The whole boulder is a bat head with a longer nose and small open mouth under neath it, and probably has other images on it ( I see the duck head DTTH pointed out as well as the head on the back of it), but really it's all just a giant wedge pointer. That should point directly at a mine, stand right behind it (on the right side) and site down it (towards the left), it shouldn't be that far away (like maybe about 230 feet or closer, but could be several hundred feet). Another way to pinpoint it would be to keep following the trail around and find another pointing type thing and then follow it until you cross that other line, there's usually more than one far away pointer near a trail if it is still standing.

Also if the its pointing at a mine, there is a possibility another direction off it will line up towards a very old cache spot that could still be intact.

The bat just means an underground location, and can be a large vault or mine, it can also be related to Persephone, Queen of the underword. They can be anywhere from a foot across to over a hundred feet across. Sometimes the wings say where to go, sometimes they look or face the the place to go, sometimes when they are gigantic, like a hundred feet across or more they can hover above the site.

I had to think about it for a bit , but I'm pretty sure the shadowy face/human head looking down and right, on the right side of the boulder DttH pointed out is looking at a place you are supposed to stand to look down the wedge as I stated before on how to mainly use the boulder. Faces often give you places to stand or look from, or sight thru or over.

Man, with no more information (bits, bytes, pixels, etc.) than contained in an image that small, I don't know where you guys are finding those things.

All I see is what looks like the silhouette of a raptor (eagle maybe) head on the left side of the stone, and what looks like a sideways bell. Tried bringing out a bit more detail, but not possible for me.

I could always use some pointers about bringing out detail since I sometimes work with surveillance images ... but I've never had much success with "hallucinating photos" (a legitimate term for a process of pulling extreme details from surveillance photos/videos).

sometimes I have found that it may be a trail marker that goes both ways or if its really flat on top and it has been worked it could be a Royal Trail, because of the angle it may indicate indicate added distance

The reason for the duck at these sites is the heiroglyph meaning, which is "Pharoah"or "Son". It just portrays importance, or worthiness.
The big wedge boulders like that are pretty rare, but they do point right at the mines. Some as close as 55-60 feet , but more commonly further out like 180 -500 or so. But you will likely find it without too much effort, just stay a straight line and look for something caved in, slid over or backfilled in a small gulch/wash.

Its a Duck head, with 2 diamonds,lower diamond has a heart in it. Has a infinity 8, among other things. It should be close.View attachment 1505465

[emoji240], there are a few things that I have noticed since the big picture was posted...

With a sizable workforce, that big rock could be spun around and off
Of the pile, then remove the bottom center rocks to look [emoji102] for a pozo.

It just looks like a big bowl with all of those large mossy rocks in a circle [emoji778]️.


Gotta wonder how come there’s no moss on the big rock!?!?

I don’t remember moss on any of the pointers....

I’ll check that out, to be sure.

Iam sure there a lot on there that would show with different lighting. There very well could be something under that big rock. It sure would make a solid door.

It's propped to stand out from the surroundings. When you stand behind and site down it, it will be more or less wedge shaped on top and point right at the mine. Just like this one did. P1020816 mine pointer 1.webp
this one pointed up hill and to left and was placed no more than 10 feet off the side of the trail. About 240 feet to the mine. Notice how it's propped up.

Also they will put caches in close by the trails and often somewhere near these type of markers, maybe a 100 or so feet off but along side the trail. So these markers will come in to play again, but they won't usually point right at the caches, maybe just a compass bearing from them to a spot, They are strategically placed to find both mines and caches, but they were used for mines as the primary target to which they point. The shadow bat on the side of your boulder with wings may have something to do with a closer cache, not really sure.

Okay, I've been thru better than a hundred photos, going back 14 years.... 90% of the larger rocks that are the most importance
are 90% clear of moss, while all around them are almost entirely covered in moss......

Odd that I had not noticed that before. A few of them showed signs with moss in the carvings, only. ...

The last two really big monuments, seemed to use moss in very specific areas, then over time it got a little out of hand, with no one to care for it.

"Curiouser and curiouser still"


Hello Mikel, Did you raise the end of the boulder or is that the way you found it, I have been working on trying to use the degrees such as a bow arrow will have a longer distance when it has a slight ( 5 degrees to 45 degrees ) angle and the flat top / sides may indicate a Royal Trail, I have seen 2 --16 inch across drill hole with a flat bottom which it took me about 2 years to work out and it was a royal trail, both was on the same trail, that's why I act so goofy and slober a lot, kinda like a dog with rabies, I Don't go in the woods any more, just look at pictures and still got memories.

Nope. It would take a dozen, maybe even two dozen men, young and strong [emoji123] to move the end of the big one.
All of the bent trees led us to those big rocks, and the stones led to more trees and more rocks.... The last one led us to that hallway made of stone.

I say “us”, only because Weekender waited for me to catch up!

We would get our direction from one and mostly see where to go... that part of that trip was an attempt to find that monolith that I failed to photograph, some fourteen years ago, when me and my first partner saw it, and he told me that it was made in modern times!!

I was too wet behind the [emoji101] to know better so I walked away, only to have it haunt me, probably for the rest of my life!

We were moving as fast as I could move when we found that hallway and the wonders that we saw there.

It looked to me to be a place fit for royalty, there is more about that in the book [emoji433].

I’ve been working on all of the add ons and struggling with the title and book cover. I hate the thought that I may have to trust a graphic designer with things that might get out of hand, so I’ll struggle a bit longer with it.

I gotta go find the coffee [emoji477]️ pot, and get my brain started.


Gotta wonder how come there’s no moss on the big rock!?!?

I don’t remember moss on any of the pointers....

I’ll check that out, to be sure.

Your on to something,i believe anyways. Out my way,its when i do find a moss type set, i know iam on to something good. To me, its secret stuff that i dont tell in public.

Do you have a picture sighting down the topside of the boulder? It may give a clue to the caches off to the side. The boulder I posted actually does that , the line off to the right is near a marked out spot, the line to the left just hits a marker as far as I know. But again some don't, they just point straight out.
P1020863 mine pointer and cache markers off to sides.webp

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Here's the backfilled mine it points at. The placed burnt out a few years back and cleared all the poison ivy and brush that was hiding it. It doesn't look backfilled , but it is, the hole part is just a cut out or overhang. Alot of other nearby marker things, but the main thing was the trench up to it that you want to look for.20170817_113609 mine.webp20170817_113629 trench to mine.webp

Here's a shaft sign/square notch just above and to the right of the mine. There were some big markers there. It was the main mine at one time.shaft sign above mine.webp

I didn't get to spend a lot of time there, but found the mine in like less than an hour from the markers, and spent a day or two messing around . Just a bad year for me to be out the field so far (spare time wise). But you can go to the mines pretty quick sometimes and that is how they were meant to be found if you know what to look for. And now you do, somewhat.

I still stress that people should really read Sandy1's thread a couple times, you will pick up on some of the marker stuff that can be found near any of these type spots, mines included. It's all related to marker type stuff and many things used again and again. There's an A-frame or pyramid stone here as well near the trail, and Large "X" rocks in the area on the trail in and coming down to it from further up the canyon and they all are strategically placed. And there's probably a big old cache spot here somewhere close which I may have found already. He wasn't making this stuff up. It's the same stuff I am following and have been for several years and it's not in any books or been discussed much before.

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Do you have a picture sighting down the topside of the boulder? It may give a clue to the caches off to the side. The boulder I posted actually does that , the line off to the right is near a marked out spot, the line to the left just hits a marker as far as I know. But again some don't, they just point straight out.
View attachment 1506525

Pretty sure I don't have a picture sighting down the boulder.
We were chasing daylight and I was uphill towards the passage
we found. But, from what I remember about the direction you have
pointed out, there is a ravine and a low spot back thataway!
I'll need to check with Mikel and we'll get back with you!

Here. One more pointer to the mine from the trail ( a leaner rock making a pointer wedge hoyo about 180 feet away from the mine) , and a side view of the trench to the mine. Hope it helps a little. The giant rock outcrop above the mine is probably supposed to be an abstract fox crouching down, but every site will be different. The trenches leading up to the mine entrances are harder to hide, I have a trench leading to a covered spot on a mining claim I own near some markers that I am waiting to mess with when I get a year that the fires don't close the area down.

P1020850.webp P1020844 side view.webp

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Do you have a picture sighting down the topside of the boulder? It may give a clue to the caches off to the side. The boulder I posted actually does that , the line off to the right is near a marked out spot, the line to the left just hits a marker as far as I know. But again some don't, they just point straight out.
View attachment 1506525

Quinoa, first thing.... Awesome site!
You definitely have a lot going on there. You have put more on the table than can be fully discussed in one night.
I see the signs and how you followed them. Great work.

I’ll ask one question about this post, then make a reply with quote, on the other one. Just to keep it simple.

The large pointer has a hole in the southern edge, that shows up, in the shadow, on the ground. Does it have a meaning?

Okay, after looking at it again, I see two holes and if you look at it from the left side they seem to be [emoji102] of an owl 🦉!!!


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Which hole? circle it, not sure which you are looking at. The main pointer is the big giant boulder in the foreground and the yellow line goes to the mine, it's all the same boulder I posted that was propped up.. The side spots are the red lines, the red line to the left points towards a cap type rock with a wedge hoyo under it but I haven't followed that one out to anything yet.

Edit: the shadow part in front of the foreground boulder is an elongated heart cleft , I think that's what you speaking of. it's also wedge shaped as well and points straight up the yellow line.

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