Too Hot to Dig...

Twisted Fork said:
If your comfortable with these stone as having been altered by man in some way, it obviously would be a shape map cache. It really is all about shapes they have given you to work with. Are there any topped trees around the area? If two markers natural or otherwise, stand on both sides of this dig, they will be the two that one lines up to pinpoint the hidden entry.

To verify that you have indeed a triangle working for you there, try and locate the apex which should be a special tree with one or two stones at it's base (may be out of sight). The other two corners around the dig will be corners 2 and 3. Three is the furthest of the two away from the apex. Stand at 3, aim at 2, veer out slightly from the triangle and walk up onto the mine in the general direction.


Yes, Yes, Yes,....the SAFE hidden entry is the one that eludes.


oddrock said:

You have used amazing restraint in not marking up the pic. Thanks to who ever downsized it some more for us....hmmm no one yet sees a fish head coming up or a calf/lambs head?


Remember, Odd, you asked for it. LOL That "whale" MIGHT be a Coho Salmon or some other round nosed fish. :dontknow:

hog trail and james 009.JPG_thumb Merged.webp

Check animal burrows for cold draft; mind the wolverines okay.

Old Dog said:
Twisted Fork said:
Check animal burrows for cold draft; mind the wolverines okay.

Badgers are a bigger worry where he is. LOL
Well, sometimes you do have to dig like a badger. A cold draft is good on a hot day. Good to see Shortstack earning his keep again.
The next rock out of the hole just happened to be another old dog. (this one was crying)



  • hog trail and james 012 (617x640).webp
    hog trail and james 012 (617x640).webp
    44.1 KB · Views: 360

I figured out how to crop the photo and not show so much white, blank, space.....(darn, it did not post much different)



  • hog trail and james 012 (617x640).webp
    hog trail and james 012 (617x640).webp
    46.3 KB · Views: 391
Thanks for posting oddrock. Wish i had some useful info to give..but i do not.

Well, sometimes you do have to dig like a badger. A cold draft is good on a hot day. Good to see Shortstack earning his keep again.
The next rock out of the hole just happened to be another old dog. (this one was crying)


Just looking at it in the photo, It appears to be a fish head, reference to fillet, or to cut across. The mine may be in a conical shaped cubby or in such a shoulder shape. Cold draft = hidden air shaft = :laughing7:

Thought I would jump over to another trail. Shadow Symbol...appears once a year...maybe twice....waiting to confirm or disprove the twice.



  • Aug 2010 010 (640x374).webp
    Aug 2010 010 (640x374).webp
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desertmoons said:
Thanks for posting oddrock. Wish i had some useful info to give..but i do not.


You are so very welcome. I am only still posting for you and a very few others that I still bee leaf are sincere.


could that shadow represent that upside down crown on your alpha?and kinda looks like a eagle swoopn down.


  • Aug 2010 010 (640x374)eagle.webp
    Aug 2010 010 (640x374)eagle.webp
    54.8 KB · Views: 321

At this point I am undecided on the shadow symbol. The "snake head" with open mouth (left side of shadow) has me thinking it is a warning....but why only warn us a day or two of the year? The pic was taken on March 21... Will be taking some more pics Sept. 20-22 to see if there are variations or not. I think you are correct about the eagle swooping down as the next Eagle sign is on the ground. (as in "The Eagle Has Landed")


This photo has a lot of interesting stuff in it. That flying eagle in the upper right is beautiful. Just under it is a "Z" shape and under it a "pi" shape. Just to the left of the "pi" shape is an incised, flatten arrowhead. That snake is a nasty looking sucker and I'm wondering if the shadow hitting it twice a year is indicating the goodies are in a snake den. Snakes coming out of hibernation in March-ish and going into hibernation in September-ish. Just a muse on that.
There's a shadow arrowhead down low from the snake head that's pointing toward a shadow "L" shape; maybe that's an angle code.
Now, here's a biggy. There's 2 faces in that shadowed area. I lightened the photo and they kinda jumped out. The 2 are overlapping vertically. And there MAY be a third one. I'm posting a negative, also, to show that it is still there.

Aug 2010 010 (640x374)eagle-1.webp

Aug 2010 010 (640x374)eagle-2.webp

your shadow figure remind me of something I have not seen in many a year.
Probably is completely off track<but here goes
It reminds me of a flying squirrel. :)
Maybe something within gliding distance from the sign?


That triangle shape at the bottom of the shadow may be saying there is a marked triangle ahead.
You may want to spend some attention on it.

who left the dog out?


  • Aug 2010 010 (640x374)eagledog.webp
    Aug 2010 010 (640x374)eagledog.webp
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I want to thank each and everyone for your input. I had not seen everything pointed out. I still get tunnel vision at times. Looks like my work is cut out for me on this one! (pun intended)


The shadow looks sort of witchy to me if looked at from the original angle. Witch with hat. I know so very little about the witch queen. Just what i have read here on Tnet. But i am not convinced it is a witch. The shadow also looks like someone carrying something with something on its back, and a torch there in background. It also looks like something else from a different angle but i do not want to get laughed off tnet.

However if you are out that way october 5th... it might be interesting to take a look at it then. Just... pure WAG for speci al knowledge. Are you seeing any mushrooms or plant carvings on that rock?

The snake head in the brim of the hat..could be a snake..but it might be something else! We so used to seeing snakes...

The upper green circle..that starburst pattern..could it be a crown or symbol of a holy figure (old fashioned halo) or flame?

The blue arrows point to what looks like a 3/4 profile bird. The green circle near it ..there seems to be some carving there.


  • oddrocktnwitchyjo.webp
    61.1 KB · Views: 268
NO one of importance would ever laugh at you for your ideas. I would really like to hear your full thoughts on that shadow. :thumbsup:

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