Those that have been scammed..

Saturna said:
davebien said:
I just believe that when someone says they have some new system it is up to them to prove it works, not for others to disprove the claims.

The longer you stay on Tnet, the more you'll realize that the doubters are expected to prove a negative, not the other way around.

Crazy, but that's the way it's set-up. :drunken_smilie:

Agreed. It's pathetic really when you think about it.

I look at this like flying. It only took one actual flight to show that it could be done. I'd mention space flight, moon walks, or earth around the Sun, but there are some who believe these are false, just based on faulty, deceptive "science". But who has NOT seen an airplane fly with their own eyes? Just show it with a simple unbiased video! This is even truer if I were selling these things. I'd be shouting it from the rooftops in hopes of more sales. Just show me and skip the verbage, your beliefs, and unseen recoveries. I'm hoping for the best, but I'm preparing for the worst. Thanks

davebien said:
I look at this like flying. It only took one actual flight to show that it could be done. I'd mention space flight, moon walks, or earth around the Sun, but there are some who believe these are false, just based on faulty, deceptive "science". But who has NOT seen an airplane fly with their own eyes? Just show it with a simple unbiased video! This is even truer if I were selling these things. I'd be shouting it from the rooftops in hopes of more sales. Just show me and skip the verbage, your beliefs, and unseen recoveries. I'm hoping for the best, but I'm preparing for the worst. Thanks
Your analogy is excellent and logical. The LRL-users here will argue against it, of course, saying that one video only proves that just one user or just one machine will work correctly, but what they don't get is the fact that this is all that's being requested. Just show us that one person can work one of these devices correctly.

They use the same logic whenever an LRL user fails a perfectly sound test. They'll tell you that all the test proves is that one user couldn't use that one machine. Amazingly handy when you want to admit as little as possible when faced with irrefutable results....

Art... PLEASE, just a video like I asked for. Just a simple video and please don't use the excuse of having a full memory card again. Nothing like I broke my camera, lent it out, the batteries went dead, I forgot to take the lens cover off. Nothing like that. The time for lame excuses is over. You said you tried once, do it again. Heck, you don't even answer these simple requests anymore. I see where you're online when I post them, so I would guess you see them and just ignore them.

And Dell, if I were making these things I would be showing how they work. You don't have to show all your "treasures". Just show yourself finding a hunk of copper, a dime, a specific kind of rock even. I don't care, just SOMETHING.

Yes, I don't NOW believe in any of these things, but I'm trying to keep an open mind. I haven't insulted either of you, no name calling, nothing like that. I have asked only for some visual evidence, a simple video. Why do you two keep evading and ignoring this simple solution to this overall question? The more you evade the more closed minded a lot of people get.


Hey Dave….I told you I would make a movie when it warms up and the snow is all gone. Right now I have to much to do for my family to do any thing…Art

aarthrj3811 said:
Hey Dave….I told you I would make a movie when it warms up and the snow is all gone. Right now I have to much to do for my family to do any thing…Art
Ahh, at last a fresh excuse. I was starting to worry about you for awhile there, Art.....

Re: Those that have been scammed..
Reply To This Topic #291 Posted Mar 01, 2010, 03:31:36 PM Quote

Quote from: aarthrj3811 on Mar 01, 2010, 03:30:05 PM
Hey Dave….I told you I would make a movie when it warms up and the snow is all gone. Right now I have to much to do for my family to do any thing…Art
Ahh, at last a fresh excuse. I was starting to worry about you for awhile there, Art.....

The movie has been made AF proving you are wrong again. Now tell us all about those poor soles that have been scammed? Where are they AF. Another month is almost over and still no body here. By the way…My E-Mail tells me a whole different story. More T-Net members than you would ever guess are LRL and MFD users….Art

EddieR said:
Jeffro said:
Take a metal detector, any metal detector, and strap it to a bench. turn it on. Wave a gold nugget under the coil and check the results. BEEP BEEP BEEP......

Next take a LRL and strap it to a bench. Turn it on. Wave a gold nugget all around, close to it, far away, five miles away, it don't matter. It will not respond in any way.

Nuff said

You forgot one thing. If the person doesn't know how to use the metal detector, they may NOT get a BEEP BEEP BEEP. Yes, they may get lucky, but if they don't know what they are doing.....(turning discrimination up all the way)....then....the metal detector will not respond in any way.
My, what an impressive retort...... ::)

You're right, of course. If the detector is set up incorrectly it may not detect a nugget being waved under it's coil.

Of course, an LRL will never turn in the direction of the nugget, no matter who is using it..... (Forgot that part, didn't ya??)

Dell Winders said:
davebien said:
Art... PLEASE, just a video like I asked for. Just a simple video and please don't use the excuse of having a full memory card again. Nothing like I broke my camera, lent it out, the batteries went dead, I forgot to take the lens cover off. Nothing like that. The time for lame excuses is over. You said you tried once, do it again. Heck, you don't even answer these simple requests anymore. I see where you're online when I post them, so I would guess you see them and just ignore them.

And Dell, if I were making these things I would be showing how they work. You don't have to show all your "treasures". Just show yourself finding a hunk of copper, a dime, a specific kind of rock even. I don't care, just SOMETHING.

Yes, I don't NOW believe in any of these things, but I'm trying to keep an open mind. I haven't insulted either of you, no name calling, nothing like that. I have asked only for some visual evidence, a simple video. Why do you two keep evading and ignoring this simple solution to this overall question? The more you evade the more closed minded a lot of people get.


You are accusing me of evading you? On the contrary, I invited you to my home when you are in Florida, and offered to devote a day, or two of my time to help you record the type of video you are asking for.

Now, I'm beginning to wonder who to heck you think you are for publicly demanding that some one else do what you are not willing to do yourself?

Art, was generous enough to devote his time, money and effort, to try to record a video for you to the best of his ability, and now that he has done it, all I see is complaints, and mocking for his efforts.

I offered to video you using an LRL, to hopefully show You locating, and digging up a selected target yourself.

Your success,or failure, won't stop the Skeptics from mocking, ranting, and calling foul, but that's what anyone using an LRL to find Treasure has to put up with from the Skeptic mentality. And yes, I will want permission to post the video on this forum, whether you recover any thing, or not. Dell
Art, was generous enough to devote his time, money and effort, to try to record a video for you to the best of his ability, Unfortuantely, the best of Art's abilities (to evade the point of the video request) weren't up to snuff.

I know you could do better, right?

af1733 said:
EddieR said:
Jeffro said:
Take a metal detector, any metal detector, and strap it to a bench. turn it on. Wave a gold nugget under the coil and check the results. BEEP BEEP BEEP......

Next take a LRL and strap it to a bench. Turn it on. Wave a gold nugget all around, close to it, far away, five miles away, it don't matter. It will not respond in any way.

Nuff said

You forgot one thing. If the person doesn't know how to use the metal detector, they may NOT get a BEEP BEEP BEEP. Yes, they may get lucky, but if they don't know what they are doing.....(turning discrimination up all the way)....then....the metal detector will not respond in any way.
My, what an impressive retort...... ::)

You're right, of course. If the detector is set up incorrectly it may not detect a nugget being waved under it's coil.

Of course, an LRL will never turn in the direction of the nugget, no matter who is using it..... (Forgot that part, didn't ya??) Show me where in my post I referred to a LRL. Geez...not only do you seem to suffer from memory loss, it seems you are seeing words that aren't there.......... :o

Anything to twist and spin, eh.....even making it up on occasion. :wink:

You say it was not up to snuff…..I see your imagination is still working….Art

DELL, I have not accused you of evading me. I just can't believe YOU haven't done a video extolling the merits of your devices. I especially am waiting to see the one about the empty PVC tube and caps that you charge over $70 for. I really want to see how that works.

I am going to be in FL the second week of April and I might be near Haines City for one of those days. But it is nearly 200 miles from my daughter's. We'll have to see.


PS: ART's videos, well enough said.

EddieR said:
af1733 said:
EddieR said:
Jeffro said:
Take a metal detector, any metal detector, and strap it to a bench. turn it on. Wave a gold nugget under the coil and check the results. BEEP BEEP BEEP......

Next take a LRL and strap it to a bench. Turn it on. Wave a gold nugget all around, close to it, far away, five miles away, it don't matter. It will not respond in any way.

Nuff said

You forgot one thing. If the person doesn't know how to use the metal detector, they may NOT get a BEEP BEEP BEEP. Yes, they may get lucky, but if they don't know what they are doing.....(turning discrimination up all the way)....then....the metal detector will not respond in any way.
My, what an impressive retort...... ::)

You're right, of course. If the detector is set up incorrectly it may not detect a nugget being waved under it's coil.

Of course, an LRL will never turn in the direction of the nugget, no matter who is using it..... (Forgot that part, didn't ya??) Show me where in my post I referred to a LRL. Geez...not only do you seem to suffer from memory loss, it seems you are seeing words that aren't there.......... :o

Anything to twist and spin, eh.....even making it up on occasion. :wink:
Seriously?!? You didn't refer to an LRL. You responded to a post comparing an LRL to a metal detector. You commented that a metal detector may not work in the hands of a newbie. If you'll read, I did point out that you forgot to address the LRL. Never did I write that you made a comment about LRLs.

Now, again, I'll expect an apology for your inference that I made something up, when in fact you simply didn't understand the plain English I've written.

I swear, you sound more and more like Art every day....

aarthrj3811 said:
You say it was not up to snuff…..I see your imagination is still working….Art
I do say it was not up to snuff. You didn't follow a single part of the request other than making a video. You could have recorded your dog chewing on a tennis ball for what you managed to "prove" with your little LRL vid.

Personally, I was very specific in what needed to be included in the video in order to show anything to the skpetics here, and I know others were as well. I flat-out told you what would be accepted as evidence, and what wouldn't, and you competely ignored it. Why?

I actually already know why, so this is one question you don't have to bother not answering. :icon_thumleft:

You didn't follow the directions posted here because you couldn't, as in "You couldn't record yourself recovering an completely unknown target because your device isn't capable of this feat." Also, as in "You couldn't let any of us know that your device can't recover an unknown target, and you couldn't possibly post a video here showing a failure, so instead you posted videos that were staged and worthless..."

af1733 said:
EddieR said:
af1733 said:
EddieR said:
Jeffro said:
Take a metal detector, any metal detector, and strap it to a bench. turn it on. Wave a gold nugget under the coil and check the results. BEEP BEEP BEEP......

Next take a LRL and strap it to a bench. Turn it on. Wave a gold nugget all around, close to it, far away, five miles away, it don't matter. It will not respond in any way.

Nuff said

You forgot one thing. If the person doesn't know how to use the metal detector, they may NOT get a BEEP BEEP BEEP. Yes, they may get lucky, but if they don't know what they are doing.....(turning discrimination up all the way)....then....the metal detector will not respond in any way.
My, what an impressive retort...... ::)

You're right, of course. If the detector is set up incorrectly it may not detect a nugget being waved under it's coil.

Of course, an LRL will never turn in the direction of the nugget, no matter who is using it..... (Forgot that part, didn't ya??) Show me where in my post I referred to a LRL. Geez...not only do you seem to suffer from memory loss, it seems you are seeing words that aren't there.......... :o

Anything to twist and spin, eh.....even making it up on occasion. :wink:
Seriously?!? You didn't refer to an LRL. You responded to a post comparing an LRL to a metal detector. You commented that a metal detector may not work in the hands of a newbie. If you'll read, I did point out that you forgot to address the LRL. Never did I write that you made a comment about LRLs.

Now, again, I'll expect an apology for your inference that I made something up, when in fact you simply didn't understand the plain English I've written.

I swear, you sound more and more like Art every day....

::) I didn't forget to address the LRL...I was referring to the metal detector. What part of that was hard to understand? And since I didn't refer to the LRL, I guess I wasn't "talking" about the LRL. Obviously, YOU didn't understand the plain English I had written, (so ya stuck your own version of what you thought I SHOULD have written in there).

Gimme a break....I didn't think you were that desperate. Oh well.................. ::)

EddieR said:
af1733 said:
EddieR said:
af1733 said:
EddieR said:
Jeffro said:
Take a metal detector, any metal detector, and strap it to a bench. turn it on. Wave a gold nugget under the coil and check the results. BEEP BEEP BEEP......

Next take a LRL and strap it to a bench. Turn it on. Wave a gold nugget all around, close to it, far away, five miles away, it don't matter. It will not respond in any way.

Nuff said

You forgot one thing. If the person doesn't know how to use the metal detector, they may NOT get a BEEP BEEP BEEP. Yes, they may get lucky, but if they don't know what they are doing.....(turning discrimination up all the way)....then....the metal detector will not respond in any way.
My, what an impressive retort...... ::)

You're right, of course. If the detector is set up incorrectly it may not detect a nugget being waved under it's coil.

Of course, an LRL will never turn in the direction of the nugget, no matter who is using it..... (Forgot that part, didn't ya??) Show me where in my post I referred to a LRL. Geez...not only do you seem to suffer from memory loss, it seems you are seeing words that aren't there.......... :o

Anything to twist and spin, eh.....even making it up on occasion. :wink:
Seriously?!? You didn't refer to an LRL. You responded to a post comparing an LRL to a metal detector. You commented that a metal detector may not work in the hands of a newbie. If you'll read, I did point out that you forgot to address the LRL. Never did I write that you made a comment about LRLs.

Now, again, I'll expect an apology for your inference that I made something up, when in fact you simply didn't understand the plain English I've written.

I swear, you sound more and more like Art every day....

::) I didn't forget to address the LRL...I was referring to the metal detector. What part of that was hard to understand? And since I didn't refer to the LRL, I guess I wasn't "talking" about the LRL. Obviously, YOU didn't understand the plain English I had written, (so ya stuck your own version of what you thought I SHOULD have written in there).

Gimme a break....I didn't think you were that desperate. Oh well.................. ::)
I pointed out that you forgot to address the LRL. In the interest of keeping this conversation even-keeled, I have no problem at all tackling the entirely of the posts I respond to, but you apparently can't handle this.....

The reason you can't ( I believe) is that you'd prefer that any negative comments about LRL's die off, just like every other "believer" in here. The funny thing is that, no matter how many negative comments you make about metal detectors, they'll never surpass the negative features of LRLs.

Isn't that sad to know that you'll never be able to prove that a metal detector is inferior to an LRL?? I mean, the "pros" here can't even make a simple video of themselves finding an unknown target! They can run around all day claiming they do find unknown targets, and do it frequently, but when it comes to providing simple proof, they fail each time.....

af1733 said:
EddieR said:
af1733 said:
EddieR said:
af1733 said:
EddieR said:
Jeffro said:
Take a metal detector, any metal detector, and strap it to a bench. turn it on. Wave a gold nugget under the coil and check the results. BEEP BEEP BEEP......

Next take a LRL and strap it to a bench. Turn it on. Wave a gold nugget all around, close to it, far away, five miles away, it don't matter. It will not respond in any way.

Nuff said

You forgot one thing. If the person doesn't know how to use the metal detector, they may NOT get a BEEP BEEP BEEP. Yes, they may get lucky, but if they don't know what they are doing.....(turning discrimination up all the way)....then....the metal detector will not respond in any way.
My, what an impressive retort...... ::)

You're right, of course. If the detector is set up incorrectly it may not detect a nugget being waved under it's coil.

Of course, an LRL will never turn in the direction of the nugget, no matter who is using it..... (Forgot that part, didn't ya??) Show me where in my post I referred to a LRL. Geez...not only do you seem to suffer from memory loss, it seems you are seeing words that aren't there.......... :o

Anything to twist and spin, eh.....even making it up on occasion. :wink:
Seriously?!? You didn't refer to an LRL. You responded to a post comparing an LRL to a metal detector. You commented that a metal detector may not work in the hands of a newbie. If you'll read, I did point out that you forgot to address the LRL. Never did I write that you made a comment about LRLs.

Now, again, I'll expect an apology for your inference that I made something up, when in fact you simply didn't understand the plain English I've written.

I swear, you sound more and more like Art every day....

::) I didn't forget to address the LRL...I was referring to the metal detector. What part of that was hard to understand? And since I didn't refer to the LRL, I guess I wasn't "talking" about the LRL. Obviously, YOU didn't understand the plain English I had written, (so ya stuck your own version of what you thought I SHOULD have written in there).

Gimme a break....I didn't think you were that desperate. Oh well.................. ::)
I pointed out that you forgot to address the LRL. In the interest of keeping this conversation even-keeled, I have no problem at all tackling the entirely of the posts I respond to, but you apparently can't handle this.....

The reason you can't ( I believe) is that you'd prefer that any negative comments about LRL's die off, just like every other "believer" in here. The funny thing is that, no matter how many negative comments you make about metal detectors, they'll never surpass the negative features of LRLs.

Isn't that sad to know that you'll never be able to prove that a metal detector is inferior to an LRL?? I mean, the "pros" here can't even make a simple video of themselves finding an unknown target! They can run around all day claiming they do find unknown targets, and do it frequently, but when it comes to providing simple proof, they fail each time.....

3 questions for you:

(1) Why are still ranting that I "forgot" to mention a LRL in my post? I gave the simple explanation that I was talking about a metal detector in that post, not a LRL.

Now, for the next two questions.

(2) Where have I ever made a negative comment about metal detectors? As many detectors as I have, even you should realize that I love metal detecting. (I've picked up 2 more that I haven't listed on my profile yet)

(3) Where have I ever implied that I wantedto prove a metal detector is inferior to LRL's?

Please enlighten us all where I made these comments. If you can, I'll happily retract them. If you can't....well....then I guess you just made them up, right? :wink:

EddieR said:
3 questions for you:

(1) Why are still ranting that I "forgot" to mention a LRL in my post? I gave the simple explanation that I was talking about a metal detector in that post, not a LRL.

Now, for the next two questions.

(2) Where have I ever made a negative comment about metal detectors? As many detectors as I have, even you should realize that I love metal detecting. (I've picked up 2 more that I haven't listed on my profile yet)

(3) Where have I ever implied that I wantedto prove a metal detector is inferior to LRL's?

Please enlighten us all where I made these comments. If you can, I'll happily retract them. If you can't....well....then I guess you just made them up, right? :wink:
The post you commented on was a comparison between the functionality of metal detectors versus LRLs in exactly the same conditions. Your comment was a negative comment about the metal detector in the comparison. You chose to pick pretty much the only way a detector would fail to detect a piece of gold waved under it's coil. But you didn't say a word about how the LRL would function.

The point I'm trying to make here is that you immediately attempted to point out a flaw in the metal detector, but instead you pointed out a flaw in the potential user of this metal detector. Since the user wasn't mentioned in the post you were commenting on, your response and thinking were flawed. I was merely showing you the error of your post.

Not to mention that you somehow managed to forget about the many flaws about the LRL.

So, my reason for responding to your post is the same reason I respond to any of the "believers" posts. One-sided, opinionated, off-balanced posts can't be left unremarked less some individual read it and make the assumption that "because Eddie said metal detectors might mess up with gold, I'd better go out and buy an LRL!"

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