Treasure Expo 2007

Peg Leg said:
Robert, I dislike dealing with companies like PAY PAL. All someone has to do is send a CHECK or MONEY ORDER and its done AND you do not give out any of your Bank Account information.
Peg Leg

I've used Paypal for years with no problems. FWIW, when you write a check, ALL your account information is on it - name of bank, routing number, account number... :P

Peg, if for some reason you can't get the wood there before the show, I can bring it with me. My place in Ft. Pierce is about 10 minutes from Mike's, and I'd imagine we'll have our share of beers together when I get moved out there.

I'll prepay for a couple T-shirts right now, and make a donation. The proverbial "check is in the mail". LOL


Peg Leg:
I just saw your address and you’re just down the road from me. I’m in Canaveral Groves.
The guy I hunt with lives in Port St. John. I think this show will be a big success. You can count on us being there. Let me know if I can help in any way. My email is .


I need the name and email address of all those that are planning to have a display at the
The names and email address of those that plan on being
this is very important
Respond by PM
Don "PEG LEG" Webb

I just received permision from Marc to use the TREASURENET Logo on the T-SHIRTS.
I also received another Guest Speaker-more about that later.

Concerning Bob Weller. I will email him tody and see if he is interested.
More coming up.

A little up date.
I now have 21 spaces reserved and another Guest Speaker. One more Guest Speaker and thats is as far as speakers go. Checking with Bob Weller.
More lter
Peg Leg

Sounds like it's coming together nicely Don....great job...see you there!

Don, I sent you a private message, but sorry, Gdadduflex never comitted to being a speaker.

Did you ever get ahold of Robert Westrick? I talked with him on Saturday and he expressed an interest.

Has anyone read the TOPIC by Dell Winders and the comments made by a few others.
It would appear that there is TREASURE on the beach at the HOLIDAY INN. I am talking about some REAL HONEST TO GOODNEST TREASURE. Of course it might be buried very deep but so what?
I expect there will be everykind of detecting device known to man to be at this EXPO.
Would that not be something for everyone to observe an ACTUAL TREASURE HUNT right on the beach at the same location where the TREASURE HUNTERS EXPO is taking place WOW!
This WILL make the NEWS.

If this does not get your blood pumping you are not a seriois Treasue Hunter.
Peg Leg

I have been told NOT TO GET EXCITED about the treasure that may or maynot be under the sand at Cocoa Beach but just the idea that it MIGHT be is enough for me-I get excited easy-just ask my wife ;D ;D ;D
I have 6 children. The oldest is 45 and the youngest just turned 21 :o. I have 14 Grand children and am about to be a Great Grand Daddy.
With the RUMOR ::) concerning the POSSIBLE ;)Treasure on the Beach near the Holiday Inn reaching the News Media I am expecting a TON of people to come to this event.
It is funny how people will come to see what is what when you mention GOLD and TREASURE :o in the same sentence 8).
Peg Leg

Thanks my friend.
My ZIP is 32927.
Some of you may have Sent whatever to the wrong ZIP CODE.
Don Webb


I think I have arrived at the design.

How about showing a diver underwater MDing for treasure and then above this person show a person MD the beach for treasure.
This cover Land and Sea.
What do you think?
Peg leg

No doubt most of you have read postings concerning the treasure at the Beach at the Holiday Inn at Cocoa Beach and YES I agree that until something is recovered it is just a FANTASY or WISHFULL THINKING.
But I would like to also add a few thoughts here.
I BELIEVE there is something buried at this location and in fact I believe there are other items of interest under the sand for another 1,400 feet North.
BUT there will be enough Modern Electronics at the EXPO to prove or disprove that SOMETHING is there.
I fully expect that there will be a few willing to check it out to Prove or Disprove this but like I said UNTIL SOMETHING IS RECOVERED IT DOES MEAN A THING.
A MAG will not pickup any non ferrous metal and I do not know of a single MD that will go as deep as may be required to locate any possible Gold or Bronze. So what does that leave us with. DRILLING the sand with an AUGER or whatever is needed to get deep enough for a MD to be able to pick up any non ferrous material.
This will be a CHALLENGE not only to Dell and myself but also for the Manufactures who claim there can find anything at any depth.
Havea GREAT weekend everyone-I sure will.

Hi Dell...

I know that I am relatively new here on the forum, but I for one, am sorry to see that you will not be presenting your "special gift" of locating treasure. I was looking forward to listening to your presentation and your input.

Maybe I will be able to corner you in one of the "chat" rooms just to introduce myself and say hello. I have a great appreciation to all who are involved in this special "treasure industry" and especially for the "senior" individuals who have made this a lifetime endeavor.

Hope to see you at the Expo,


Re: Trouble in Paradise?????????????

Hey peg,
don't pay any attention to those... that won't post what they have to say on a public forum. The Expo will be a huge success. I don't care if there are any speakers (windbags). I'm going there to meet people like Dell. I took Tim Swieckowski to Dell's house 5 years ago and we had a great meeting. I look forward to seeing him again and maybe working a project together.

Re: Trouble in Paradise?????????????

salvor 6 said:
Hey peg,
don't pay any attention The Expo will be a huge success. I don't care if there are any speakers (windbags). I'm going there to meet people like Dell.

I agree & would Attend also If I didn't live this far north.

Remember Peg ; For every Attacker, there are a Hundred
who Disagree With them.

I wish you all the Best.

You put it on, They'll Come.


Re: Trouble in Paradise?????????????

Thanks everyone.There will be a TREASURE HUNTERS EXPO.
I may be taking on some Professional help very soon.
Thank again.
Peg Leg

Re: Trouble in Paradise?????????????

Well PegLeg,
I ain'ta coming and I could care less about your sceptics..but if you pm me your address or P.O. Box I will mail ya 25.00. That is my entrance fee for not being there.



Re: Trouble in Paradise?????????????

Hey Peg leg,
Im over in the uk but will be going to visit some "long lost" relatives in Hudson, florida. towards august / september time. If im in the country there is nothing i would want more than to come to the "EXPO" since im new to TH and i really want immerse myself in the world as it were.

I do you have the details or could you point me in the direction of the details. - i'll also happily contribute just let me know how!!

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