I don't know who or what they were. But my wife and I have had all kinds of things happen to us. At the time I was walking in my bed room and their in front of me was a dark looking shape. It looked almost like a man. My wife was in the room also. I started feeling like my adrenaline was flowing. Like a strength from within. I started talking in some other language. I knew what I was saying. But that's not what was coming from my mouth. I looked at my wife and she looked scared. I tried to let her know it was ok. I'm not sure how long it took but when it was over. I was totally exhausted. The only word I recognize was the word yah we..
That was that one. There has been other times. There is a surveillance system all around my house. There has been a few times that we saw a man standing on the side of my house. I go outside to look he not there. We have some pictures of a man half out of the ground. You can see what he looks like. Only the upper part is visible. I will ask her to find the pictures. There is a video of one that looks like he pulls himself up out of a hole and walks off. Other people say my place is haunted. I tell them it's protected by spirits. I could go on and on. My wife said two of them was trying to lead her to a part of our place. They have shown me the same place. Did you see the picture of the tree next to my house at night. It looks like a demon with an x for one eye. Some time you hear people talking.it don't bother me anymore. The one that watching over us is the king of kings. I have complete faith. This place has a way of draining all my batteries. I could tell you more but don't know if they want me to. There is a higher power. We are a part of it as you know. Crosse, I read your post about spirits and treasure. I say Yes to that. I know that not many take me seriously on here. Because of my small stones. That's all I have. Thanks for sharing Bob
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