Have you heard of how Orlando dealt with increase in rapes in 1966?
You can't rape a .38 . . .
Gun control
January 21, 2013
By: Lawrence Wood
When it is too late to run . . .
When it is too late to run . . .
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Women are prime targets for the criminal. The admonitions of equality with men in almost every category by the feminist movement without standing, rape statistics demonstrate that women are prey for certain types of men with serious mental issues. Yet, the majority of women between 18 and 26 voted for President Obama. They voted for a president who does not believe that one should even use a firearm in defense of one’s own life and family within one’s own house.
In 2004, as an Illinois State Senator, he voted in opposition to a bill that would have granted an exception to the handgun ban that would have allowed one to use a firearm in defense of one’s life in one’s own home. President Obama believes that none have the right to self-defense with a firearm, even in defense of one’s life and family in one’s own home.
Yet, this president alleges that he fully supports the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. His history says otherwise. In fact, it certainly appears from his legislative and ideological history that he is more than willing to allow the rape and murder of the victim so long as the victim does not resist the felon by any attempt at self-defense with a firearm.
The liberal left has always believed that one should never oppose a criminal, that one should always retreat, locking one’s self away if possible, or to just try to survive the assault if it was not possible to get away. That is your duty as a ‘good’ citizen. After all, the criminal is a product of their upbringing and society must suffer those it produces. ‘Collateral’ damage is acceptable to the liberal, so long as the ideal is the goal. In this case, an America without firearms.
Further, the liberal believes that somehow simply putting an admonition into law immediately results in that outlawed activity ending. As if the idea of an ‘assault’ weapons ‘ban’ will accomplish anything that would save one child’s life? Of course, these same liberals are hypocrites, as their imperative in killing the unborn has resulted in the deaths of an estimated 55 MILLION Americans as a result of abortions.
The idea of rape is abhorrent to any sane, rational individual. To the liberal, given their outlook with respect to the criminal having greater rights than the victim, rape is unfortunate, but, usually survivable. It is not unexpected that there must be casualties in the progressive struggle to spread the ideology of change.
Our children are conditioned to believe that violence is abhorrent, and that civilized people respect each other's rights without violence. That one is not responsible for their actions or conduct. And, little boys should not be boys, but drugged into compliance. After all, little girls don’t act ‘that way’.
To that end, the National Education Association and the American Federal of Teachers have continually opposed any firearms in a school, including those of police and armed guards. Fortunately, saner minds have prevailed in those school districts with armed guards or police already in the schools. Belatedly, the Newtown school district has decided that armed police in the schools indefinitely may protect the children, where rhetoric and specious law and policy have failed.
In the 1960s, the city of Orlando Florida had a serious problem. 33 rapes had occurred within 9 months. A decision had to be made for the safety of the citizens. The police admitted that they were too few and far between to be of any impact. The Orlando Sun-Sentinel newspaper and the Orlando Police Department came up with a novel solution.
In 1966, self-defense firearms training was offered to the women of Orlando by the Orlando Police Department. 6,000 women took the offered training, which was well publicized by the Orlando Sun-Sentinel. Decals were given to those who completed the firearms course and placed on home windows. There was an 88% reduction in rape in the first year after the start of the firearms training program. Yet, the incidence of rape did not decrease in surrounding Florida cities. The only change was Orlando’s firearms training program for women.
Similar firearms training programs conducted in Highland Park, MI and New Orleans, LA resulted in drops in the rate of armed robbery. When Kennesaw, GA required its citizens to maintain a firearm in each household, burglaries dropped 89% during the seven months after the law passed, as compared with the same period the previous year."
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You can't rape a .38 . . . - Anchorage Alaska Gubernatorial | Examiner.com