Those that have been scammed..

aarthrj3811 said:
As far as what is enough, Dell is complaining that it's been two months and no one has showed up to complaining about their experiences with LRL's. There have been stories, but they haven't been enough for him apparently.

Where what, Art? If you worded your questions more specifically, we wouldn't be in this mess.

aarthrj3811 said:
As far as what is enough, Dell is complaining that it's been two months and no one has showed up to complaining about their experiences with LRL's. There have been stories, but they haven't been enough for him apparently.


Where are the stories of people complaining about their LRL failures? I don't recall any..... :icon_scratch:

Well, other than the usual .... ;D

EddieR said:
aarthrj3811 said:
As far as what is enough, Dell is complaining that it's been two months and no one has showed up to complaining about their experiences with LRL's. There have been stories, but they haven't been enough for him apparently.


Where are the stories of people complaining about their LRL failures? I don't recall any..... :icon_scratch:

Well, other than the usual .... ;D
Other than the usual complaints? The complaints were posted, but Art decided that he wanted to tighten the terms of his original question. This coming for the guy who accuses everyone of "twist and spin."

I don’t want to start a gold rush in Florida…I think there is some gold and silver coins around these GPS readings. 28 5.070N 80 38.725 in Melborne Village….They are a little over 1 foot deep..May be a beeper will locate them….Art

af1733 said:
EddieR said:
aarthrj3811 said:
As far as what is enough, Dell is complaining that it's been two months and no one has showed up to complaining about their experiences with LRL's. There have been stories, but they haven't been enough for him apparently.


Where are the stories of people complaining about their LRL failures? I don't recall any..... :icon_scratch:

Well, other than the usual .... ;D
Other than the usual complaints? The complaints were posted, but Art decided that he wanted to tighten the terms of his original question. This coming for the guy who accuses everyone of "twist and spin."

No, I meant the usual complaints from the skeptics camp. :D

If you take your Metal Detector to the park to find silver dollars….You dig 10 holes and only three had silver dollars and the rest had pull tabs in them…You would have to dig 6 silver dollars to beat the random chance theory. So..Does that mean the a Metal Detector does not work? It just means that it does not discriminate as well as you would like it to…Double standard theoy apllied..Art

There seems to be a lot of confusion as to what is a know object. The only thing I can find on known objects all refer to stars…A known object to me is some thing that I put in a certain place to test and see if I can locate it. Some of you seem to think that any place I think that I may find an object is still a known place. Lets get real guys. Yes if I want to locate Placer Gold I am going to some place that I know there may be some of it…That does not mean it is a know location…You guys that use Metal Detectors have you favorite places to go. You sure as heck don’t go to some place because you think there will be nothing there….So AF..Wake up…These are real facts that can be understood by the millions of treasure hunters out there….Art

EddieR said:
Carl-NC said:
EddieR said:
But what about all the satisfied customers? What about the feedback that states the device worked? How can that be explained if the device is hokey and doesn't work? I'm just curious how this can be explained..... :dontknow:

Ebay feedback is usually based on "I received the product and everything seems to be OK." This is not to say that the buyer has used the product and found gold. I've been contacted by several buyers of this device long after the auction, after their many failures prompted them to dig a little deeper for information and they ran across my web site. Every one of them had given positive feedback. Not a single one believed it any longer. One of them sent me his unit for free.

Dowsing-based LRLs have a nice little feature I call "Time-Delayed Reality." When you first get your LRL, you'll toss out a few visible targets, and the unit will seem to respond. You'll feel that little "tug" and you'll be absolutely convinced it really works. But after a while, after countless field failures, most folks come to the reality that it just don't work. Sometimes this happens quickly, sometimes it takes years. But it's always longer than the eBay feedback deadline.

Nope...that answer doesn't apply here. If you take the time to read some of the feedback.... ::) will see reports of people that are finding things.
Now back to the original question....without the fancy footwork (sidestepping) to get answer: What about the reports that the device worked?

Simple question.

Lies, Paid Spokes person....Fake responces...simple answer

gallileo60 said:
EddieR said:
Carl-NC said:
EddieR said:
But what about all the satisfied customers? What about the feedback that states the device worked? How can that be explained if the device is hokey and doesn't work? I'm just curious how this can be explained..... :dontknow:

Ebay feedback is usually based on "I received the product and everything seems to be OK." This is not to say that the buyer has used the product and found gold. I've been contacted by several buyers of this device long after the auction, after their many failures prompted them to dig a little deeper for information and they ran across my web site. Every one of them had given positive feedback. Not a single one believed it any longer. One of them sent me his unit for free.

Dowsing-based LRLs have a nice little feature I call "Time-Delayed Reality." When you first get your LRL, you'll toss out a few visible targets, and the unit will seem to respond. You'll feel that little "tug" and you'll be absolutely convinced it really works. But after a while, after countless field failures, most folks come to the reality that it just don't work. Sometimes this happens quickly, sometimes it takes years. But it's always longer than the eBay feedback deadline.

Nope...that answer doesn't apply here. If you take the time to read some of the feedback.... ::) will see reports of people that are finding things.
Now back to the original question....without the fancy footwork (sidestepping) to get answer: What about the reports that the device worked?

Simple question.

Lies, Paid Spokes person....Fake responces...simple answer

Some...possibly. But I'm not a paid spokesperson.... My response is not fake.....simple fact.

Now as far as your answer...that is just your opinion, correct? Or do you have proof of your claims? (documented proof is what the skeptics always want, so let's make it a two way street just to be fair) :wink:

EddieR said:
gallileo60 said:
EddieR said:
Carl-NC said:
EddieR said:
But what about all the satisfied customers? What about the feedback that states the device worked? How can that be explained if the device is hokey and doesn't work? I'm just curious how this can be explained..... :downtown:

EBay feedback is usually based on "I received the product and everything seems to be OK." This is not to say that the buyer has used the product and found gold. I've been contacted by several buyers of this device long after the auction, after their many failures prompted them to dig a little deeper for information and they ran across my web site. Every one of them had given positive feedback. Not a single one believed it any longer. One of them sent me his unit for free.

Disabused LR Ls have a nice little feature I call "Demodulated Reality." When you first get your LRL, you'll toss out a few visible targets, and the unit will seem to respond. You'll feel that little "tug" and you'll be absolutely convinced it really works. But after a while, after countless field failures, most folks come to the reality that it just don't work. Sometimes this happens quickly, sometimes it takes years. But it's always longer than the eBay feedback deadline.

Nope...that answer doesn't apply here. If you take the time to read some of the feedback.... ::) will see reports of people that are finding things.
Now back to the original question....without the fancy footwork (sidestepping) to get answer: What about the reports that the device worked?

Simple question.

Lies, Paid Spokes person....Fake responces...simple answer

Some...possibly. But I'm not a paid spokesperson.... My response is not fake.....simple fact.

Now as far as your answer...that is just your opinion, correct? Or do you have proof of your claims? (documented proof is what the skeptics always want, so let's make it a two way street just to be fair) :wink:

Nope, no proof, was just answering the question....Someone ask how it could be....Hell look at all the testimonial's in the magazines..Most people know this stuff is not for real......It is right up there with Magic....

OK gallile060….How come these experts keep telling me that the only reason I can locate bunches of gold is because I look for gold in areas where gold has been found before....They claim they are known gold areas so I am finding known gold….That is a bunch of BS..
By the same token if a guy take his Metal Detector to a park or beach those are know producing areas for them….You see…This little way of bugging me can work both ways…Art

SWR said:
EddieR said:
gallileo60 said:
EddieR said:
Carl-NC said:
EddieR said:
But what about all the satisfied customers? What about the feedback that states the device worked? How can that be explained if the device is hokey and doesn't work? I'm just curious how this can be explained..... :dontknow:

Ebay feedback is usually based on "I received the product and everything seems to be OK." This is not to say that the buyer has used the product and found gold. I've been contacted by several buyers of this device long after the auction, after their many failures prompted them to dig a little deeper for information and they ran across my web site. Every one of them had given positive feedback. Not a single one believed it any longer. One of them sent me his unit for free.

Dowsing-based LRLs have a nice little feature I call "Time-Delayed Reality." When you first get your LRL, you'll toss out a few visible targets, and the unit will seem to respond. You'll feel that little "tug" and you'll be absolutely convinced it really works. But after a while, after countless field failures, most folks come to the reality that it just don't work. Sometimes this happens quickly, sometimes it takes years. But it's always longer than the eBay feedback deadline.

Nope...that answer doesn't apply here. If you take the time to read some of the feedback.... ::) will see reports of people that are finding things.
Now back to the original question....without the fancy footwork (sidestepping) to get answer: What about the reports that the device worked?

Simple question.

Lies, Paid Spokes person....Fake responces...simple answer

Some...possibly. But I'm not a paid spokesperson.... My response is not fake.....simple fact.

Now as far as your answer...that is just your opinion, correct? Or do you have proof of your claims? (documented proof is what the skeptics always want, so let's make it a two way street just to be fair) :wink:

Golly Eddie...skeptics did not ask for documented proof when you claimed to have found the ring that you lost. You lost found it...sounds believable. Evidently, your LRL (which is no longer made, for obvious reasons) is good for finding items the operator has lost. You haven't posted about any other finds with your gimmick. So........?

In regards to the original quote....there were more negative feedback given than positive "found something" feedback's. That would allude that something is amiss.

If you will check, I haven't posted any finds in a long, long, time. That doesn't mean that I'm not finding anything. I just choose not to post.

I'm not saying that every LRL device out there works. The way some of those manufacturers charge exorbitant prices, it's inevitable that some scams will materialize. I just try to openly promote my opinion that the idea of LRL's needs to be studied in depth. And everybody has an opinion....and that's okay! :icon_thumleft:

If you will check, I haven't posted any finds in a long, long, time. That doesn't mean that I'm not finding anything. I just choose not to post.

The only finds of mine that anyone will ever see is the ones that I keep as personnel keepsakes..I can produce if ask by some one else….Art

aarthrj3811 said:
OK gallile060….How come these experts keep telling me that the only reason I can locate bunches of gold is because I look for gold in areas where gold has been found before....They claim they are known gold areas so I am finding known gold….That is a bunch of BS..
By the same token if a guy take his Metal Detector to a park or beach those are know producing areas for them….You see…This little way of bugging me can work both ways…Art

You know that does not even make sense....I know there are coins at the park, and with my Detector, I can find them (maybe)...Now that said, I have founds lots of things without a Detector, just by looking...Hell when I Detect my Girlfriend just looks, and 9 times out of 10 she finds a Quarter, Dime, or Whatever just by being somewhere where people have lost things....I do not know what you have found as far as Gold goes...I was answering a question on testimonials...(they do not count for $hit)....Hell when I was Bodybuilding, I would have gained so much Muscle according to the testimonials that I would not be able to buys clothes....Anyone can say anything.......PROOF, is what counts......Now if we can do some double blind testing on your "tool" and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt they work fine...Let me say in closing, that if this BS was for real do you not think the US Government would have already found most of the Gold , and diamonds, and Cocaine, or whatever you guys claim to find, and buried the technology.....Also why are the users of said devices not filthy a$$ rich by now...I know if i had something that could find Riches out of the air (or my a$$) I would be doing something better than posting on this site.....(Not that this is not the best site around)

g.......PROOF, is what counts......Now if we can do some double blind testing on your "tool" and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt they work fine...Let me say in closing, that if this BS was for real do you not think the US Government would have already found most of the Gold , and diamonds, and Cocaine, or whatever you guys claim to find, and buried the technology.....Also why are the users of said devices not filthy a$$ rich by now...I know if i had something that could find Riches out of the air (or my a$$) I would be doing something better than posting on this site.....(Not that this is not the best site around)

This where my double blind test is found…,28701.0.html This test is more Scientific than any test that has been proposed by repeating many many times and every time that I change any of my methods.
As far as there rumor goes that we all should be rich by now….There are millions acres to search in the world….I know a few guys who have become rich but it was not all because they used a LRL…One found a big Gold Vein and that was just the start of his work. The other guy found something big but I do not know what it was.
For myself…I did not learn about this stuff until I was in my sixties..I could have made more money from this hobby but I’m to lazy to do that…Looking has become more enjoyable than digging. I use this equipment to locate stuff that is important to me..Like locating some Rose Quartz for my wife’s rock garden….Meteorites are fun to look for…Good Hunting using the tools that you enjoy…Art

SWR said:
EddieR said:
SWR said:
EddieR said:
gallileo60 said:
EddieR said:
Carl-NC said:
EddieR said:
But what about all the satisfied customers? What about the feedback that states the device worked? How can that be explained if the device is hokey and doesn't work? I'm just curious how this can be explained..... :dontknow:

Ebay feedback is usually based on "I received the product and everything seems to be OK." This is not to say that the buyer has used the product and found gold. I've been contacted by several buyers of this device long after the auction, after their many failures prompted them to dig a little deeper for information and they ran across my web site. Every one of them had given positive feedback. Not a single one believed it any longer. One of them sent me his unit for free.

Dowsing-based LRLs have a nice little feature I call "Time-Delayed Reality." When you first get your LRL, you'll toss out a few visible targets, and the unit will seem to respond. You'll feel that little "tug" and you'll be absolutely convinced it really works. But after a while, after countless field failures, most folks come to the reality that it just don't work. Sometimes this happens quickly, sometimes it takes years. But it's always longer than the eBay feedback deadline.

Nope...that answer doesn't apply here. If you take the time to read some of the feedback.... ::) will see reports of people that are finding things.
Now back to the original question....without the fancy footwork (sidestepping) to get answer: What about the reports that the device worked?

Simple question.

Lies, Paid Spokes person....Fake responces...simple answer

Some...possibly. But I'm not a paid spokesperson.... My response is not fake.....simple fact.

Now as far as your answer...that is just your opinion, correct? Or do you have proof of your claims? (documented proof is what the skeptics always want, so let's make it a two way street just to be fair) :wink:

Golly Eddie...skeptics did not ask for documented proof when you claimed to have found the ring that you lost. You lost found it...sounds believable. Evidently, your LRL (which is no longer made, for obvious reasons) is good for finding items the operator has lost. You haven't posted about any other finds with your gimmick. So........?

In regards to the original quote....there were more negative feedback given than positive "found something" feedback's. That would allude that something is amiss.

If you will check, I haven't posted any finds in a long, long, time. That doesn't mean that I'm not finding anything. I just choose not to post.

I'm not saying that every LRL device out there works. The way some of those manufacturers charge exorbitant prices, it's inevitable that some scams will materialize. I just try to openly promote my opinion that the idea of LRL's needs to be studied in depth. And everybody has an opinion....and that's okay! :icon_thumleft:

Opinions are cool...and I respect that you have one, and freely voice it. much more studying do you feel these devices need? 10 more years...20 more years? How about all the reports posted, by reliable references that say they just don't work. How many more times must a dead horse be beaten?

Good point. As far as how long to be studied....I wouldn't really put a time frame on it. The first thing that should be done is to approach the entire subject with an unbiased attitude.

Second of all, and I'll probably bring the ire of my fellow believers upon myself for this...what if certain conditions need to "be right" before an individual can successfully use a LRL? Perhaps that is why not everyone can use them and get constant results. I mean, think about it. During a lightning storm there is an incredible amount of electromagnetic energy....but it doesn't always manifest as a lightning strike....but when conditions are right it can and will.

By even mentioning the "what if" above shows what I mean by an unbiased attitude. I'm willing to look in all different directions for answers. If someone can show me, not try to convince me, show me that the LRL's have a 100% failure rate then I'll believe there's nothing to it. But as long as somebody is finding something some of the time, then I gotta believe there's something to it. :coffee2: much more studying do you feel these devices need? 10 more years...20 more years? How about all the reports posted, by reliable references that say they just don't work. How many more times must a dead horse be beaten?

Gee SWR...The reports I see posted are web links to Carls site...All your references come from Carls site…Who is going to spend Millions of dollars on a real Double Blind study that would have to involve 100’s of people. My answer is no one….You are the ones beating a dead horse…Can’t you understand that more people here on T-Net are happy with their devises than the ones that are unhappy..In fact most of the replies on this forum are from people who have not even tried to use this type of equipment..Art

You failed to acknowledge the reports by several Government agencies, regarding these LRL gimmicks. I can only lead you to the reports, I cannot make you comprehend what you have read. Thousands of dollars have been spent to do real Double Blind studies. The outcome has always been the same.

I don’t know if the government reports were accurate….Besides that those whatever they are is not equipment that treasure hunters use

Thousands of dollars have been spent to do real Double Blind studies. The outcome has always been
the same.

I am sure if this were true you would have the reports in big red letters
If you want to learn how real Double Blind Studies are peformed ...….Art

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