Treasure Expo 2007

ScubaFinder said:
Don, have you asked the McClarty museum or the Mel Fisher center about setting up displays? Rob Westrich with the state also does a really good presentation, and has some copies of artifacts that he passes around the room. Get with him and he could maybe get the state involved too, we all know how much you love those government types. :D Seriously though, Rob is a great guy and would probably jump on board give his presentation.

Aquatic Research & Recovery Group could set up a booth and show some diving pics and videos, but the stuff we found at Jupiter last year is still with the state I believe, the plan was for everyone to get one back after division with the state. All finds from our leases this year are turned in to the Fisher center for preservation, and we won't see them again until division time. If I had a bunch of gold and silver laying around the house, I'd bring it. I have a few reales from Belize, a copper maravedis, spikes and iron rigging, pottery shards, ballast stones, etc. but that would hardly make an interesting booth for the public. :D
I disagree.
It would be very interesting maybe not to divers but the Public would be very interested. I would be very interested also and if permitted I would set up the space myself. This is about TREASURE HUNTINGS and everything and anything associated is of interest.

As far as the State is concerned that is fine with me as long as other THers do not mind.

The Fishers are in the Bahamas working on a wreck.
I have not talked with the at all but a friend of theirs sent them an email.
Peg Leg

Pegleg, I would like to reserve a display table.

I also pm'ed you with a question about guest speakers.

I think there may be a misunderstand concerning the TREASURE HUNTING EVENT.
Yes it would be nice if the place was loaded wit Gold and Silver items but to be realistic IT AIN'T GONA HAPPEN.
Since we will be dealing with the General Public they have no idea what is involved in treasure hunting or the recovery of any artifacts. They (public) are not aware that everything that is recovered from a wreck site no matter what it is must be measured to where the items were recovered from and what the item actually is. It could be a single iron spike to a large iron cannon. It does not have to be a chest filled with gold, silver or emeralds.
This is what is really involved in Treasre Hunting in the Ocean.
Treasure Hunting on Land. This covers EVERYTHING that is recovered from land. It may be a single spoon, belt buckle or even a bottle. It could have been recovered from a corn field or even your back yard it akes no difference. It is a part of History and so it become a Treasure to the one that recovered the item.
Like the saying goes.
Some peoples trash can become some peoples treasure.
How many times have you spent MDing and area. Chances this is the way we all started out.

So what I am saying is this.
Just because you have not recovered any Spanish Gold or Silver does Not mean you are not a TREASURE HUNTER.
Peg Leg

Just received a phone call that was some very good news.
KELLYCO is thinking about coming on board.

gdaddyflex said:
Pegleg, I would like to reserve a display table.

I also pm'ed you with a question about guest speakers.

So far I have no one really signed up but I do have two that are thinking about it.
If you know someone that might be interested let me know.
You space is reserved.
Peg Leg

Was not able to respond-computer is messing up.
Will be able to answer your questions in the morning.
Peg leg

ScubaFinder said:
Don, have you asked the McClarty museum or the Mel Fisher center about setting up displays? Rob Westrich with the state also does a really good presentation, and has some copies of artifacts that he passes around the room. Get with him and he could maybe get the state involved too, we all know how much you love those government types. :D Seriously though, Rob is a great guy and would probably jump on board give his presentation.

Aquatic Research & Recovery Group could set up a booth and show some diving pics and videos, but the stuff we found at Jupiter last year is still with the state I believe, the plan was for everyone to get one back after division with the state. All finds from our leases this year are turned in to the Fisher center for preservation, and we won't see them again until division time. If I had a bunch of gold and silver laying around the house, I'd bring it. I have a few reales from Belize, a copper maravedis, spikes and iron rigging, pottery shards, ballast stones, etc. but that would hardly make an interesting booth for the public. :D

I am looking for a SINGLE BALLAST ROCK it has to be small.
The head man at the Holiday Inn loaned some of his Underwater items to a school and someone walked off with his ballst rock.
He is busting his butt to give me a break on everythibg because he is into TREASURE HUNTING ARTIFACTS no matter what the artifact may be.
So far there are 50 rooms reserved for THers and he has also made arrangements with several other Resorts along Cocoa Beach to make sure everyone will have a room available. He is also going to pay for the advertising in the local papers.
Things are looking up.
Peg Leg

Peg, Most of my ballast stones are fairly large, the only small one I have was a gift from someone very special to me. Tom (GDaddy) has quite a few smaller ones, and he might part with one if you ask him real nicely. He makes them into really cool necklaces, I'm thinking about trying to buy one of the necklaces from him myself.

Things are definitely looking up man, I'm really looking forward to this event.


If there is anyone interested in being a GUEST SPEAKER email me A.S.A.P.
You must also give the subject you will be talking about.
You must also provide the time so this can be scheduled and the day.


Grubby wanted to thank you Peg leg for inviting him personally to be a quest speaker. He is sorry he won't beable to attend as he has other obligations that carry him through August. Probably best he not be there anyway if Marc or Wreckdiver 1715 are going to be present. He was flattered that you would ask, but he will be on some projects.
Treasure Diver MD

TreasureDiver MD.
To be honest I expected as much but the invation was for real.
We had discussed this before he left the FORUM.

The Holiday Inn will not let any used equipment to be sold. It can be displayed in the Main Room along with everthing else connected with Treasure Hunting.

Does anyone have any HARDHAT diving equipment that they want to show?

Space is gonna be gone by the middle of next month or sooner so if you want display space you better let me know something SOON.
Peg Leg

Peg Leg,
Got weathered out so I am back home. I have a hardhat, a replica. I will send you a pic later today.
I would be glad to display it if I am around. Don't know where I will be at the time of the show. Of course, I plan on coming.

Someone asked if there will be any T-shirts and caps available. I am checking into that right now.
BUT unless I start receiving donations to cover the cost of haveing them printed NO there will not be any available SORRY.
For those that said they would send a donation-where is it?
Peg Leg

For those that said they would send a donation-where is it?

I searched this thread and did not see your address.

Dell, They only have a 27" screen and a DVD player.
They will have to rent the size you asked about and charge you plus a little extra.
Peg leg


Why don't you set up a PayPal account? That would certainly make it easier to get some donations!

Let me know when you get the pictures!


I dislike dealing with companies like PAY PAL.
All someone has to do is send a CHECK or MONEY ORDER and its done AND you do not give out any of your Bank Account information.
Peg Leg

Mike in Ft. Pierce.
Can you send me the piece of wood with the spikes in it. Working on a display.
Capt. Peg

I am going to have some T-shirts made for the Event and should have some available soon.
Working on the design right now.
The sizes will be med, lg, x-lg and xx-lg. NO SMALL.
Peg leg

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