavior to blame for his travails , and excuses those away as act of Gods ?

Where shall the blame be laid next ?

In The Winds Changing ? or the Rains falling down ?

We deserve all we do to ourselves , good as well as bad .
We dance our spiral and spin the web ,,, that catches up to us before our times end .

To Lay fault , you direct it to others
You blame your faults on your fathers and Mothers

Impermanence I screamed , change thy deeds , perhaps that's your dream .

Live up to yourself , deny , no , you cannot escape YOU

You trip yourself
no need is there for another to help that stance

Your Damage came from your Entitled thoughts ,,, not the others finger in your eye , it was never there

Impermanence ,,, everything changes
why do you deny yourself that change ?

As this :::

Night Sky has a solace you can feel in a way
that last you through to the following day

Why is it , a person cannot feel such as this ?

what do they lack within themselves , where they , cannot as I ,,, feel the beauty of the simple natural setting ?

The Shop aholic syndrome is it ?

The Flat screen , carries them , and the soft patterned splash of a stream irritates them ?

Shall their anger ,, not be turned to inner strength , that serves them far greater ?

Ah Mankind ,,, The Ultimate Child of inner longing for that which serves him worse .

Taken aback ?

Man that's the wrong direction in life

NEVER stare into your rear view mirror ,,

life is a forward moving event

why stop and look back ?

My bad Don Jose...I guess that my memory is not as good as it once was...At least I believe that I know what a guerigo is...


Ed T:)lol

Is that in Tucson?

thats the largest fig tree in the state

said to have been planted by a Priest from the mission

This used to be Hiway 1

and across from this tree would be a line 200 yeards long of Hippies Hitch Hiking North up the coast
to the Bay area for the Grateful Dead Shows that started the Tours for the year .

I've spent a lot of time under that tree

a Threat to cut it down came back in the '80s

the protest put that out

Information request.

Below is the last photo posted in post #119. The guy who provided me the newsletter scans described the carving to me and suggested I look for it. It took me forever to find it, as Three Rivers has hundreds of petroglyphs. The general consensus is that it is a hunting scene with a weird unidentified animal dead on its back with an arrow in it and a bear paw next to it. The first color photo in post #119 shows me with another very obvious hunting related carving.

My contact tells me that the petroglyph below actually represents a boat, and the bear paw is actually a shield symbol or some sort of heraldry crest. He also says the identical "shield" is prominent near other "treasure sites" in southern New Mexico.

Any comments?

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I've been looking at this and the things I see that could indicate a boat would be the boat shape, the mast with crows nest and maybe a rudder with figurehead at the other end. But it could be a giant bug like critter with a spear in it. I can't find anything like the crest. Did your friend tell you anything else about the shield or crest?

I've been looking at this and the things I see that could indicate a boat would be the boat shape, the mast with crows nest and maybe a rudder with figurehead at the other end. But it could be a giant bug like critter with a spear in it. I can't find anything like the crest. Did your friend tell you anything else about the shield or crest?

No, I don't know why he thought it was not a bear paw. Maybe I can get some of his photos.

I was catching up with the threads in the VP category and took note of the following interesting posts.

1. "Try Willie Doughit which is the spelling in the 1929 article were he asked for police protection after being kidnapped in Hatch.
The article claims he said "he found the treasure on November 6th hidden in a crevasse, instead of a cave as originally reported."
Such goes one to say "there was a pile of bars about twice as large as an ordinary office desk, consisting of poured bars of pure gold varying in size. He took one with him to the Jorando hotel in Hatch New Mexico. About midnight three armed men entered the room and forced him to a car. He told them he could not show them the location due to he did not have his instruments. Of course he could not describe his kidnappers.
Article was in the El Paso Herald I belive the date is 11/19/1929" Post #6, by lostcauses

Gold was in a crevasse, not a cave, and the "kidnappers" grabbed Willie the night of his discovery. This implies the kidnappers were following him that day. Who were these guys?

"I believe I collected enough circumstantial evidence and some documented evidence to be able to say with some certainty that what Noss claims to have found in Victorio Peak, was actually spoils from working with Holmdahl. Since I am unable to share everything I have, it would be worth reading the 17 tons thread where I believe I make it clear that I believe there is a strong possibility that Victorio Peak and the 17 tons are part of the same treasure. They just came to light in a different fashion each.
My theories can be read here "

( Post #39, by Peerless67)

Peerless67 is drawing attention to Emil Lewis Holmdahl, a very interesting and accomplished mercenary who fought with Villa during the Mexican Revolution and may have betrayed him by allegedly stealing a large amount of gold bullion and moving it to the American Southwest. Peerless demonstrates that Holmdahl and Noss likely spent time together and camouflaged their caper by associating the stolen gold with SW treasure legends.

3. "I may not have the answer to that specific question, at least not all of the answer but, I do know quite a lot. My Dad is Tony Jolley, and even though I was just a small boy when most of this took place, I was there on one trip with my dad when he and another man slipped into the peak and poked around. I never got to go into the mountain with them but I was there when they came out. They had a few things, some old coins, a couple other trinkets but the most interesting thing they had was an old map. This they took and we left the site. My dad told me stories of the time he and Doc buried lots of gold bars and that he had returned a couple times to look for them. They didn't have the equipment we have today and time plays a funny trick on ones mind. He found some bars but not many. I don't think there are any left now, might be though it would be nearly impossible to gain access. I remember we walked a long way in the dark.

I have always wanted to find out more but I think that with what I know, There isn't any real treasure, especially in the mountain anymore. I have turned my interest to where it all originated and that is not going to be easy either.

Sorry it took me a while to get back to you. What I was referring to is the area in Mexico where Padre LaRue came from before his trek to New Mexico. We went there once many years ago and spent about a week poking around. It drew a lot of suspicion so we packed up and headed home. We found what we believe to be a catacomb burial site. Lots of very interesting items including a stone statues. Its very remote area not easily accessed and another time we went back we were shot at and federales made life pretty uncomfortable for a day or two. With all the drug cartel stuff now, I don't want to even try."

( Posts #1&3, by majolle)

The poster, who claims to be Tony Jolley's son, claims, "there isn't any real treasure" at VP, and has instead focused on the treasure's origin: Mexico. This may corroborate Peerless67's allegations above.

4. "There were NO "airmen' stationed at White Sands in the 50's !! Navy yes--but no Air force ! I was stationed there in the mid 50's---------airmen from nearby Holloman AFB at Alamogordo sneaked into WSPG in 1958 ( Fiegge, Berlett, Wessel, & Prather ) and found a Noss stash----------I am Martian Monster"

( Post #7, by martian Monster)

Martian Monster is Dr. Oren Swearigen, who clearly states that the Fiege discovery was bars put in the cave by Noss himself.

5. "We were never able to explore the possibility of the bones being human because that occurred on friday and the gate was locked to us on saturday .... However, we have since learned who stole the gold and when and how it was done---and we are doing a book giving the details---which is finished and searching for a publisher----I have one of the bone fragments but have not been able to afford having a DNA test run on it - Post 6, by Martian Monster

Ever find out about this bone fragment?? Post 14, by lostcauses

No, since we were locked out forever, whats the use ??
Post 15, by Martian Monster


It appears that Swearigen did not wish to test the bones because he may have known they were animal bones, a common discovery in caves. Proving them human bones would have greatly strengthened the Noss claims, but it was decided not to attempt it. Too risky?

The implications of these posts is that the VP treasure legends are not at all what we have been led to believe. The Holmdahl/Noss connection, and Holmdahl himself, are certainly worth more looking into. Swearingen appears to have "stepped in it" twice.

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It appears that Swearigen did not wish to test the bones because he may have known they were animal bones, a common discovery in caves. proving them human bones would have greatly strengthened the Noss claims, but it was decided not to attempt it. Too risky?

That's an assumption. By the 1990s, Oren was already 63 (when Goldfinder happened in 1992). By the date of that thread, he was in his late seventies. it wouldn't get him any notoriety or money. Couldn't get him closer to any gold. No reason to spend the money to me. If I was wealthy, maybe (just to find out). I ask you, if you had this fragment, would you come out of pocket a couple thousand dollars to have DNA Testing done? I honestly can't think of a good reason to do it. Any of the three possible outcomes: (1. Not human 2. Human 3. Not able to get DNA) make no difference with regards to the treasure.

Thanks for the post, because I completely missed the one from Tony Jolley's Son.


That's an assumption. By the 1990s, Oren was already 63 (when Goldfinder happened in 1992). By the date of that thread, he was in his late seventies. it wouldn't get him any notoriety or money. Couldn't get him closer to any gold. No reason to spend the money to me. If I was wealthy, maybe (just to find out). I ask you, if you had this fragment, would you come out of pocket a couple thousand dollars to have DNA Testing done? I honestly can't think of a good reason to do it. Any of the three possible outcomes: (1. Not human 2. Human 3. Not able to get DNA) make no difference with regards to the treasure.

Thanks for the post, because I completely missed the one from Tony Jolley's Son.


You raise a valid question, and to me there is an equally plausible answer. Dr. Swearigen had been involved in the VP story since 1954 and had in his hands an opportunity to substantially validate one of the more controversial parts of the Noss tale, the alleged presence of human skeletons in the chambers. For a man who spent 40 years of his life believing the tale, it seems like a no-brainer that he would shore up those beliefs with forensic evidence.

I do see your side, but I keep putting myself in that situation. Unless I have a whole bunch of cash to spare (or unless I can get some college or lab to goodwill it), I don't think I would drop that kind of money just to prove something I already believe. If it were to pay for a NASA Satellite IR Pic that might prove a large metal mass underground, I would spring for the bill. I can't get myself to justify spending that money on something that would have no real benefit to me personally.

But, not being inside Oren's head, I can't say that your assumption is wrong. I really think it was probably a combination of age and $$$ why he didn't have the bone tested.


hi mike and Sdcfia , sorry to interrupt here , but i have a none related treasure question for you two. can you guys read anything past page 39/post number 585 on the doc noss thread ? my counter says there are now 600 post there , and i even tried to make a test post to the page last night , but i am unable to get page 40 to load . i cleared all the cookies and stuff but whatever is written on page 40 of that thread is invisible to me .this brings back memories of those disappearing posts we use to get back on the old ALT forum. people pressing buttons? server issues ? any one else having trouble or is it just me?

??? I don't have any problems, it loads for me just fine :dontknow:

thank you for that information, i still cant read it . not the first time i have had issue on the forums . guess ill try a different device or something . last thing i can see is the bee mutation , that made me laugh by the way.:thumbsup:

It works fine for me too.

well you just made a post there and a page 41 came up that i can read , but no matter what i do i am having no luck loading page 40 . i can read # 585 then there is a blank until # 601 . its just plain weird. in answer to another question you asked me a few months back at another place if things were fine there or not i really have no idea . maybe i got the malware or something going on , i hope that's not like the clap cause that would be very bad :laughing9:

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