the blindbowman
Bronze Member
Real de Tayopa said:HI swe: you posted ---->
"I'd rather not speculate about something that does not exist",
snicker, snicker, snicke,r doesn't exst eh ? snicker
Don Jose de La Mancha
lol you must be talking about a fair tax law what if i told you the Taypa is real and i have prove it is ....
i beleive it was a Aztec mine then they made it in to a tomb for montezuma and the rest is all a matter of greed ...
i beleive the jesuits try to rename the site to make it look like the jesuit found it , but they only found a spanish mine in the area , they never found the Tayopa . it is still sealed tight ...
you need nder stand about 90% of all known small valiiages in sonora mexico came after Satna ana valiiage the Satna ana chruch is one of the oldest in sonora ..
often sites under the so called controll of a chruch would care the name of that chruch like ( Guadalupe of ) at one piont in the legend of the treasure trove list it says the same thing about Tayopa .. it dosent mean the tayopa is in that area only that that was the strong hold of the chruch in that area at the time , and just how big was Sonora back then , it was vast and could have very well reach 200 miles north , the old rule of thumb was within 3 days distance...
note the maps in the sierria madre ,showed up after the Santa ana maps , if you under stand the site was recorded in 1603-1646 you can asume the site is much older then these target dates if it did in fact have a full working set of mines and a small vallage at the site ...we know from other small mineing towns the site could have been as old as 200-300- years yet this was not a town it was a village , with a chruch and bells ...
the chruch was often build with out bells and then bell added ...
i even beleived the bells could have been made of gold and silver becuase there was o other way to get a bell to this area then to make it at site , but that would not explan the other gold and silver bells made there ..
this tell us the bells were most likely made to move the gold and silver unseen , and had nothing to do with useing them as bells ..
by the sounds of the acount of the massacre site , the village was destroyed and all most al sign of it coverd over , at the time the jesuit and spainish were killed off at the site ..we can only asume by this acount the jesuit priest were in numbers at this site when the event took place the wording stated priests were there ..
a good question is was Kino there or was this before kino's time .. we know the documents were date before his time and the acount of the massacre sounds to have took place when the village was fully active , this would have made it some time around the document dates . say 1646-1656, lets give these target dates a 10 years window for now and see how they hold up to study ...
if the documents are real and we can asume they are because of the birth and marrage record then these dates may in fact be very close to the true link to the village of Tayopa it self ... often the birth and marrages were record in the nearest chruch at the time of the events , back then the Satna Ana could have been the closeist chruch to village of tayopa some 200 miles north in the supersitition mts..
the other fact we need look at its village vs mines ..
if the village came after the mineing town the site could be as much as 200-300 years older then the site it self ... if the village had enough people to have death births and marrages then the village was most likely a hunderd years old at lest this would make the village 1503 or older useing are target dates for the village 1503 vs 1603 ...
we knew from dillmans find the masonic stamp was before 1519, we know it was most likely put there in 1519-1525...
now you are going to ask why did tayopa have to be north and not east of south . thats simple to answer , there were other chruches in the area that would have been closer then Satna ana .. this meansTayopa village was to the north , and most likely the village and mine were not some 200 -300 miles apart ...
this logically tells us the tayopa village and mine are in fact in the supersititions ...
think about the massacre site acount . it could have only taken place in the supersiitions ...if i am right the stone tablets came from tayopa village chruch and they priest that trye to run from the massacre could have try to hide the stone tablets and they could have made the maps of the stones or the maps were what took them to the tayopa mine in the frist place before the village became fact .. this would make more logic because of the wording on the stone tablets . this would date the stone tablets before 1503 , some where between 1279-1519, this tell us most likely the stone tablets are in fact older the the village of tayopa ..
so now our target dates of the stones and the village target dates add up some what .. the stones target dates were 1279-1325 . yet w see the village target dates from 1240 - 1503, and we know the castilla was founded in 1240 and became part of spain in 1479, lets pick a center piont as a focus target date .this says the event would have taken place somewhere around 1364 give or take 50 years , we are looking some where between 1314-1414, so dose these target dates fit any of the other target dates , the answer is yes . the 1314date dose in fact land between 1279-1325
so we now can focus on the dates between 1314-1325 this would have been the most likely date of the stone tablets and the starting of the village , the mine could have been there at the site for some time before these dates but , these are the most likely starting piont of the Tayopa sites in common ...
we now with some logical scale of focus can say the tablets must date some where between 1314-1325 ...
with the under standing the stone tablets would have been created to defind the tayopa mine , not the village that came much later around 1463-1503 we can logical asume the village did not appear over night , i gave it a 40 year birth ...if we give the village a full 100 years , we see it develope between the target dates , of 1303 -1403 now we have 3 sets of target dates that over lap . 1303-1314-1325, lets focus these target dates and see what get ...1303 -1325 , 23 years center piont between these target dates is 1314.5
we have just mathamatically focus a target date for the stone tablets of 1314.5
this means all the facters of the stone tablets and the wording and he histroy of tayopa vs the village combined says the stone tabklets could have only been made in the years around this target date of 1314.5 .
this says it would most likely be outside of the mathamatical proablities to have happend anywhere outside of this target date within logical mathamatical reasoning...
so we know the stones were made in year 1314...this also tells us the Tayopa mine is way older then the 1700's or the 1600's or the 1500's or 1400's or 1300's
this mine could have been a few hunderd years old before 1314.5. this would have been a pre aztec site , maybe Aztlan ....or pre-Aztlan ..
how do i know , the great flood , legend of the pima indains . out line the same targets dates ... as the bible 's great flood , now we see all 3 of those target dates alineing ...
this tells us the bible is confermed by the pima legend as well as the tayopa histroy in question here ...
this states the pima legend is as much fact as the bible it self and they conferm each other as facts of histroy ...
and we see how the montezuma legend fits within the tayopa legend and the stone tablets histroy ..
so we can focus on the templar founding the site already acttive by the Aztlan tribes in around the year of 1314.5
i am going to add this reply to my new book ( Return to Aztlan )... i am working on the book now ..