Treasure Marks/Signs - Diagnosed Here


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lovnit said:
Does anybody here really understand what this monument is?

It's not a 'monument' (manmade), it's a prominent 'landmark' (natural) where people have carved things for reasons unknown. The 'TIMOTEO' and 'ME' signatures may be 'code', but more likely ranch hands' grafitti. Diligent research into the ranch's history may help tell - if you're going to try to figure this stuff out, you have to be thorough. It is what it is, not what you wish it to be. The various 'shapes' seen in the rocks are not pertinent, IMHO. However, if you want to twist in circles, following these 'clues' is an excellent way to waste time.

That is some good reasoning, but try 3,000 years or more and the tools of the Ancients may not have been so crude. After all, some of those Ancients built the Great Pyramid and carved the Sphinx, among other great constructions all around the world.

I'll admit,it confuses me. To me it has aspects of an alpha and omega both. The giant mule...or is it a dog...the two bears.the duck and all the rest. As if there is national news and local news both. Hmmm..perhaps reused or more likely I do not have the experience needed.

Hey, Casca:
Good to see you back. Could you clarify that landscape photo a little bit? Are you referring
to the Conehead, the unhappy woman, or the grumpy looking mustachioed man?

largehead-Casca-cropped Merged.webp largehead-Casca-cropped-marked.webp

In the second photo above, could that be a turtle with a cracked shell being used as a map?
And in the last one, the "piggy" looking rock on the right, seems to have a flat surface on
the "face" on the right end. Could that be an eyecatcher for someone coming up the valley
from the right?

thanks for pointing out more items on that photo ris, looks great. i appreciate it. when i get back to that area,it will give me more places to look.
hey casa, dont worry about swr,he is the ludicrous one for think he is clairvoiante enough to know what my dreams are,lol,and than to think that he is able of crushing them,lol,it says alot about his personality. dogtth said
[i]I will say if you call it off, I can show you a monument or marker of it.*

I told you a long time ago that pareidolia was infectious~! now you caught the virus from you know who.

Some say the Spanish didnt teraform either. Dont get me started.

The Spanish did not terraform in the sense of large mountain ranges...the Ancients may have, still out to Freud said.."people see what they WANT to see, you buddy WANTS to see Aliens in the landscape, your perhaps want go see large deformed skulls, where only a volcanic intrusions exist..
As Springfield would say, fine, you allowed to see what ever you want..just wear a hat and carry lots of water as the sun can do some damage to the thinking process.....

I could fill a book with any one of the above photos about them. But I am not asking you to judge if they are true or not. Just enjoy, and dont take from the enjoyment of others. I do not have a trained eye in that I see a lot of what is posted on here. I do know if it leads to something, then great.

You might be able to fill a book or site about graffiti too - but it doesn't mean it is real..and actually the only enjoyment of these things is to fellow pareidoliacs and cloud readers.
and since this is a treasure hunting site - this type of info has little or no value, then in only in the sense , to warn others to stay clear of graffiti and the those infected with the it effectively ends your treasure hunting career before you even found your first Alpha..sad really some of us thought you were going to be good at this game, but alas you seem to have led to the dark side.
good luck with that terraformed mountains & deformed'll probably do better with hanker avatars.
[ little closer to home] where you have much more experience and with your buddy too~! :laughing7:

Have a nice day.[/i]

rangler said: said
[i]I will say if you call it off, I can show you a monument or marker of it.*

I told you a long time ago that pareidolia was infectious~! now you caught the virus from you know who.

Some say the Spanish didnt teraform either. Dont get me started.

The Spanish did not terraform in the sense of large mountain ranges...the Ancients may have, still out to Freud said.."people see what they WANT to see, you buddy WANTS to see Aliens in the landscape, your perhaps want go see large deformed skulls, where only a volcanic intrusions exist..
As Springfield would say, fine, you allowed to see what ever you want..just wear a hat and carry lots of water as the sun can do some damage to the thinking process.....

I could fill a book with any one of the above photos about them. But I am not asking you to judge if they are true or not. Just enjoy, and dont take from the enjoyment of others. I do not have a trained eye in that I see a lot of what is posted on here. I do know if it leads to something, then great.

You might be able to fill a book or site about graffiti too - but it doesn't mean it is real..and actually the only enjoyment of these things is to fellow pareidoliacs and cloud readers.
and since this is a treasure hunting site - this type of info has little or no value, then in only in the sense , to warn others to stay clear of graffiti and the those infected with the it effectively ends your treasure hunting career before you even found your first Alpha..sad really some of us thought you were going to be good at this game, but alas you seem to have led to the dark side.
good luck with that terraformed mountains & deformed'll probably do better with hanker avatars.
[ little closer to home] where you have much more experience and with your buddy too~! :laughing7:

Have a nice day.[/i]

hope you enjoyed your time off :laughing9:
hmmmmm but you still owe me an apology !

Kanabite, no one else filled ranglers shoes while he was gone. The place actually slowed down. I myself needed some rescuing from the boredom.

Now back to the hobby. I am sitting in the dark, shine some light on me. Please don`t make me put my hat on backwards and my tounge to the side to understand :coffee2:.

Pala Y Pico said:
....Now back to the hobby. I am sitting in the dark, shine some light on me. Please don`t make me put my hat on backwards and my tounge to the side to understand

Rest easy, chela, your guru's back in town.

good thing u could only get that avatar to work ovr there!who knos what kind of trouble u couldve got yourself into. the large signs. I have seen quite a few.

This though strike me as spanish..though on a very large scale.

the reason for your uneccessary condisention is...?

"Rest easy, chela,* your guru's back in town."


*Chela has two main meanings. One derivation comes from Hindi (cela) from Sanskrit (ceta), meaning "slave" or "servant"

rangler said:
the reason for your uneccessary condisention is...?

"Rest easy, chela,* your guru's back in town."


*Chela has two main meanings. One derivation comes from Hindi (cela) from Sanskrit (ceta), meaning "slave" or "servant"
Shingao ...Man, I am not going back night to school, just to find out how I was condesended to...what ever..

"You are a slave of what ever masters you".

Springfield, shine some light on me, if you have any. I am winnable. And will serve a worthy master.

Pala Y Pico said:
rangler said:
the reason for your uneccessary condisention is...?

"Rest easy, chela,* your guru's back in town."


*Chela has two main meanings. One derivation comes from Hindi (cela) from Sanskrit (ceta), meaning "slave" or "servant"
Shingao ...Man, I am not going back night to school, just to find out how I was condesended to...what ever..

"You are a slave of what ever masters you".

Springfield, shine some light on me, if you have any. I am winnable. And will serve a worthy master.

Serve yourself first. You have a brain - use it.

Greetings True Trackers and Agronauts,
here is an article that I wrote about 3 years ago, [still revenant today and timely~!]when I did not have the code broken yet, but I was well on my way and for those who
want to know some of the things that were the bedrock of my research that made me feel so strongly that the code could be broken was
the context in which it was used...and the situations that existed at that time.
....jesuit treasures a legacy in stone

Preamble to this Post..In this post I will try to sum up the history and then get down to my own personal discovery of the Jesuits Monuments..We are attempting to build a site where we only ACCEPT positive input from the forum you might have read..on my other post about the Jesuits Code book..I smoked out the naysayers, and the disinformation crowd - before I started this post..I was told by others that this site wasn't taken seriously by treasure hunters out there..because it is filled with people whose only purpose is to lurk here and ponce on anyone who tries to enlighten anyone about the Jesuits and their Treasure signs..So folks only positive comments meant to build the body of knowledge that we leave here - for others to learn an attempt to recreate that famous JESUIT CODE BOOK...if there never was one..we can build one by reverse engineering..I personally have been at this over 20 years....others out there the same or longer..we can contribute something here..with out all crap dispensed elsewhere on this site..WELCOME to ALL Positive Treasure Hunters in search for the TRUTH.
When the Jesuits[the Pope actually] approached the King with the idea of prospecting for souls and minerals in the New World..He was at first skeptical but once he understood their credentials, ie the most highly educated and business oriented foot soldiers of Christ in all of Europe. All he needed was a fool proof plan to make sure he got all of his gold he was paying for..and some good "plausible deny ability" and he had it..After all the Black Robed Priest where going to the new world to save souls and make converts to the Catholic Church and future tax payers for the King..

The cover story in the contract..the Jesuits being shrew businessmen first last and always cut one the best contact in all of 80/20 split on the Gold and Silver..and THEY got the 80%! Unbelievable. Plus the King had to sent supplies and security in the form of the Spanish Army and the Conquistadors who were mostly Castilian Noblemen of the era..who only managed a tiny 10% of the Gold.

Now the King had to have a system to make sure he got paid...and that the treasure signs would be able to be interpreted by him and his men, the recovery crew the Kings Men....and make them last a 1000 years he said.

Now the Jesuits knew that they were taking lives in their own hands..this system of codes had to be had to be true..they knew that this was not going to be a simple cypher of letter switches this had to be fool proof and it had to be solved even if the source book of code meanings had to be destroyed rather than fall in to enemy hands.
What better way to make it last than to base on something that is all ready ancient right now in the 1500's. archaic languages Ancient Hebrew, Phoenician, Egyptian symblols, Alchemy, Golden Mathematics all the things of higher learning..
since they were the most educated in the known world,, they would have the upper hand..

What else? The Bible of course they had not changed much in 1500 Bibles Verses could be coded in to give secret clues to their brethren or the Kings recovery crew. Only one component to encode this data in plain site without the masses seeing it for what it was..ah Shadows..much is hidden in shadows..add to that the Sun signs that only come out during certain times of the day , certain times of the year..Use their knowledge of the Stars and Navigation..that will keep the average Joe from stumbling upon our treasures..
Use and change up different systems of measurements..from all over the ancient and modern world.. ..hey you got your self pretty good code..but how to exercise this code..we need Stone Masons.. yea...easy they were right there in the community AND they had a legacy going back to the times of the Egyptians AND they had some nice codes and symbols of their own..bring them in mix it all up , bring them along, the King will pay all their expenses..

Once some drawings were put down on paper - some monuments was good..but too good...half of the people in the room couldn't make out what was was too they added THE most recognizable thing in the world..people and animal faces!! After all 99% of us spend 99% of out time LOOKING at people and animals and their with this addition..they had a complete code and symbols system..the addition of the animals was a stroke of genius..because the habits of the animals don't if they used a turtle to represent a certain clue because of the WAY the critter acted..he was going to act that way a 1000 years from pure genius..So logic was then built heavily into the that at any time in the future..if the code books be lost or burned to hide them forever....their brothers or the Kings men could use pure logic the Bible and understanding of the animal world to solve these Treasure Monuments! The rest is history. 300 years of history. Now the majority of those hundreds of thousands of mines and monuments all over North and South America..lie there, waiting for the right person, with the right knowledge, and the right attitude to come along and do the right thing..
We are those people..Amen

This is the basic background, the basic premise that I have worked out over the post will put all this to practical application in my own personal discovery and solving of these symbols.

PLEASE FEEL FREE to add to this body of knowledge..if you have input about insight into any signs and symbols that you want to share..please do so..Your stories of discovery are welcome here as details as to where your site is..not even the state it is not necessary to what we are trying to achieve. Please post any pics that you want..with no landmarks that would give away the real names if you please.,screen names are enough
it is not about us...or where we are...or where our sites is about he pursuit of knowledge. To crack these Jesuit Treasure Codes once and for all..
Please ask any questions that you might have..If I know I will freely give you information..if you still don't trust the public board..send questions and pics privately like you have been doing..I will respect your privacy, never post any pics you share with me..all I ask is you keep whatever I tell you under your hat..and not share it with anyone..and we close the loop..the negative naysayers get blocked out and we continue the pursuit of the truth..Happy Hunting Gentlemen and Ladies see you next post

overcome, adapt and persevere

P8 - Seek knowledge rather than understanding rather than gold.........

Ok gonna try this, but I dont want anyone running out an, distroying these works of amzaing art, carved out of an , in giant rocks,an little rocks, from ancients, others?,alians? skeery figures? native americans, mexicans , french germans italians english etc LOL , to franciscans , jesuits, spanish, mormons, masons, kgc, who ever, all left them, they left them, to tell a story, or to direct which way to go , if u can read them. And they are all over the place, the history of the area, near San Bernardino, inland empire, east of LA, southern california, saint. bernardino , or saint bernadine ? lordes France. ever see that movie? even had vincent price in it, said he was going to, LA, I dont know, being on the internet can enlighten u an confuse u, I have read we have had , polar shifts , that means the north an the south poles reversed, switched positions, there still moving now, north is no longer north, but anyhow, so then , if reversed, East is now West, an West is now East, wonder if thats true, of basic areas, of beginings of originations, of interest. Yah the towel heads, cone headed hats, helmets, all was here, but why? The spanish? or Frans or Jesuits, valley was named after a priest, near what ever, st. holiday, it was discoverd, The San Gabrial mission , moved a few times, an no one seems to know the location of the original area. But where it is at now, when, all the early explorers came threw the pass, cajon pass, a south an easterly gate of the into, south east into, the valley, they could not of seen it, where they say it was. Riverside , an Rubidoux, named after Louis Rubidoux, probally french? lol or someone french wrote his name down that way, ?now changed to Jurupa hills, also was once also part of that San Bernardino area, and big land grants, The Jurupa, rancho, and trail being the native an spanish trail, etc, probally just following marks an maps, and along the Santa Ana river, from the Mtns of Big Bear, north an east of the valley, going to the coast, an near san louis ray, an san juan capistrano, missions, an orange county, disneyland, near enuff anyhow. I have a new notebook here, an pictures not all transferred over, probally wont be either. LOL too hard. I read the taypa?treasure story cant remember name now or how to spell it. LOL but this is also story last night, an cant help but thinkthe areas sound familuar, french italian german influances mexican, lol the areas an distances, to other areas, not the pictures I saw in the artical of who found it already, glad they did, but did u really find it? I dont know, and I dont really know what all history is here, but I know alot of PURPOSELY CONSTRUCTED Rock monuments. These monuments are south of, the what they say is the AUGA MANZA CEMATARY one of the oldest in the area but it also got washed away by the santa ana river, an they moved it to higher ground, they moved the river, to accommodate rail road tracks, lol an to change land boundaries. The jurupa rancho is now split half a mountains range, it seems , more likely they would of used the river? or a mountain range to designate their boundries, when the mormons came, they thought they was out side of the USA, an jurisdictions, they helped to rid the area of spanish an mexican an native americans, and kept all the official records not recognising anyone elses ownerships. Native american revolts, led to massicures, or Mormon's dressed like native americans as they had done that before also in the massacre in utah, an their fueled paranoia they would be invaded by the US govt, so they fortified themself, letting no one leave, or enter, wagon train headed west was a threat to them. Mormons called this area , utah an little salt lake, they came because their original profit? joseph smith , was headed to the area with the arrowhead on the mtn. a noble smith later, aquired that area on the san bernardino mtns. .All these peole from everywhere came here? why? Limestone was needed , to smelt gold it, bell mtns shapes, bells carved in rocks. Turtles, galore, ur on the trail.


  • Preist Face rock mnt rectngl eye CROSS sealin lips trail lt clord down 45d.webp
    Preist Face rock mnt rectngl eye CROSS sealin lips trail lt clord down 45d.webp
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  • Rock skull heads.webp
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  • Native american rock monument closer.webp
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  • Native american face rock monument.webp
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  • PIE rock monument,  pi or 7 T.webp
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  • Hands raised an clenched monument.webp
    Hands raised an clenched monument.webp
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Now there is lots of things not showing up, in those pictures, sun shaddowing , plays a big role in this art an making it stand out, the preist face has a 45d trail of lighter rocks, going down, an above the skulls, also a bigger white cross will show up near that, in the trail at certain times. Funny going in the morning I couldnt even see any of my regualar monuments an they are huge. LOL I am leaving things out from a distance, these giant markers almost show up better, an helps to be nearsighted. LOL There is like a body form? above the skulls an the letters, show I N S ? or something from a distance, the native american face is looking in the same direction the white trail from the priest with cross sealing lips face an rectangle eye. Yes there are lots an lots of hearts around an many other shapes too. Lots of faces an little eyes lookin at things, its a goose hunt, oh yah the duck is in the area too. LOL
not those pics though, an I am limited with new stuff I dont know how to work, sorry, maybe I will get better? LOL

I am trying to get your thoughts on these symbols from inside a small
mine/ cave in NW Ar. Outside there was a Z UCA L Q .....after locating
the entrance we found the sketched symbols just past a tiny arrastra..

What is the upside down T with the circle above?

Q 4 ? Not Q 24, or Q 14 (5 vara below) Could this Q mean 101 lbs?

Competent help required


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Everyone must be out , hunting? no one replied to my pics or posts, I am just rock reader, an hobby dower, an yah there is probally alot of stuff there, history that has just been forgotten, the early spanish? military fort, that took over the grist mill of louis rubidoux, in rubidoux, down river from those pictures above, apparently some higher comand, came an saw how lazy mighta been american military? not sure, anyhow the higher guy thought them lazy an made a statement recorded in history that, a digger indian could make more money them, now the natives were at one time enslaved to dig, for the spanish, and who knows who else, then they apparently got their freedom an Low wages, this was to last 20 years in some agreement but the agreement was ending before the REVOLT, an massacure of settlers of the spanish era. I suspect the soldiers, were on the take in other ways, an areas , an had no desire to , change the way, their apple cart was going, the jesuits made a deal with the king for a, 80 /20 split, so they got to keep 80 percent of what was recovered, so u know they was hiding stuff like squirrels, maybe why so many bell signs, ? in the area, maybe they smelted bells? Also history of a military guy early on, probally morman, of bell in the area, an one of the roads over in glen avon slanting that direction of pictures, is named , BELL GRAVE, I can tell u this , when I first saw the native american face with the big 7 T above the head, I got the feeling , there were people burried there, maybe its to mark the original cemetery? But seeing the preist with the crosss sealing his lips, an a rectangle for a eye, well, we know, what they means, I been reading rocks for few years or more now, used be posting on alt, till it got so crazy with ? same crap apparently that I have alreadyread some posts, of others being harassed an those who just want attention, even if its negitive, making up lies of finding things, attacking peopleand my computer is messing up here, so I am having a very hard time , the page wants to scroll half way up this, as I am writing an the letters I am typing are coming out very slowly so I cant even see what I am typing, rats. sorry, an thanks in advance if anyone should read this lookie these pics, an see them for what they really are, get maybe some of these better hunters, an dowsers, to read this area? thanks, Cat

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