'Ok agronauts,
In light of recent postings of pure pareidolia, as innocent as they may be, I am not faulting anyones post per se, however, I think it would be good if we all could get better discrimination of what is real and what is a true sign, left for who ever could decode it.. Oh sure it is fun to see sometime unusual and post it here , hey you never know, so i encourage all who are not sure about something they have found..post post post...it makes life fun for us treasure junkies...and we all welcome any posting that you are not sure of..so I am not going there..were I am going is to show how easy it is to be deceived and more importantly why...

do you see an image of JFK?
Pariedolia -The tendency to interpret a vague stimulus as something known to the viewer, such as interpreting marks on Mars as canals, seeing shapes in clouds, or hearing hidden messages in reversed music. wiki
another-Misperception of an ambiguous stimulus as something specific (e.g.- seeing Jesus in the burn marks of a tortilla, or the face of Satan in the World Trade Center smoke)
I call it background camouflage! a concept that the Jesuits and other knew about and used it to their advantage to hide in plain site their treasure code and trail markes from the uninitiated.
just how does this work and why does it happen? since childhood we could see faces in clouds we we lay on our backs on a summer day and stare up in to the heavens...it was a game we all have played, where does it come from what is the origin how did this happen.. what is it??
One thing is have learned about the universe is that the physical world is matrixed with molecules and atoms and deeper the quarks and quantum movements that make up atoms....they Have to obey the laws they were created by...large or small not one tiny minuscule of existence can break any of the Laws of Physics
that is why you never see any Physics Policemen writing tickets for breaking any of its laws lol
really this preamble, ..is to say the things captured by google earth that look like faces or an all seeing eye or a triangle..are just the tiny grains of sand, pebbles, rocks, boulders, water, water courses ect that are only obeying the laws of physics, un-beknownest to us humans...with out our help it happens it is Mother Nature and her awesome forces..tectonic, to weather to eons of time doing this - it is us who put cognitive shapes to inanimate nebulous forms and objects . It is what the human mind is taught us to do...we are imprinted as infants to make an intelligent, agreeable, recognizable shape of our mothers face. It evolution and survival of the fittest ala Darwin.
We can't help our selves to see those random shapes and form them to to familiar shapes..its how we stayed away from the Saber Tooth Tiger in the dawn of man, the ones who failed to recognize the shape of a hungry crouching tiger-behind that rock - got ate, his remains mere scat that fertilized some small patch of ground!
the ones who could not see a face on a rock or a rabbit shape in tree bark, didnt get to eat but got ate, their genes did not survive to be carried to to this modern day! That why we ALL are experts at Cloud Reading. There is no shame in it..its what we have evolved to. The trick or secret is to use pure logic, understanding and discrimination to escape this trap.
Several years ago William A. Wilson, speaking of folklore and the humanities, wrote, "Art, music, literature, and dance come into being.when we move to a deeper necessity, to the deeper human need to create order, beauty, and meaning out of chaos";he cites the "human need to combine words, sounds, colors, shapes, and movements into aesthetically satisfying patterns ." 1 In what appears to be a fundamental human process, we continually create, respond to, and look for patterns .Other scholars agree, in the language of their own fields: Gustav Jahoda wrote in his book The Psychology of Superstition that a fundamental characteristic of human thinking, and indeed of human cognitive processes in general .is the tendency to organize the environment into coherent patterns, to find meaning in the most diverse grouping of phenomena, and to derive satisfaction from such an achievement;conversely, an environment or events which fail to make sense are felt to be threatening and disturbing.
Wilson, William A. (1988). The Deeper Necessity: Folklore and the Humanities. Journal of American Folklore, 101, 158-159.
Jahoda, G. (1969). The psychology of superstition. London: Allen Lane
We seek pattern. Patterns imply intentions and carry toward meaning. The skeptic will ask for the meaning of a single thing. What, say, does a lone motif on an oriental carpet mean? The rigorous answer is: nothing.
We live in An Accidental World
The human brain is not at its best when it confronts random, merely accidental facts. We perceive a Face on Mars, or see Jesus in a burnt tortilla. We believe basketball players get a "hot hand" even though streaks of success are a normal part of shooting their usual overall percentage. If a disaster strikes us by chance, we wonder if there was some cosmic reason we were singled out.
The cosmological argument sounds reasonable, even after philosophical critics point out that it is not quite ironclad. Basically, it makes common sense. However, since we also seem predisposed to see cause and pattern where there is none, we should look a little closer at the notion of randomness before jumping to conclusions. Particularly at modern physics, which has replaced the Newtonian clockwork order with a world awash in randomness.
Though it may offend common sense, randomness reigns in modern physics, particularly in our most fundamental theories. If we look a bit more closely at what randomness means, we find this is no accident.
Where Explanation Ends
The randomness in physics is exactly like this. Physicists do not declare randomness lightly, going on initial ignorance. They attempt to find patterns, including causal connections, and judge something as random only after failing and seeing no prospect of finding an overall pattern on closer investigation. If something is random, we cannot identify a pattern to link it to a network of causes. Randomness, in other words, is where explanation ends: when we cannot give further reason for how something is as it is, when we can do no more than say it is a brute fact.
This does not, of course, prevent the metaphysically inclined from inventing hidden causes behind randomness. Some philosophical interpretations of quantum mechanics do just this. However, these causes do no real work: all the calculations remain the same, and the randomness is still there, only displaced from the dynamics itself to the initial conditions. The difference is that between rolling the dice on the spot and looking up random numbers from a predetermined but hidden table. In other words, there is no way to legitimately infer a cause behind what appears random. If something is random, this means that at some level it is uncaused.
In fact, if we really want to take modern physics seriously, we should go further. We have traditionally thought of a world that works by cause and effect as a fundamental assumption of science, even as a presupposition of rational thought. But in modern physics, ordinary causality breaks down in the microscopic realm. Not only do we have events which happen at random, there is no distinction between forward and backward directions in time. Our familiar, macroscopic sense of cause and effect is, like the arrow of time, not something basic to the world. These both emerge in our macroscopic environment, out of a microscopic substrate which is radically different.
Again, all of this is quite offensive to common sense. But then, it has long been clear modern physics is counterintuitive. Our brains just aren't built for it. It also seems crazy that our world just exists, with no cause, as an accident. Nevertheless, this seems to be most likely true. Ours is an accidental world, a chaos which finds shape without the help of the gods.
Projection is an idea developed by Freud in which people are thought to reveal their true feelings and thoughts when describing ambiguous stimuli
So what the point of this long winded diatribe? ( I know ...oh god..i had to read this overwrought missive and now to add insult to injury your going to teach me something too..man...!)
Yes well here it comes..I have just described or overcribed ( is that a word?) the meaning and the cause of the biggest thing the majority of th's have as a road block to discovery....that word friend
sorry, but sometimes things taste like medicine but trust me, you will get better once you get over
being infected with 'pareidolia virus'
dont worry I will not type this much again for a long time
hope this helps
ps a crystal clear illustration of this macro/micro law is the similarity of the Atom with all its electron orbiting the nucleolus , just as the planets orbit the sun...see what i am saying homie?
Its the world that we live in...
the image of a Nefertiti potato chip
survival of the fittest
Retrieved 4/14/02 from
Aslin, R. N. (1988). Visual perception in ealry infancy. In Albert Yonas (ed.), Perceptual development in infancy. Erlbaum Publishers:Hillsdale, NJ
Projection is an idea developed by Freud in which people are thought to reveal their true feelings and thoughts when describing ambiguous stimuli