Those that have been scammed..

EddieR said:
jb7487 said:
aarthrj3811 said:
Duck and Dodge AF….Where are the people who have been Scammed?

They're embarrased to admit that they were foolish enough to spend their money for a calculator on a stick. It happens all the time. Getting "victims" to come forward is notoriously difficult. They are ashamed and just want it to all go away. They'd rather protect their own pride than help keep others from making the same mistake. Others are actually convinced that dowsing works despite the fact that they've never really found anything. Sounds like a few folks on here... ;D

I'm assuming you have the proof to back up this totally asinine statement, correct? Or was this just a skeptical assumption? Of course it was....and we all know it.... :laughing7:

You are so clever. What would we do without the EddieR's? :notworthy: :laughing9: :laughing9:

I'm assuming you have the proof to back up this totally asinine statement, correct? Or was this just a skeptical assumption? Of course it was....and we all know it....

Heck no…They have only put one web site on here..Art

Ted Groves said:
EddieR said:
jb7487 said:
aarthrj3811 said:
Duck and Dodge AF….Where are the people who have been Scammed?

They're embarrased to admit that they were foolish enough to spend their money for a calculator on a stick. It happens all the time. Getting "victims" to come forward is notoriously difficult. They are ashamed and just want it to all go away. They'd rather protect their own pride than help keep others from making the same mistake. Others are actually convinced that dowsing works despite the fact that they've never really found anything. Sounds like a few folks on here... ;D

I'm assuming you have the proof to back up this totally asinine statement, correct? Or was this just a skeptical assumption? Of course it was....and we all know it.... :laughing7:

You are so clever. What would we do without the EddieR's? :notworthy: :laughing9: :laughing9:

Hmmm....since you seem to place yourself on a pedestal, how about you providing some proof to your buddies statement.....if you can. But we know you can't, so thats a moot point. :wink: :laughing9: :laughing9:

EddieR said:
Ted Groves said:
EddieR said:
jb7487 said:
aarthrj3811 said:
Duck and Dodge AF….Where are the people who have been Scammed?

They're embarrased to admit that they were foolish enough to spend their money for a calculator on a stick. It happens all the time. Getting "victims" to come forward is notoriously difficult. They are ashamed and just want it to all go away. They'd rather protect their own pride than help keep others from making the same mistake. Others are actually convinced that dowsing works despite the fact that they've never really found anything. Sounds like a few folks on here... ;D

I'm assuming you have the proof to back up this totally asinine statement, correct? Or was this just a skeptical assumption? Of course it was....and we all know it.... :laughing7:

You are so clever. What would we do without the EddieR's? :notworthy: :laughing9: :laughing9:

Hmmm....since you seem to place yourself on a pedestal, how about you providing some proof to your buddies statement.....if you can. But we know you can't, so thats a moot point. :wink: :laughing9: :laughing9:

Is that smoke I smell... I think you're rubber-necking a bit too fast, or maybe the pizza pie is burning. :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Hmmm....since you seem to place yourself on a pedestal, how about you providing some proof to your buddies statement.....if you can. But we know you can't, so thats a moot point.

Their leader has already stated 2 times that they do not have any proof...The only way they can get proof is for us to take a double blind test….So I think they have a problem…Fat chance of them getting any LRL users to take there test…..Now if someone that has not bad mouth us were to ask for a demonstration most of us would be happy to do that. There are two types of Skeptic….Ones that want to learn about what we do and those that will never learn anything …Art

Ted Groves said:
EddieR said:
Ted Groves said:
EddieR said:
jb7487 said:
aarthrj3811 said:
Duck and Dodge AF….Where are the people who have been Scammed?

They're embarrased to admit that they were foolish enough to spend their money for a calculator on a stick. It happens all the time. Getting "victims" to come forward is notoriously difficult. They are ashamed and just want it to all go away. They'd rather protect their own pride than help keep others from making the same mistake. Others are actually convinced that dowsing works despite the fact that they've never really found anything. Sounds like a few folks on here... ;D

I'm assuming you have the proof to back up this totally asinine statement, correct? Or was this just a skeptical assumption? Of course it was....and we all know it.... :laughing7:

You are so clever. What would we do without the EddieR's? :notworthy: :laughing9: :laughing9:

Hmmm....since you seem to place yourself on a pedestal, how about you providing some proof to your buddies statement.....if you can. But we know you can't, so thats a moot point. :wink: :laughing9: :laughing9:

Is that smoke I smell... I think you're rubber-necking a bit too fast, or maybe the pizza pie is burning. :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Actually, in my oven, pizza CAN'T burn. But anyway, I notice you did the "skeptical spectacle", you know... the dance step you guys are so fond of. Why didn't you provide the proof? Where are all these people that you skeptics keep referring to? Could it be....they don't exist? (Gasp)...surely not! Skeptics wouldn't intentionally stretch the truth to meet their own no no. :laughing7: :laughing9: :laughing9:

Hey Saturna…You are one of the good skeptics…You are not here to disrupt every conversation…Art

SWR said:
EddieR said:
Actually, in my oven, pizza CAN'T burn. But anyway, I notice you did the "skeptical spectacle", you know... the dance step you guys are so fond of. Why didn't you provide the proof? Where are all these people that you skeptics keep referring to? Could it be....they don't exist? (Gasp)...surely not! Skeptics wouldn't intentionally stretch the truth to meet their own no no. :laughing7: :laughing9: :laughing9: sound like Art now. We've already had discussion about "these people"...several times. Some of them have made previous posts on TreasureNet. If you would like...I would be happy to scour the internet and copy/paste disgruntled/negative/pissed-off posts from "these people"

That would be cool. But in the name of fairness, please post stories of finds that HAVE been made by users. And yes, I know there are a lot of people that were P.O.'d when they found out the device didn't work for them. But seriously, does that make all of them bad for everybody? Cause if it does, people need to quit buying those overpriced metal detectors. I had one and it was a piece of junk. It sounded like a drunk guy playing a piccolo. I didn't find ANY of the riches I saw in the ad for the detector. I just bet it wouldn't work for anybody else either.....Of course, I never posted my sad story till now. I didn't want people to know I'd been suckered, ya know. ::)

Now as far as some of the dissatisfied users posting on TNet, why are you willing to use them but won't use the people on here that are saying they are happy with the LRL's?

Dell Winders said:
af1733 said:
jb7487 said:
aarthrj3811 said:
Duck and Dodge AF….Where are the people who have been Scammed?

They're embarrased to admit that they were foolish enough to spend their money for a calculator on a stick. It happens all the time. Getting "victims" to come forward is notoriously difficult. They are ashamed and just want it to all go away. They'd rather protect their own pride than help keep others from making the same mistake. Others are actually convinced that dowsing works despite the fact that they've never really found anything. Sounds like a few folks on here... ;D
Couldn't have answered it bettter myself, JB. And, might I add, excellent and proper use of the quote button! :icon_thumleft:

Art, the one person I know of in my area that bought one of these contraptions was very unhappy with it. Seeing as how he has no agenda to make people think these things work as advertised, I'm much more inclined to believe his statement that I am yours or Dell's approval of these things.

APPROVAL OF? The only thing I give approval of is of my own manufacture. MISTER YOU ARE WAY OUT OF LINE. You don't speak for me. Dell
I'm out of line?? Really, Dell? This statement coming from the guy that asked me several times on several posts if I was mentally handicapped?

Dell, you've promoted the use of LRLs in every thread in this section of TreasureNet. It's too late to start back-pedaling now, unless you're going to pull a Mike and start deleting all of your posts?

aarthrj3811 said:
Hmmm....since you seem to place yourself on a pedestal, how about you providing some proof to your buddies statement.....if you can. But we know you can't, so thats a moot point.

Their leader has already stated 2 times that they do not have any proof...The only way they can get proof is for us to take a double blind test….So I think they have a problem…Fat chance of them getting any LRL users to take there test…..Now if someone that has not bad mouth us were to ask for a demonstration most of us would be happy to do that. There are two types of Skeptic….Ones that want to learn about what we do and those that will never learn anything …Art
When will you learn to comprehend what you've been told, Art?

The proof that these devices don't work as advertised is plentiful, but you'll only learn about these if you bother to study the information that's been made available to you. When Carl says that a double-blind test in needed, this is for your own edification. You don't believe anything you read (unless it's been written by your demi-God Dell) so the most efficient way to give you the proof you so obviously need to validate your existence is to test an LRL-user who swears by the way their device works.

It's amazingly telling that not a single LRL user here wants to participate in such a test, even though it would mean that all the skeptics here would slink away with egg on their faces. We even have a full-fledged manufacturer of these devices on hand who also refuses to submit to this testing. As much as Dell would stand to gain by taking and passing Carl's test in both fame and fortune, even he refuses this prove his own device's abilities.

You see, LRL-users reading this, not all proof is black-and-white and available through a handy web-link. Proof also exists in those long silences that asking for proof brings.... Astronomers can make amazing conclusions by studying the areas in space where there appears to be only darkness, and the vacuum that follows offers such as Carl's can tell us the same things....

I would say a known target was found, in a known location. Logic and reasoning probably would have had the same results

Here’s another thing that you say is proof…Have you some kind of definition for this term…There seems to be a big difference between what we know is a known target and the way you guys think…Could you please put a definition of “Know Targets” ,,Thank You…Art

aarthrj3811 said:
I would say a known target was found, in a known location. Logic and reasoning probably would have had the same results

Here’s another thing that you say is proof…Have you some kind of definition for this term…There seems to be a big difference between what we know is a known target and the way you guys think…Could you please put a definition of “Know Targets” ,,Thank You…Art
This has been defined, and ignored by you, several times Art. If you're going to ask a question only to ignore it's answer, then try to come up with some fresh material....

When Carl says that a double-blind test in needed, this is for your own edification. You don't believe anything you read (unless it's been written by your demi-God Dell) so the most efficient way to give you the proof you so obviously need to validate your existence is to test an LRL-user who swears by the way their device works.

And Carl also says that there is no proof that LRL’s do not perform as advertised because we will not take his test..That leaves you guys holding the bag…Keep on harassing us as that will make us want to take Carl’s test … Good Logic Af…Art

aarthrj3811 said:
When Carl says that a double-blind test in needed, this is for your own edification. You don't believe anything you read (unless it's been written by your demi-God Dell) so the most efficient way to give you the proof you so obviously need to validate your existence is to test an LRL-user who swears by the way their device works.

And Carl also says that there is no proof that LRL’s do not perform as advertised because we will not take his test..That leaves you guys holding the bag…Keep on harassing us as that will make us want to take Carl’s test … Good Logic Af…Art
No Art, it's you that should want to take Carl's test. Or even more, Dell. Do you understand why? It'll take some thinking, but I've already written the answer to you, so maybe it won't be too tough to figure out.....

Albert A**** took Carl's test, and failed. For the longest time, Albert was anti-LRL, disgruntled for wasting his time and wanting to sell his LRL gimmick. Last heard....Albert has relapsed into believing his LRL gimmick really works....swears he has found various treasures without digging them up...and even written a few self-published "how to" treasure guides.

So...maybe testing ain't all that bad as you think it is, Art. You can fail, and nothing really changes
So why should I have flown across the country to take a test that would only prove that One guy could not work his LRL properly or The LRL did not do what he said it would… A real Double Blind Test involves more than one person to prove anything…Are you now claiming that one test is all the proof that you have?...Art

aarthrj3811 said:
Albert A**** took Carl's test, and failed. For the longest time, Albert was anti-LRL, disgruntled for wasting his time and wanting to sell his LRL gimmick. Last heard....Albert has relapsed into believing his LRL gimmick really works....swears he has found various treasures without digging them up...and even written a few self-published "how to" treasure guides.

So...maybe testing ain't all that bad as you think it is, Art. You can fail, and nothing really changes
So why should I have flown across the country to take a test that would only prove that One guy could not work his LRL properly or The LRL did not do what he said it would… A real Double Blind Test involves more than one person to prove anything…Are you now claiming that one test is all the proof that you have?...Art
So, it appears from you post that you already know you'd fail a true double-blind test, is that right?

Lets see now….I can take a 250k ohm potentiometer and a Magnet and stop any Dowsing Rod and all my LRL’s from working when I am within 25 yards of them. I can take a VHF MFD and sent a signal from 2 miles away between the Operator and the target and they will not work..It’s not a matter of taking a test…It is a matter of trust…Art

In order to more effectively charge the potentiometer, I recommend attaching one end and the center wiper to a 120VAC outlet.
Move the wiper back and forth and then it's ready for use. :sign13:

I guess I should have mentioned that the potentiometer only power source is the magnet. This is not a test for the Skeptics....Just a little information for the 100's LRL users who stop by this board evey day..Art

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