Treasure Signs and Symbols 101

Hi Canadian,

I think there is a lot more information or meaning reading from botom.

arkeolog11 said:
Hi Canadian,

I think there is a lot more information or meaning reading from botom.

Agreed. I'll let the experts weigh in and see what they say. Good catch arkeolog11

Hey CT,
Poe was a lot like that,
wrote a lot of really cool stuff when he was under the influence.

Much of E. A. Poe can be read from back to front, kind of like an anagram.

I still think the most amazing one of all is the song "Amazing Grace".
Did you know it can be sung to almost any tune written?

I heard it sung once to the tune of "Ghost Riders In The Sky". Talk about spooky

arkeolog11 ,
very good thinking...
you will go far...pilgrim!

Old Dog said:
Hey CT,
I still think the most amazing one of all is the song "Amazing Grace".
Did you know it can be sung to almost any tune written?

I heard it sung once to the tune of "Ghost Riders In The Sky". Talk about spooky

No I did not know that. Very interesting, I'll check it out for interest sake.

Hi rangler,

The pilgrim only wish keep going... go far away is matter of time!!!


I think the last frontier of learning the signs and symbols - is to learn how to get passed the pareidolia, grafitti, and otherwise know as 'background camouflage"!

Most of you know that I have written about his in the past, but a few intenerant cloud readers persist on marking this background camo as though it had some meaning or purpose. Well the Jesuits were well aware that the stuff I call Mother Nature's Grafitti is a hindrance and a harm to those who what to move past this insidious trap - that is why they invented out of necessity the "confirmation mark"

Oh they know how to disguise the marks and symbols all right , but the stuff scientist call factuals. was being misinterpreted, and the King, had severe penalties in mind if the caches were not well laid out and as clear as possible, with the use of confirmation marks.

The Jesuits used the background camo to their advantage! - it kept the unlearned - away as they got lost in the Graffiti and were never any danger to finding the cache or mine accidentally or on purpose.

In the world of learning signs and marks, everyone and I mean every single soul eventually runs into the 'cloud reading' aspect of looking for happens naturally, once the eye or mind is 'trained' to focus the correct way in order to SEE the signs, it is human nature to try to see signs in everything including clouds, foliage, and the very innocent cracks in the rock , or the 'matrix' of creation, or as one treasure hunter named Tesoro dog said..'the fabric of Gods creation"

How true this is - the reason for this stuff being there is it all obeys the laws of Physics ! Molecules and atoms of creation, spin and rotate the same whether it is stone or leaf or rock. Like seeing the Face of Jesus in a tortilla shell or cheese sandwich! Misdirection of our brains recognition syndrome.

If you don't learn to discriminate early in your treasure hunting hobby you will sink into this up to your earlobes, and once you get someone else to agree with your cloud readings, then the negative 'feedback' loop is created and the final straw - once you wrap you ego around this , you are lost forever! Because now when someone in a helpful , teaching way , points out the cloud reading, you now defend your position and start calling that person names, even accusing them of 'being on the side of the enemy!

That is why I call Pareidolia a can catch it from others agreeing with you cloud reading and thanking them for marking " things I did not see" ie natures graffiti, the back ground camo, better to stay away from those known to be infected..especially if you are new to the hobby, as it will contaminate you..

One of the reasons is because it is easier to find graffiti! - real signs and symbols are rare! Graffiti is everywhere, so you get to find more, circle more, muse more, tag more, look like a savvy tracker to the neophytes and perhaps impress those of the female persuasion - or at least try to...
it is all insidious and nasty in nature as it takes all a far from the truth about the real signs.

One person here [I will call him 'graffiti man'] and on other forums insists on marking hundreds of graffiti items and if that is not bad enough, he does it while actually MISSING the real signs and he is doing this as though he is teaching others, my implication that what he is doing is right and correct - and it is NEITHER

So as to not let this go unchallenged I am - in this '101' class going to post his examples of graffiti mans' marking next to the real marking of signs and symbols, by way of example of what NOT to do and What to do! - Oh sure I expect to ruffle his feathers a bit, but i have broad shoulders - and will defend- the truth and dispel confusion in the name of what is the best for those who want to learn the very complex set of treasure signs an symbols cut into rock eons ago!!

Feel free to post any pics here that you feel need that the 'cloud reading' to be clarified.

Fear not, the 'cloud reading is just a phase for the most of us, once we learn about confirmation signs - you will be just fine - like99.9% of the rest of us!!

graffiti mans mistake is starting with graffiti- first mistake, always start with confirmation of the Monument- then you avoid the must find something to circle and tag, must find,something ...!

Just a little knowledge and some sage advise will have you progressing past this pit fall with no problem, it is only the refuge of the stubborn that don't realize just because your brain tells you - something doesnt mean it is not an illusion! Confirmation marks are like life preservers~!

In this first example - a person posted this pic to get some help with the signs he felt were there...

Mannings Alpha
turtle manning.webp

here there about 25-30 of natures grafitti that could distract a person - ignore them as there are only 5 real marks that decode this monument.

this image was reversed to negative just to show - better the faint and subtle signs - the dog speaks!
turtle mannings marker rangler 1.webp

Here the solution is clear - just 5 classic signs that confirm that this is an Alpha
Monument - next thing is to decode the Distance as the Dogs head is revealing by his line of the site the Direction! however...

The 'R' instructs you to reverse the directional mark

Another adventure in the making!
A very important component of sign reading to realize that a small animal face gives THE most important clue on this entire monument! And it could be missed by concentrating on graffiti instead of the real signs. When graffiti takes the center stage..Critical data almost missed
let those who have ears...

''Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you:''

I suggest taking a second look at that "R",
If legit will reverse all the info on the monument.

Just as you did the picture.

Good catch
Thom, I overlooked the final horizontal flip..
Yes indeed, it rather fits..Duck and the R are the only two reverse signs I know it must be that the One confirms the other. and says to reverse the Azimuth!

ps I fixed it - but curious thing, the Reversed 'R' now has an optical illusion component
a number '8' ! a nice way to hid a number 8 if nothing else, and perhaps a bible verse.
Thanks Thom for the heads up

Makes one kinda wonder just how the Spanish folks could read those flipped and reversed marks..................................without Paint or Photoshop. :icon_scratch: Just another muse. ::)

A pool of water will act just like a Mirror Bill.
Copy a set of signs and read the reflection...
Just that easy.

nice to see logic and insight part the clouds of doubt and uncertainty. thanks!


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Thank you, Thom, for a short and concise explanation without a lot of personal attacks and platitudes. :thumbsup: I had wondered if they might also have had mirrors, but then glass mirrors probably were not that common if they existed then at all. A highly polished brass one might have been useful, too, for an over-the-shoulder look at the markers. :icon_scratch:

Shortstack said:
Thank you, Thom, for a short and concise explanation without a lot of personal attacks and platitudes. :thumbsup: I had wondered if they might also have had mirrors, but then glass mirrors probably were not that common if they existed then at all. A highly polished brass one might have been useful, too, for an over-the-shoulder look at the markers. :icon_scratch:

Surely you jest.

Springfield said:
Shortstack said:
Thank you, Thom, for a short and concise explanation without a lot of personal attacks and platitudes. :thumbsup: I had wondered if they might also have had mirrors, but then glass mirrors probably were not that common if they existed then at all. A highly polished brass one might have been useful, too, for an over-the-shoulder look at the markers. :icon_scratch:

Surely you jest.

Actually, NO, I'm not.

The invention of the silvered-glass mirror is credited to German chemist Justus von Liebig in 1835.[18] His process involved the deposition of a thin layer of metallic silver onto glass through the chemical reduction of silver nitrate. This silvering process was adapted for mass manufacturing and led to the greater availability of affordable mirrors. Nowadays, mirrors are often produced by the vacuum deposition of aluminium (or sometimes silver) directly onto the glass substrate.
The first mirrors used by people were most likely pools of dark, still water, or water collected in a primitive vessel of some sort. The earliest manufactured mirrors were pieces of polished stone such as obsidian, a naturally occurring volcanic glass. Examples of obsidian mirrors found in Anatolia (modern-day Turkey) have been dated to around 6000 BC. Polished stone mirrors from Central and South America date from around 2000 BC onwards.[1] Mirrors of polished copper were crafted in Mesopotamia from 4000 BC,[1] and in ancient Egypt from around 3000 BC.[2] In China, bronze mirrors were manufactured from around 2000 BC,[3] some of the earliest bronze and copper examples being produced by the Qijia culture. Mirrors made of other metal mixtures (alloys) such as copper and tin speculum metal may have also been produced in China and India.[4] Mirrors of speculum metal or any precious metal were hard to produce and were only owned by the wealthy.[5]

Now, with all of these facts, I would think that explorers in rough country, in the time frame that the Spanish explorers were creating the trail markers, would be using polished metal pieces. They would be more portable and easily used. Since they had no cameras to take photos with and stand the photos before a mirror, PLUS, a glass based mirror would have been pretty fragile as well as EXPENSIVE to take such a chance on breaking it. That's why, today, emergency signal mirrors are very often made of polished metal instead of tempered glass. Tempered glass will disintegrate with a tap on the edges. Glass back "then" would have been very fragile.

Shortstack said:
Springfield said:
Surely you jest.

Actually, NO, I'm not.

The invention of ...etc...

Now, with all of these facts, I would think that explorers in rough country, in the time frame that the Spanish explorers were creating the trail markers, would be using polished metal pieces. They would be more portable and easily used. Since they had no cameras to take photos with and stand the photos before a mirror, PLUS, a glass based mirror would have been pretty fragile as well as EXPENSIVE to take such a chance on breaking it. That's why, today, emergency signal mirrors are very often made of polished metal instead of tempered glass. Tempered glass will disintegrate with a tap on the edges. Glass back "then" would have been very fragile.

Yeah, I know all about the history of mirrors, Stack - that's not the point. The point has to do with the use of mirrors with your 'treasure carvings'. Sorry to make light about the subject. It's just that I frequently ask myself, 'He IS kidding, right?'

Too bad the Great Oz Kenworthy has passed. He could have revealed the King's Secret in his next book: 'all the treasure trail sign makers were required to be dyslexics!' Boy, that would turn around the pilgrims - they'd begin retracing their circles in the opposite directions. Hmmmm.... this doubles the possibilities.

OK, OK, I'll back out here and assume you guys are too busy stalking your 'Spanish gold' to waste your time validating your theories. After all, the proof is in the pie, right? Hopefully, you'll have the last laugh.

OK, springfield, please allow me to lay it out in it's most elementary fashion.

1-- A group of Spanish folks are following a trail; knowing all of the signs to look for.
2-- They find a trail marker / monument and spot all of the necessary marks and symbols.
3-- They see a sign that says "reverse what you see".
4-- The easiest way to view the whole layout would be to face away from the spot and hold a mirror up
to shoulder lever and look at the mirror's reverse image for those SPECIAL marks such as rangler
found by using PhotoShop to reverse the image.

Now, I am PREsuming that the Spanish did not have PhotoShop to perform that little chore; so, what would be the simplest way they could accomplish that reversed image?????????? The only answer I could come up with was....................(drum roll please).........................a MIRROR. When you asked if I was kidding; I then explained the history of the mirror and that, most likely, they used a polished metal mirror due to the expense and fragility of GLASS mirrors.

Anything else you need help with, Spring??

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