Here's the backfilled mine it points at. The placed burnt out a few years back and cleared all the poison ivy and brush that was hiding it. It doesn't look backfilled , but it is, the hole part is just a cut out or overhang. Alot of other nearby marker things, but the main thing was the trench up to it that you want to look for.View attachment 1506561View attachment 1506562

In the second photo, with the entrance, there is a large flat faced stone, in the upper left corner.

Is that a large monument of a horse traveling down a steep hill??

I figured that you were deliberately including it in the shot.


Oh, that's likely a giant heart as well as a giant fox head with nose downhill. It's a little abstract. It stands out better as one or the other depending upon the view angle. The whole fox is best seen from the side view pic in (2nd one in post 998 ) that shows the trench going up slope, but it's still a bit abstract.

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Another interesting thing on the fox here. When you look up towards the mine from the trail from a certain spot, you see an outcrop that looks like a huge fox tail sticking out of the ridge line just below the mine. But the fox tail points away from the mine. If you gave the fox tail outcrop a body and head, the head would be in the mine opening.

Your on to something,i believe anyways. Out my way,its when i do find a moss type set, i know iam on to something good. To me, its secret stuff that i dont tell in public.

[emoji240] we may know the same stuff?!?

(The last time that my phone showed that image of the “dog”, I automatically hit the comma key... an unfortunate punctuation!)

I didn’t notice it till later the next morning.

I’ll send you a pm.


Which hole? circle it, not sure which you are looking at. The main pointer is the big giant boulder in the foreground and the yellow line goes to the mine, it's all the same boulder I posted that was propped up.. The side spots are the red lines, the red line to the left points towards a cap type rock with a wedge hoyo under it but I haven't followed that one out to anything yet.

Edit: the shadow part in front of the foreground boulder is an elongated heart cleft , I think that's what you speaking of. it's also wedge shaped as well and points straight up the yellow line.

The square is where the sun goes through the stone.....

The circle [emoji778]️ is around the only holes that I see in the area...

They still look like the eyes [emoji102] of an owl 🦉 with it’s head twisted, like a clock face, clockwise three hours. With its body pointed at the camera.
One of the meanings of an owl is
272 degrees (West)



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Quinoa, yes I did understand your big pointer stone.
All of your photos were well explained, and easy to see when zoomed in to as well.

Excellent work, detecting and documenting.

Does the boulder above the mine entrance pose any hazards??


Is that a lightening bolt??!??

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You''ll see a lot of abstract imagery on these boulders, occasionally they are telling you something, such stand here, or look from here, or look over there, follow this line, etc. As well as Owls and bats and skulls and faces and geometric shapes. That sun light patch on the left side of the pointer boulder you talking about is just a fern sticking up out of the shadow catching the sunlight.

The outcrop just above the entrance is more or less tombstone shaped, it mainly means something's buried, but that tombstone shape comes from Egyptian and Greek Stelae, or information stones about what's in the area or what happened in an area, etc. I don't know if it's trapped, it probably is, but just deadfall type stuff I imagine, maybe even the tombstone slides down, which it seems kind of ominously cut out around the edges when get up close to it.
Here's a link on stelae

I had another pointer boulder further up the trail that I didn't get a chance follow out, but it had a wavy edgeline on the side of it and it was pointing up a small canyon with smaller finger canyons coming in from the sides. It pointed towards some big boulders on the ridgline of the first side draw. So I'll take a wild guess in that the wavy edge of it says to go around a corner or two of side draws coming in. I have a picture of it I'll show, but I should really follow it out first.20170901_114030 Pointer along trail.webp My hand or something got in the way of the picture a little it looks like. This one is right off the main trail as well. I was standing in the trail basically when I took it.

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I can see the fern, now that I know what it is!!
Little phone/old eyes [emoji102]...

That pointer is a good eye catcher.

Thanks for sharing.


Sometimes I just find things in unexpected places.
This got shuffled into the wrong pile of papers...



If this newspaper clip is correct, it appears that no matter whom it was that led the expedition, that the Osage Indians were the ones that were here when the work was done. The amount of work that was done designing the signs and symbols, for the most part follow the Spanish code. i have found nothing that refers to the French as the workers of any mining operation.

I will continue to pursue records among the hundreds of books at the Historical and Genealogical collection, just to be sure.

So many of the clues that we have followed over the years, have been defaced with hammers picks and bullets and even large equipment, shortly after they have been discovered and documented, that we both feel unwelcome there, but they will forever be in our minds as they still pull at our heartstrings.


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Does any one know what a bear monument the size of this one would have meant four or five centuries ago. The squirrel on his shoulder can demonstrate the bear's size.

There may be something on the triangle shaped stone, that helps. I didn't take the photo, but I am fairly sure that i know where it is.

I have posted this before, but it got shuffled to the bottom with very little input.

I'm going to try to go out to see it, personally, but i would like to get a few ideas to apply to this piece of work, and I'll try to get a better pic of it.

Weekender may have rubbed off on me enough that I can get a descent shot with my camera.....


The bear is going to mean "den" or "womb of the earth". But the triangular rocks nearby these large boulders can have several meanings. I'll give 3.

The large boulder it's leaning on is part of a triangle.
The triangular rock points at a part of the boulder/monument to use , i.e, sight thru, sight from , line up, etc., like a notch or "V" or hoyo or something to look thru.
The triangular rock points to a nearby spot on the ground.

Ok, well, 2 more :

If the triangular rock is a "leaner rock", the hoyo created by it (air space) next to the boulder points an immediate direction to take.
The triangular rock represents something pointing, and the large bear boulder next to it points when you stand behind it.

I think I've seen examples of each one coming into play in the field. I have also seen them placed right beside places along a cliff where you put your head up to spot in the cliff and look thru a hidden hoyo. There isn't really a specific all encompassing way to use things, it's more general and site specific, but you get the idea of some of the ways. I 've seen several large Triangular rocks I haven't figured out yet as well.

It seems mainly they mean to line something up.

Thanks Quinoa. Good intel. The bear has been there for a longtime, i'm not sure if it is in its original spot.
the land belonged to a retired senator and now it belongs to a son or grandson. His wife was a librarian and retired. i'm trying to get her interested in the signs.
she is my best bet, but i want to have a plan in hand when i go...

i am sure that it points south and points to a creek, and that same creek flows in the background along a bluff. lots of twists and turns...
i have picked up a little gold dust over the years in the area that the bear points. and caught a few bass there too.

i have to wonder if the old senator had it hauled there and set it , and the trees behind it have been started to make it a better story.... i won't know till i try.

i'll try to catch her in town. she stays pretty busy. I worked for her father several years ago and she knows me,,,, that always helps, a little.

i appreciate the help, buddy!

Many bear profiles are likely pigs. More of a prosperity symbol, but the womb as well. They can be close in, but again it's just site specific. They used the pig image alot where I am at, possibly Celtic origins, but that's just a guess.

Also I think I mentioned before about that forked tree nearby. They seem to be growing near many of the important markers.

Sometimes the trees or boulders say what to look for, like another forked tree further out. Sometimes you line them up, like a slingshot tree with another single trunk tree. I have seen forked trees right near old mines, as well as on cache sites. But you would have to figure out how the person that planted it was using it. Sometimes they just draw you over to the site and then you see a bunch of other markers to figure out. The "y" shape is related to Ayin, or the "eye" and says to look here or from here. It represents the "all seeing eye" but as a Hebrew letter.

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Many bear profiles are likely pigs. More of a prosperity symbol, but the womb as well. They can be close in, but again it's just site specific. They used the pig image alot where I am at, possibly Celtic origins, but that's just a guess.

Also I think I mentioned before about that forked tree nearby. They seem to be growing near many of the important markers.

Sometimes the trees or boulders say what to look for, like another forked tree further out. Sometimes you line them up, like a slingshot tree with another single trunk tree. I have seen forked trees right near old mines, as well as on cache sites. But you would have to figure out how the person that planted it was using it. Sometimes they just draw you over to the site and then you see a bunch of other markers to figure out. The "y" shape is related to Ayin, or the "eye" and says to look here or from here. It represents the "all seeing eye" but as a Hebrew letter.

Thanks again, QUINOA. I am looking forward to putting my hands on that stone...


ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1509175254.168124.webpImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1509175285.668609.webpImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1509175321.155836.webpDoes anyone know exactly what this is?

It has leather piece that snaps in place in the center hole but just looks like something else is missing..

It looks to be hand hammered, even the cutting edge....

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Error .... Just keep looking, It;s fixed, somewhere along the way...........

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Fix attempt!!??!!??

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I know that it is only Halloween time, right now and that we are still a month away from Thanksgiving, but today I am thankful for something that others probably have and don't even think about.

There is a silent majority here on TNET that, because of your silence, often get ignored. You are those silent readers that almost leave no footprint, other than TNET Keeps up with the count.

So, today, I want to acknowledge YOU! Today, as I checked This thread, on my computer rather than my phone, I saw something that I have been Silently watching, the silent count of views to this thread was 100,112!!!

That is something that I mentioned a while back, that I thought could happen before I went to a publisher. I didn't expect it so soon.

So, for me, today is a Thanksgiving Day, To YOU for showing interest in the work and the nonsense that I, and others have posted here.

You really are APPRECIATED for your interest and those that have helped me along the way, with your posts, thoughts, ideas and challenges that have pushed my mind to open up to things that I had never dremt possible, THANK YOU!




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