Treasure of the 7th Seal... NOT the Beale Treasure

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Then again,one discovers that there is more to heaven and Earth then one's philosophy allows.

That statement is a philosophy in itself, and, since none of us have actually been to heaven it is also quite speculative. :laughing7: :icon_thumright:

That statement is a philosophy in itself, and, since none of us have actually been to heaven it is also quite speculative. :laughing7: :icon_thumright:

LOL! I HAVE! After-Life Experience during 2 1/2 months in "locked-in-state" coma in 1992/93... BUT! This is NOT the Psychic board nor Religion board...:coffee2: Coffee? :tongue3:

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Would enable us to Resume our wanderings and our Exhilarating Pursuits. Pursuits, to,search. And found a partially forgotten Legacy. Then they felt there was a need to preserve, all the pursuit work, was to accomplish some type of Legacy. Justintime..

LOL! I HAVE! After-Life Experience during 2 1/2 months in "locked-in-state" coma in 1992/93... BUT! This is NOT the Psychic board nor Religion board...:coffee2: Coffee? :tongue3:

Did you get a rain check Reb? :angel12:

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LOL! I HAVE! After-Life Experience during 2 1/2 months in "locked-in-state" coma in 1992/93... BUT! This is NOT the Psychic board nor Religion board...:coffee2: Coffee? :tongue3:

Was it warm there, or will we be needing jackets? :laughing7:

That statement is a philosophy in itself, and, since none of us have actually been to heaven it is also quite speculative. :laughing7: :icon_thumright:
Bigscoop and Rebel,I reckon you both missed the subtle meaning in my paraphrased quote from Shakespeare's HAMLET concerning Bacon's treasure of the 7th seal.
Besides "THE TEMPEST",Bacon also had ciphers in "HAMLET",which were understood by the WILD GOOSE CLUB,whose members also dabled in alchemy.
The phrase in "HAMLET" comes from the alchemist doctrine-"This is the whole truth,and nothing but the truth:-AS BELOW,
Also the charactor ROSENCRANTZ is a play on the name of CHRISTIAN ROSENKREUTZ,founder of the ROSE-CROIX secret society,which of course,have other connections to other societies.

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Bigscoop and Rebel,I reckon you both missed the subtle meaning in my paraphrased quote from Shakespeare's HAMLET concerning Bacon's treasure of the 7th seal.
Besides "THE TEMPEST",Bacon also had ciphers in "HAMLET",which were understood by the WILD GOOSE CLUB,whose members also dabled in alchemy.
The phrase in "HAMLET" comes from the alchemist doctrine-"This is the whole truth,and nothing but the truth:-AS BELOW,
Also the charactor ROSENCRANTZ is a play on the name of CHRISTIAN ROSENKREUTZ,founder of the ROSE-CROIX secret society,which of course,have other connections to other societies. least speaking for myself, I didn't miss it. Can't speak for Reb.......:dontknow:

For those so inclined to learn how to decipher the codes of Sir Francis Bacon:
Very illuminating in a rosy way.

Concerning the BRUTON VAULT in Williamsburg,Va.
Did Thomas Jefferson,as a 33 degree Mason (York or Scottish rite?) have knowledge and access to Bacon's vault,as some claim?
Did this knowledge facitate the LOUISIANA PURCHASE and the expedition of Lewis & Clark?
What knowledge did Merriweather Lewis have that led to his assassination on Oct 11,1809?
What was the goal behind the Wilkinson-Burr Conspiracy that led to Lewis's assassination?
What was the real involvement and purpose of the ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION in Williamsburg in the 1930's?
Is the Bruton Vault real,or is the "vault" a word of Masonic lore?
Is the USA Bacon's "NEW ATLANTIS"?

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Concerning the BRUTON VAULT in Williamsburg,Va.
Did Thomas Jefferson,as a 33 degree Mason (York or Scottish rite?) have knowledge and access to Bacon's vault,as some claim?
Did this knowledge facitate the LOUISIANA PURCHASE and the expedition of Lewis & Clark?
What knowledge did Merriweather Lewis have that led to his assassination on Oct 11,1809?
What was the goal behind the Wilkinson-Burr Conspiracy that led to Lewis's assassination?
What was the real involvement and purpose of the ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION in Williamsburg in the 1930's?
Is the Bruton Vault real,or is the "vault" a word of Masonic lore?
Is the USA Bacon's "NEW ATLANTIS"?

Thomas Jefferson was NEVER a FreeMason; was heavily "influenced" by ROSICRUCIANS, who did use similar symbols. When he was a student at the College of William & Mary, TJ was SIXTEEN years old and NOT likely to be "concerned" with the "legends" of Bruton Vault. HIS Rosicrucian "thoughts" from France "experience" as an adult, MAY have "influenced the L.P. which he sent L & C Expedition on; NO records exist of his access to "BPV" in Williamsburg, Va. Don't know about "offing" M.L. governor of Louisiana Territory; A. Burr wanted the SW America/USA for himself... to be HIS empire; Wilkinson enabled his "despotic dreams" and B & W MAY have felt threatened by M.L. RF's motive? DUNNO... Is BPV real? MAYBE; like UFO's... DUNNO; NOTHING in "Masonic lore"
about EITHER. I DO think that it was Bacon's dream to have America as the NEW Atlantis... BUT!

I beg to differ but TJ was a master mason. He knew about the Bruton Vault. He was the last man in the vault at least while the treasure maps were still there. The Rockefeller Foundation and FDR was in the BV later but I believe everything had already been removed. TJ and his wife stayed at the house of George Wythe his teacher and watcher of the BV while the DOI was being written. He had access to the vault and everything in the DOI was already proposed by BACON in his New Atlantis and yes the US is the New Atlantis.

NOPE; NO records with the Grand Lodge of Virginia, NOR the Lodge in Ch'ville, Va. of TJ being a FreeMason; been to BOTH; show YOUR proof that he was. NEVER seen any "proof" of TJ being in BPV. Where are you getting that info? ANYWAY... "connected" to Sir Francis Bacon would have meant, it was a ROSICRUCUAN "thing", NOT a FREEMASON "thing"... 8-)

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AND! MANY sources for R & I indicate TJ was NOT a FreeMason; on the "net", here is ONE... You can ALSO "google" Grand Lodge of Virginia - Freemason, and ask if TJ is "on records" as to being a Master Mason. Good Luck! HH! Let me know what ya find out... I wanna know.

Where did ya get THAT info? I agree with some of "what you say" (20-21); STILL TJ was NOT a FreeMason, which was MY MAIN "focus". AND! Have YOU actually read NEW ATLANTIS? It is "on-line", I think. I have the book.

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Just because your name is not on a membership does not mean you are not one? Not every christian goes to church. Then there are those that are SENT.

LOL! Just show YOUR proof that Thomas Jefferson WAS a Master Mason... YOU don't have it!

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Good job, Frank keep up the good work. Thanks..Justintime.

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