Interesting points raised; for instance, if we are to excuse the actions of some of the Jesuit fathers such as Tolla, then we must also excuse the actions of the Pimas and Apaches, such as the burning of nine women and children
alive in a house in which Luís Oacpicagigua had tricked them into entering before he barred the doors and set fire to it. After all, he was Captain General, and we don't know what his motivations and reasons were at the moment right? Yes let's not "condemn" a man...
What Lamar and Cactusjumper (and others) desire to see is absolute, incontrovertible evidence, and continue to dismiss or ignore all circumstantial evidence. By this standard, a great many facts of history must also be thrown out, including that the Jesuits were ever present in Sonora/Pimeria Alta. What little remains of the buildings are ruins, and could all be the work of the later Franciscans; the documents could all be bogus, falsified and wildly inaccurate; and remember the reports of the first Franciscan friars who said the Pimas of Pimeria Alta were hardly Christian at all on their arrival. Perhaps there were no Jesuits?

Did they build any churches, or convert any Amerindians, or teach any of their children to read and write? Lamar has already expressed doubt that father Tolla ever existed, well can we be sure that father Kino ever existed?

Oh well mi amigos, we probably will
never agree on politics or religion either, but
do have great common interests.
Lamar you mentioned that a "great question"
ought to be coming to mind for our readers here, and I can assure you that indeed
a great question has come to MY mind, and a
very clear answer also. Somehow I rather doubt that the question which has come to MY mind is one and the same with the one
you are postulating however, nor the most likely answer.
Good luck Ed T, I hope you will tell us of your adventures and finds when you return.
Hola mi amigo Real de Tayopa,
Don Jose de la Mancha wrote:
PEEPS: I just made a trip to ORO Valley, sniff no 'Beth, nor her hanger on Gigalo.
Sorry I could not be there to greet you in person mi amigo, but I cannot bear even to look at that once-beautiful and remote area now that the developers have begun to
despoil it forever. Now living in frigid cold SD Black Hills, and probably won't be back to AZ for at least a year or more and
NEVER to Sulphur Hills again. Looking for a
slightly different type of place, one that the developers
cannot surround and befoul, and yes there
IS such a type of property, but as these are fairly uncommon I won't say what type that is; NOT here in public. I don't need competition in buying one!
If I don't get back here before Christmas, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas!
your friend,