Treasure Signs and Symbols 101

it is better to do what Brent has done by circling the sunsigns first to see
if you have a real site..then and only then is it logical or prudent to look for shadows
Always start with the sunlite signs first, then look for shadows for some data..

if you look only at shadows first..well you can find anything that is in your mind
that you want to see in the dark parts of the world..shadows conceal-sun signs reveal.
Dont step in the P
just me trying to help

you said...

At one time I found a perfect Tobias "T" chiseled in a rock and the longpart was pointed directly to a large burial unfortunately the treasure had been removed.

wow, I know just how heartbreaking that is..we once dug an omgea..same thing.
However it was a learning experience we confirmed quite a few signs that day.
and now you know that if someone tells you a T don't mean diddly - you know
Knowledge is Power dude..keep up the good work
it will be rewarded

oro para ti

TDog, you got that face in the right circle and here's some help on that left circled head. It's a carved, 3 dimensional head. The white spot is his eyeball.

COIN ON THE LIPS2 Merged.webp

The more you zoom in to the p stuff - the more it comes to view..know that - it leads only to confusion not clarity- these are not real faces at all, no surrounding signs for context..just p stuff junk hiding in the shadows.
The codemakers did not magnify fractals* ( p stuff) and use them as signs, they did use rock incorporation of course, but only if they needed a sign to represent a stream ,for instance they would pick a crack in a rock to show that..other than that..type of topograhpical things..but not fractals

*"Fractals are unique patterns left behind by the unpredictable movements -- the chaos -- of the world at work."
.....John Briggs from his new book..Fractuals The Pattern of Chaos

This book shows the artistic sense of random chaos in the universe, if not abstract art, but the understanding of HOW fractuals are both hidden and apparent if you have a little knowledge.

just trying to keep everyone on the correct trail.

(c)copyright 2009-all rights reserved- rangler

This area is only about 2x3 inches-it shows an optical illusion - one way you look at it you see
an Owl the other way a Horse..saying this cache belong to the King-
lower down under the owl/horse, is a tiny topographical bas relief map
showing the mountain that the rock was found near..and the tiny hillock
that the goods are hidden in..kinda vague here but on becomes clear.


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Read all the books you want, but please take a closer look at the carved head when you go back out there. He's seems to be looking at something pretty hard.

yellow marks.


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True Trackers, Neophytes and yes Pros too...
This is the best place and time to make some comments about the nature of treasure hunting and what it involves as to the aspect of Fate - Intuition - Tithing

Many of us, have felt as we are drawn down the Treasure Trail a sense of Fate is a compelling force that seems to push us and sometimes even pull us along this trail.. I have seen and felt this vividly in my two and half decades on the this same trail.
In fact three things have sustained me over this time period...the sense of fate, intuition and confirmation where you decode the sign or symbol correctly, without these I would have faded out of the picture a long time ago..

Giving Back. bear with me folks as I speak of things not talked about in the treasure realm ...
very much... but it involves the way the Gold and Silver was mined , transported and stored..on the backs of humans enslaved to do this work by the Spanish. Horrible conditions, brutal treatment all kinds of unspeakable torture was employed if the Spanish thought some indigenous person had some idea where gold or silver might be found..Molten lead, attack dogs, torture of the Inquisition kind , working them to death..and it some cases murdering them and placing them in the holes, their bodies tossed in to cover the goods, and their spirits protecting the cache in some sick and depraved thinking by the Spanish overseers - frankly put..the Blood of Innocent people is on the Gold and Silver Treasure that we seek.

So what you ask?, that was a long time ago..I have nothing to do with that ...ect.. Well it was a long time ago, but your soul is eternal if you believe and trust in Jesus Christ... The souls of those who were tortured, worked to death and murdered cry out from the grave for Justice...What does that have to do with me you ask..fair enough...If you search a half a lifetime for this stuff and get lucky enough to find something..those goods are stained with that Blood... and you will be profited by the sale of those goods, and now this Blood is on your its true..cause and effect in this case.. Well what to do you ask ? Easy solution says I , Give back to the descendants of those brutalized a goodly proportion of what you find, How much says you...? Well says I , a good enough portion that it hurts just a little to you!(as in sacrifice)
My self I have dedicated all ready Half (50% to you in Rio Linda) lol Seriously I think it is a just amount, you are sharing it fairly...this does a couple of things..some bit of Cosmic Justice is served, the Scales get balance just a bit..and the descendants of those innocents get rewarded for their ancestors work and sacrifice. And the goods are washed clean of the innocent blood allowing you to use it as you see fit without any taint to the transfer of wealth...

This is the amount that I saw fit to give of course should ponder this and make up your own mind. But remember it should hurt just a bit so you know the pain the original people, a minuscule amount for sure but at least you share in the goods and you share in the pain..only seems right but to each is own.

Fate plays a part of this whole realm and is tied to the above comments about giving back...I have been given clues to impossibly encrypted symbols thru the most unlikely of events, some even tragic but with a lesson learned or a coded sign solved...In my 25 years of research almost full time, I might add.. I found reference to the Egyptian Scribe named Thoth...he was the scribe of Kings, he postulated that the data with respect to the codes was in an worldwide collective consciousness - obtainable by those pure of heart and willing to search and be receptive to the gifts of knowledge in this consciousness, then do the right thing with this as above and giving back! I have found this to be true.
I dont want to scare off any skeptics but I truly think that you must have been a born again Christian in order to have the purity you need to tap into this consciousness. There are dark forces that have been summoned in this battle to keep the goods in the ground... King Solomon himself is mentioned in the Bible as having the ability to summon and control these demons. This is not for the faint of heart and not to be trifeled with..Your protection in the battle and you are in the battle if you seek and find any of these goods..your protection is Christ himself. Once you make the dedication to give something back to free the lost souls, you have joined the battle between the forces and Good and Evil. Period. You can smirk if you want but the smirk is born out of ignorance as in if you have not been there, you cannot know.

I will continue this thread where I will go in to the aspect that intuition plays in treasure hunting....
hope you find both treasures in this world - the worldly and the heavenly!

[size=9pt]the face of Christ as seen on the Shroud of Turin![/size
I have seen this face carved on stone at the omega place.]

Atta Boy, Cowboy!! You have expressed what is in my heart Partner! THERE IS A SPIRITUAL SIDE TO TREASURE HUNTING! And we have a responsibility to the Innocents, should we be fortunate enough to recover something. God Bless! td

" Symbols Rule The World, Not Words Nor Laws " Confucious

Never underestimate the power of giving back. I know that my treasure hunting has been aided by the fact that I keep no profit for myself. After expenses are taken care of, all profit is donated to charity.

Not because I am independently wealthy for I am far from it, but because I am only able to walk today because of the generosity I received as a child when I would have been crippled for life without it.

I made a vow that I would one day help other children who found themselves in need of someones generosity the way I was.
Even though I do not take a profit, my benefits are overwhelming due to the immense satisfaction gained from helping to make the last wish come true for children who only have a short time left to live.

I am not saying that I have found vast treasure or even many treasures, but for someone only working at it part time I have been able to help children make their last wish come true and that is all the treasure I need. Once greed is taken out of the equation you would be surprised how many doors open and how much easier it is to be successful.

Please do not think that I am saying all this as a way to brag, or to try to make you feel guilty, just take it as my way of sharing with you that helping others is way more fulfilling and meaningful than having a treasure to yourself.

As Rangler so aptly put it; "the Blood of Innocent people is on the Gold and Silver Treasure that we seek"

If you want true happiness you must first get your house in order and get right with the Lord. Jesus said, "What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his soul?"

May You have a happy and prosperous New Year!
And may God bless you,

Well said , all of you .
A Mexican seeress , many years ago , told me that I was divesting myself of greed and one day would find a great treasure in the company of two other honest people .
Rather ambiguous , in retrospect . If you find yourself in the company of two other honest people
is that not a treasure in it's own right ?

There is much wisdom found here. In following Christ, you can never get off the trail.

Most of you seem to be living out West and have the ability to TH quite often. I am jealous. Do any of you besides GG hunt in the midwest, or is that futile considering the multitude of mines, trails, and markers in the Great West ?

.......... or maybe its because we got almost 30 inches of snow yesterday and even the Spaniards said "Heck with the Midwest !"


You may not find any Spanish gold mines in Indiana, but there should be more than enough treasure leads to follow in your state than you could find in several lifetimes. Indiana has all the possibilities of having caches left by wealthy farmers, industrialists, and crooks. Read Karl von Mueller's book, Treasure Hunters Manual #6 and you'll get the idea.
I live in Mississippi, and share your envy of the folks "out west" with those Spanish and Ancients treasure trails and monuments, but that doesn't keep me from researching local leads and relic hunting. If you make enough finds in your searches of your area, that could be you financial ticket to "wander" out west. Turn a lemon situation into a barrel of lemonade. :coffee2: Winter time with all the snowy, cold weather is the time for doing your research in warm libraries and historical society archives. Join a local geneology group and start to collect information on your ancestors. Remember, you are a hobby geneologist NOT a treasure hunter. Never, never, never mention the dreaded "T" word to any librarian or archiveist. Why geneology?? Because geneologists do the same kind of researching that treasure hunters do, in the same libraries and the same files. Only, for SLIGHTLY different reasons. Some of those geneologists you'll rub shoulders with are actually doing the same exact thing you are doing.........trying to varify that that old miser, Mr. Jones ACTUALLY existed and lived in the area the stories say he did. Mr. Jones was a great uncles's third cousin twice removed. Get the idea??

thanks for the replies regarding the 'Blood of the Innocents' ...
I will tell you one thing - if I was to pick a team to help with a recovery
you 4would be the first ones on my list! Thanks for your thoughts

Tesoro Dog,
Goody Guy
Hoosier au

Thanks for your thoughts

Phil 4:8: Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

here is a poem that I first heard, while watching a John Wayne movie the other day..forgot the name..but it was a classic and one of the actors quoted part of the poem..I did a search and it turns out that edgar allen poe wrote it...a favorite author of mine, I though that you guys might like it...

Gaily bedight,*
A gallant knight,
In sunshine and in shadow,
Had journeyed long,
Singing a song,
In search of Eldorado.

But he grew old-
This knight so bold-
And o'er his heart a shadow
Fell as he found
No spot of ground
That looked like Eldorado.

And, as his strength
Failed him at length,
He met a pilgrim shadow-
"Shadow," said he,
"Where can it be-
This land of Eldorado?"

"Over the Mountains
Of the Moon,
Down the Valley of the Shadow,
Ride, boldly ride,"
The shade replied-
"If you seek for Eldorado!"

Since the Duke as a treasure hunter most of his later life..I found it interesting..
that he immortalized the word 'pilgrim' in his movies as well

transitive verb bedight be·dight or be·dight·ed, be·dight·ing, be·dights
To dress or array.

Interesting insight on the poem ;D And thank you for the flattering comment in my regard .


Well, gold was/is found down south in your state, DeSoto made a detour there(I believe there is a post somewhere here on Tnet in regards to that) , the French were involved,the Mormons passed through (I think) to their Michigan settlemet, the Jesuits too..and of course outlaws.

I used to look for archaic celts or any sign of archaic sites over by Wawasee never found any..but suspect there are some around. The area around that lake was pretty heavily settled for a long long time. The natives that lived there...their burial customs I thought were odd for the area...they would put the deceased in trees or on platforms in trees..and let nature do its course.

It is a little dream I have of finding an archaic site..I mean mammoth would be so awesome to stand in the place where 8000 years ago..others lived and worked and just get the sense, the feel of place and imagine..

Getting permission to rove some of the farm fields might be a good place to start. If the field adjoins a river or lake I think that would be a better pick.

I always thought Tippecanoe would be a place to find things. But even if not..perhaps they still have that Fiddlers Convention and that is well worthwhile!

Rivers, streams were the roadways for many. Do read Karl Von Mueller's book. Also, trail trees..I did not know about them when I lived out that way..but would sure be looking for them if i was there now...and documenting those disappearing treasures of history. Trails were reused by many.

Best of luck! The journey is the treasure truly.


Thanks desertmoons !

I am being inspired daily by all of the great posts, topics, information, and more importantly GOOD PEOPLE !
I am researching now, but when the snow subsides, I will take the kids out and start the journey.


Hi rangler, I'm new here, and I have a question to you:

Did you try to read the poem from botton to the top?

Is not beautiful?

Hello found a site "Treasure Carvings In Indiana", surrounding states have some also

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