hadji009 said:would like 2 c what kinda shadow would appear with the trees cut down.dont think they were meant 2 b n shadow.
OD,Old Dog said:Odd,
Just a hint about the rabbit.
The ears point.
But you probly knew that.
Shortstack said:Oddrock:
My eyes aren't working too good right now. Would you outline your rabbit for me? Also, are those hash marks on the drill hole rock man made or natural strata in the rock? Thanks.
Shortstack,Shortstack said:Oddrock:
Yep, I was serious about outlining the rabbit. For some reason, I just can't "pull" it out. On this other photo of the once-a-year shadow figure...........does the area of the wall that I've outlined in yellow look natural to you? I could be just whistling in the wind, but that area just doesn't match the rest of the stone. It seems to have been shaped to a more flowing design. Kinda like a topo map.
TJIMtertiaryjim said:Oddrock This idea was posted by another member. Sorry I couldn't find the post to give proper credit. See http://solardat.uoregon.edu/SunChartProgram.html Sorry I don't know how to post a live link. You can print six month solar charts and a chart of the day the sign shows. Just lay one on the other to see when solar angle will be similar.
olepossum said:short stack american country singer george straight or as we folks in the country cal him king george