Those that have been scammed..

It has been almost 5 months now. I see that the hoards of scammed people have come here. Oh..darn .I got that wrong. Most of the 350 posts are from the Scammers….Where O Where are the Scammed ones?..

aarthrj3811 said:
It has been almost 5 months now. I see that the hoards of scammed people have come here. Oh..darn .I got that wrong. Most of the 350 posts are from the Scammers….Where O Where are the Scammed ones?..

I have used many of these devices. Never got any money back either. So... am I not one of the scammed ones?
Cause the return policies were absolute crap.

Reason for not seeing so many people posting on here that WERE scammed is because this isnt a board meant for posting about LRL SCAMS, its actually a treasure hunting forum. And most people here are in one of the dozens of other forum sections and may not have even seen this yet. I've been seeing Treasurenet forums for months, started to read more and more a few weeks ago and just recently found this section of the forums, and its still not called LRL scams..
why not?
Simply enough, the few of us that were suckered would rather look on and see the goings on rather than get involved too much, it just feels awkward being had by a less educated person who makes a living deceitfully and is unscrupulous, when one is honest, well educated, and does everything in an ethical/moral way.

We do not need to confront you head-on for anything. Because just as you exhibit the ability to give people the run around when confronted with the truth on here, the same would apply to trying to expose a scam for what it is. Besides, you will just post some ridiculous crap probably trying to force me to prove i was scammed, when I have no need to prove anything to anyone. On the other hand, I could show you many lawsuits and cases where LRL manufacturers face fines and imprisonment for intentional fraud and all around general bad (illegal) business practices. Unfortunately I am not able to post links through Justia or any of the other regional court sites. Maybe someone can and is willing to volunteer?

Anyways besides the courts. The burden of proof falls on LRL manufacturers, not the other way around.. Same applies with how/if they function. Deal with that.
I'm sure I'll later read some drivel about how I can't back up anything.. or some counterpoint which is short of even being any point at all.. save your finger muscles.

On the other hand, how bout those Dell Winters machines? I had NEVER EVER heard of those and am actually interested :-D
Anyone able to provide a link to the site where I could read more or order one? Thanks. :-D

This thread only for those that have been scammed by lrls and MFD

No-one should object to this thread. If LRS and MFDs are genuine this thread will die a natural death but if scull duggery is afoot ..............................................................
Max (dowser501)

Re: This thread only for those that have been scammed by lrls and MFD

aussie 1 said:
No-one should object to this thread. If LRS and MFDs are genuine this thread will die a natural death but if scull duggery is afoot ..............................................................
Max (dowser501)

That another one of the tricks up pro-lrl people's sleeves?
Ask for people who have been scammed to show up, then just brush us aside as liers?
Wow, you have another thing coming.

I'd like to see you get scammed, and then realize it and complain about it here...

That another one of the tricks up pro-lrl people's sleeves?
Ask for people who have been scammed to show up, then just brush us aside as liers?
Wow, you have another thing coming.

I'd like to see you get scammed, and then realize it and complain about it here
Hi Max…Good to hear you are still kicking..I guess this guy just plain does not know who you are..Art

aarthrj3811 said:
That another one of the tricks up pro-lrl people's sleeves?
Ask for people who have been scammed to show up, then just brush us aside as liers?
Wow, you have another thing coming.

I'd like to see you get scammed, and then realize it and complain about it here
Hi Max…Good to hear you are still kicking..I guess this guy just plain does not know who you are..Art

No I just plain don't care who the heck he is.
And who he is, is irrelevant to what I said before or even to what this forum topic is about.

Hey Dave...Thought I would give you an update on our weather...I had to use my 4 wheel drive to go two blocks to the Bud store...Art

ART... 33-46 was the temp yesterday with light rain in Reno, today, right now at 7:48 your time its 40 degrees and tomorrow its going to be about 74. Maybe in those kinds of conditions you need to use 4 wheel drive, I have a 4 wheel drive and I don't need it in that kind of weather. But enjoy your beer.

PS: The above is from Weather (dot) com.


ART... 33-46 was the temp yesterday with light rain in Reno, today, right now at 7:48 your time its 40 degrees and tomorrow its going to be about 74. Maybe in those kinds of conditions you need to use 4 wheel drive, I have a 4 wheel drive and I don't need it in that kind of weather. But enjoy your beer.

PS: The above is from Weather (dot) com.

Thanks for the update for Reno..It is good to know but I have not been up there in a few months…Art

ART... Reno is in the northern half of NV. Plus I thought that's where you said you lived. Just where did it SNOW so hard that you needed 4 wheel drive to get some beer ?? The video you posted a couple months ago sure looked warm.


Hey Dave..I live at the end of the Carson Valley in a town named Gardenerville…About 45 minutes south of Reno. I am at 4900 feet and about 3 miles from some very high mountains…The weather saying around here is that if you do not like the weather wait for 5 minutes because it is going to chance…

Art... Carson Valley, NV from Weather dot Com. Yesterday, high of 46, low of 34, precip of 0.23 inch. Today: High of 62 so far with no precip. Tomorrow: 71/34, sunny and clear. Sort of hard to believe it was so bad you needed 4 wheel drive recently.


I think ART got scammed by the weather....
You did if you believe the National Weather Service….All those temperature records are adjusted up to comply with the “feels like” rules and I don’t know what the other adjusts are for…4 to 6 degrees..Art

ART... sorry but those were the ACTUAL temps as quoted by the US weather service, not the wind chill or such. But you believe that the government is not to believed. Its all a vast conspiracy against you, right?

ART... what, no clever answer to these temp numbers?? Or is the vast conspiracy keeping your voice from being heard??

I still have a lot of “what if’s..

I read a story about the earth wobbling. Someone else here read the same thing. The story just went away.

I read they had found Lava flowing under places that the ice had melted in Greenland. The story just went away.

I read that the magnetic north pole has move 600 miles east. Does this tell us that the earth axis is not where it used to be. Scientist have told us that the poles switched places millions of years ago.

I read the meteorites have exploded like atomic bombs just before reaching the earths surface. Most of our history comes from carbon dating. Would this not have an effect on what our history really is?

If we take billion of tons of oil from the middle east and move it higher up the planet to some place like the US could it not make the earth out of balance.

If the earths axis is now closer to the sun at the north pole could it be making the ice melt. This would explain why the south pole is producing more ice.

I read that the moon is moving away from the earth. Would that not cause the oceans level to change?

I read that they had to adjust the worlds time again because the earth is spinning slower. Could this not change the weather?

Have you heard about any of these things being used to predict global warming ?

If the government made these comments, you would all be yelling…Cover up…Art
"Mother Nature" just warmed us up to the tune of 61 degrees last weekend. Thats below normal , even for Northern Nevada in March.
Quote from: aarthrj3811 on Mar 21, 2008, 01:24:22 PM
I don’t know if your area has every reached 92 degrees in March. If you go to the library they have books that tell you all those facts. I have saw 100 degrees in February and November and probably in March also…..Art
What planet are you from? Quote from Windharvester

Don’t get me wrong…I love my computer….I know that computer s are only as good as what is entered in. If you put in what is your personal beliefs are,That is all you will get out of it.
I watched a show about December 21, 2012 the other night. Now there is a super computer that searches the web for financial information or clues to guide investors about long term investments. This computer program has been in use for about 20 years. Out of the blue, It will give them no information that pertains to the year 2013 and beyond.
So if you believe computer models enjoy the next 4 years because that is all the time we have…Art
I keep hearing that we evolved from apes. If you ever see a Bear that has been skinned you may think a little differently ,,,Art.
Right on again….Every car and home should have a HYDROGEN bomb in the middle of it... quote from ART Appartently you don't know what a HYDROGEN bomb is. I trained on them....Davebien

ART... I did skip over a few pages plus a lot of your "cut and pastes", but lets see, you owned a greenhouse, pumped gas, don't believe in the Weather service, the North Pole is moving either 10 or 20 miles per yr, the Moon is moving away from the Earth (which is true but not due to anything other than the speed its travelling, a fraction of an inch yearly) , and you quote many very strange sites and European newspapers. Among many other strange afflections.


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