Treasure of the 7th Seal... NOT the Beale Treasure

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MY understanding is that TJ paid MORE than necessary for Louisiana Territory; what happened to "left-over" $$$$$$$$$$$?
I agree that the "treasures" are different. Treasure of the 7th Seal, connected to Rosicrucian Francis Bacon is one. "BT" is separate, as it is connected to CSA Treasury in "BP". "French connection" PROBABLY came from Scottish Rite FreeMasonry in Charleston, SC in 1803. FIRST, tho... was the ORDER of the ROYAL SECRET (1801). HA! Also connected with "The French" in NO, as an ADVANCED Order (separate & independent...). IF... "the French" were ORS, they were later SR as AMERICAN FreeMasons, fast-forwarding to the CSA & the CSA Mint in NO...

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Ouch and ouch. Don,t want to dwell on masons. Possible tie for skeptics with b.p.s and mention of vault (s).Thin gravy but there.
Still sorting out scoops take on purchase,thought maybe French tried to dodge cat and mouse between states and Spain. But see his point.
Reb, you have SR tied with C.S.A., news to me. Still, intriguing.

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Ouch and ouch. Don,t want to dwell on masons. Possible tie for skeptics with b.p.s and mention of vault (s).Thin gravy but there.
Still sorting out scoops take on purchase,thought maybe French tried to dodge cat and mouse between states and Spain. But see his point.

And let's not forget Mexico, another country that had an obvious interest in the outcome of the political game being played out in the disputed territory. "The game is worth the candle," it was written. :wink: This is the only area in the west where a high stakes game was being played.

20120415_212458-1.webp The game is worth the candle has nothing to do with a poker game. Its a way to read and Start the key. All, the enlightening phrases in,the letters are entitled for the key holder. There is a burn on the DoI-Key, ... Justintime...8-):key:=:treasurechest:

For MEXICO; AB vs TJ started it all. AB was GUILTY! HA!

View attachment 671068 The game is worth the candle has nothing to do with a poker game. Its a way to read and Start the key. All, the enlightening phrases in,the letters are entitled for the key holder. There is a burn on the DoI-Key, ... Justintime...8-):key:=:treasurechest:

Poker game? :laughing7: Whooooo.......ok.
And the "unintelligible piece of paper" the BP author was looking for is......of course, an "unintelligible" DOI? :icon_scratch:

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Treasure of the 7th Seal; focus on ROSICRUCIAN Sir Francis Bacon... "influenced" TJ, when he was a student at the college of William & Mary in Williamsburg, Va.? Did TJ know? DUNNO.

Treasure of the 7th Seal; focus on ROSICRUCIAN Sir Francis Bacon... "influenced" TJ, when he was a student at the college of William & Mary in Williamsburg, Va.? Did TJ know? DUNNO.
TJ definitely knew.

The vault was built before treasure could be transferred. The Legacy was so unexpectedly received. Cherished name would be remembered. Justintime

Was Thomas Jefferson "influenced" by French Rosicrucians, while he (TJ) was in France? YES! Were GERMAN mystics "influenced" by Rosicrucian Sir Francis Bacon? YES! "Google" Johannes Kelphus: Monks of the Wissahickon. Out side of Philly... founding founders may have had ROSICRUCIAN "influence".

Was Thomas Jefferson "influenced" by French Rosicrucians, while he (TJ) was in France? YES! Were GERMAN mystics "influenced" by Rosicrucian Sir Francis Bacon? YES! "Google" Johannes Kelpius: Monks of the Wissahickon. Out side of Philly... founding founders may have had ROSICRUCIAN "influence". Tried to delete last "post". DELETE still not working... It is JOHANNES KELPIUS.

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Was Thomas Jefferson "influenced" by French Rosicrucians, while he (TJ) was in France? YES! Were GERMAN mystics "influenced" by Rosicrucian Sir Francis Bacon? YES! "Google" Johannes Kelpius: Monks of the Wissahickon. Out side of Philly... founding founders may have had ROSICRUCIAN "influence". Tried to delete last "post". DELETE still not working... It is JOHANNES KELPIUS.

Interesting Indeed , Justintime,,Thanks

I like Franklin's notion of a type of Patriot Army as a good possibility, I just don't agree with his concluded source of the TJB deposits. But here again, one has to remember that this wasn't something that was financed and put together by simple, common men of means. But I do think the general structuring of Franklin's theory is accurate in regards to how something of this nature would have been constructed and carried out.

Thomas Jefferson may have been influenced,yet seemed more a tangible type. Did not accept newspaper accounts regarding mexico as truth for example. Wanted specimens of flora and fauna from purchase inventory. Which brings to mind,expedition he sent only skimmed northern area near mexico. With his mention of mines at time of purchase surely they had to be checked out with all the years of french and spanish activity.
More Rosicrucian influence in Morris,s description of beale, his countenance and his swarthy appearance seeming to increase. Morris himself gets presented in a great lite too. Accepted as trustworthy Beale party when so few had met him. The rosi cloud can make any undertaking or acquisition seem noble and divinely inspired. Too when great seal accepted (for those who suspect rosi involvement)while T.J. could have adopted it for his own use,as he did not create it, instead he chose his own seal.

Agree. While Jefferson enjoyed philosophy and the sciences, he applied these things in a very practical manner VS Bacon who often presented it as factional example, as in, "what if", "could be, if", etc. Politics is politics, everything is up for debate, even the generally friendly and supportive stand in challenge when their ideas, beliefs, and thoughts are different. Always been that way, always will be. To think that any group of any type of governing body could all come together to orchestrate something so "controversial and open to opposition and debate" is, well, mythical.

It was a committee that decided on the GREAT SEAL. DYK? The GREAT BIRD: 1st proposed by Ben Franklin... the TURKEY, (born & raised ONLY in America); then the PHOENIX. Finally, the Bald Eagle... Native Americans had the Golden (brown) Eagle. MAYBE, it was all MYSTICAL!

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It was a committee that decided on the GREAT SEAL. DYK? The GREAT BIRD: 1st proposed by Ben Franklin... the TURKEY, (born & raised ONLY in America); then the PHOENIX; Finally, the Bald Eagle... Native Americans had the Golden (brown) Eagle. MAYBE, it was all MYSTICAL!

And the relevance of that information?

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