HI MI Amigo Lamar: While I agree in essence, En garde for some of your points heeheh.
A) One peculiar aspect to historical facts are that they can be PROVEN.
In broad general terms, perhaps, since many 'facts' are based upon first person observance, and many do not have any available true written data to back them up, only suppositions of varied observers or interpretations of various writers, many of whom, even in the scientific circle's, are not adverse to adding or subtracting a bit to further their belief or position.
B) a person who repeats old Apache wives' tales is commonly dismissed out of hand,
Such as was commonly posted on Troy as being just a pretty legend, nothing more? Or even Allantis? (The Latter is still in the proving stages until we are capable of exploring it's site under 12,000 ft under water)
C) a person who repeats old Apache wives' tales is commonly dismissed out of hand,
Unfortunately true, but in light of ongoing developments, later proven correct.
D) How were the Aztec able to accomplish this feat without horses, burros or wagons at their disposal?
Since they never developed the wheel, and horses came with the Spanish, how did they construct their magnificent works? The same way, if they actually did move this treasure.
E) How did they eat? -- How did they survive the almost constant attacks from hostiles as they verntured away from the home territories
Not really not too relevent Lamar, since this also applies to their building up their empire originally. As for atacks, what tribe would seriously consider attacking them, since they would be a large army in any event. They would be better armed, trained in combat, disciplined, and most important, armed with their reputation.
F) If this legend has been passed down orally from generation to generation, why has it not been written down, by eithe Apache historians or general historians?
Why do all of the documents from the Conquisadores tell a completely different story?
Sheehs Lamar, who knows, it may well have been, but lost today. As for the Conquistadors, Much of their data and records are incorrect. What about the 7 Ciudades of Cibola? I will accept the Spanish data after the Jesuits had established missions and the Spanish court was well established in Mexico with multi copies of each transaction or expedition .
As has often been stated correctly The victors write the history. Today in Japan, the school children are taught that Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in retaliation for the Atomic bombing at Hiroshima and Nagasaki

G) If one presents a somewhat radical theory then one should be able to defend it.
Defend yes, prove no, that comes with the development and time. Crude examples, "How was the Universe started?" Was the world created by GOD or a natural occurrence?
H) it's merely the only method we have at our disposal to separate the wheat from the chaff, as it were.
Agreed my friend, but remember it works both ways. Nothing that we know of or believe today is absolutely correct, all, including dying, and Religious beliefs, are subject to change.
Don Jose DE La Manchu