Hello Joe
You ask some very good questions. I have asked myself a couple of times, am I operating from greed, and am I using an excuse that I don’t want the world fighting over places here as they are doing in copycat places in the Middle East. When you see the fights that have gone on between Mel Fisher and the state of Florida and many others and what is going on now between the Jesuits and a South American government and having read about the ancient battles that were fought over the heart of heaven and the heart of the earth. Maybe I am just a greedy coward. Then on the other hand I may have common sense to not want to help history repeat itself.
A number of churches would oppose the truth of my discoveries, having invested heavy on assumptions that were built around a part of true history, and these churches even though they opposed the truth that made these discoveries possible along with the rest of the churches that think they are the only true church would think that which is at these 2 sites should belong to them, and would think they should have senior rights to them sites. I have already experienced this with one church and some of its members, saying that I should turn over one of those sites to them because they were the true church. I am not here to pick on any churches, I am sure a lot of them are doing a lot of good. Churches in general indoctrinate their people in a way, along with not being rewarded for thinking outside of what their church teaches, they fail to teach their people to think for themselves and seek the truth and stand on the truth above all else.
Governments today are as capable of being as ruthless as the Spanish conquistadors in taking control of what is discovered by others, through their puppets or cronies who would support their power in doing such. Other archeologists and historians from other countries recognize the bias in America stemming from the Smithsonian Influenced by John Wesley Powel.
Years ago Barry Fell who was working with Celtic or Ogham Script in America, wanted me to send him photographs that I had of some plates, which I wouldn’t send him. I was not willing to give him stuff to translate with his bias, unless he was willing to look at the whole picture of what made it possible and why these plates were found.
On the other hand there was another John Brewer not the one involved in the Adam’s Diggings this one was of Moroni, Utah, he gave Paul Cheesman a professor from the BYU a box with plates in it wrapped in cedar bark and sealed with pine gum. Some researchers involved in the matter were telling me that the carbon dating on the bark showed it was very old. I told them I did not want to burst their bubble but if they were interested I could give them some interesting information that tied in with the bark. They said they were interested in what I could say upon the matter. So I told them that I was with that John Brewer, when we were hiking on a mountain west of Manti Utah, and we came across a cave and inside the cave in the back of it under a little loose dirt was an Indian bed made of cedar bark. He had on a big army jacket full of big pockets; he took a bunch of that bark and stuffed some of his pockets full. I asked him why he was doing that, and he said ‘to get a test to see how old it was’. It was some time after that he gave Paul Cheesman the box wrapped in cedar bark and pine gum. There is evidence that some doctor created some phony plates in Mexico with a mix of Indian writing and writings of Joseph Smith claimed was on the Book of Mormon plates. This would support some of your statements. I personally knew the man who was involved with the plates from Mexico that were displayed at the BYU for a while. I visited him when he was in the Chiapas Prison for digging up artifacts etc. in Mexico, he had done quite a bit of research to try to prove the Book of Mormon, his first name was Jose, and he was trying to convince me that the city of Bountiful of the Book of Mormon was Palenque Mexico. He was a likeable guy, but his reasoning was of such that I felt ashamed for him.
I don’t know of any Mormon scholars that played counterfeit games, but I do know of several that became disenchanted with the history or the foundation that the church was built upon. But in the days of Brigham Young he told people to cover up certain places, saying that the world was not ready for it. I think he should have said the Mormon people were not ready for it and could not handle it. Maybe he understood that it could affect both. Joseph Smith has the Book of Mormon saying that the Jaredites were the first people that came here, and later on he had Adam here and the Garden of Eden in Jackson County Missouri, Missouri is not the place of the Garden of Eden or the New Jerusalem. During the time of John the Revelator the inland seas in that area were drying up and it states that there would be no more seas there in the last days, the statement in Revelation concurs with the Aztec history. Was Joseph Smith camouflaging information that came through the Jesuits, and made some wrong assumptions to start with about where that information fit?
When King Carlos evicted the Jesuits from New Spain in 1767, there were Jesuits prior to that time that saw what was coming and moved into the New England states. They had failed to set up a constituted republic in New Spain. They infiltrated both the masons and churches. Benjamin Franklin belonged to a secret society that was of or from the Rosicrucian Order that was established by independent free thinking Jesuits. These Jesuits played a leading role in educating our founding fathers. They kept their past credentials or ties with the Catholic Church under cover for at least 2 reasons, 1 they did not want to get hung by the Protestants who came to America to escape the Catholic Church, 2 they had lost faith in the Catholic Pope or Church. Masonry, and some churches, was an ideal front for them. One of my own ancestors quit being a Jesuit and some of his descendants became ministers in Protestant churches.
There were Jesuits who gave Howard Hunter before he became president of the Mormon Church for a short time, a bunch of plates that had been dug up in Michigan. I understand that the church gave them to the state of Michigan. I don’t know this, but I assume the reason they did this because it was embarrassment to them and there was not anything in them they could use to substantiate the Book of Mormon or their Scriptures. I may be wrong and I don’t know this, but I believe that Joseph Smith was taught by or through the Influence of a Jesuit and made a covenant under penalty of death not to reveal what he was told or by who he was taught. He first claimed he was showed things by a Nephite then he claimed that it was Moroni that showed him things. I think it was a Jesuit that told him certain things and had him under a covenant. He was an opportunist and grabbed anything he could get ahold of and camouflaged what he was taught to not violate his oath with the Jesuit who taught him for about a 4 year period. He answered the ideas of the day and incorporated them in the story to help camouflage and protect him from violating his agreements and may have been ok or even had the agreement from his teacher. He once said on the stand in front of his sub-leaders ‘if I was to tell you who I am and what I know you would holler blasphemy and there are those on this stand that would seek my life.’
Until we know all the facts of what went down, we need to not use Mormonism one way or another to qualify or disqualify, but let all things stand on its own merit. Mormonism had no influence on any discoveries I have made. To make a long story short, when I discovered the Underworld, I first thought I was the first one in a very longtime; it was not very long until I realized that I was a Johnny-come-lately, the Jesuits and the Knight Templars had both beat me in such a discovery. I found a shaft with horse skeletons in it and I gave a bone to a friend of mine who said he had it tested at the University of Arizona and it showed an age of 350 plus or minus 25 years. I assume that those skeletons were hidden in that shaft to hide the evidence of the riders being there. I saved out 10, 4 gallon, plastic buckets of bones, mostly teeth and a few other bones like the pedal bone of a horse foot. But what surprised me the most, was that close to that area and along a shoreline were notched rocks and part of the story carved in stone as it is told in the Count of Monte Cristo.
When I got into cryptograms and cyphers I could not believe nor have I ever read such an ingenious story as that story brought forth by Alexander Dumas, obviously with the help of one or more Jesuits who had found the original hill of Monte Cristo in the first Mediterranean Sea, not the new one we have between new Asia, new Africa and new Europe. I have friar maps that show that Ta shaped lake with Asia, Africa and Europe around it, in a basin land in the Western United States. National Geographic showed some maps along with a map of today’s Mediterranean Sea. The newest which was a Ta map did not fit as good as all the rest of the old maps of the Mediterranean. When you have seen what I have seen you will know the obvious reason why. Mind you that Asia means a She Ass, Europe come from the Greek word for Burnt Face and Africa means the Shadow of God, at least according to some scholars.
The hill of Monte Cristo is in the shape of a Jawbone of an Ass. The story of Sampson is a metaphor told in a way to not bring the wrath of the Greeks upon their heads. I have seen records from the Vatican showing Sampson fighting at that place of Troy in the Trojan War, which Judges 15 calls Ramath-Lehi. On the side of that hill was the field that Abraham purchased for a burial place. Sampson drank from a hollow place in that Jawbone and revived himself. There you have the hill close by where Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by the 2 Mighty Twins, that hill was called Ramath-Lehi in the Bible. Abraham was the Father of Lehi or the place of Ramath-Lehi.
Here I ask the question, did a Jesuit teach Joseph Smith about Abraham who was given the Promised Land who was the father at Lehi that he camouflaged in the story of the Book of Mormon and called Gomorrah, Cumorah? Is the whole Book of Mormon a camouflaged decorated story putting the Promised Land back in America where it belongs? Was Joseph Smith caught between a hard rock and a hard place, in trying to do what he thought was a preparatory work? Did he make a lot of assumptions with the information he was given? Did he get carried away with the power of his influence? Was he killed by those who thought he went too far and was misusing what he was given? Was Mormonism a branch that went wild from one or more independent Jesuits? Was Joseph Smith influenced by Benjamin Franklin and the women he had? Was he shown records that the Jesuits had from the hill of Monte Cristo, which he called Hill Cumorah and Hill Rama? Did he hide the events under a magical spin that the real history of Christianity was somewhat hid under? Was he trying to figure out and find the real place where the Israelites lost their final battle? Did he give a hill in New York and yet describe a hill, in private, more carefully to not violate the source of his information, information that coincides with other records?
Before anyone throws rocks at any religion, as I have done at the Mormons and others, is not too smart until we know a lot more. Just remember Edmund Dante is a code for The World of the Red Cross. A map of that place is carved in stone in Palenque Mexico. Just remember that the history of this world was imprisoned and hidden out of sight from those that loved the bible and its history by the sellouts that loved the flat world mentality, a people there which were once a friend to those in the land of the Red Cross. After making discoveries I quit throwing stones at religions from the Jesuits to the Mormons, not that I agree with the course that either organization is taking today.
I once convinced a Jesuit Priest, who marveled at what I showed him and he broke down and cried, another time I gave a Stake President of the Mormon Church a published Book of Enoch and I marked in it the places it fit and talked about in the west, sometime after that I bumped into him and he said ‘I read the book and what you marked out fits and I believe it.’ I once showed an influential lawyer who started one of the airlines in the west, a picture of a mosaic on the floor of one of the oldest Christian churches in new Asia, a picture from the Biblical Archeology magazine, and how that mosaic picture showed a place in first Asia and how well it fit the places I was showing him, and right while I had him at that place showing him the picture he counted seven layers on one side of the mosaic, while I was showing him the seven layers of stratus on the west side of that place, and he told me ‘be sure and tell your wife (a person he was impressed with) that I pointed this out to you before you showed it to me’, and he asked me ‘are you writing this information and your knowledge down, you need to if you haven’t, your knowledge needs to be known and not lost.’
I was once at the place that Vendyl Jones had in Arlington Texas, and showed the Rabbi there a picture that I took of Jacobs Pillar Stone and Abrahams Altar that Ezekiel describes where he went north of the place and looked eastward and saw the Cherubim that still sit there as he described. I have had at least 2 Rabbi with tears in their eyes after 2 hours of talking with them and showing them things, who both gave me their blessings. I was raised with prejudices against the Catholics, but when I looked at the imagery at that church house in Tubac south of Tucson things, that in my younger days I was told were idols, and saw how realistically they portrayed the original places of Israel I have been in awe of how accurately tradition has been carried down. To a lot of people the Bible may not be much more than an idol if they fail to understand any of it or apply its moral teachings. You tell me who today can be trusted and who would even appreciate that which would be a threat to their modern day teachings. People are more interested in their social status and their security in the world than to become a sore thumb for the truth.
I have had my sacred cows in the past, when reality ripped them from me I wondered if I had anything to live for. I had 5 children at the time and a wonderful wife; I decided then that I had started something and that I needed to make life more meaningful for them if nothing else. I found some solace or comfort in what the founding fathers stood for, and I looked for a place where I figured I could best raise my family and give them a better future. I had recently left Nicaragua before the Sandinistas took it over, I had a beautiful little plantation that was just starting to be fruitful and 8,000 acres that I intended on making productive, but I knew that my home there was in a strategic place, the Sandinistas war against Samosa ended on my door step and my place became a place occupied by the Sandinistas Military. So I looked for a place I thought would be the safest to raise my family in the future and finally bought a place, not looking for gold or silver, that was pretty nice and stumbled across things that many others were looking for.
At a previous place I purchased, as I had mentioned, I found the writing that had led me to the Garden of Eden. Now I had a place that showed the location of the sacred mines of the ancients. With that many blessing coming your way, requires a heavy price, and maybe if I start trying to have understanding for others and plant seeds that others can be as fortunate as I have been. I think the greater happiness is having friends that you can share the truth with, maybe if I plant enough seeds some will fall on fertile soil. My wife cried when we gave up our beautiful place of hard work in Central America. My desire, with the world turning in on itself, is that many people can give up their comforts and what they love and have invested into before it is too late. The heart of heaven in the original Mount Zion is where many have placed wealth that I believe will assist those that will flee to Zion just like the Bible says.
Of any large organizations, a few Jesuits nailed it down and the Mormons got really close. Those that want to keep the standards of morality need to follow the path on the Peralta Stone Tablets and be north of Flagstaff, south of Fillmore Utah, east of the Desert in the Rocky Mountains and west of the Plains. 1847 on the Peralta Stones is when the Mormons entered Salt Lake Valley the very north end of the original Promised Land that Ezekiel describes going from the Great Sea in the North to the Waters of Strife in the South, which are the rapids of the Grand Canyon. The Mormons who are going back to Jackson County, Missouri will be in a fool’s paradise. I will say this much there are people that have too much power who if you showed them certain things it could be as dangerous as when the King of Judah showed the Babylonians what he had in the temple, it wasn’t long before he didn’t have it and his eyes were put out in front of his sons. Do you possibly think that people are much less corrupt today when they show so much corruption in every aspect of life? I am more interested for truth to prevail than to be famous and dead.
If you can build an organized structure of the right people that can protect what I have found or seen and keep it from being taken over by modern Hitlers, I will happily be your tour guide. If I had confidence that you would not play my hand I could at least take you on the same general path according to the Dead Sea Scrolls where Abraham left the land of Ur-Chaldea (young flaming volcanos) crossed the Tarshish Range and the Four Rivers of Eden and was in the first Canaan in 3 days (the homeland of the MexiCannans). For anyone to champion or support the greater truth there is a price to be paid, some see that right up front and are not even willing to consider such a venture. You have to be the judge of where you want to go and how much you want to see. If you got any great ideas to solve my many dilemmas, I am open for council.
There are certain places I do not want to open up any farther unless it can be done using all the science available, and if they are not willing to look at that which is contrary to their traditions they would have no real value for what is there accept to plunder it. You were right there at the rendezvous when I asked some of them what they would do if certain things of value were found, some of them replied they would melt it down. What I am looking for are honorable men of science that can put the future of mankind ahead of their personal appetite. These things have been hid from the corrupt world for a long time. Are we ready to be as some of the Founding Fathers, to sacrifice our good names and fortune and hang together for a bigger cause or be divided by greed and ignorance and embark on something that will get us hung individually. How are you going to keep everybody from claiming everything, and corrupt government from burying it where no one can touch it with the exception of a few of their buddy elite?