Treasure Trove Permits

Scott Wood for the public record here is a copy proof of the letter i sent you on 8/26/09 SCOTT WOOD THIS IS URGENT AND VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!‏
true spectrumTo
From: true spectrum (
Sent: Wed 8/26/09 4:31 PM

Hotmail Active ViewIn Search Of... The Lost Dutchman Mine (Part 1 of 3) Nimoy

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Added on 10/01/08

I Found The Lost Dutchman Using Google Earth.... I believe you might be able to help me get my story out.....¤t=theheart.jpg Subject: LOST DUTCHMAN FOUND PERALTA MAPS SOLVED! [Incident:090713-000011] I have located the gold. John V. Kemm Albuquerque N.M. today is july 4 2009 the key is the heart the peralta map is close to dead on till you reach the heart then reverse the heart or spin it to the right and a little to the north, from a specific angle from weavers needle you can see the hearts center the upper left side is where the gold is this can be verified on google earth the only thing i ask for is to give me credit for the find and if there are profits made a 3 percent of the total for me and my family my name is John V. Kemm age 43 of albuquerque new mexico i encourage anyone to investigate this finding of mine the exact coordinates are 33°26'46.06"N 111°21'44.38"W 1847m (lattitude longitude and range) HERE IS A PICTURE FROM GOOGLE EARTH!°26'46.06N 111°21'44.38W.kmz DOWNLOAD GOOGLE EARTH NOW TO VIEW THE ABOVE LINK

Hello , I was A Cibola Student, in class of 83. I have made a major discovery, get my discovery out to the media? MY HOME PAGE-
MY SATELITE IMAGES- MY FACE BOOK PAGE- I Found The Lost Dutchman Using Google Earth.... I believe you might be able to help me get my story out..... Subject: LOST DUTCHMAN FOUND PERALTA MAPS SOLVED! [Incident:090713-000011] I have located the gold. John V. Kemm Albuquerque N.M. today is july 4 2009 the key is the heart the peralta map is close to dead on till you reach the heart then reverse the heart or spin it to the right and a little to the north, from a specific angle from weavers needle you can see the hearts center the upper left side is where the gold is this can be verified on google earth the only thing i ask for is to give me credit for the find and if there are profits made a 3 percent of the total for me and my family my name is John V. Kemm age 43 of albuquerque new mexico i encourage anyone to investigate this finding of mine the exact coordinates are 33°26'46.06"N 111°21'44.38"W 1847m (lattitude longitude and range) HERE IS A PICTURE FROM GOOGLE EARTH!°26'46.06N111°21'44.38W.kmz DOWNLOAD GOOGLE EARTH NOW TO VIEW THE ABOVE LINK "THE LOST DUTCHMAN IS ALSO CIBOLA THE LOST CITY OF GOLD AND THE PERALTA TREASURE." THE STORY OF PERALTAS- LATIN HEARTS- IN SEARCH OF THE LOST DUTCHMAN MINE- THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME SINCERELY JOHN V. KEMM CLASS OF 1983 (P.S. ATTN. SCOTT WOOD I want to have a film made documenting My process in My discovery, and/or secure formal recognition of the discovery with recognized historical, anthropological, archeological, or geological authorities/associations before making the film.) Can You HELP? My phone number is 5055049179 Call Or Write Thankyou Sincerely John V. Kemm........ DO A GOOGLE SEARCH FOR JOHN V. KEMM

I'll make a wild prediction here...

Mr. Wood will add this to his enormous ever growing stack of "I found the Lost Dutchman Mine" letters and documents he's received over the years.

If this is the professional, extremely well documented proof you believe will result in a permit being issued - or even the kind of well thought out, detailed and professional documentation required to initiate interest in your find, you're going to be disappointed.

Suggestion - find an attorney who can put together a coherent document for someone in Mr. Wood's position that might persuade him to contact you. Once again, although you refuse to believe the truth of it, the burden of proof is on you.

would you like a copy of the permit guide lines i have a copy right here ... say so and i will post them ... the guide lines are dirrect and to the point they are not scott wood 's guide lines .. he is a apointed offerice of the NFS ...
these guide lines are hard to comply with but they stand and if you can not meet them walk away .. or regroup your evidence to comply ...thats the facts ,,,,.....

Cubfan64 said:
Scott Wood for the public record here is a copy proof of the letter i sent you on 8/26/09 SCOTT WOOD THIS IS URGENT AND VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!‏
true spectrumTo
From: true spectrum (
Sent: Wed 8/26/09 4:31 PM

Hotmail Active ViewIn Search Of... The Lost Dutchman Mine (Part 1 of 3) Nimoy

Play video
Added on 10/01/08

I Found The Lost Dutchman Using Google Earth.... I believe you might be able to help me get my story out.....¤t=theheart.jpg Subject: LOST DUTCHMAN FOUND PERALTA MAPS SOLVED! [Incident:090713-000011] I have located the gold. John V. Kemm Albuquerque N.M. today is july 4 2009 the key is the heart the peralta map is close to dead on till you reach the heart then reverse the heart or spin it to the right and a little to the north, from a specific angle from weavers needle you can see the hearts center the upper left side is where the gold is this can be verified on google earth the only thing i ask for is to give me credit for the find and if there are profits made a 3 percent of the total for me and my family my name is John V. Kemm age 43 of albuquerque new mexico i encourage anyone to investigate this finding of mine the exact coordinates are 33°26'46.06"N 111°21'44.38"W 1847m (lattitude longitude and range) HERE IS A PICTURE FROM GOOGLE EARTH!°26'46.06N 111°21'44.38W.kmz DOWNLOAD GOOGLE EARTH NOW TO VIEW THE ABOVE LINK

Hello , I was A Cibola Student, in class of 83. I have made a major discovery, get my discovery out to the media? MY HOME PAGE-
MY SATELITE IMAGES- ...........................

I'll make a wild prediction here...

Mr. Wood will add this to his enormous ever growing stack of "I found the Lost Dutchman Mine" letters and documents he's received over the years.

If this is the professional, extremely well documented proof you believe will result in a permit being issued - or even the kind of well thought out, detailed and professional documentation required to initiate interest in your find, you're going to be disappointed.

Suggestion - find an attorney who can put together a coherent document for someone in Mr. Wood's position that might persuade him to contact you. Once again, although you refuse to believe the truth of it, the burden of proof is on you.

You took him off "ignore" again, didn't you Cubfan. You know that me having him on ignore doesn't work very well when you keep quoting his posts! LOL
Just kidding with you Cubfan, of course. ;D

Santa Fe NM - three points;

First, this is not the Forest Service website, we do not have authority to issue any permits.

Second, I don't think it is wise to post your home phone number here on a public forum, unless you like being bombarded with telemarketers.

Third, there is a separate section of the Treasurenet forums expressly for people to post their Google Earth discoveries. Here is the link:,313.0.html
<from the title of that section>

"X Marks The Spot!
Potential treasure hunting hotspots and points of discovery! Share your Google Earth discoveries! Post your Google Earth (.kml) files here! "


Scott Wood was not the first. I contacted Desert Archaeology Who were fantastic folks Desert Archaeology has a permanent staff of 37 employees with an average tenure of 13 years with the company. This depth of experience creates an environment suited to the development of methodological and research specializations.

Professional staff includes 15 project directors with a broad range of experience. We have also developed analytical specializations in ceramics, flaked stone, ground stone, animal bone, paleobotanical analyses, and petrographic sourcing of ceramic temper.

William H. Doelle (PhD University of Arizona 1980) Prehistoric archaeology, ethnohistory, public archaeology, demography; Southwest United States, North America. Since 1982.

Operations Director
Patricia Castalia (MA Arizona State University 1975) Contract archaeology, prehistoric settlement patterns, spatial analysis; Southwest United States. Since 1989.

Project Directors
Michael L. Brack (MA Wichita State University 1999) Ceramic analysis, GIS/CAD, cartography, spatial analysis, environmental adaptation, Plains ethnology; American Southwest, Northern Mexico, Great Plains, Caddoan. Since 2000.

Patricia Cook (PhD University Arizona 1997) Prehistoric archaeology, settlement patterns, household archaeology, gender studies; Southwest United States, Mesoamerica. Since 1998.

Connie A. Darby (Bryn Mawr College 1991) Prehistoric and historical archaeology; North America and Near East. Since 2006.

Allison Cohen Diehl (MA Arizona State University 1995) Historical archaeology; North America. Since 1998.

Mark D. Elson (PhD University of Arizona 1996) Prehistoric archaeology, settlement pattern analysis, ethnographic studies, adaptation to catastrophic events; Southwest United States, Latin America. Since 1984.

Susan D. Hall (MA Northern Arizona University 1992) Prehistoric archaeology, ceramic and architectural studies; Southwest United States. Since 1995.

T. Kathleen Henderson (PhD Arizona State University 1986) Prehistoric archaeology, settlement and social organization, chronology; Southwest United States. Since 1999.

Sarah A. Herr (PhD University of Arizona 1999) Ceramic analysis, regional organization, frontiers; Southwest United States. Since 1995.

Michael W. Lindeman (PhD Arizona State University 2006) Prehistoric archaeology, Southwest United States, Hohokam archaeology, pithouse architecture, craft production, household archaeology, quantitative methods. Since 1991.

Deborah L. Swartz (BA University of Arizona 1979) Prehistoric archaeology, field methods; Southwest United States. Since 1984.

J. Homer Thiel (MA Arizona State University 1992) Historical archaeology, genealogy, faunal analysis; Southwest United States. Since 1992.

James M. Vint (MA Northern Arizona University 1992) Southwestern U.S. and Protohistoric archaeology, Colorado Plateau and Northern New Mexico prehistory, ethnohistory, ceramic analysis, settlement pattern and borderlands studies. Since 1993.

Henry D. Wallace (MA University of Arizona 1980) Prehistoric and protohistoric archaeology, ceramic studies, iconography; Southwest United States, Northern Mexico. Since 1983.

Gregory J. Whitney (BA University of Georgia 1994) Prehistoric archaeology, cartography; Southwest United States. Since 1999.

Helga Wöcherl (PhD University of Arizona 1997) Subsistence-settlement research, site structure, extramural space, resource ecology; Southwest United States, Western Europe. Since 1992.

[back to top]

Analysis Specialists
Jenny L. Adams (PhD University of Arizona 1994; Ground Stone Specialist) Prehistoric archaeology, ethnoarchaeology, experimentation, use-wear analysis; Southwest United States. Since 1995.

Michael W. Diehl (PhD State University New York-Buffalo 1994; Paleobotanical Specialist) Paleoethnobotany, human ecology, social change and complex adaptive systems; Greater Southwest. Since 1998.

James M. Heidke (BA University of Illinois 1981; Research Ceramicist) Ceramic analysis, ceramic petrography and provenience studies, quantitative methods; Southwest United States. Since 1984.

Carlos P. Lavayen (BA University of San Simon 1995; Assistant Petrologist) Petrography, optical mineralogy, geostatistics, research methods; South America. Since 2001.

Mary F. Ownby (PhD University of Cambridge 2010; Petrologist) archaeological chemistry and petrography, ancient ceramic technology, ceramic exchange and social systems; Egypt, ancient Near East. Since 2010.

Stacy L. Ryan (BA Buffalo State University 1995; Lithic Analyst) Lithic technology, prehistoric archaeology, historical archaeology; Southwest United States. Since 2001.

R. Jane Sliva (MA University of Illinois-Chicago 1992; Lithic Specialist) Prehistoric archaeology, lithic technology, microwear analysis; Southwest United States. Since 1994.

Jennifer A. Waters (MA Arizona State University 1995; Faunal Specialist) Early Agriculture, hunter-gatherers, historical archaeology; Southwest United States. Since 1996.

Laboratory Director
Lisa G. Eppley (BA Appalachian State 1979) Prehistoric archaeology, lithic analysis, curation, repatriation; Southwest United States. Since 1984.

Information Systems
Theodore J. Oliver (BA University of North Dakota 1990; Database Administrator) Prehistoric archaeology, database development, GIS, spatial analysis; Southwest United States. Since 1999.

Michael L. Brack, Mapping Director. Since 2000.
Catherine B. Gilman, Mapping Specialist. Since 1991.
Susan D. Hall, Mapping Specialist. Since 1995.
Tyler S. Theriot, Mapping Specialist. Since 2007.

Support Staff
Mario E. Arechederra, Field and Office Support. Since 2009.
Robert B. Ciaccio, Drafting. Since 1994.
Donna G. Doolittle, Word Processor. Since 2001.
Val M. Hintze, Reception and Production. Since 2001.
Jean E. Kramer, Office Manager. Since 1991.
Sara Lely, Database Assistant. Since 1991.
Andrea S. Mathews, Word Processor. Since 1998.
Emilee M. Mead, Publications Director. Since 2000.

Southwest Petrographic Specialists, Inc. Desert Archaeology staff members work closely with Dr. Elizabeth Miksa of Southwest Petrographic Specialists, Inc. Dr. Miksa is a former Desert Archaeology employee and worked closely with James M. Heidke and Carlos P. Lavayen on development of petrofacies analysis of sand-tempered pottery from southern and central Arizona. We continue to collaborate on projects and on the advancement of ceramic petrography as a productive research method.

Quality Thin Sections, Inc., prepares high-quality polished and thin sections.

Any how the very nice folks at Desert Archaeology were more than happy to answer any, and all of my questions and were very friendly. I talked to many different people, and got excellent feed back on my discovery, from every one I talked to at Desert Archaeology. I was even congratulated for my discovery, I told them all i was looking for was Formal Recognition from a certified Archaeologist and was willing to pay any fees or cost to get that done, then thats when I was told We at Desert Archaeology would love to document your discovery and would if we could, However the only person that can legally do that for you is soley Scott Wood Chief Archeologist from Tonto National Forest, They proceeded to give me his Phone Number and email, And gave me major """"Kudos"""" for my discovery and said it was a fantastic discovery. I then Emailed Several Letters of the Proof Copy above. And followed with many phone calls Direct to Scott for 2 weeks and left numerous messages for Scott to get back to me to discuss my discovery the Film and Formal Recognition, I even announced that, I would be here on this forum, lost dutchmans mine, on treasurenet, till I got a response directly from him. The Above Proof Copy Letter was sent 8/26/09 followed by two weeks of recorded messages left on scotts phone messaging system, then 9/8/09 Scott Completely Vanished From This Topic, And Forum After Major activity here for quite a while, Now one year later I have not heard a single response from scott, why did he disapear and why is he hiding from me im just. Trying To Make A Film and now likely with Nicholas Cage/Saturn Films These Facts Have Been Quoted By John V. Kemm

Any how the very nice folks at Desert Archaeology were more than happy to answer any, and all of my questions and were very friendly. I talked to many different people, and got excellent feed back on my discovery, from every one I talked to at Desert Archaeology. I was even congratulated for my discovery, I told them all i was looking for was Formal Recognition from a certified Archaeologist and was willing to pay any fees or cost to get that done, then thats when I was told We at Desert Archaeology would love to document your discovery and would if we could, However the only person that can legally do that for you is soley Scott Wood Chief Archeologist from Tonto National Forest, They proceeded to give me his Phone Number and email, And gave me major """"Kudos"""" for my discovery and said it was a fantastic discovery. I then Emailed Several Letters of the Proof Copy above. And followed with many phone calls Direct to Scott for 2 weeks and left numerous messages for Scott to get back to me to discuss my discovery the Film and Formal Recognition, I even announced that, I would be here on this forum, lost dutchmans mine, on treasurenet, till I got a response directly from him. The Above Proof Copy Letter was sent 8/26/09 followed by two weeks of recorded messages left on scotts phone messaging system, then 9/8/09 Scott Completely Vanished From This Topic, And Forum After Major activity here for quite a while, Now one year later I have not heard a single response from scott, why did he disapear and why is he hiding from me im just. Trying To Make A Film and now likely with Nicholas Cage/Saturn Films These Facts Have Been Quoted By John V. Kemm

Well,at least you didn't get one of these:

To Whom it May Concern,


Thank You

Sides....Therapy sessions are probably not covered by Scott's job benefits package.


somehiker said:
Any how the very nice folks at Desert Archaeology were more than happy to answer any, and all of my questions and were very friendly. I talked to many different people, and got excellent feed back on my discovery, from every one I talked to at Desert Archaeology. I was even congratulated for my discovery, I told them all i was looking for was Formal Recognition from a certified Archaeologist and was willing to pay any fees or cost to get that done, then thats when I was told We at Desert Archaeology would love to document your discovery and would if we could, However the only person that can legally do that for you is soley Scott Wood Chief Archeologist from Tonto National Forest, They proceeded to give me his Phone Number and email, And gave me major """"Kudos"""" for my discovery and said it was a fantastic discovery. I then Emailed Several Letters of the Proof Copy above. And followed with many phone calls Direct to Scott for 2 weeks and left numerous messages for Scott to get back to me to discuss my discovery the Film and Formal Recognition, I even announced that, I would be here on this forum, lost dutchmans mine, on treasurenet, till I got a response directly from him. The Above Proof Copy Letter was sent 8/26/09 followed by two weeks of recorded messages left on scotts phone messaging system, then 9/8/09 Scott Completely Vanished From This Topic, And Forum After Major activity here for quite a while, Now one year later I have not heard a single response from scott, why did he disapear and why is he hiding from me im just. Trying To Make A Film and now likely with Nicholas Cage/Saturn Films These Facts Have Been Quoted By John V. Kemm

Well,at least you didn't get one of these:

To Whom it May Concern,


Thank You

Sides....Therapy sessions are probably not covered by Scott's job benefits package.

Thanks SH.

Javaone said:
Cubfan64 said:
Scott Wood for the public record here is a copy proof of the letter i sent you on 8/26/09 SCOTT WOOD THIS IS URGENT AND VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!‏
true spectrumTo
From: true spectrum (
Sent: Wed 8/26/09 4:31 PM

Hotmail Active ViewIn Search Of... The Lost Dutchman Mine (Part 1 of 3) Nimoy

Play video
Added on 10/01/08

I Found The Lost Dutchman Using Google Earth.... I believe you might be able to help me get my story out.....¤t=theheart.jpg Subject: LOST DUTCHMAN FOUND PERALTA MAPS SOLVED! [Incident:090713-000011] I have located the gold. John V. Kemm Albuquerque N.M. today is july 4 2009 the key is the heart the peralta map is close to dead on till you reach the heart then reverse the heart or spin it to the right and a little to the north, from a specific angle from weavers needle you can see the hearts center the upper left side is where the gold is this can be verified on google earth the only thing i ask for is to give me credit for the find and if there are profits made a 3 percent of the total for me and my family my name is John V. Kemm age 43 of albuquerque new mexico i encourage anyone to investigate this finding of mine the exact coordinates are 33°26'46.06"N 111°21'44.38"W 1847m (lattitude longitude and range) HERE IS A PICTURE FROM GOOGLE EARTH!°26'46.06N 111°21'44.38W.kmz DOWNLOAD GOOGLE EARTH NOW TO VIEW THE ABOVE LINK

Hello , I was A Cibola Student, in class of 83. I have made a major discovery, get my discovery out to the media? MY HOME PAGE-
MY SATELITE IMAGES- ...........................

I'll make a wild prediction here...

Mr. Wood will add this to his enormous ever growing stack of "I found the Lost Dutchman Mine" letters and documents he's received over the years.

If this is the professional, extremely well documented proof you believe will result in a permit being issued - or even the kind of well thought out, detailed and professional documentation required to initiate interest in your find, you're going to be disappointed.

Suggestion - find an attorney who can put together a coherent document for someone in Mr. Wood's position that might persuade him to contact you. Once again, although you refuse to believe the truth of it, the burden of proof is on you.

You took him off "ignore" again, didn't you Cubfan. You know that me having him on ignore doesn't work very well when you keep quoting his posts! LOL
Just kidding with you Cubfan, of course. ;D

I know :) It's like a sickness or that weird fascination of looking at a wreck when you pass it on the highway - now and then I just can't help myself :P

John - you definitely got that "cut and paste" feature down ;)

Cubfan64 said:
I know :) It's like a sickness or that weird fascination of looking at a wreck when you pass it on the highway - now and then I just can't help myself :P

It's OK Cubfan. I think Oroblanco has the same sickness too.... ::) ;D

[mod] Terms of Use Violation[/mod]

Hey Buddy tell that to the producer of National Treasure and see if he Agrees? And quit comparing me to or with BB. Lest I start comparing you to well youll find out when my BOOK goes number1. :o

Santa Fe NM wrote
Hey Buddy tell that to the producer of National Treasure and see if he Agrees? And quit comparing me to or with BB. Lest I start comparing you to well youll find out when my BOOK goes number1

Oh heck now I just can not resist this one;

"From the moment I picked your book up until I laid it down, I was convulsed with laughter. Someday I intend reading it."= Groucho Marx

:laughing9: :laughing7: :notworthy:

I just hope that MY book doesn't go number 2! :o :-[ ::) :'( :wink: ;D

[mod]Terms of Use Violation[/mod]

Santa Fe New Mexican (and others) <-- This users is currently ignored. :icon_sunny: It's soooo blissful.... (thinking to myself) now, if people would just quit quoting him/them. ::)

The Funny Thing Is The Very Second One Year Ago That """"I Mentioned I Had Infact Found The LDM"""" I WAS INSTANTANIOUSLY put on ignore. Ive Come way past that now. And will be ignored No more!

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