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For this post , I made this sketch just now , of King Solomons Strike Mark .
This if you spin it and take the Stem off , does it look like the Omega ?
On your Maps , some have that Omega , and regardless of other interpretations , This is the Kings Strike at His mines
and Storage sites .
The search for the Holy Grail story , is not a search for a Actual Chalice
The search was for Ophir Treasure Deposit's where the GRAIL CUP strike3 Mark of King Solomon
was carved to Mark the Ophir Treasure Vaults
The Templar Secrets .
Understand ?
The expedition was focused at finding these Chalices Carved where the Vaults were located .
Solomon's Strike Mark represents The Royal Cup of the Davidic Bloodline
you seek carved on stone and bluffs
the permanently carved strikemark
The Strike Mark of King Solomon is not the " Star of David , nor is it the Bloodline's , The Star of David was created by a 17th
century Rabi .
Minus the stem , the strike mark was carved at all sites that held a Vault of the Two Kings Treasure .
The search for thew Holy Grail , as I said , was not for the Cup that Jesus Drank from at the last supper .
it was for this strike mark at various sites in this Hemisphere now known as The Americas .
After some thought a few years back ,, I decided to reveal what the Davidic Royal Strike Mar looked like .
This is Family Knowledge passed down through my Linage .
No Brag .
The first nine Knights were actively seeking to recover their Family Linage "Knowledge "
from , what until then ,
had been Hostile held territory .
To my knowledge , the strike mark had not been revealed to the General Population .
Until I released it back in the late 1990's or so .
It was a very closely guarded secret , not only by us , but the Vatican as well
who also for near 1700 years sought the Gold of Ophir via finding the strikemarks,
The Vatican have no rights to anything Davidic .
Deemed a Threat By the Royals who sit falsely upon the thrones
as well as the Imposter Church of the Vatican's creation ,
The Templars with their evidence could bring down both Church and State .
Ergo the persection of the 14th century , and the Roasting of DuLemay
I believe it was " Family Hunter " that posited the query : " Does the Gov't hassle all treasure hunters or just those
who seek at whitesands "
Now you have a hint
The truth is very powerful
Evidence it , and the Dominoes just might topple from under Those that hold power over others
by False Foundation .
Give it a Think for a bit .
Enslavement of your mind , your body , and your soul ?
You may wish to trust your soul to Romans
I choose my own WILL and trust nothing that wreaks power down on people like Acid Rain .