It’s probably just a matter of the holes that are written into history books.
Timelines don’t add up....

Feels like I’m chasing my own tail.


Local written history, predates the code breaker.....

I just cannot connect all of the dots!?!


It’s probably just a matter of the holes that are written into history books.
Timelines don’t add up....

Feels like I’m chasing my own tail.

View attachment 1511937

Local written history, predates the code breaker.....

I just cannot connect all of the dots!?!


I think we are in the middle of many generations
of history in those mountains, nothing fits where it should.
Write the story how it feels, take everyone along the trails we walked,
show them some of things we have seen. I understand the historically correct part,
But, written history can't explain some of the things you/I have seen. I say trust
your instincts, the tale will tell itself.

I think we are in the middle of many generations
of history in those mountains, nothing fits where it should.
Write the story how it feels, take everyone along the trails we walked,
show them some of things we have seen. I understand the historically correct part,
But, written history can't explain some of the things you/I have seen. I say trust
your instincts, the tale will tell itself.

Thanks Weekender. Just trying to align our history with written records from the local Historical Society records. I need to go there when Joy is there. She has a site close to ours.
She may be able to confirm our timeline with her's. For now, I'm checking for Latin transcripts that match the code breaker.
No more working my way into corner........



This is close enough to allow a little sleep, for now. This jumped out of a page of images of sixteenth century Latin number Images. The 2 and 3 lend themselves to the coded stone from the stone bluff on the first part of this search......

Jesuits would have been educated in Latin among many other languages.

So this lends credence to the dates on record.
The work on that mountain (IMHO) are, Spanish influenced, Jesuit markings, and the time frame is in tact!!!!!!!!!

I am HAPPY and sleepy. time for bed.


Just a gut feeling but sextons were pretty big back in that day for navigation purposes... I'd start there.

Edit: 69 pages later...

The first picture in this thread is delineating a W / SW heading and I'm sure they logged the angle since as you know... even the slightest miscalculation becomes exponentially greater with increased distance.

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Thanks Golden _Crab.
We tried turning the readings 90* ccw
But found nothing.

Everything that was discovered, has been buried or built by following the direction N by NW , then by following the smaller lines that pointed to “Mike’s vault “, and the owls. They in turn led us to the hallway and the latest mysteries.

There are over twenty interlocking conformation signs that have kept us sure of the direction.

Please keep reading. Everything that was found isn’t posted, but everything that is posted leads us back to that line.

I like the way you think, it does follow traditional trick signs to throw followers off the trail, but we believe, with all that we have found, that we are on the correct heading.

There are more photos of Galileo’s tool. It was much more than is visible in the one photo.

Dating the tool and the site, came together, early this morning when I finally found a few references to the continuity of the use of Latin numbers and letters, over time (Centuries).

That locked everything together for the first time in my research.

I’m glad I didn’t give in to exhaustion.
I slept better than I have in months.

Thanks for joining in.



Just last night, I saw this face looking back at me....

And it didn’t take me ten years, this time!!!


That’s what I told Weekender!!

If you get too close, it looks like a profile of a skull [emoji88], looking towards the right side of the screen!!?!!

Looks like the skull bluff on the other end of the valley...

I need to stop looking at it.....?


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Yesterday, I noticed a man sitting in his car, next to my truck. He was wearing a ball cap that had “Veteran” written on it.

I walked around to his window and tapped. He rolled his window down and I told him that I noticed that he was a Veteran, and asked where he served.

He pulled his cap off and showed me the front and said “ Vietnam, retired thirty years.”

I shook his hand and I told him, Thank you, and more importantly, Welcome home.

He looked at the cap for a moment and said, “First one of those I ever got.” Then he drove away.

I hope he was talking about the cap.

Thank you and Welcome home, to all of our Veterans. I hope today has revived good memories for you and of you.

And God bless those, that didn’t make it home.

DSCN2763 (2).webp

This bird was not the original focus of the picture. So I hope that you can see thru the two trees that stand in front of it.

This is the better of two photos, that captured the bird's true shape. The fact of the matter is, that until I noticed that Orangeman had a marker in this same size and shape, I failed to see the value of it. Our site and Orangeman's site have several similarities.

Had Maverick 1, not posted the value of the bird symbol, on Orangeman's post, I might have completely missed it.

Weekender and I didn't really notice it, as we moved on from there to the hallway and the other marvels that followed.....
We were on a mission that day, to find the monolith. We were moving from trees to rocks and not wasting much time by looking back..... BIG MISTAKE!

By enlarging the first generation of this photo, I found several of the things that Maverick 1 had posted, about what it meant and how to follow it. Following his directions in my mind sent me in the direction that two other signs were directing us.

There is much to learn by slowing down and looking at any large monument, and this fell on my plate. Tastes a little like crow.....
It was my idea to move as fast as I could hold up to, which wasn't all that fast, but still rushing my mind is just like rushing my body. Sooner or later, I crash.

Zooming in on this, cropped photo, has the best info, but also blurs the image. This is probably the best that I could get it. It starts turning into pixels and smudges shortly after this.

Had we slowed down, we might have noticed more details and a better closeup.

It is certainly worthy of the time that it would have taken.

Learn from my mistakes. Goodness knows I have made enough of them, to write a book!


People can’t see it all mikel. Seems like there’s always something that gets missed. Another set of eyes do help. Good find nonetheless.

What I find real interesting is the common signs we have. It really does make me wonder if the same group was in both places.

Seems like there is a road, between us, that got buried somewhere in time.

Too much in common to be coincidence!?!

Seems like there is a road, between us, that got buried somewhere in time.

Too much in common to be coincidence!?!

Hi Mikel, how are you Sir? You made me stretch my mouth from ear to ear, with your crow-plate dish joke,….my tummy still hurts and I’m just clipping my last stitch on the right side lip. Too funny…lolx20
The “coincidence” however, it’s not funny. It’s REAL. You’re right in saying ‘Too Many coincidences’ will make you look more careful and “see” the things you overlooked, as being ….REAL. (it works in real life too, right?)
It is obvious that your site and O-man’s site is from the “same time period”, even if we will never know if the “same group” was responsible for both. Unless, we paint with a wider brush,…and call them the Spaniards. And, of course we know they had many teams or groups under different types of organization methods, specific to their task and location, under a variety of Church and military leadership. It wasn’t easy to run an Empire at random, without proper organization,…thus the need for experienced Leaders of such ‘teams’, which will be known and act as “The Decision Makers” of such endeavor.
They had the same ‘rules’ to abide by, and the same ‘lingo’ in markings and symbols, but the ‘use’ of such commonality was up to the “decision Maker” of the individual site.
That is why we have so many ‘similar’ yet different sites scattered all over the mountain, the county, the state, the region, the entire country………and the world. EMPIRE,….remember. (the first of its kind where the Sun never sets)
What helps somewhat, is to try to establish (roughly) to time period of the “lingo”, and such to evaluate the meaning(s) of the message.
There are many other little factors in that algorithm,…that add up to a few other variables, such as ‘human nature’ at that place-at that time, which is not easy to forsee, but you can try by walking in their shoes/boots on the same trail/path they once did, and try to think like they did (in their time).
That will require a lot of boots on the ground, patience and time to brainstorm. (years of fun, lol)
Another thing worth mentioning is, that once the ‘time period’ is changed to a more recent, or modern period, or vandalism and other ‘interventions’ occur over the original message, that will only add up to the confusion. Unfortunately, there are less and less virgin sites left.

As to your (sleeping) Bird, that is one of the few virgin, most beautiful sites I have seen in a long time. No wonder you missed it the first time, and luckily others have, too.
It’s almost too good to be true, way around. The moss and lichen that protected it all these years from unfriendly eyes, it also makes it Unreadable at this stage, from the picture as shown.
However, judging based on the size, it appears to be very close to “something important”. Much more closer than O-man’s directional Bird. Your bird is “there”, comfy, or sleeping. I bet it has a trove of information under that green coat, all around the body and up & down.
There’s also that overhang to the left of it, full of messaging,….and some of it is visible on the dry surface under the ledge, that was protected from the elements. It looks like a nice little entrance unto something “interesting” to visit, someday. You got all the important signs on the rock arrangement to the left, to warrant a closer look and a good clean up of the site. Lol. You must go back someday and spend some quality time in nature around that location. Lol. (bring a flashlight too)
Beautiful, just beautiful. Congrats.

Hello, Maverick 1. There are no short answers here. One brief answer as to situations... I have eaten more than my share of crow!!!!

As for boots on the ground, fourteen years has stockpiled a lot of research.

I’ll not send you to go through the entire thread, but I will work up a quick reference list that will save your eyes. Hang in there till I get it back to you. There are several posts that are off subject that I’ll avoid.

Lots of photos = less [emoji433] reading.

I’ll try to get it done tonight.....


Hello, Maverick 1. There are no short answers here. One brief answer as to situations... I have eaten more than my share of crow!!!!

As for boots on the ground, fourteen years has stockpiled a lot of research.

I’ll not send you to go through the entire thread, but I will work up a quick reference list that will save your eyes. Hang in there till I get it back to you. There are several posts that are off subject that I’ll avoid.

Lots of photos = less [emoji433] reading.

I’ll try to get it done tonight.....


There's no need for emergency responding, as I'm sure it will be worthwhile whenever that will be possible. On top of that,..I'm not always blessed with continuous internet connection, to be able to reciprocate in time. Boots on the ground thing, it's more of a luxury as we grow older, as long as we have 'mostly' if not totally answered our own questions and we can keep that 'haunting' personal drive in check.
Keeping the spirit of joking alive, I suppose it's OK to congratulate you on your choice of well cooked ......? lol. Mine should be Raven, well done. lol. (Got to make sure again that we're only joking here,...not exploring new menu)lol again. Regards

p.s. I'll try to go through your thread as much as I can

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Figuratively eaten much crow, myself.

My oldest son, while stationed in Iraq, became comfortable with buying chicken that was cooked in an outdoor market place. At one point had noticed that the chicken had been a little bit thin, and then had returned to its normal consistency.

He asked the vendor about the change, to which the vendor explained that a shipment of chicken had been lost in an accident, and he had to replace it with crows.

Apparently this was the acceptable replacement for chicken [emoji215] !!

I will still try to get that list up for you, as early as I can. If I don’t have a time frame on it, I might not get it done.


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