Tumacacori Mission Mines RE: Sister Micaela Molina Document

Oroblanco said:
.... If Solomon and his "navy" were indeed traveling to the American southwest for gold, that expedition likewise could not have been very large in size. His "navy" was of only twelve ships, built at great cost and labor, and each voyage took three years. As the evidence in support of Solomon's fleet coming to America also seems to indicate that they were circumnavigating the globe, three years which did not allow a lot of time for traveling inland; in fact the first two (recorded) circumnavigations of the world took almost exactly three years <referring to Magellan and Drake> ....

If we possessed the proper historical documentation, whether accurate and complete or not, there would presumably then be little debate surrounding subjects such as cultural diffusionism. Unfortunately, there are gigantic knowledge gaps in human history, both ancient and contemporary, and this vacuum wants to be filled by inquiring minds.

Could Solomon have engineered three-year round trips to North America via the present Rio Grande Valley to harvest large amounts of gold somewhere in the Southwest? Sure, why not? Is it plausible? Yes. Is it logical/rational? Yes. Perhaps he negotiated with the Phoenicians to handle the seafaring. Perhaps the supporting documentation existed in the Library of Alexandria (even though this type of activity might have been 'classified'). Perhaps the navigation was executed using the enigmatic ancient maps revealed by Charles Hapgood's Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings (a must read for the terminally curious).

We living humans can't even agree with what we were mass eyewitnesses to 11/22/63 or 9/11/01. It's difficult to swallow taking an exclusive position on ancient history due to a 'lack of evidence'.

How can you say the Havasupai name has nothing to do with the Jewish word for Eve? Did you borrow Oro’s Ouija Board? Maybe I had better be nicer or I won’t get any future coffee! As for not giving names of some sources, where there are high stakes involved you don’t play all your cards, but for the sake of those that read this post I will show more of the cards I hold, the ones that won’t empower corruption. A professor from the University of California Cecilio Orozco sent me a letter, and if I was living at home now, and I won’t be for some time, I would post it, but if anyone is interested I will post it in the future when I am back home and not out in the field. When I last communicated with Cecilio Orozco he was at the California University, I believe he stated Fresno but I am not sure, in his letter he sent me a copy of a newspaper in Spanish from a Mexico City newspaper, and he also quoted to me about the professor from the University of Guadalajara and he said to me ‘it is nice that others are exonerating our works’. Even though I told him the four rivers were north of the Phoenix area where they once considered them to be, we both agreed upon that they were farther north and the ones the Aztec Calendar talked about.
A lot of Scholars don’t unravel their interpretations which sometimes are based on preconceived ideas which are not much more than assumptions. One good example is that some say that Quetzalcoatl went to the Northwest and others say that he went to the land of the Rising Sun. The Aztec Calendar is their book of the sun. The sun around the world represents the sun we see coming up each morning on clear days, one of the reasons they called Quetzalcoatl the morning star is because he came forth from a place where the morning or dawn of civilization arose from, the sun was the symbolization of where the great light of truth and correct law rose from in the dawn or morning of civilization.
Those that interpret that Quetzalcoatl went east fail to understand their meaning of what the sun represented. The Hopis talk about the days of the first sun, the second sun and so on. Some Christians refer to this as the dispensation of the Gospel at different times in history. The Hopi history, the Aztec history and many other histories, when read correctly, takes you north to the four rivers of Eden, which Josephus said meant red earth which coincides with a lot of other history when it is read right, including the Aztec. I don’t want to offend you, but I do have the knowledge to know that Josephus was right. On the west side of that underworld are the tombs of Adam and Eve, in the original land of the Havasupai Indians. One of the priests some time ago stated that Quetzalcoatl died going on his hundred and fourth year and was buried in their land to the north, and I am not giving all the details.
I may not tell all the truth but I am not a liar and neither was my father, I have made many mistakes but my ability to be wrong, having misread or misunderstood something, allowed me to change my opinion when more facts presented themselves. You can make mistakes, but being able to look at your strongest competition and being able to weigh the facts of truth, and letting the truth dictate the path you take, will liberate you from all the ignorant assumptions of the past.
Joe you once got on my case a little over a year ago because I did not bow to Oro Blanco’s scholarly titles and let it blanket the reality I knew. Hershel Shank the editor of Biblical Archeology holds William Dever up, who is from the Tucson University, as a giant in Biblical archaeology, while Bill Dever and other honest biblical scholars of the Middle East have been pretty forth right on what they have not found in the Middle East, such as no trace of Israel being there until about two-hundred years after Moses’s time, there are Egyptian records in stone that state that Israel was no more at that time, which was in the aftermath of the Trojan War and we are not talking about New Troy in Turkey, which Alexander referred to it as, we are talking about the Troy Poseidon that one of the Dead Sea Scrolls refers to as the center city of Urusalem (not the New Jerusalem of the Middle East). This Urusalem is the same city that the Triads of the Welsh talk about in a language that is little understood today.
Several Egyptian kings, one being Ramses the Second, talks about these Sea People coming in and fighting the Egyptians, at least one of the accounts identifies some of these sea people as being Philistines, another one identifies that they brought with them people that were circumcised and these people became hillbillies in today’s Palestine and you can tell where they lived because in their communities there were no pig bones. These Israelites were conquered by the philistines who had taken Israelite women and later became known as Greeks. These Philistines first pots that show up on the Mediterranean Sea Board of Palestine have marking that match pots found in the areas of the Southwest. I know of a man who gave me a picture of the Greek goddess Artemis on the back of a mirror dug out of a grave by the Colorado River.
You need to take a deep look at the website I quoted on Forbidden Archeology, why are so many archeologists and scholars not willing to look at the facts. I have personally sat on Abraham’s Altar the original Dome Rock and Jacobs Pillar Stone with the Thirteen Pillar Clouds on the back of it, representing the thirteen tribes and the path they took to that area. I have walked Joshua’s camp at the real Gilgal and also sat on the twelve stones where Joshua had each one of the tribes of Israel take up a stone out of the river of Jordan where it went off the high place and place these stones for a memorial monument for history. I knew then, which was many years ago, that they weren’t going to find Joshua’s Conquest in the Middle East and stated so.
Within five years after my discovery and comments scholars started admitting they could not find the bible as a correct history in the Middle East some stating they can find the name places of the forty cities that Joshua conquered and admit them name places did not exist at the time of Joshua nor did the city of Ur exist at the time of Abraham, nor can they find where Ezekiel measured from the Temple a thousand cubits and was ankle deep in water and another thousand cubits and he was knee deep and so on (they cannot even find a trace of Solomon’s original temple, they are only finding walls and a place where he built a second high place for the Daughter of Pharaoh). When you find the great Sea that Ezekiel described to the north and the waters of strife that he described to the south, to the northeast of the waters of strife you can find the original Ur Chaldeans and Abraham had gold and silver both from that land even though Genesis only mentions gold in the land of the first river. I have good reason to agree with most of the scholars and the giants of biblical archeology on what they have not found in the Middle East, and I know why.
Moses just before he died, in Deuteronomy 28:68, says they would be taken in ships and would be under the Egyptians, which ruled Palestine at the time. They were carried there, as recorded by the Egyptians, by the Sea People who conquered their center city, Troy, the one homer describes as having all its foundations dug up, that is the reason why it is not recognized today, not like New Troy in Turkey, Homer also states the Troy was on Mount Olympus, I found it on the original mount Olympus not its dozen or so copycat places around the Mediterranean and the Globe. It is only a matter of time before a descendent of David will take the stone that is cut out of that mountain and hit these biblical giants of confusion of Babylon and they will crumble to the dust they came from.
By the way Oro Blanco, don’t rush to false judgments, I never implied that the Egyptian army of so-called North Africa sailed to America and was destroyed here. By the Pyramids they uncovered boats; the Mizraims colonized North Africa from their motherland of Mizraim, which happens to be in the southwest. Abraham and Moses were never in the colonies of the Mizraims which is called Egypt today. There are at least two accounts where Abraham or others went up out of the land of Mizraim to the south to the land of Canaan, if that was the so-called Egypt they would have landed in central or south Africa, it is going to be a little easier to fit the real Promised Land in the west where the tombs of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob still exist, Abraham purchased the field of Machpelah, the cave that enters under a Column, because the natural volcanic gases drove out the oxygen and preserved the bodies, when he found in the back of the cave Adam and Eve’s bodies so well preserved they looked as if they were asleep. It is only a matter of time (with what we can do with DNA) before world history will be straightened out, and if we are smart we will start preparing for that reality. From these accounts of the Middle East and other accounts of more correct history that is the oldest Paleo-Hebrew of the world found all across the Southwest and some all across North America.
Don Jose de La Mancha the map you posted is a good step in the right direction.
Due to false assumption during the Dark Ages, in their ignorance they were not aware of the two different lands of the Mizraims. Nowhere in the old Testament does it mention the Pyramids the Temple the Sphinx the great colony of Mizraims called Egypt today, nor can scholars find the towns the New Testament talks about as being around the Galilean Sea, nor does the New Testament mention the cities they have found around that new Galilean Sea.
One book of the New Testament mentions that Christ first appeared to the Apostles at Jerusalem some of the other books mention that he first appeared to them at the Sea of Galilee. In Ezekiel’s Urusalem you have him measuring across that sea a thousand cubits and so on from the temple. The contradiction and confusion disappears when you find the true promised land that has been hid up from the corrupt world. The Bible says the whole world would follow after the Image or image place set up by the beast or beast government and others. We could be free from all past ignorance and find the first troy that the Greeks, the Romans and the Israelites kept hid to protect their Underworld, and what is in the Underworld, if you live long enough it will require you to eat your words so you don’t look foolish.
I hope in time we can have enough people that are not fearful and covetous that can give up their false sacred cows that will allow truth to rise to the surface that we can be free from ignorance and corruption. In time I hope to write books on translating American history and writings to where all can see what has been hid up from corrupt people and governments, which will come forth by a new Cyrus that is mentioned in Isaiah 45, the treasures of darkness that are in that chapter are what’s in the Underworld, the treasures of secret places cover the place of the mines.
I will enclose two petroglyphs one from Texas and one from the North, both have in the center the nineteenth letter of the Paleo-Hebrew alphabet. The one in North shows a back of a head which translates its Hebrew meaning. The one in Texas shows a symbol that is like the letter E laying on its back which means crown in Hebrew. In this case to make a long story short this petroglyph, which incorporates Paleo-Hebrew, tells you direction to the crown mountain of God to the northwest. At the bottom part to the nineteenth letter of the Paleo-Hebrew alphabet you have a symbol which represents the birth of a man-child, in other words where the kingdom of God would be established on Mount Zion in the last days of corrupt governments, those that support archeologists that forbid the truth, by not acknowledging the truth and the facts of real history in our Schools, where people become programs of incomplete history thinking they know it all. These want to beat you down with a long line of false assumptions.
I will give you another clue that you are misreading, the Redotero on the Molino Document is not a misspelled word that means chartered course, it is two Spanish words put together, I have found it on several documents tying in with the same group of mines, and on other documents and maps I find pictures or drawing of what it represented or stories that talk about what it represented. I will show you a couple of pieces of documents where Redotero is spelled the same way, I will not show the complete documents for obvious reasons.
In Webster’s New Spanish English Dictionary, New Edition, Copyright 2006, on page 233 it says the Spanish word Red means 1: Net, Mesh, 2: Network, System, Chain, 3: Trap, Snare. Snare is one of the meanings of the nineteenth letter of the Paleo-Hebrew alphabet. The Apache did this with the Adam’s Group and Mexicans before them. On page 199 it says Otero means 1: knoll or hillock. Hebrew words like English words have different meanings depending on how they are associated together. You have a net or chain of hills on the so-called Dutchman’s Matchbox, you have them on the Lue Map, and you have a petroglyph that is pre-Columbian in the North that reflects the Lue Map. When you find the places the documents talk about it helps you to determine if they are legitimate and have credibility. I knew when I found the place that documents around the world talk about it gave me faith that those documents had a legitimate source.
I am going to post two parts of documents that both mention Redotero twice as the Molino Document does and they both talk about the treasures at the place. One has paragraphs with the same details as what is in the Molino document with very little difference. I will post that piece, but I will blackout the parts that tie them to places and time. (The family is not celebrating thanksgiving today, but tomorrow, so I found myself with some time.) The man I got this document from said he got a copy of it from his own relatives in Mexico City and he invested a lot of time and energy into a place he figured it fit. He is about a far off in the opposite direction as the people looking for the Molino document in Tucson. The information on the one armed lead cross (I was once offered the chance to purchase it and two silver bars and one gold bar that were with it) that they claimed they found in a cave by a sizable river.
When you know who owns the Red Otero, it is not hard to figure out that someone had a base in correct history. The part of the one armed lead cross I am showing you has a little gold nugget towards the end of the arm. I am also sending you two maps of the Tayopa Mines; in the top of the church-house on both maps you have the net or the hills of Red Otero. The Tayopa Map that doesn’t have the outline of the Sierra Grande isn’t as complete as the other map of Tayopa that I am posting, but I am deleting part of the map, but it is not as much as what was deleted from the map in J. Frank Dobie’s book, that map I believe was planted in northern Mexico to throw people off. I have Spanish and Indian information that nails down Tayopa.
Oro the gold nuggets you saw did not come from the Dutchman mine, but the stream that is below the mine. The gold and beautiful white quartz came from where the so-called Dutchman got gold next to the place of Red Otero. The mine he described as having pinhead size pieces of gold in rose quartz sure isn’t talking about the gold in white quartz that was on the Matchbox, and I am sure the gold in the hematite wouldn’t match either one of them, which indicates more than one type of gold and quartz. I have seen gold in the place of the Molino Document Mines, tied in with hematite and gold in a whitish quartz with some grey in it, and I have seen plenty of rose quartz, but no gold in it as of yet, but a few specks of gold in a clear quartz, but the bigger nuggets that came from below the falls have a whitish-grey quartz in them. Beings you have different strata, fault lines and chimneys, you can suspect that the quartz in the different mines would very, which does not contradict the hearsay of the so-called Dutchman.
You won’t have strength in the truth unless you do your own homework. We need to be strong enough to put aside the false programing of the schools. I failed to graduate from the second grade, I am self-educated, my mother thought she was a gypsy, I spent some of my younger years in labor camps along the West Coast, they called us fruit tramps in them days. The discoveries I have seen far exceed the discoveries of Howard Carter or any other modern archeologists. Oro Blanco you don’t need to worry about people messing with the underworld, I sealed the eastern entrance in the 1980s and the western entrance was sealed by nature.
You all have a good Thanksgiving, and the very best wishes in finding the truth.

Petroglyph in Texas, featured in the True Treasure Magazine.


  • Petroglyph in Texas  from True Treasure Magazine.webp
    Petroglyph in Texas from True Treasure Magazine.webp
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The North Petroglyph


  • The North Petroglyph.webp
    The North Petroglyph.webp
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The so-called Dutchman's funnel


  • The So called Dutchman\'s funnel.webp
    The So called Dutchman\'s funnel.webp
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19th letter of the Paleo-Hebrew alphabet, showing the crescent moon.


  • 19th letter of the Paleo-Hebrew alphabet showing the crescent moon.webp
    19th letter of the Paleo-Hebrew alphabet showing the crescent moon.webp
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One armed Lead Cross, with a square gold nugget embeded close to the end of the arm.


  • One armed Lead Cross, with a square gold nugget embeded close to the end of the arm.webp
    One armed Lead Cross, with a square gold nugget embeded close to the end of the arm.webp
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Document allegedly from Mexico.


  • Document allegedly from Mexico.webp
    Document allegedly from Mexico.webp
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Tayopa Map.


  • Tayopa Map.webp
    Tayopa Map.webp
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Tayopa Map out of J. Frank Dobie's book.


  • Tayopa Map out of J. Frank Dobie\'s book.webp
    Tayopa Map out of J. Frank Dobie\'s book.webp
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Good evening RWL: Dobie's map is about 90 % correct and the other one one is about 70%. Want details?

Here is another version, which, while it is basically correct, I guarantee that one would never find Tayopa itself with it.

Don Jose de La Mancha


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  • Distance of mines from church  ©@.webp
    Distance of mines from church ©@.webp
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  • Distance of mines from church  ©@.webp
    Distance of mines from church ©@.webp
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Happy Thanksgiving everyone,
This is a very long reply, I must ask your patience; thank you in advance.
RWLJ wrote
I don’t want to offend you, but I do have the knowledge to know that Josephus was right.
Have to respectfully disagree on this point, Josephus is not beyond question; for example, he stated that Tharshish of the bible was simply Tarsus in Asia Minor, (modern Turkey) which was hardly a collection of mud huts at the time of David and Solomon, much less require an extensive seaborne expedition to reach when it could be reached overland in a short time.

RWLJ also wrote
Joe you once got on my case a little over a year ago because I did not bow to Oro Blanco’s scholarly titles and let it blanket the reality I knew.

Thank you for the kind word, but be assured I have no scholarly titles and had no intention of attempting to blanket your reality, neither is the case today.

RWLJ also wrote
Moses just before he died, in Deuteronomy 28:68, says they would be taken in ships and would be under the Egyptians, which ruled Palestine at the time.
Here is the passage you refer to, which seems to say that the Hebrews will be brought back to Egypt, rather than traveling away.
"And the LORD shall bring thee into Egypt again with ships, by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold unto your enemies for bondmen and bondwomen, and no man shall buy you."

RWLJ also wrote
By the way Oro Blanco, don’t rush to false judgments, I never implied that the Egyptian army of so-called North Africa sailed to America and was destroyed here. By the Pyramids they uncovered boats; the Mizraims colonized North Africa from their motherland of Mizraim, which happens to be in the southwest. Abraham and Moses were never in the colonies of the Mizraims which is called Egypt today. <snip>
Mizraim is an ancient Hebrew term for Egypt, quote
"Mizraim (Hebrew: מִצְרַיִם / מִצְרָיִם, Modern Mitzráyim Tiberian Miṣrāyim / Miṣráyim ; cf. Arabic مصر, Miṣr) is the Hebrew name for the land of Egypt, with the dual suffix -āyim, perhaps referring to the "two Egypts": Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt."
So by saying the army of Mizraim was in the American southwest, you are saying the Egyptian army was here. Also, the chances are very high that any large expedition such as you propose, would have left very clear and unmistakable evidences of its presence, as well as an Egyptian written record of its departure, probably its commander as well as the date.
Thank you for sharing the photos of the petroglyphs, but I must again respectfully disagree with your identification as to what they are and represent. The first three look to me to be Phoenician, not Paleo-hebrew, and is the letter "Qoph", often left in an inscription as the first letter of the word "Qitte" or "Qitten" which is "gift" as in a dedication to Baal or any other Phoenician deity. The second image, the North Petroglyph, I wish you could show a bit more of the inscription for there is a clear Phoenician sentence there along with a rebus word that incorporates several letters including the 'qoph'.

<for anyone who does not know what a 'rebus' is, it is a puzzle made up of the letters of a word, a very ancient little puzzle still popular, here is a modern example>

<Sorry I could not find one of "turkey">

The next petroglyph you have labeled the 19th letter of the Paleo-Hebrew alphabet, incorporating a crescent moon, is actually a very good Punic caduceus symbol, probably not a Greek or Roman or Hebrew and a clear indicator of the identity of your ancient visitors came from North Africa, specifically Carthage, or perhaps Utica, Leptis etc. I cannot say for an absolute certainty, but it looks like the circle on top of the staff has a pair of 'horns' on top, which would pretty well seal the case. In this case, it is very likely that there will also be Tanit symbols, the sacred truncated pyramid (or "cone") as well as possibly symbols which identify the origin of the sailors, eg the horse and palm for Carthage, fish for Sidon, swan for Tyre, palm tree for Phoenicia in general etc.

You warn me not to rush to false conclusions, perhaps a bit more caution in making identifications of the petroglyphs you have found might lead you to different conclusions? Which is to say there very likely were ancient visitors, but let us not leap to the conclusion that they must be from Israel. Several other candidates are available. The end result is still fascinating and often surprising.

I love those maps of Tayopa, and that is interesting to find another document with a similar leading set of statements as the Molina document. May I ask if it is a similar type of document as well, a sort of directions to a store of treasures and/or mines? I am not interested in pursuing it, just curious.

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee:


Professor Orozco's work on Utah, as the earlier homeland of the Aztecs, "Nahuatl" is based on his interpretation of petroglyphs in Sego Canyon, and the like minded theories of Alfonso Rivas-Salamon. The key word here is "theories". Those theories are not well accepted by their peers.

There are many other theories as to the original homeland of the Aztecs, and some believe they were in Utah, only that they came north out of Mexico to reach that area. This after they first settled in Mexico from Aztlan. The connection with his theories and the LDM, as well as all the other stories you present, seem tenuous at best.

I have not read "THE BOOK OF THE SUN: TONATIUH" which Dr. Orozco self published. That being the case, I will bow to your superior knowledge of the man and his work.

If you have found all of this treasure (gold) and ancient tunnel systems, why are you here advertising them? It seems you wanted to keep it all secret, even going to the trouble of sealing the entrance you found.

Whatever you hope to accomplish, I wish you nothing but success.

Also wish everyone had as great a Thanksgiving as we did.

Joe Ribaudo


There are a lot of reasons to theorize that the Aztecs came from (or at least through) Utah. One of the most compelling is the language relationship. The languages fall into the same family (Uto-Aztecan). If the Uintah Indians and the Aztecs were separated by so great a distance, and had no contact, then how are their languages so similar?

While it is widely known that the Aztecs traded far into the North (at least as far as Apacheria), it isn't likely simple trading would not have had that much of an influence on the languages of so many tribes.


gollum said:

There are a lot of reasons to theorize that the Aztecs came from (or at least through) Utah. One of the most compelling is the language relationship. The languages fall into the same family (Uto-Aztecan). If the Uintah Indians and the Aztecs were separated by so great a distance, and had no contact, then how are their languages so similar?

While it is widely known that the Aztecs traded far into the North (at least as far as Apacheria), it isn't likely simple trading would not have had that much of an influence on the languages of so many tribes.



I agree that there are many reasons to "theorize" the point. As I said: " The connection with his theories and the LDM, as well as all the other stories you present, seem tenuous at best." The presentation, in person, leaves a lot to be desired. I believe that was the general consensus of those who were there. The posts you are reading here are the exact same thing we all.....patiently......listened to before.

RW was given a fair chance to speak his piece. The same chance is being given here. First time around for you, second time for many others.

Take care,



The most widely accepted theory today, is that the Uto-Aztecan people migrated north out of Mexico perhaps as early as 2000 B.C. That covers the language being part of a wide distribution covering many states.

The Aztec (Mexica) first arrived in the Valley of Mexico around 1248. Since they were a semi-nomadic tribe at that time, I don't believe it is known how long they were actually in Mexico itself.

This would raise an interesting theory that the Uto-Aztecan language similarities came from a melding of an older Mexican or Central American language into the Aztec dialect. Once that blending takes place, I would imagine it would be difficult, if not impossible, to differentiate between the cultures based on language alone.

For me, that would suggest that it is very iffy to suggest that the Aztec's came from a certain language base or a specific area. Their migrating south out of Utah instead of north out of Mexico seems like pure guesswork connecting those pre-historic dots. :dontknow:

Many artifacts of evidence found in Utah are the results of early Mormons trying to "authenticate" the Book Of Mormon history. The church eventually, officially, turned away from these "artifacts". The same thing took place in Mexico with the result of creating a very good Mormon archaeology program at BYU.

Just some random ramblings from an unqualified fan of such things. :read2:

Take care,


evening sr Joe: You posted --> Their migrating south out of Utah instead of north out of Mexico seems like pure guesswork connecting those pre-historic dots. dontknow
No more than migrating north out of Mexico, especially when available (?) evidence points the other way. Sides "I" have spoken ! heheheheh

Don Jose de La Mancha

Cactusjumper wrote
For me, that would suggest that it is very iffy to suggest that the Aztec's came from a certain language base or a specific area. Their migrating south out of Utah instead of north out of Mexico seems like pure guesswork connecting those pre-historic dots.

That term guesswork pretty well describes most (if not all) of the theories of pre-Columbian American civilizations and cultures, as most have no written histories of their own. There is a theory that the Mound Builders were the Aztecs, with some cultural similarities too. We just don't have enough solid proof to settle the case for their true home. :dontknow:

To try to tie this back to our topic, anyone care to recap the case for and against the Molina document? Or what is the final analysis, your opinions (to anyone who cares to reply) is it a genuine transcript of a real document or a fraud? Thank you in advance, and wishing you all a very pleasant evening.

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

Hello Joe, Oro Blanco, Mike and Don Jose de La Mancha
I want you all to know that I appreciate what you have done and what you are doing, putting aside our differences. One little thing, before I answer different questions and correct different statements. It’s hard not to be blinded by our appetite when we are searching for treasures and gold, (pointing the finger at someone else I would have 3 pointing back at me.) A key and an example of this is, in all of the write-ups on Adam’s Diggings, I have not seen (it may be out there but I have not seen it) that one of that group by the name of John Brewer with a few others went for supplies and got almost back to their place with the supplies before they were attacked by the Apaches, this guy escaped the Apache massacre, who had the knowledge to go buy supplies and get back to the place where they were getting gold, he would absolutely have known where he had bought supplies from and therefor would have been able to re-find the place a third time and get the gold they had stashed at the fireplace.
Those that follow his trail will have a better chance at finding the source of their gold. He was bumped into by the Little Colorado River either coming or going from the place of gold. That common sense is not too common anymore when we are blinded by gold and cannot analyze the bigger picture. As I said before they were digging out of the stream that was below the mines of the Molino Document or Tayopa Mines, which was the place where the Fugitive so-called Dutchman helped hide up mines. The rock foundation of a house that the so-called Dutchman talks about as what is left of a fireplace in it, is what is left of the log cabin, that Adam’s Diggers made on top of those rocks, that was burnt to the ground, and less than 50 feet to the south of what is left of that cabin you can see a rock corral. I found a number of broken pieces of kitchenware and a small iron arrowhead; all artifacts were of that era and time period. In that canyon on the west side you can see the most logical place where they could have climbed in, which makes a Z shaped path. In that canyon both on the west and the east end it is boxed in. There is a sealed entrance in the hillside not very far from there; it is in the area where the Molino Document identifies the Temple.
In a number of records I have both from Indian sources, and those that were blindfolded and others that the Indians trusted, it opens up into a large underground temple complex, that goes back many thousands of years, and the Molino Document identifies it as having an ancient library. Isaiah 29 talks about this place, not its copycat place in the Middle East, as becoming a fruitful field that would be esteemed as a forest and talks about a marvelous work and a wonder, it also mentions in that day we would hear the words of the book and in essence see out of the blindness that we are in today. Based on the accounts I have of those that were in it before it was closed future writers will write about it as one of the marvels of the ancient world.
Until there is enough open minded archeologists that aren’t from the schools of incompleteness of altered history and those that are influenced by such, the place needs to remain closed. The Indians sure worked hard to keep it out of the hands of those that had a perverted history of the Bible or the records of the ancients. One of the first padres that entered Mexico gives an account where he was told by an Indian that they the Indians had the same history that we did in our Bible and that the older part of our Biblical history took place here in the Americas not the Middle East. I will guarantee you that if you learn the ancient history of America and the Indian history well, then you will know that what the Indian told the Padre is correct. I have taken dozens of people of different faiths on tours and I don’t know of one, of the dozens that I have taken, that completed the tour that aren’t believers in what the Indian said to the Padre about Biblical history.
There is the leader of one religious group that is preaching what I have taught him and I don’t see anyone uprooting his take on Biblical history, based on the foundation of what I have personally showed him. He and others, more every day, are recognizing the handwriting on the wall when it comes to Isaiah 29.
Oro Blanco you answer me out of context on my statement on Josephus, I was replying to a previous statement, his statement that Eden means Red Earth was correct. The four rivers of Genesis all come out of the red land area. There are a number of other things I disagree with Josephus on. I couldn’t agree with you more on your comments that the Tarshish of the Bible never was in Asia Minor nor was it in New Asia or that part of the world. With the exception of what Alexander the Great called New Troy where the Trojans (Israelites) created a base representing their capitol Troy in the center of first Jerusalem. The original Trojans neighbors were the Tarshish who may have also had a base there in Turkey for a while before the Trojan War, and Josephus could have been confused as many are today between the area of First Troy and the New Troy of Turkey.
As far as your scholarly titles are concerned I may have misunderstood what was being applied back there at that time, but I still consider you are trying to blanket me with your knowledge, which is out of context with the bigger picture of the reality I am familiar with. When you learn to read the Paleo-Hebrew of the southwest you will be able to walk to some of the richest mines and treasures sites of the globe.
I will post some charts of some of those that used a similar Paleo-Hebrew Alphabet. In front of the bust on the picture I sent of the north, that you referred to, in front of that bust is the head of a Coyote, the Hopis Navajos and others to the Greeks refer to the place of that dog head. The Greeks refer to 2 other dog heads in that area that come out of one body or place, but the natives from one end of America to the other including the Egyptians refer to the other two heads as the Twins, the Mighty Twins etc. they refer to them in all kinds of ways. Next to the twins but closer to the Coyote is the hard rock Kiva of Spider Woman, the east entrance to the underworld. This Coyote is known as the trickster, all those that pass by him are fooled never dreaming that his body helps hide the Underworld, one of the greatest works of man’s achievements. These twins are what the last part of the name Mizraim represents.
I never said that the Egyptians were not what the Hebrews called Mizraims. I think I clearly said that those Mizraims in what we call Egypt today were the descendants of the original Mizraims that lived here, that Moses dealt with in the Western United States. In some of the accounts about old records, these Mizraims were identified as the Wolf, the Jackal or the Coyote, and a lot of those that were outside of Israel identified Moses and the Israelites as the Rabbits. That is why you have the rabbit story with story of Easter, which is a Gentile version of the Passover. The colored egg represents the birth of their kingdom in a colored country. When you follow the Paleo-Hebrew alphabet across the southwest whether you want to call it Greek, Moabite, Phoenician or whatever, the stories talk about the places and things of where the Israelites lived and what they did, and I am posting the Paleo-Hebrew Writing on the Ten Commandments found at Lunas New Mexico. Whether you want to get the story of Moses being placed in the basket from Babylon or Egypt it takes you to the place of the first Nile River in the Western United States, the Egyptians in so-called north Africa called the river there the River of Egypt which gave them their name.
The world through false traditions from the Dark Ages due to things being hid from the ignorant, a lot of false assumptions have been made in their interpretation of history, as you show Josephus was already starting to do. As long as anyone builds on these types of preconceived ideas they will never understand the missing gaps of history and they will want to believe that the Israelites that ended up in the Middle East borrowed their stories from the Babylonians and others. When they properly evaluate the written history in America they will recognize that some of their assumptions are upside down and for the bigger part the rest of the world borrowed from Israel, including the Greeks that were part Israelite, they are a cross between the Philistines and some Israelites and others, whose homeland was the Americas. Some of the oldest cultures in America and Egypt in the video that is narrated by Charleston Hesston called Forbidden Archeology (you can find it on Youtube, just click on the one that is the full video) stems from the ancestors of Adam and Abraham those ancestors were of the race of the original Atlanteans.
Adam was the first man of a race called Man that was started by the Elohim or the Atlantean Priests of that Serpent (messenger) race who instructed Eve to get Adam to partake of the Tree of Forbidden Fruit, Eve who was of his flesh and bones took him for a husband. This Atlantean Priest was attempting to create a super race through inbreeding as many cattle breeders are doing around the world today. The name Elohim ends the same as the name Mizraim, which was a place where Adam lived when he first left the Garden of Eden. These Twins destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah with fire and brimstone; they likewise played a role in the destruction of Atlantis when it sunk in an inland shallow sea in the Western part of the United States, which is the center of the oldest civilization that is generally known to man (even if they don’t know where it is at). The temple that the Molino Document talks about is an underground temple complex that goes back to the descendants of those that escaped the destruction of Atlantis. When you find the island of the Aztecs homeland you have found the island of Atlantis and below it you will find 3,000 chambers, which are a marvelous work and a wonder, which will be a part of what will eventually be fulfilled of Isaiah 29.
The keys that led me to certain discoveries came from properly understanding the language of our Bible and recognizing some of the same stories across America. These pre-Columbian stories across America take you to the correct place and mines where the old world history camouflages and hides them. Oro Blanco I was trying to let you know that by having knowledge of pre-Columbian places with their original names, you did not need to be misled by red herring or copycat name places, which is why no one has found the Dutchman mine at the wrong Salt River and the wrong Superstitious Mountains. I think that may have been a threat to you and others and believe that you tried to blanket me with incomplete knowledge based on your past experience and preconceived ideas, which is ok I may have done worse in the same circumstances. I am capable of defending my turf until I have a chance to look at the bigger picture. You have a lot of good knowledge, if you will use it with the rest of the story, you will see many lights turn on; otherwise you are likely to throw out the true history of the Bible and ancient America. I was once ready to throw out the Bible as a correct history, as a lot scholars of today have done.
For the record I do not buy the Roman and Dark Age magical slant that has been placed on the Bible (I would rather be a greedy treasure hunter than buy into such nonsense), nor do I believe in some of the other corruption where the Bible has been mistranslated such as the globe being created in 6 days or 6,000 years. I challenge anyone to show me where such nonsense was ever taught in the Old Testament. The area that was called earth at that time was referring only to a lake bottom in an area that was raised up and became mostly dry, which was shaped by that which is eternal in nature or Yahweh when a volcano there erupted and came to rest after seven eruptions that created light and darkness, and a long time later someone called the light and darkness day and night. This original light and darkness that volcano created was over a period of many millions of years, the seven flows of that volcano the Book of Revelation refers to them as seven seals, and below the seventh seal or lava flow you have the place where Jeremiah hid some of the treasures of Israel. Believe me there are plenty of Christian and Israel records that will yet come forth. The Christians and Israelites most important documents were duplicated and placed in the heart of the earth and the heart of heaven, where Christ told the people of America to store their treasures. The Mayan history in the Popol Vuh identifies these 2 places.
Nor do I buy the narrow tunnel vision that is placed on the meaning of heaven. The heavens could be volcanoes or anything else that was raised or heaved up, the heavens of heavens were mountains which raised up with volcanos rising out of them, some people in Bible days lived in heaven or the raised up mountains. Just because the stars rise across the sky and we have heavens above, doesn’t mean that was the particular heaven that the Christians were going to be caught up in, or where the New Jerusalem was going to be stepping down out of heaven. True religion or history does not conflict with true science.
I could not find the Eden of Biblical history, until a man who was raised by the Indians who wrote a book called the Rocks Begin to Speak, his name was Lavan Martineau, stopped by my place and asked permission to cross my property and look at petroglyphs that were in my backyard that the neighbors had told him about. I was quite surprised by the visit (I had previously purchased his book and was over halfway through it) I told him it was fine for him to enter my property if he did not mind me tagging along. I had never went up to them cliffs that were in my backyard, for I had never considered the red land in my backyard to tie in with the original Eden, when I was looking all over the world for the four rivers coming out of the red land as Josephus’s and the Aztecs records describe. There on the rock was the written account where a large flat rock slid off the hillside over the sleeping place where Adam and Eve were, which entombed them for 3 days until they got out and where they went back under that shelter from time to time and where Eve gave birth to 3 sons and 2 daughters, and that account is written there as it stated in the Forgotten Books of Eden, accounts used by the earlier Christians.
Another account that is in the pseud-epigraphic of the Old Testament says that Cain went down and ate the young cane grass, where wild cane got its name from, and there is wild cane still growing there to this day. When I traced Adam’s path backwards I found the Garden of Eden as ancient history describes and eventually found where Eve was led over the wall by the flute player and down into the underworld, a picture story you see across the Americas. The flute player touching a crack a place where the veil of that temple was rent, a temple that the Bible describes that was made without hands and was added to when the Israelites were slaves in building the two treasure cities for the Mizraims.
Now in answer to your question Oro Blanco, the One Armed Cross that mentions Red Otero twice, has four dots, the four dots represent the four peaks or better said hill points that the Peralta Map shows next to the correct Salt River. The 2 big Xs describe the mines; one X is the entrance to the tunnel the other X is the shaft that intercepts the tunnel; these are entrance ways that the setting sun shines on, that the so-called Dutchman talked about. The two dots that are close to the end of the arm represents the 2 points of 2 hills that are above the place that is talked about in the Molino document close to the black rock, and that is the mine that this other document that I posted with parts of it blacked out, which also describes the treasures in that specific mine, it gives depths and talks about things which are the same as the measurements and descriptions that are on the Clyde Spider Rock Map of western Texas, and I left part of that Document that quotes word for word some of the things that the Molino Document talks about. Just these ties alone should start waking people up to the bigger picture that I am trying to present.
So if anyone wants to say that the Molino Documents don’t have a base of truth behind them are not informed on all the facts and history that surrounds them. For example the Peralta Maps of the Salt River and the four peaks, show them running parallel with the Salt River, those that drew that map weren’t so dumb as to put the four hills parallel to that river if that was not the case they could just as easily have drawn them going away from the river, that map is shown and talked about in part one The Golden Dream page 325, and there are many other things on that map that fit much better North of Adam’s Diggings, in fact their diggings were where that Salt River went over the waterfalls is within a mile of those four hills.
Red Otero or the four hills is the main identity or central landmark, which is on the opposite side of the river from the mines. Red Otero or the four hills are a common key to the place of the real Tayopa Mines, which are the Mines of the Molino Document (the Fugitive likely mixed the mines up on the Molino Document so they would be less likely to be recognized as the Tayopa Mines).
Don Jose de La Mancha, the map you posted with the church in the upper part of the biggest rectangle caught my attention. Many years ago when I first found what is left of that church I mistook it for very old ruins of living structures, because it was so badly destroyed. Having had quite a bit of experience digging up old ruins over 50 years ago before they started enforcing any laws on the matter, I gained some ability to recognize where mankind had built or worked, I was even hired once by someone from Chicago who paid me five dollars when I was around 15, to show them where they could dig up an Indian pot, which I did and he was happy to take home a whole Indian pot and other things.
Years later I revisited the site/the ruins of the church and found what was left of different buildings there, as laid out on one of the Tayopa Maps, the stones some of them were thrown down the slope and scattered in a way to try to make them blend in with nature, but the eye of anyone with experience can see the stones are strictly on the surface all of them having been hauled there. In the second largest rectangular box, close to the upper left corner you have 2 hills, them 2 hills or points are talked about in the Molino Document as well as the other document I have blacked out part of, representing the 2 points on the arm of the Cross Document, and without taking much more than a glance at it, I would assume that the measurements appear to fit the places where mines, tunnels and shafts have already been found. The 2 hills are also represented on the Clyde Spider Rock Map of Texas which shows the same 2 hills but more rounded on top like the one on the Molino Map next to the Black Rock.
You might want to understand that a place that is as famous as the Tayopa Mines, with all the Indians and Spanish involved over a period of time, you could only expect there would be a lot of trails from history leading back to that place, even though anyone making discoveries would hide and camouflage their discoveries. Also anyone that felt they had authentic maps or history to such important mines, would want to give out enough information to get backing, but not give someone else the upper-hand by giving up too much information, just cause there are a group of rich mines with a lot of history or trails going back to them is not to imply there are not thousands of other places where gold has been found with some of them still being hidden. There are very few valleys in the west where you can’t find some gold or traces of it.
There is way too much evidence to not recognize that certain mines are the same mines and people that re-found old mines would not necessarily identify them as the original old mines with their old names, to keep others from causing a problem or claiming them such as descendants or Jesuit Priests, claiming they have rights to it because it belonged to a Jesuit Padre. These mines go way back and belonged to the House of Abraham. Queen Sheba was a descendant of Abraham’s kin that Solomon married. In time these mines were hid up to come forth at a time when righteous law would be in effect, for the purpose of establishing the Ten Commandments and our Constitution through Judaic and Christian law.
The temple complex that the Molino Document talks about, is very big and appears to go back before Abraham’s time, and those that have been in it were blindfolded or taken there by the Indians. One wrote a story he camouflaged, who tried to turn the tables on Wesley Powel and the Smithsonian Institute, from what he saw. Now many believe the Smithsonian Institute is suppressing Information they have on the Grand Canyon, which is not entirely true, but it does reflect what they are doing with information all across the Americas. So the person who claimed to be G. E. Kinkaid pretty much killed 2 birds with one stone, he put shame on the Smithsonian Institute, which it deserved, and hid the temple complex that the Molino Document lightly talks about, in his article that was talked about in the Phoenix Gazette on April 5th 1909, that large complex, which the Molino Documents calls the Temple of Tumacacori. Was this built by those that had the wealth to do such, which they had gained from the mines? That area was an ideal place for the Aztecs to spirit part of their treasures to and hide them, it is not likely for them to hide their treasures in that sacred temple but in the mine complexes nearby, but their warriors who were left to guard the place would have married local Indians and their descendants would likely speak a lot of the Aztec Language, this would have been a dominant force and power close to the area of the mines where they hid their treasures. Cecilio Orozco, regardless of what his peers think, was hot on the trail, and I have known of others even before him.
Those that think they can understand the handwriting on the wall let’s see the evidence, the real proof of the pudding. Anybody can make big claims and quote a lot of things out of context, but they won’t fool me or those who know what I have discovered. Oro Blanco the photograph on the north I had already asked a friend of mine for the rest of the picture and what is to the right of the picture and below has been destroyed by erosion, but the same story is written many places and in time I can post them sites when I am at home and have access to my own photographs. I have given you more key clues than what the Fugitive so-called Dutchman left. Part of them which you already have in the Molino Documents, the Tayopa Maps, Peralta Stone Tablets and the Spider Rock Maps of Texas, just remember the priest on the Peralta Stones, even though they were not made by the Peraltas they are maps to the mines of the Peraltas, that priest is a padre representing the Padre Mines, and the A that is on top of his head represent Alpha the place of beginning, and the path on 2 of the Peralta Stones that has 18 dots does not just represent places, a path of round holes comes through Indian influence, I have seen paths with round marks on them before, the way Indians would speak in pointing out a path somewhere that would take so many suns to get there, these round marks represents suns or days it would take on that path, so the document is telling you that it is 18 days travel or camping sites or days to the heart. It is hard to comprehend those that are trying to make it fit in the Superstitious Mountains. At the beginning of the trail with the arrow that is bent, which represents the starting point there by Apache Junction where the Stones were found, it sends you to the left and then right to get onto the correct path. The first big wavy line at the beginning of the path represents the Mogollon Rim. The backwards D to the left of the arrow, it and the partially circled cross represents a sign post of the place that you are going to. The Fugitive so-called Dutchman called that place a name that started with a D. The cross represents the valley of the right Santa Cruz River. The big peaks above the Mogollon Rim are the San Francisco Peaks by Flagstaff. The path takes you eventually to the right of that area to the place of Adam’s diggings.
One account says the so-called Dutchman just before he died said that he left plenty of clues and he also said Geologists or Miners won’t recognize the place. Is this because they are chimneys that collapsed and became sink holes that with time erosion has filled in, except for a small amount of cutting by the Santa Cruz River, to where you would not even recognize they were sinkholes, unless you examine it as close as I did the church house and other buildings. Just remember the Bible says, seek the Kingdom of Heaven and all else will be added. That is literally the big key for those who want to share in bringing forth certain treasures. The treasure of knowledge needs to be put first, which to my knowledge has not been done even with Adam’s story. It is dangerous when our attention is based around greed and covetousness. I have been whipped in debates before, the person that used his cleverness and experience to whip me failed to help himself out of harm’s way, which he created for himself, a win to him was more important than the truth which could have saved him from the pitfalls that he fell in. I am not saying I did not deserve the thrashing I got.
I have a tenancy to think that the truth needs to be victorious all the time, and it is hard for me to not want to defend what I believe to be the greater truth, and I am sure that is the case with some of you. With so much corruption going on right now it is probably better for me to loose now on these topics that a greater win can transpire in the future. I want to thank you all for your input and opposition. I hope I have not said too much. Your future, the future of this nation and the world depends on the people that are willing to sacrifice to obtain the truth. The greatest treasure I could ever hope for would be for people to sacrifice for and stand on the truth; it would sure help put an end to the problems between the Muslims, the Jews the Christians and the uninformed college professors around the world.

Charts On Paleo-Hebrew.


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