Treasure Marks/Signs - Diagnosed Here

dsty said:
One book does not a reasonable make a fair thought process, one interpretation does not make a learning process, If you will look at the Kings Measurements you will find that "W" = 23rd letter of the alphabet X 10 = 230 Cm or could = The depth of an object. What happened to you use to be a reasonable person.

Not to jump in where I don't belong, ...BUT,.do you really think they used Metric system "230 CM"?
I think "W" equals 2 V's or "23" , or V times V or V + V, makes more sense.
The person who made it up knows and it is up to the searcher to try all possiblities to work it out.

To whom it may concern,
!. the spanish used the English Alphabet
2. very few people in the old world spoke english
3. english alphabet used as a code to hide things in
4. the W as seen in the drawings means West
5. The W as seen in the drawings means the OWL up close
6. they used one sign to mean two things to keep people in the dark
7. it still working to this day~!
8. the rest is confusion
9. in the graffiti world confusion is king
10. exit the graffiti world to see things as they really are.
I rest my case
ps: never use Simple logic for a complex problem

The question is would you take the bait , in this picture, or the instructions telling you where to go from here ?
think I know the answer , but lets here it .
maybe I'll quit picking on you if you get it right .
don't get me wrong , not asking for your help .
this is a test . bet you would like to go back to the way it was before on here, :laughing7:

besides all you had to do was say maybe you were wrong when you accused me,
or my friends, of hacking the old ancient lost treasures forum .
or did you forget you said that on treasure net ?
Sringfield was there , i'm sure he remembers your performance.
personally i just thought you came there to disrupt us.
by Us i mean those of Us that were there before you .

i guess my hypocrisy knows no bounds ! :laughing9:

i might mention, the members of the old ALT forum did not have to make up
lies about people on treasure net , in some attempt to make themselves look better.

ranger wrote: ps: never use Simple logic for a complex problem

why not ? why make it harder than it needs to be ?

here is something someone might consider looking into as a treasure sign. {possible}
sorry about the paint out , little too specific :laughing9:

dsty said:
One book does not a reasonable make a fair thought process, one interpretation does not make a learning process, If you will look at the Kings Measurements you will find that "W" = 23rd letter of the alphabet X 10 = 230 Cm or could = The depth of an object. What happened to you use to be a reasonable person.

I'm sorry you feel that I'm being unreasonable about my comments concerning the letter "W". Please go back up to my post, #920, and re-read the quotes. Two pieces are information posted by Old Dog, the third quote is from a book I just got after someone I respect told me it is a good one. The author got his "learning" from 24-plus years of personal experience on the trail. If you are suggesting that I not believe what OD and the other person say, then I must respectfully DECLINE to do so. I will use their info a long time before I do a messianic individual who posts personal attacks against anyone who chooses to disagree with him. And I am NOT talking about YOU. You have been fair with me and I do respect and appreciate you for that.

just dropped by boy i'm glad i dont post here
kana i think its time u put a lid on the crap and bury it
dsty u got a pm on where i will be see u there

poorfarm said:
just dropped by boy i'm glad i dont post here
kana i think its time u put a lid on the crap and bury it
dsty u got a pm on where i will be see u there
yup, I could not have said that any better farmer

Didn't get the pm, SS I found the info I was talking about in Kenworthys book, the kings measurements used as the depth of caches is in his book along with the kings waist/distance from the tip of his finger to the elbow/ distance from the tip of his thumb to the tip of his pinkie, ( 8 1/2 inches ) I think. All of my books went to a library in Afghanistan for the Service Men And Women to enjoy sent with a Chaplain that was headed that way from Church, so I don't have a ready reference, Rangler as you should know some of the depth's of the caches ARE 7 ft 7 inches or 230 cm, that's not theory its fact, they did use W and V's and X and O's and any others they decided to use. Those that are in the know that the Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John sites are another trick they used and really references the first four books of the Old Testament, try it, I think you will have a revelation, as a mater of Fact the 0 is the 15th book Eliza chapter 2 verse 15 and 18 led me to one of the sites so you still don't know everything yet, those that still are trying to find the spot my advice is to not discount Anything, stay flexable in your thought patterns anything goes

rangler will u please say u r sorry to me and my buddies so we can put our man clothes back on and quit b n sissys.u hurt our grown up feelings and we just cant get them back until u apologise.i am tired of these dresses u put me in by accusing us.

hadji009 said:
rangler will u please say u r sorry to me and my buddies so we can put our man clothes back on and quit b n sissys.u hurt our grown up feelings and we just cant get them back until u apologise.i am tired of these dresses u put me in by accusing us.

you funny !!!!!
perhaps you will find this funny too. it is not only a violation of treasure nets terms of use to tell lies about another member , it also is something that is brought up in courts of law. its called slander , and defamation of character . you want man pants walk into a court room . lol.... see not a good idea to accuse someone else of a federal offense on another public forum . now if someone would have suffered like say hypothetically from something rangler said , maybe a book deal trashed because of the comments made on T net , to one of the persons involved , then guess what you get more funny words like libel and punitive damages . and the only reason he has not already been served is because he never mentioned anyone by name . too bad really . that is hilarious :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9:

i hear ya poorfarm, wow, it is something for sure. its like you almost dont want to open the post cause it might be b.s.,but hey i guess its are choice,nobodys forcing me to look and read it. you just take the gamble. :dontknow:

Bless you for making that sacrifice, I know it hurt ,but you did a good thing, I am working with two soldiers now that are in Afghanistan - it takes their minds off the stress of trying to stay alive long enough to come home, those kinds of books are a great help to them..thank you..

Yes of course - we both know - they used the W any true tracker learned that a long time ago, and this business about using the spanish alphabet shows the inexperience in the real world of signs, we cant teach those who dont want to learn, and really we should just them them twist in the wind, even when you try they are never grateful, their ego is bigger than their desire to learn. You can stack bs higher than your head , but it is still bs.
hope your doing well Ernie, take care-let me know if you need anything,
oro objective

rangler said:
You can stack bs higher than your head , but it is still bs.
oro objective

So, when will you stop stacking it???

1 thing that i have learned after solving 3 break ns at my haus is that u dont mention names and the guilty will come calling!

Ahhhh. The acolyte arrives right on time. :thumbsup: :coffee2:

hadji009 said:
SS u and your gang seem to b the only 1s touched by the church.

Naaaaa. The Southern Baptist don't do treasure hunting. Just picnics and family gatherings..............and don't forget the tithes, Bro. :thumbsup:

GANG??? Well, stick'em up, Bro and hand it over. :laughing9: :laughing9: :tongue3:

Thanks for the kind words rangler, all of my treasure hunting is limited to the computer, I do have one trip planned for when the leaves fall this year along and on both sides of the Red River in the middle part of the state of Oklahoma. May be a two day venture but not any more than that, I don't like going down hill on crutches, I may have to resort to a card board box to get down, lots of gravel ( grin ) no brakes you know

dsty said:
Thanks for the kind words rangler, all of my treasure hunting is limited to the computer, I do have one trip planned for when the leaves fall this year along and on both sides of the Red River in the middle part of the state of Oklahoma. May be a two day venture but not any more than that, I don't like going down hill on crutches, I may have to resort to a card board box to get down, lots of gravel ( grin ) no brakes you know

Yup Ernie,
I am reaching that point.

come skidding in sideways yellin "Wow, what a ride."

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