Treasure Signs and Symbols 101

I know the value of bieng a pit bull and the word tenacious is my middle name....
so I dont blame you for your pugnacious attitude about flailing on the deceased
How ever, instead of telling you directly why I know for 100% certainty that no kgc were in a 1000 miles of
this place, I will let you study the clues, posted right there with the owl pic***, and you will have an
ah-ha! moment when it becomes crystal clear to you to! pareidolia is a bi-atch!
trust me and your abilities to find the truth of the matter, study everything about that posted pic!
once you get it, let me know. a perfect example of hidden in plain site..hehehe I think it would be fair to let anyone who wants to , look for the proof too - it will sharpen any serious hunters skills.
but really is not that hard, after all it is plain site....have fun

*** well it been since Oct..and no response..the clue is on the bottom of the pic
in English it says...RIO NEGRO...most prominent rio negro is in the Amazon! Hidden in plain site
still works after all these it was kind of a trick question but I did say the data was right
there on the pic...(edited 12/5/10

this code was invented or brought to light by Sir Francis Bacon...
Not a true cipher so it it is called 'steganography' way of hiding a message in a sentence rather than true cipher. wiki says....
"The operation of a cipher usually depends on a piece of auxiliary information, called a key or, in traditional NSA parlance, a cryptovariable. The encrypting procedure is varied depending on the key, which changes the detailed operation of the algorithm. A key must be selected before using a cipher to encrypt a message. Without knowledge of the key, it should be difficult, if not nearly impossible, to decrypt the resulting ciphertext into readable plaintext"

the bacon steganography the message is concealed in the presentation of text, rather than its content.

'Ok agronauts,
In light of recent postings of pure pareidolia, as innocent as they may be, I am not faulting anyones post per se, however, I think it would be good if we all could get better discrimination of what is real and what is a true sign, left for who ever could decode it.. Oh sure it is fun to see sometime unusual and post it here , hey you never know, so i encourage all who are not sure about something they have post makes life fun for us treasure junkies...and we all welcome any posting that you are not sure I am not going there..were I am going is to show how easy it is to be deceived and more importantly why...
Pareidolia Project-809_jfk.webp
do you see an image of JFK?
Pariedolia -The tendency to interpret a vague stimulus as something known to the viewer, such as interpreting marks on Mars as canals, seeing shapes in clouds, or hearing hidden messages in reversed music. wiki

another-Misperception of an ambiguous stimulus as something specific (e.g.- seeing Jesus in the burn marks of a tortilla, or the face of Satan in the World Trade Center smoke)
I call it background camouflage! a concept that the Jesuits and other knew about and used it to their advantage to hide in plain site their treasure code and trail markes from the uninitiated.

just how does this work and why does it happen? since childhood we could see faces in clouds we we lay on our backs on a summer day and stare up in to the was a game we all have played, where does it come from what is the origin how did this happen.. what is it??

One thing is have learned about the universe is that the physical world is matrixed with molecules and atoms and deeper the quarks and quantum movements that make up atoms....they Have to obey the laws they were created by...large or small not one tiny minuscule of existence can break any of the Laws of Physics

that is why you never see any Physics Policemen writing tickets for breaking any of its laws lol

really this preamble, to say the things captured by google earth that look like faces or an all seeing eye or a triangle..are just the tiny grains of sand, pebbles, rocks, boulders, water, water courses ect that are only obeying the laws of physics, un-beknownest to us humans...with out our help it happens it is Mother Nature and her awesome forces..tectonic, to weather to eons of time doing this - it is us who put cognitive shapes to inanimate nebulous forms and objects . It is what the human mind is taught us to do...we are imprinted as infants to make an intelligent, agreeable, recognizable shape of our mothers face. It evolution and survival of the fittest ala Darwin.

We can't help our selves to see those random shapes and form them to to familiar shapes..its how we stayed away from the Saber Tooth Tiger in the dawn of man, the ones who failed to recognize the shape of a hungry crouching tiger-behind that rock - got ate, his remains mere scat that fertilized some small patch of ground!
the ones who could not see a face on a rock or a rabbit shape in tree bark, didnt get to eat but got ate, their genes did not survive to be carried to to this modern day! That why we ALL are experts at Cloud Reading. There is no shame in it..its what we have evolved to. The trick or secret is to use pure logic, understanding and discrimination to escape this trap.

Several years ago William A. Wilson, speaking of folklore and the humanities, wrote, "Art, music, literature, and dance come into being.when we move to a deeper necessity, to the deeper human need to create order, beauty, and meaning out of chaos";he cites the "human need to combine words, sounds, colors, shapes, and movements into aesthetically satisfying patterns ." 1 In what appears to be a fundamental human process, we continually create, respond to, and look for patterns .Other scholars agree, in the language of their own fields: Gustav Jahoda wrote in his book The Psychology of Superstition that a fundamental characteristic of human thinking, and indeed of human cognitive processes in general .is the tendency to organize the environment into coherent patterns, to find meaning in the most diverse grouping of phenomena, and to derive satisfaction from such an achievement;conversely, an environment or events which fail to make sense are felt to be threatening and disturbing.

Wilson, William A. (1988). The Deeper Necessity: Folklore and the Humanities. Journal of American Folklore, 101, 158-159.
Jahoda, G. (1969). The psychology of superstition. London: Allen Lane

We seek pattern. Patterns imply intentions and carry toward meaning. The skeptic will ask for the meaning of a single thing. What, say, does a lone motif on an oriental carpet mean? The rigorous answer is: nothing.

We live in An Accidental World

The human brain is not at its best when it confronts random, merely accidental facts. We perceive a Face on Mars, or see Jesus in a burnt tortilla. We believe basketball players get a "hot hand" even though streaks of success are a normal part of shooting their usual overall percentage. If a disaster strikes us by chance, we wonder if there was some cosmic reason we were singled out.

The cosmological argument sounds reasonable, even after philosophical critics point out that it is not quite ironclad. Basically, it makes common sense. However, since we also seem predisposed to see cause and pattern where there is none, we should look a little closer at the notion of randomness before jumping to conclusions. Particularly at modern physics, which has replaced the Newtonian clockwork order with a world awash in randomness.

Though it may offend common sense, randomness reigns in modern physics, particularly in our most fundamental theories. If we look a bit more closely at what randomness means, we find this is no accident.

Where Explanation Ends

The randomness in physics is exactly like this. Physicists do not declare randomness lightly, going on initial ignorance. They attempt to find patterns, including causal connections, and judge something as random only after failing and seeing no prospect of finding an overall pattern on closer investigation. If something is random, we cannot identify a pattern to link it to a network of causes. Randomness, in other words, is where explanation ends: when we cannot give further reason for how something is as it is, when we can do no more than say it is a brute fact.

This does not, of course, prevent the metaphysically inclined from inventing hidden causes behind randomness. Some philosophical interpretations of quantum mechanics do just this. However, these causes do no real work: all the calculations remain the same, and the randomness is still there, only displaced from the dynamics itself to the initial conditions. The difference is that between rolling the dice on the spot and looking up random numbers from a predetermined but hidden table. In other words, there is no way to legitimately infer a cause behind what appears random. If something is random, this means that at some level it is uncaused.

In fact, if we really want to take modern physics seriously, we should go further. We have traditionally thought of a world that works by cause and effect as a fundamental assumption of science, even as a presupposition of rational thought. But in modern physics, ordinary causality breaks down in the microscopic realm. Not only do we have events which happen at random, there is no distinction between forward and backward directions in time. Our familiar, macroscopic sense of cause and effect is, like the arrow of time, not something basic to the world. These both emerge in our macroscopic environment, out of a microscopic substrate which is radically different.

Again, all of this is quite offensive to common sense. But then, it has long been clear modern physics is counterintuitive. Our brains just aren't built for it. It also seems crazy that our world just exists, with no cause, as an accident. Nevertheless, this seems to be most likely true. Ours is an accidental world, a chaos which finds shape without the help of the gods.

Projection is an idea developed by Freud in which people are thought to reveal their true feelings and thoughts when describing ambiguous stimuli

So what the point of this long winded diatribe? ( I know ...oh god..i had to read this overwrought missive and now to add insult to injury your going to teach me something!)

Yes well here it comes..I have just described or overcribed ( is that a word?) the meaning and the cause of the biggest thing the majority of th's have as a road block to discovery....that word friend
sorry, but sometimes things taste like medicine but trust me, you will get better once you get over
being infected with 'pareidolia virus'
dont worry I will not type this much again for a long time
hope this helps
ps a crystal clear illustration of this macro/micro law is the similarity of the Atom with all its electron orbiting the nucleolus , just as the planets orbit the sun...see what i am saying homie?

Its the world that we live in...
the image of a Nefertiti potato chip
survival of the fittest
Retrieved 4/14/02 from

Aslin, R. N. (1988). Visual perception in ealry infancy. In Albert Yonas (ed.), Perceptual development in infancy. Erlbaum Publishers:Hillsdale, NJ

Projection is an idea developed by Freud in which people are thought to reveal their true feelings and thoughts when describing ambiguous stimuli


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rangler said:
..... Yes well here it comes..I have just described or overcribed (is that a word?) the meaning and the cause of the biggest thing the majority of th's have as a road block to discovery....that word friend is.......pareidolia

One of the most useful statement you've made - thanks. I hope people will understand and apply.

Yep thanks Springfield, it was over due by far, we don't often agree wholeheartly on much but when we do it is significant! Thanks again!
Take head fellow travelers.....Let the inoculations begin

"its not so much that seeing is believing, it is discernment of what you have seen"

So, where does that leave all of the shadow markers, shadow people, shadow animals, etc. that appear somewhere between 11 AM and 2 PM? I know that you've mentioned confirmation marks, but there are none at every place...........unless the shadow figures are confirmation marks for other things set in or on stone. :icon_scratch: But, then, maybe they aren't.

As far as that Indian head in Canada that BIT posted; I looked closer at it and I'm thinking it is the result of an engineer, assigned to "reclaim" a borrow pit, who thought he'd put in a design that could be appreciated by folks flying over in passenger planes. The entire shape is a depression in the ground that could well have been the site of an oil well drilling or some other similar activities that disturbed the surrounding area from that "earring" pit, outward for several acres. We have gravel pits here in Mississippi that are far larger than that Indian and the laws here state that when the operations are stopped, the pits must be sculptured to a more natural state with sloping sides and plantings of native trees. Nothing in the law prevents the operators from shaping the sloping sides into various designs, viewable from the air. I believe Canada had these laws before we did. Ergo, the Indian is a sculptured reclamation project.

Smiles..I used to be so worried about cloud reading. know..natural or not..they seem to be often related to areas of interest.. If it works then use it. It does not matter if it is natural or not much anymore.

And it seems to work for me. I do not worry if something is artificial or natural for where those clouds are you or should I say.. "I" tend to find more concrete things and whether it be intuition, subconscious pattern recognition and intrepation or just training the eye.. the "clouds" and the more associated concrete signs seem to tell the same tale.

rangler said:
Yep thanks Springfield, it was over due by far, we don't often agree wholeheartly on much but when we do it is significant! Thanks again!
Take head fellow travelers.....Let the inoculations begin

"its not so much that seeing is believing, it is discernment of what you have seen"

Ahhhhhh, this is something like the medics in Vietnam might tell you. ROFLMAO!!!!

Desertmoons, I agree with you 100%. Somethings I've seen in photographs are just too detailed to be written off as "natural" sculptures. I do not CARE if they are referred to as natural, pareidolia, or simulacra; they should not be ignored or written off. The Spanish used confirmation marks.............the Ancients did not.

Greetings Argonauts/Trackers
I think some data that has not made clear to most of us- is the code has it roots in the Bible.
This set of codes was added to by the King of Spain at the time, the one we all know-
is the king wanted anything important was to be buried at least his height of 5"7". he also lined out the palmo, cubit and a few more. I am sure
there is other input by him one of which was to make these monuments last a 100 years.

1. the majority of the treasure signs were designed by the Jesuits. I believe they broke the Templar code invented by King Solomon, the wisest man documented by and in the Bible.
I think it was King Solomon's Code Book that was found in the remains of the Temple of Jerusalem when they bivouacked and dug thru the catacombs they found there.

2. all of the Spanish entities use those signs, from conquistadors to Spanish noblemen and adventures.they were ordered to my the King, as the Kings recovery crew had to be able to read all signs/marks no matter what 'subcontractor' was working in the new world.

3. these codes are based on the Bible, natural sciences, mathematics, astronomy, arcane and forbidden knowledge. the Jesuits added to the code in what they found in other cultures civilizations as well from the Mayans to the Amerindians. not to mention adding animals from the African continent, used in north America, that no one but them had ever s
seen, a sure way to hide these critters so they would not be seen, and even if they were
no one would know the attributes of these animals..perfect.

Those of you who aren't quite on board with the general appearance of such ambiguous signs, remember they were create to BE ambiguous on only the trained eye could see them.

Training your eye takes time, but keep at it and you will have that ah ha moment..meanwhile I under-
stand your frustration, that is why we will be posting pics of monuments be for and after they are marked by me and others...they are a great learning tool. we will highlight the sign , then you can look at the original photo and find it for your self..kinda like training wheels for your eyeballs. lol

It is a new way of focusing your eyes, it is much different from we naturally learn. The signs are made to be 'optically' diverse from normal landscape..some are optical illusions, some are reversed or angled so as to hide somewhat. they used the same signs over and over, so after a while , you can see them.

It is shadows that we have not learned to focus on , we normally ignore them and in our visual world we only notice and see the things - light up by the sun. Once you add all of these together it comes hidden in the background camo. Now add the solstices, the time of day...and you have a hidden world, that only those learned ones are admitted to.

Oh and those of you who are looking for 'Micheal Angelo' type sculptures - will wander aimlessly in the world of made of shades of gray. Likewise those of you who are still stuck in the background camouflage trying to make sense of non-sense, we will have have patience with you - as we gently nudge you back on this side of the line.. cloud reading will only take you to dream land/ and Art Bell does that best on Sunday night from Coast to Coast.
hope this can help those that need it - for those that don't - consider it a refresher course!

ps if you have any questions, I run my own 'office' so you can post comments right here
all my posts are meant to enlighten , some people like to concentrate on the heat, and not the light...please follow the light and ignore the is inadvertent.

[size=9pt]2 Corinthians 4:18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

With the exception of the Kenworthy books and references by others to same, can you please help us locate documentation concerning the Crusaders' discoveries in Jerusalem, the use of the Kings Code and the treasure-related references you've provided from the Bible? I for one have heard these things for years from various treasure-related sources, but have been unable to verify any facts that they actually are true. I respect your views and opinions, even though I don't agree with your claims that these carvings and other signs are essentially Spanish/church-related. I'd like facts, not opinions. Thanks in advance.

rangler, in considering the elephant, from what i have seen on documentaries, they go to a certain place to die. is this true or false. if true, that may be a clue as to what the elephant is telling you. go to the burying place? follow his nose?
just asking cause i don't know for sure.

Blind.In.Texas said:
.....The carving on the rock is of a 'B'. At the base of the 'B' there is a small triangle injected in the the baseline. The 'B' and the triangle are both symbols. Remember, the Spanish were fond of repetition and redundancy. The triangle is found twice on the trail. The 'B' has three meanings.

.....The beauty of this single carving is the thought and imagination that went into it's creation. Hopefully they never lived long enough to return for the goods. Hopefully I will.....

How about a photo?

How do you know the carving wasn't done by a land surveyor? Or that the B represents 'Corner B', 'Control Point B', 'Baseline', 'Backsight', etc.? Have you checked the Assessor's Office of the county courthouse to try to correlate your point with land parcels? And if you can match its location, you might be able to obtain a copy of the LS's original plat with notes describing the monuments he used. You might be surprised at the annotations used on carved stones by surveyors before the days of rebar and stamped aluminum caps - I know of a guy who purchase a worthless piece of dirt because he found one of the surveyor's original marked corner stones and was convinced it was a 'Spanish marker'. Be thorough.

Blind.In.Texas said:
Thorough is sage advice. Got any references to land survey marks? Were they standard marks? Were proprietary marks allowed? Did they set them into the middles of river beds?

I say it depends on where you are, when the marks were made, what the marks represent and who made them. From what I've seen, there wasn't much standardization in the old days, although property corners often had a cross, two sides of a square, a tee, an angle symbol, etc., plus a number or letter of some sort that would be duplicated on the plat of the parcel. Move-up points, control points, backsights, etc. were for the surveyor's convenience and could be anything. Property corners often were and still are set in the flowlines of drainages because it's a convenient place to separate lots and parcels. Today these monuments are represented by witness points which are offset from the flowline to prevent them from being washed away. I guess if your rock in the middle of the river bed was bedrock or was large enough to remain in place during floods, it might be a surveyor's work, but it's hard to say without knowing all the variables. Of course, if it were a 'treasure sign' it would be in the same jeopardy as a surveyor's mark, so it might be a moot question.

"With the exception of the Kenworthy books and references by others to same, can you please help us locate documentation concerning the Crusaders' discoveries in Jerusalem, the use of the Kings Code and the treasure-related references you've provided from the Bible?"

Some wise person once said, never ask a question that you dont know the answer to...

If any documentation is out there, it is not available to us mere mortals..however I was trained as an
investigator... you have to learn to read between the lines, use your 'gut' instinct, and use the process of elimination from a list of possible 'suspects. To find out who it is NOT is almost as good as who it is..
at least it narrows down the list. Then you look at this narrow list and check out background and priors.
especially looking for their 'modus opererendi'.

The final matrix to get the list boiled down to a workable few is..

1 Motive
2 Opportunity
3 Means

If you read the account of the original Templars expedition to the Temple of Jerusalem , you will find
they had some mission in mind before the trip was planned. There men were resourceful, intelligent and men of means..connected in every sense of the word. It is not know for now, what documents or clues they had, that made them take this major undertaking. Everything else was a cover story.
When they dug into the catacombs of the Temple, they found marks and signs, that encouraged them.

I saw a photo posted online about a modern day dig under the a doorway, across the massive hand carved lintel was the image of a knight..I dont know why it was there or who made it.
but the workers seemed oblivious to it..

When the Knights finally broke into a chamber that fit the description of what they were looking for...and opened whatever container, chest, or casket. What ever they found there, was dispatched immediately with two fellow knights on horseback and all haste was made to return to France.

Over the years since I read that, I always wondered what they found, what huge importance was placed on these item(s) Some of the things I mulled over where, a map to the Current and Former Lands of Ophir, the secrets of Longitude, Solomons' Code Book.
I only threw out the secret of longitude as it requires accurate chronographs for it to work..
the only two left are very good candidates.
Who had the motive to make and keep a code book , well Solomon was documented to have gold mines some place, his cover story was the Land of Ophir, well I have posted here before that this was a coded word in its self... OPHIR - as Phi is the symbol for the whole formula for Golden Math, or Divine Mathematics. This is just to pat and very revealing to a codebreaker like myself.
In the enormous task for sending loyal subjects to lands far and near to prospect and find silver and gold mines...all the problems of logistics are magnified many times. They need to hide the Mines is foremost, they need to find them again just as paramount. Excess goods mined while waiting for the ships to return, had to be cached, hidden and retrieved.

The Land of Ophir, the highest degree of advanced mathematics would certainly be ' a land' foreign
and unknown to 99.999% of the worlds population, and Phi , tells you what 'land' or realm you were the learned ones it was a giant clue..when you found the marks/signs, the end calculations you were going to have to use the formula of find the goods, simple as that, hidden in plain site!

A code was not only useful, it would be mandatory!

Who had the Motive?.............. Solomon.
Who had the Means?............ Solomon.
Who had the Opportunity?...... Solomon
Now no one could prove it then or now..but that does not mean it is not true. You can chose to ignore
it that is fine with me, however if you chose to use it, it makes sense. It answers some of the
questions that have come down over the centuries to this day.

One of the usual suspects that both later day entities, have a relationship to that being the Jesuits,
is the Pope. If the Templars really did finance the building of all the Grand Churches and Cathedrals of Europe, calling for tons of gold and silver to finance it, then this source was lost with the bbq-ing of the Templars -
a couple centuries later the Vatican empowers a new group of Foot Soldiers call the Jesuits..
whos mission was to break the Solomon Code and go to the New World , find and work the Old Templar Mines, find and retrieve the Templar Caches...

Of course cover stories were needed to protect the guilty- all were complicit, all had their hand in the cookie jar. the Pope, the King of Spain, the Jesuits, secular and brother.

This is only a plausible scenario - the proof is lost in some dusty archive, in some ancient building, in some forgotten city..probable bombed to smithereens by the Allies in WW-however, it answers the question in a reasonable manner.

Anyone can deny anything..I am only trying to put pieces of a puzzle together with many of the pieces missing. Take from it what you will...I dont need anyone picking it apart..I have done that myself over the last decade! Ad to the body of knowledge , keep it civil or STFU! :laughing7: present company excepeted of course....
thanks for your comment and question Springfield, hope you will lend what you know or think about
this subject- as truth is elusive, it takes more than one to capture it....or even to hold it for awhile...

ps: One of the reasons Solomon used the Bible as the basis of the code is that he knew this reference
would survive the centuries and be available almost everywhere in the world, AND it would for the most part never change!

pps, I wrote extensively about the Templars in my thread , page 1, in Land of Ophir and the Ancient Ones..he is an excerpt....

"Additionally, during this period, the Templars were active throughout Europe funding and managed the construction of cathedrals, abbeys and churches. The Templar engineers and architects were expert at construction of large stone edifices. They had designed and built castles and fortresses through the mid-east, combining European techniques with those learned from Byzantium and Egypt. With this knowledge they now returned to Europe and with their ability and massive amounts of their funds and began the construction over 300 large cathedrals and 2,000 abbeys and smaller churches. Examples of this are the Gothic cathedrals throughout Europe that were started in the mid 12th century -- examples would be the cathedrals of Notre Dame in Paris (1163), Chartres (1194), Reims (1211) and Amiens (1221) and the famous Temple Church in London.

"By either circumstance or design (this is hotly debated as you will see), the stables Hugues de Payne chose to live in were exactly adjoining the remains of the old Jewish Temple of Jerusalem, which had been destroyed by the Romans in about 300 AD. Because of their living quarters and their vow of poverty, these warrior monks became known as the "Poor Knights of Christ at the Temple of Jerusalem" and, more popularly, as the "The Knights Templar".

In addition to their announced tasks, under the direction of de Payens, the Knights Templar also spent much of their time and effort secretly excavating beneath the old walls to find the labyrinth of tunnels that were rumored to exist beneath the temple. I say secretly because only these nine Knights were allowed near these excavations. Here they labored for three years. In 1121, they sent their second-in-command, a Knight by the name of Geoffrey de St. Omer, back to France with the results of their excavations.

What were these results? No one really knows... and it is a subject that has many theories, each more bizarre than the other. Some believe they found great wealth -- to support this view, the recent discovery and translation of the "dead sea" scrolls does list 619 vessels of silver and gold that were buried in the tunnels beneath the Temple. Others say they found the "Holy Grail" -- the supposed cup Christ used in the last supper. Yet, still others say they found ancient scrolls giving them secrets of alchemy and architecture. Lastly, the most extravagant claim -- that they found religious writings telling an expanded or contradictory history of Christ and the crucifixion.
All we do know is that Geoffrey de St. Omer carried some metal artifacts back to France along with some Aramaic scrolls. One of the scrolls exists today in the library of Ghent University -- it describes the Heavenly Jerusalem referenced in much of the old testament and in St. John's revelations. These treasures that the Templars returned to France add fuel to the fire for the wild speculations and theories that have surrounded the Knights Templar since that time.

the Knights Templar discovered under the Temple Mount in Jerusalem a royal archive dating from King Solomon's times that stated that Phoenicians from Tyre, by orders of Solomon, voyaged to a westerly continent following a star called "La Merika". According to Knight and Lomas, the Templars learned that to sail to that continent, they had to follow a star by the same name, which became the origin of the name "America".


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When you say that Soloman used the BIBLE as the base for his codes, do you mean the Jewish Torah? The book we commonly call "The Bible" was not compiled until centuries after Soloman turned to dust. We can use the KJV because the first 5 books of it are the Torah.

glad to see you post something positive, rather than ranting and about a ink blot jumble of rocks
filled with ambiguity. lol, seriously I welcome all positive information the helps the cause..
The letter 'B'.....A Bible related reference for a trail with textbook treasure signs.

I think it was in the Herbrew or Catholic bible according to wiki?

The carving on the rock is of a 'B'. At the base of the 'B' there is a small triangle injected in the the baseline. The 'B' and the triangle are both symbols. The triangle is found twice on the trail. The 'B' has three meanings.
Blind you might be over looking the fact the Alpha Monuments are made to tell distance and Direction, and that B might be the distance, ie 2 leagues and that the triangle might mean to Triple the distance..just pointing out the possibilities..
So first you should identify the fact that you do have an Alpha, then find the Omega, that B and triangle more than likely is tell you how to find the Omega. No final instructions about the dig site
are going to be at the Alpha. Perhaps you are at the Omega and dont know it/?

The 'B':
'B'.......represents the book of Baruch.....
'B' also the second letter of the alphabet.....
'B' also for 'una Braza'.....a nautical measurement for 5'7"
I am sure this is intelligent supposition as you have no reference to post.

Baruch Chapter 1 verse 2.......and in the fifth year, in the seventh day of the month, at the time that the Chaldeans took Jerusalem, and burnt it with fire.

Baruch confirms the nautical depth of 5'7".....una Braza confirms the fifth year and the seventh day. The numbers from each, compliment one another.

The triangle:
Represents three burial locations or the burial of a significant quantity of loot. The use of the triangle, as a means to locate the loot, in my case, is determined along the trail. It's effective and accurate use is encrypted.

Actually I think it is rather common knowledge ala Kenworthy that the triangle means that you will use a triangle for the final layout once you find the omega monument...

Putting it all together:
The 'B' with the injected triangle underneath means.....that you will.......find another.....triangle.......and.....the....... out yourselves icon_thumleft

The beauty of this single carving is the thought and imagination that went into it's creation. Hopefully they never lived long enough to return for the goods. Hopefully I will..... .......

The codes where laid down according to the King of Spain, ' to last a 100 years..the Kings Recovery crew was very meticulous and diligent, until Spain was kicked by the Mexicans in mid 19th century, the Kings men were busy as beavers...some intelligent trackers say only 1 in 50 caches are left..if how ever knowledge and understanding are your goals, and the thrill of the hunt, then you will not be dissapointed -when and if- you dig that empty hole. I do wish you Gods speed.
I don't mind posting the information above. It only gives the depth of the burial. It does not lend information for distance and direction to the next sign or contain information about how to the triangle.....which has been found.......
in the words of another sage tracker here...."wear a hat and take plenty of water"
hope this helps and thanks for posting

''When you say that Solomon used the BIBLE as the base for his codes, do you mean the Jewish Torah?'

Thanks good catch , glad you are there checking for leaks...hehe

Of course Solomon used the Torah, what wasn't made clear was it was the Jesuits that decoded and transcribed the data to the Vulgate, Catholic version. However very little was changed from Solomons time. The relatively recent translation of the Dead Sea Scrolls, applied to modern King James versions showed a remarkable accuracy unexpected by the Scholars at the time...
appreciate pointing out the over site

:coffee2: rangler, I wasn't looking for a "gotcha" moment; just pointing out the different formats. I wasn't sure just how accurate the KJV is to the Torah because of the many different languages the Bible has gone through and I know the Torah has been meticulously copied through the centuries to hold it's meanings intact. So, I kinda thought there might be a possibility of misinterpreting a code using the KJV. I mean, look how people want to misinterpret the first chapter of Genesis. Many people don't want to believe that God created everything in 6 days like the Bible says. They insist that the earth took billions of years to form when the original texts use the original word for "day".......not year, century, millennium, etc. So, if the scriptures in the KJV are "off" in any way, one could be way off in tracing their trail project. ;D

rangler said:
glad to see you post something positive, rather than ranting and about a ink blot jumble of rocks
filled with ambiguity. lol, seriously I welcome all positive information the helps the cause..
The letter 'B'.....A Bible related reference for a trail with textbook treasure signs.

I think it was in the Herbrew or Catholic bible according to wiki?

The carving on the rock is of a 'B'. At the base of the 'B' there is a small triangle injected in the the baseline. The 'B' and the triangle are both symbols. The triangle is found twice on the trail. The 'B' has three meanings.
Blind you might be over looking the fact the Alpha Monuments are made to tell distance and Direction, and that B might be the distance, ie 2 leagues and that the triangle might mean to Triple the distance..just pointing out the possibilities..
So first you should identify the fact that you do have an Alpha, then find the Omega, that B and triangle more than likely is tell you how to find the Omega. No final instructions about the dig site
are going to be at the Alpha. Perhaps you are at the Omega and dont know it/?

The 'B':
'B'.......represents the book of Baruch.....
'B' also the second letter of the alphabet.....
'B' also for 'una Braza'.....a nautical measurement for 5'7"
I am sure this is intelligent supposition as you have no reference to post.

Baruch Chapter 1 verse 2.......and in the fifth year, in the seventh day of the month, at the time that the Chaldeans took Jerusalem, and burnt it with fire.

Baruch confirms the nautical depth of 5'7".....una Braza confirms the fifth year and the seventh day. The numbers from each, compliment one another.

The triangle:
Represents three burial locations or the burial of a significant quantity of loot. The use of the triangle, as a means to locate the loot, in my case, is determined along the trail. It's effective and accurate use is encrypted.

Actually I think it is rather common knowledge ala Kenworthy that the triangle means that you will use a triangle for the final layout once you find the omega monument...

Putting it all together:
The 'B' with the injected triangle underneath means.....that you will.......find another.....triangle.......and.....the....... out yourselves icon_thumleft

The beauty of this single carving is the thought and imagination that went into it's creation. Hopefully they never lived long enough to return for the goods. Hopefully I will..... .......

The codes where laid down according to the King of Spain, ' to last a 100 years..the Kings Recovery crew was very meticulous and diligent, until Spain was kicked by the Mexicans in mid 19th century, the Kings men were busy as beavers...some intelligent trackers say only 1 in 50 caches are left..if how ever knowledge and understanding are your goals, and the thrill of the hunt, then you will not be dissapointed -when and if- you dig that empty hole. I do wish you Gods speed.
I don't mind posting the information above. It only gives the depth of the burial. It does not lend information for distance and direction to the next sign or contain information about how to the triangle.....which has been found.......
in the words of another sage tracker here...."wear a hat and take plenty of water"
hope this helps and thanks for posting

Make your foolish rants and suppositions. I don't care. You don't know me from Adam's _ss. Once the multitudes of your School of Foolery and Ingnorance finally wake up, if they ever do, they will see the real you. Your carte blanche just bounced. LOL........enjoy the b.s. folks...........

ps. DO NOT pm me again asking me to remove your mispoken and inaccurate comments from my quotes.

bla..bla..yada...yada, same old crap..can't do the correct research, so you dont know. .. even if you did
seems you are the greedy type and would not post helpful data here for people to learn from , when you do
you will have a tiny bit of credibility..until still stands 57,000 views to zip Your the one who needs to wake up! Start your own your own knowledge on the subject
, and show the facts on how I am wrong...mmmmm
I wont hold my breath....
Take this challenge or anything you say will be foolhardy.
peace out,
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