Those that have been scammed..

Take a metal detector, any metal detector, and strap it to a bench. turn it on. Wave a gold nugget under the coil and check the results. BEEP BEEP BEEP......

Next take a LRL and strap it to a bench. Turn it on. Wave a gold nugget all around, close to it, far away, five miles away, it don't matter. It will not respond in any way.

Nuff said

Take a metal detector, any metal detector, and strap it to a bench. turn it on. Wave a gold nugget under the coil and check the results. BEEP BEEP BEEP......

Next take a LRL and strap it to a bench. Turn it on. Wave a gold nugget all around, close to it, far away, five miles away, it don't matter. It will not respond in any way.

Nuff said

Thanks Jeffro..That is the first honest answer that I have saw in weeks…Art

Jeffro said:
Take a metal detector, any metal detector, and strap it to a bench. turn it on. Wave a gold nugget under the coil and check the results. BEEP BEEP BEEP......

Next take a LRL and strap it to a bench. Turn it on. Wave a gold nugget all around, close to it, far away, five miles away, it don't matter. It will not respond in any way.

Nuff said

You forgot one thing. If the person doesn't know how to use the metal detector, they may NOT get a BEEP BEEP BEEP. Yes, they may get lucky, but if they don't know what they are doing.....(turning discrimination up all the way)....then....the metal detector will not respond in any way.

EddieR said:
Jeffro said:
Take a metal detector, any metal detector, and strap it to a bench. turn it on. Wave a gold nugget under the coil and check the results. BEEP BEEP BEEP......

Next take a LRL and strap it to a bench. Turn it on. Wave a gold nugget all around, close to it, far away, five miles away, it don't matter. It will not respond in any way.

Nuff said

You forgot one thing. If the person doesn't know how to use the metal detector, they may NOT get a BEEP BEEP BEEP. Yes, they may get lucky, but if they don't know what they are doing.....(turning discrimination up all the way)....then....the metal detector will not respond in any way.

A toaster will always make toast too, because it operates according to science, not a belief system. Of course, if you don't plug it in, it can't function, and if you set it too dark... it could burn your toast.

:tongue3: :tongue3: :tongue3:

Man, these LRL arguments get old.

"They work."
"They don't work."
"They work."
"They don't work."
"Prove they don't work."
"Prove they do work."
"Prove they don't work."
"Prove they do work."
"You're stupid."
"You're stupider."
"Your momma's fat."
"Your momma's fatter"

On and on and on for over 200 posts for every thread that is ever brought up on the topic of LRLs. Geez guys... is this necessary?

Well at the risk of adding fuel to the fire, being a newbie to the concept of LRL, these sorts of arguments about it make me reluctant to even research the topic for myself. I'm a big believer in accepting facts that I can independently research and confirm for myself, but I can just as easily discount things that I can't confirm for myself. The key being "for myself". These nonsensical arguments back and forth make me just want to throw my hands up and say "forget it". There's no research to be done here. No facts. No details either pro or con. Just a bunch of people screaming and hurling insults at each other. I'm going to endeavor to ignore the LRL threads from here on out, and probably the KGC threads as well because they seem to be just as bad.

bigwater said:
Well at the risk of adding fuel to the fire, being a newbie to the concept of LRL, these sorts of arguments about it make me reluctant to even research the topic for myself. I'm a big believer in accepting facts that I can independently research and confirm for myself, but I can just as easily discount things that I can't confirm for myself. The key being "for myself". These nonsensical arguments back and forth make me just want to throw my hands up and say "forget it". There's no research to be done here. No facts. No details either pro or con. Just a bunch of people screaming and hurling insults at each other. I'm going to endeavor to ignore the LRL threads from here on out, and probably the KGC threads as well because they seem to be just as bad.

We do tend to get passionate in our beliefs, don't we.... ;D Seriously, there is a lot to learn from both sides of the debate, ya just gotta ignore the "fluff". If you don't take it seriously it can be funny at times. :wink:

Hey Bigwater…Your 100% correct about this forum…Their major source of information from Carls web site…After their leader said this they are still here…


Posts: 1717

REPORT POST Nominate For Banner
Re: Finally an Answer
Reply To This Topic #42 Posted Jan 27, 2010, 04:29:58 PM Quote

Quote from: EddieR on Jan 27, 2010, 11:43:58 AM
I'm simply asking how the movement can be proven without a doubt to be ideomotor.

You can prove this with simple double-blind randomized tests.


Posts: 3644
Northern Nevada

REPORT POST Nominate For Banner
Re: Finally an Answer
Reply To This Topic #43 Posted Jan 27, 2010, 05:01:05 PM Quote Modify Remove

You can prove this with simple double-blind randomized tests.

So that tells us that there is no proof…Art


Posts: 1717

Re: Finally an Answer
Reply To This Topic #44 Posted Jan 27, 2010, 05:39:37 PM Quote

If you choose to ignore the results of the tests, or choose not to do the tests at all, then yes, there is no proof.

It's not just this site, it's every treasure hunting site that has an LRL related forum. You can't blame the topic, just the people, because it always seems to be the same people playing in the mosh pit no matter what site you go to.

bigwater said:
It's not just this site, it's every treasure hunting site that has an LRL related forum. You can't blame the topic, just the people, because it always seems to be the same people playing in the mosh pit no matter what site you go to.

Really? The same people.... Ya know, I have wondered about that. TreasureNet is the only site with a LRL forum that I go to. I've wondered if they just cruise the forums trying to stir up something. Thanks for setting that straight. :icon_thumleft:

Yeah, well at least one other site that I frequent, and a couple of more that I've happened upon. :) I won't mention it as I don't generally attempt to drive traffic away from one site to another, and especially don't want to drive any more arguments to that site.

bigwater said:
Yeah, well at least one other site that I frequent, and a couple of more that I've happened upon. :) I won't mention it as I don't generally attempt to drive traffic away from one site to another, and especially don't want to drive any more arguments to that site.


The only problem I can see is that you can not tell weather a device is made for Security or for finding Treasure Metals….Art

aarthrj3811 said:
The only problem I can see is that you can not tell weather a device is made for Security or for finding Treasure Metals….Art
Next thing you know somebody will get petty enough to sink to the level of pointing out that it's "whether" not "weather" just for the sake of arguing. Oops, dang. I've let myself get dragged into this petty stuff.

Gee…I don’t remember any one here tell you that Bomb Locating Devices were supposed to find Metal. Oh, Oh..Sorry about that error…You and Af have talk about that for months now…Art

Again, the heck with costly double blind tests........ Just show me a video like I asked for. Pretty simple, inexpensive way to do things. I think that no one who says this works wants to do a simple video. Remember it just may change a mind or two.


Dang, as soon as I ask, again and again, for a simple video the "believers" disappear only to reappear in a new thread. I'm beginning to see a trend here. Am I asking TOO much ??? Its just a simple, inexpensive, easy to do video.

I just believe that when someone says they have some new system it is up to them to prove it works, not for others to disprove the claims.

davebien said:
I just believe that when someone says they have some new system it is up to them to prove it works, not for others to disprove the claims.

The longer you stay on Tnet, the more you'll realize that the doubters are expected to prove a negative, not the other way around.

Crazy, but that's the way it's set-up. :drunken_smilie:

davebien said:
Dang, as soon as I ask, again and again, for a simple video the "believers" disappear only to reappear in a new thread. I'm beginning to see a trend here. Am I asking TOO much ??? Its just a simple, inexpensive, easy to do video.

I just believe that when someone says they have some new system it is up to them to prove it works, not for others to disprove the claims.
Well, by now it should be obvious that this really is asking too much. After all, these guys spend hours creating their pseudoscience and cut-and-paste posts and faked-up photos and backwards logic, when could they possibly spare a moment or two to prove all of the skeptics wrong??

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