Too Hot to Dig...

Well..good golly Miss Molly......guess you are right there...almost. But remember..I am just speculating. For God's sake do not dig based on my say so, unless you are in need of some worms for fishing.

It looks like a bird sure..but it also looks like a lambs head facing to left of picture..with maybe a triangle eye. Maybe one point of a triangle or rectangle formation. Is that lamb eye opeed or closed. The turtle eye is open.

The little birdy is looking at an angled flat rock. Maybe more info there. Based on some possible patterns I have noticed...when you are done here..I would definitely look around within about 800 feet for other areas of interest. Behind the birdy the angry pack animal with its body and legs sort of a box form.

Well my shadow witch I was just trying out some new hiking boots so it was from about the 7th or 8th. Just a short hike somewhere new. So..a suspicious looking cubby hole below it likely refers to some other stuff around the corner to the LEFT side of the picture..not the right. Not sure really as there are 6 possibilities in that area.


  • jamesoct5 030 (640x480)mk.webp
    jamesoct5 030 (640x480)mk.webp
    117 KB · Views: 556

I am by no means surprised that you found the box(s). The little shadow box in the lower right corner you marked only shows for a few minutes on 10-5.


hadji009 said:
bearded man staring left at something or someone.

This is close to the end of the trail...I believe when you get close to the end, the big S/S ..heads etc, or there to lead you off...the smaller signs are the ones to pay attention to. (And per rangler and others...)


Kim's plus


  • jKims slant.webp
    jKims slant.webp
    95.4 KB · Views: 558
I recognize this site as your Serpent site from a couple of months ago. The time has changed the big shadow stuff quite a bit didn't it? Wasn't there a witch's shadow earlier at the heart shadow place?
Anyway, when I looked at the "heart" shadow, the first thing I thought of was an owl's head holding a black triangle in it's beak. As you wrote, that large shadow show might be the draw to a false trail. :dontknow:


In this case the shadows are telling the truth.

This is the confirmation on the final step. I believe the tree was planted to hide it. (not visible while walking down the trail)



  • Aug 31, 2010 042 (640x480).webp
    Aug 31, 2010 042 (640x480).webp
    107.8 KB · Views: 535
Dang, I missed that big "7" again............just saw it so will mention it to get it on the record. It's that biggie on the right side of the flat rock face; just to the left of the huge owl holding the black shadow triangle in it's beak.

Shortstack said:
Dang, I missed that big "7" again............just saw it so will mention it to get it on the record. It's that biggie on the right side of the flat rock face; just to the left of the huge owl holding the black shadow triangle in it's beak.
Good spot....finally...ha, ha. (in answer to your is a combination of the things plus the artificial colors added.)


the 'box' that DM so adroitly circled and you checked in DM+, I know its just a matter of perspective but that shape is ALSO a diamond! Both of these marks are perfectly displayed for the right people to observe (meaning kings recovery crew) Also note the very subtle Owl like image that it makes as well.. this shot looks like it was taken at the peak time, but it still might 'blossom' a tiny bit more....

Here is the perfect example of the use of the Trinity in Signs and Marks

1. the diamond- a direction pointer sign - this one appears to be pointing North..
2. the box- or square- meaning- xxxxx ...hear is an anagram of the meaning..."she trusts in math"
break one of the types of code the jesuits used and you get the meaning of this sign!
3. the owl- cache sign

text book classic example in my never to be humble opinion! lol

EE THr said:
Could this have been a lion or bear head at one time?

So sorry I just realized I never responded to you. I think it is a head ... depends on the time of the year....sometimes human...sometimes?


I think your post of 28 aug 2010 is hiding something very amazing but it is not the shadow!
Depending on what time of day and year you snapped this pic, it might need more time to
actually blossom out to full effect..however
in the background ...the circled area was lost in the background
camo. We all have looked at this pic, a few times or more, and lost to all of us including myself
but when I revisited it today, the small bird shadow looking to the left caught my eye..a very nice
sign...then the heart came into focus..then the face, whos nose is almost touching the point of where the lobes start? See it? the heart is lying on it's side with the point to the left.
Also on the surface of the heart are some faint letters and numbers,. A close up of the dog will confirm this but just now it looks like a P27, if you look up Proverbs chapter 27, the most salient passage is...."As the fining pot for silver, and the furnace for gold; so is a man to his praise."
On the surface of the heart are a letter and a looks like a 9 and a F , If you can get a close up pic then I might be able to decode it futher.....And just kicks...the top lobe of the heart is your all important white dog.

This has all the ear marks of an Omega Monument! Pareidolia strikes again.
hope this helps your search
ps the small circle also has a very important sign as well.Telling you what to look for next


  • Aug 2010 - Omega Aug 10.webp
    Aug 2010 - Omega Aug 10.webp
    64.6 KB · Views: 476
there is only one answer and it never changes?

not sure exactly what you mean...please clarify in the meantime I can say that
each clue has one primary answer,however as illustrated by my last post - most signs have two or three more different meanings..hidden in plain site so to speak. this not to be confused with the simple fact that all the codemakers signs mean the same thing no matter what area they are found. A code has no value if the signs are not consistent. Not withstanding the fact that the KGC and others used these signs and did change some of the meanings somewhat. The prime example is the Yamashtia code, he used the Jesuits signs but some key signs were changed to suit there culture. Example the Jesuits used a few favorite coded and or holy compass headings for the final Direction, Yama changed this, in the examples that I have found to 90 degrees , toward the rising sun..the icon of their battle flag!
see what I am saying...

An Owl always means cache..its the one more true confirmation, I dont think I have ever had a monumented cache with out the Owl or the Mushroom!

A diamond is always a pointer, to me it has always said 'go here'.
other signs on the same boulder gave me the actual compass heading! In one case it told me to go there, then other signs said 'look from here'

Rangler, was commenting on (she trust in math) meaning there is only 1 correct answere. and this bird is also looking left. i have 1 designed the same way at the site we are working.Rangler thanks for 1 more lesson. and it is on the white dog marker. brent


  • Aug 2010 - Omega Aug 10rangler.webp
    Aug 2010 - Omega Aug 10rangler.webp
    53.5 KB · Views: 450
I think I was not too clear...
(she trust in math) meaning there is only 1 correct answer

The words..she trust in an ANAGRAM..scrambled words and letters...if you put
these words and letters in the correct will reveal the solution for the meaning to what
the square or box symbol means.....
in that sense , yes there is only one answer!
members in good standing can pm for answer if you cant get it.

she trust in math....could mean....Trust Messiah Nth, or go north for the next S/S.

Here is an example of "Kiss of Death/Trap"...or ?



  • 106 (640x480).webp
    106 (640x480).webp
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If this is a chiseled in group I would definitely pay attention.
That sign just off of the natural edge has never let me down.

Note that it doesn't say where ... only that it is there. Somewhere.

Old Dog said:
If this is a chiseled in group I would definitely pay attention.
That sign just off of the natural edge has never let me down.

Note that it doesn't say where ... only that it is there. Somewhere.

Old Dog,
The upside down heart is chisled around, leaving it protruding. It looks the same throughout the year and I definitely take it as a warning. The profile face that may be kissing the heart could be saying...your lust for Gold will put you in danger...
The figure to the left and up a bit changes throughout the year. In this photo it appears to me as a fat person looking to the left, with a pointed hat that points to the right. Other times it looks like an arrowhead or the symbol for the Ace of Spades. (maybe another warning about digging?) Sometimes perhaps an owl.


I have marked the heart and the face profile.



  • 106 (640x480).webp
    106 (640x480).webp
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Isn't that a face on the right end of the rock? His face is a profile, taking up the entire end, looking to the right.

The sign I speak of is marked in this picture.
Not in a book anywhere. It doesn't point, it just indicates the presence ahead.
A couple years of deductive reasoning figured this one out.


  • 106 (640x480).webp
    106 (640x480).webp
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