Treasure Signs and Symbols 101

refresh your browser, I was having problem posting the pic and had two pics up there at one time by mistake.

This is a good example of HOW the code can be broken, it will take however some powers of observation. So if you can and you want to spend some time looking at it and i swear to you it will come to you. it kinda like looking at things a little differently...focusing a little differently..sorta like trying to see an optical illusion..and not seeing it, then suddenly it pops in to view..and you got time once you learn this type of will see the signs almost every fact what happens in the natural progression of this learning curve is that you 'get carried' away and start seeing signs in everything...
THAT is the reason for the Confirmation signs...they are able to pull you back from the brink of Pareidolia just in the nick of time , before you are lost forever spinning out in space like 'David' when Hal would not open the 'pod bay doors' in Kubricks 200l Space Odessy

If you make this pic your screen saver and leave it up there for a while, studing it , looking at it passing..or just staring at it while doing something else, the image will appear.

to the members on ignore list (real and pretended)
add chainsaw charlie Blind in Texas
add isis-horus-and-set to the ignore list - these are the alter id's of 'direction'...all Bob more than likely..!

The prudent man knows that to utter his indignation at reproach and shame will but lead to a fresh attack, and takes refuge in reticence.[/size][/font]

I see the owl being pulled to the left and down, but what has the troll got to do with it? :icon_scratch:

In your second picture, the blocks kinda remind me of some mason's codes I saw in a book.

the second pic

this has the look of a codemakers workshop... over the top example of designs being worked out as EACH item in this pic had been manipulated. Looks like the final exam for the Masters

how many items can you find in this pic?
What is this pic about really?
Who did this work?
food for thought, and points to ponder.

“The senseless man does not know, fools do not under-stand"....Psalm 92:6


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In your second photo, I get the feeling that this place is a peaceful grotto of solace; a place to worship and ponder. Someone in the past meticulously chiseled away the plagued area on the front of the alter stone. Above the alter is an iconic picture surrounded by three stylized carvings of sorrowful faces. The lion's head above the lamb's head on the right side seems to be saying "and the lions will lay down with the lambs" AND protect them. Just above the lion's head and a little to the rear is a triangle with a curving line on it's left side. I believe that to be the mason's symbol for the person who did this work.
I will stop at this point and "step aside" for someone else to come in.

i think someone is entombed in the wall under the looks like caliche.and i see a guy buried to his lower jaw.and 7 steps maybe resting place.would see,hear, and speak no evil have anything to do with site?

The owl hoyo, you got it Bill, hadji009 perfectly done. Treasure or Trail Sign?,
thats part two of the question..

That owl hoyo, is actually a redundant treasure sign that was used as a trail marker, the reason that I know that it is redundant is that is not carved in a stone monument....

bill said rangler, has the queen spoken to you yet?
No - taking the fifth.

ps Queenie only has her Poodles, memories and's
the King who plays poker with 20% of the Jesuits chips.......


Humble questions. The owl in the middle of the tree trunk/limb was plain to me. What about confirmation of the owl? Do you consider this to be a sign/symbol of a group later than what you call "Spanish"?


good questions, hadji009 saw the confirmation mark right away..the "M" framing the Owl, the Owl of Minerva" symbol from the Pagan times adapted by the code-makers..only the insiders would know how these two would connect!
about the second part, I am still puzzling over this....this tree, unless it's a small branch on a large older tree, then, those that came after the original spanish/jesuits et al, would have replaced a redundant marker that was makes a little sense in that- redundant markers were only temporary anyway - compared to those primary markers chiseled in stone...
I am amazed by the exquisite skill displayed by who ever crafted this simple but elegant marker/sign.
my point of view anyway....

"From now on I will tell you of new things, of hidden things unknown to you.
Isaiah 48:5-7

The limb forming the owl hoyo has a Troll face carved into it. Would the makers of the owl also carve the face as a backup confirmation mark in case the "M" shape didn't register? Or to indicate which side the owl should be viewed from?

I see what your are saying, but remember that any carving would remove the bark
and then the tree would heal the wound and the mark would be covered over with
that 'scar' tissue bark.
The use of logic and the knowledge of 'background camo can
go a long way to understand what we are 'seeing'.

;D People can ignore me all they want, I'll bet they won't though.

People are plenty smarter than you treasure hunting experts give them credit for, if they want to take half baked treasure hunting advice from a bunch of boy scouts that never grew up that's their prerogative, I prefer a more common sense approach myself though.


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isis, you missed it on your avatar. you should at least get that right before attempting to upgrade some one else.

10claw said:
isis, you missed it on your avatar. you should at least get that right before attempting to upgrade some one else.

that really doesn't make any sense?

I won't waste anymore time here, you guys can petition the moderator to ban me permanently. PLEASE!

DoveFeather said:
isis-recreations planner-BLM
want more?

;D What? are you offering me a job?

I won't work for less than 100,000 a year, and even then I won't sell out.

Still interested?

O.K. back to the subject.

rangler, NOW I'm wondering if that troll like face was carved by the KGC. They seem to have loved carving on tree trunks and such. If they are using the same trail as the lead in to a deposit site, perhaps that little carving is THEIR confirmation mark. I mean, it just doesn't look natural. Sorry for beating a dead horse on this one. One of my Granddad's favorite sayings was "study long, study wrong". LOL Of course he would say that when playing dominoes and he was trying to get the other players to hurry up and play. :laughing7: And he was usually right, too. The more I'd study the game, the "wronger" I was. Maybe that's true in this case, too.

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