Those that have been scammed..

aarthrj3811 said:
Then why hasn't some map-dowser or LRLer found the bomb, Art? You're fond of saying that the US Government employs this type of person; if the government found that these people could do as they claim, wouldn't they have put them to work to find this bomb? For that matter, why hasn't Bin Laden been found yet? Your LRL will find humans, didn't you say?
More excuses AF. You know that the location of the bomb is in the hands of the Air Force. How do you know what has been submitted to the proper authorities. We know you are all in the panic mode and trying your hardest to keep people from read the Scientific evidence by using the Skeptics’ Dictionary plans for misdirecting of the conversation. It will not work this time…Art
Once again, Art, I have abolutely nothing to panic about. You couldn't find your head with both hands and a flashlight.

And do you really not know the difference between the jar of silver dimes and the atomic bomb?

The person that buried the jar of dimes knew almost exactly where it was.

The missing bomb? It was lost in a sea tens of thousands of feet deep. At the time of the loss, the necessary equipment for locating it didn't exist yet. Many things can happen to items lost as sea, including the item traveling thousands of feet as it's decending below the water, being covered by sand and silt, rust, corrosion, the options are many.

A jar of dimes? Not much will happen to them if buried for the same amount of time.

aarthrj3811 said:
Then why hasn't some map-dowser or LRLer found the bomb, Art? You're fond of saying that the US Government employs this type of person; if the government found that these people could do as they claim, wouldn't they have put them to work to find this bomb? For that matter, why hasn't Bin Laden been found yet? Your LRL will find humans, didn't you say?
More excuses AF. You know that the location of the bomb is in the hands of the Air Force. How do you know what has been submitted to the proper authorities. We know you are all in the panic mode and trying your hardest to keep people from read the Scientific evidence by using the Skeptics’ Dictionary plans for misdirecting of the conversation. It will not work this time…Art
Wow, Art, you really have gone off the deep end, haven't you? Let's see.....

You know that the location of the bomb is in the hands of the Air Force.
First, how would I know this?
Second, if this was the case, why hasn't it been recovered yet?

How do you know what has been submitted to the proper authorities

I have no clue what this is supposed to mean..... What are you referring to here?

We know you are all in the panic mode and trying your hardest to keep people from read the Scientific evidence by using the Skeptics’ Dictionary plans for misdirecting of the conversation
Again, for the third or fourth time, what am I supposed to be panicked about?
Also, please show me a time I've changed the direction of the conversation. The only time I try to do this is when you've taken the original conversation far off-course and I'm trying to get us back on track.
And, I guess you're the only one reading the "Skeptic's Dictionary" here, Art. I've never read it. Any thoughts I post here are my own, which is more than you can say for yourself. If there's a book somewhere that has this same information, them I guess you should just accept my posts as truth since they appear in printed form. After all, don't you believe everything you've ever read?

Once again, Art, I have abolutely nothing to panic about. You couldn't find your head with both hands and a flashlight.
If you say so
And do you really not know the difference between the jar of silver dimes and the atomic bomb?
Do you know?
The person that buried the jar of dimes knew almost exactly where it was.
Darn…I could swear that the man said no one knew where it was except that it was in the yard. The person operating the LRL did not know where they were. Good try at spinning and twisting a simple story. It was an unknown object except in your imaginary world…
We know you are all in the panic mode and trying your hardest to keep people from read the Scientific evidence by using the Skeptics’ Dictionary plans for misdirecting of the conversation
Just by reading your post's and the Skeptic's dictionary. It is Quite obvious…Art.

ART: Video, not one of those "Here is a true story a friend of mine..." as you posted above. All I hear from you are second hand stories, never any solid evidence. And BTW, just what IS your knowledge of nuclear weapons?? I told you mine.

aarthrj3811 said:
Once again, Art, I have abolutely nothing to panic about. You couldn't find your head with both hands and a flashlight.
If you say so
I sure do, now prove me wrong, or pick a new dead horse to beat. The "skeptic panic" thing is getting old....

aarthrj3811 said:
And do you really not know the difference between the jar of silver dimes and the atomic bomb?
Do you know?
Well, given the fact that I offered you a nice explanation as to the differences, I would have to say yes. But, I still believe you have no clue......

aarthrj3811 said:
The person that buried the jar of dimes knew almost exactly where it was.
Darn…I could swear that the man said no one knew where it was except that it was in the yard. The person operating the LRL did not know where they were. Good try at spinning and twisting a simple story. It was an unknown object except in your imaginary world…
I said he knew almost exactly where the jar was. Since you believe you have a brilliant understanding of the Earth's surface area, surely you realize that pinpointing the search area to a single backyard is a great advantage.

aarthrj3811 said:
We know you are all in the panic mode and trying your hardest to keep people from read the Scientific evidence by using the Skeptics’ Dictionary plans for misdirecting of the conversation
Just by reading your post's and the Skeptic's dictionary. It is Quite obvious…Art.
Are you aware that you just responded to your own post here? Probably not, since the "quote" button is such a mystery to you..... ::)

I said he knew almost exactly where the jar was. Since you believe you have a brilliant understanding of the Earth's surface area, surely you realize that pinpointing the search area to a single backyard is a great advantage.
You are showing us how screwy your mind works..Logic would dictated that if you went to your local park and found a coin that it would be an unknown object. Now tell us what is the difference between something that is located in a back yard and something that is located in a park?...
Are you aware that you just responded to your own post here? Probably not, since the "quote" button is such a mystery to you.....
Just in case you did not read my earlier post I thought I would repeat it….Art

aarthrj3811 said:
I said he knew almost exactly where the jar was. Since you believe you have a brilliant understanding of the Earth's surface area, surely you realize that pinpointing the search area to a single backyard is a great advantage.
You are showing us how screwy your mind works..Logic would dictated that if you went to your local park and found a coin that it would be an unknown object. Now tell us what is the difference between something that is located in a back yard and something that is located in a park?...
Seriously Art?? Seriously? I swear, it's like talking to a petulant 5-year-old...

Jar of Dimes - The person that buried the dimes was available to give their location, and could narrow it down to a relatively small area.

Coin in a Park - The person that lost the coin isn't available to guide you to a location, and would almost certainly not remember losing the coin in the first place. Hence the term "lost." Google the word, if you must.....

Please tell me you're just being difficult here, and not that you really don't understand the difference between these two.....

aarthrj3811 said:
Are you aware that you just responded to your own post here? Probably not, since the "quote" button is such a mystery to you.....
Just in case you did not read my earlier post I thought I would repeat it….Art
I highly doubt that, but since you'll never admit you screwed up... It should be readily apparent to you that I read your earlier post, given the fact that I very clearly responded to it.......

Good Lord, Art, I swear you need to get to a doctor, fast. Your mind is entirely scrambled.....

Jar of Dimes - The person that buried the dimes was available to give their location, and could narrow it down to a relatively small area.
Here is a true story a friend of mine buried a small jar of silver dimes several years ago and forgot just exactly where they were he wanted to see if me and my friend could find them so we went over there with our mfd and rods he said they were somewhere in the back yard so we set up mfd got signal line with the rods and follered the line until the rods open then backed up until they crossed again then we pin pointed the spot marked it with an x the jar was 18 inches deep but our x was off about 6 inches. now did the mfd and rods work or not we were off 6 inches some would say they worked some would say they did not because we were off a little . WHAT WOULD YOU SAY?
The guy did not know where the coins were. They were in the back yard. I know..He didn’t know where they were but they read his body language and were able to locate the coins. More mum bale jumble and illogical thinking.
Coin in a Park - The person that lost the coin isn't available to guide you to a location, and would almost certainly not remember losing the coin in the first place. Hence the term "lost." Google the word, if you must.....
No need to AF..This is logical but the other part is not.
Seriously Art?? Seriously? I swear, it's like talking to a petulant 5-year-old...
Good Lord, Art, I swear you need to get to a doctor, fast. Your mind is entirely scrambled.....
OK AF…I am not the guy that assumes every LRL or MFD user is a mind reader or know the locations of objects by someone’s body language. I don’t think I am the one that should see a shrink…Art

aarthrj3811 said:
Jar of Dimes - The person that buried the dimes was available to give their location, and could narrow it down to a relatively small area.
Here is a true story a friend of mine buried a small jar of silver dimes several years ago and forgot just exactly where they were he wanted to see if me and my friend could find them so we went over there with our mfd and rods he said they were somewhere in the back yard so we set up mfd got signal line with the rods and follered the line until the rods open then backed up until they crossed again then we pin pointed the spot marked it with an x the jar was 18 inches deep but our x was off about 6 inches. now did the mfd and rods work or not we were off 6 inches some would say they worked some would say they did not because we were off a little . WHAT WOULD YOU SAY?
The guy did not know where the coins were. They were in the back yard. I know..He didn’t know where they were but they read his body language and were able to locate the coins. More mum bale jumble and illogical thinking.
Coin in a Park - The person that lost the coin isn't available to guide you to a location, and would almost certainly not remember losing the coin in the first place. Hence the term "lost." Google the word, if you must.....
No need to AF..This is logical but the other part is not.
Seriously Art?? Seriously? I swear, it's like talking to a petulant 5-year-old...
Good Lord, Art, I swear you need to get to a doctor, fast. Your mind is entirely scrambled.....
OK AF…I am not the guy that assumes every LRL or MFD user is a mind reader or know the locations of objects by someone’s body language. I don’t think I am the one that should see a shrink…Art
I'm done with you, Art.

You purposely create illogical questions and situations, ignore information that was posted at your request, constantly claim that you've provided proof that you can never seem to find again, deliberately lie when you get talked into a corner, post fake photos and pretend like you have no clue what's going on when someone brings them up, ignore questions aimed directly at you and then later claim to have answered them but refuse to point out where you did this, refuse to use correct grammar or spelling, refuse to learn how to use the quote button, and generally created posts based on nothing more than your imagination.

Your nonsense has been cluttering these threads for far too long. Others have wised up and placed you on ignore, but I continued to speak with you, vainly thinking you would eventually mature and get a clue, but it's never going to happen, is it? If you were partially able to carry on an intelligent conversation, then you'd be worth keeping around, but you just can't manage to do that, not without traipsing off into some dreamland where you have all the answers and other's posts look like gibberish to you. I honestly think you have a mental disorder that a doctor needs to diagnose, but since you refuse to entertain this thought, or the thought that others might know more than you do, there's no need in even pretending to understand your posts.

I'm done with you, Art.

You purposely create illogical questions and situations, ignore information that was posted at your request, constantly claim that you've provided proof that you can never seem to find again, deliberately lie when you get talked into a corner, post fake photos and pretend like you have no clue what's going on when someone brings them up, ignore questions aimed directly at you and then later claim to have answered them but refuse to point out where you did this, refuse to use correct grammar or spelling, refuse to learn how to use the quote button, and generally created posts based on nothing more than your imagination.
Sorry AF that I have not been providing you very much to Twist and Spin. Sorry if some of my post have made you Duck and Dodge. I am doing my best.

Your nonsense has been cluttering these threads for far too long. Others have wised up and placed you on ignore, but I continued to speak with you, vainly thinking you would eventually mature and get a clue, but it's never going to happen, is it?
I think it is you that don’t have clue…When you learn something about Dowsing, LRL’s and MFD’s you will be up to speed and only then we can have an intelligent conversation.
If you were partially able to carry on an intelligent conversation, then you'd be worth keeping around
I though that Marc owned this web site…If you don’t own this site who made you the censor here.
not without traipsing off into some dreamland where you have all the answers and other's posts look like gibberish to you.
I can find Treasure using this type of equipment. You come into a tread about LRL’s and assume that every one will bow down to you…When it comes to these types of equipment you don’t have a clue as to how they function.
I honestly think you have a mental disorder that a doctor needs to diagnose, but since you refuse to entertain this thought, or the thought that others might know more than you do, there's no need in even pretending to understand your posts.
Hey guy….I’m not the one putting out false information and belittling everyone who does not buy your garage facts….Art

after postings what i thought was very simple questions to this thread as well as an other thread
i got no reply
the question's would be answered by any one who claims to build or make mods to the devices
1) what freq's are returned to the machine for any giving type of metal
2) power out put of the machine
3) length of antenna
4) freq out put

being these simple questions can not be answered
i have come to the conclusion that the machines are fake

fmerg said:
after postings what i thought was very simple questions to this thread as well as an other thread
i got no reply
the question's would be answered by any one who claims to build or make mods to the devices
1) what freq's are returned to the machine for any giving type of metal
2) power out put of the machine
3) length of antenna
4) freq out put

being these simple questions can not be answered
i have come to the conclusion that the machines are fake

You are not the first to ask logical questions of the "resident manufacturer", and get no response or the wrong response. If you keep pressing for answers, or question the validity and rational of the answers you might get; you will then bring the wrath of the LRL manufacturers down on you, as I'm sure you have already witnessed here.

Just stick with the conclusion you've come to; it is correct and even if you continued your questioning and investigation for many more years, I can assure you, your conclusion would still be correct.

As is sometimes heard here; a happy customer is an informed customer, and you seem to be quite well informed. ;D

Hey fmerg…I am just one of the nut jobs that use this type of equipment. I will try to answer your questions to he best of my limited knowledge;
!. In my use of the four units that I own I have only found one signal line coming or going to the units. If there are two I have never found it.
2. The power out put is limited by the FCC. The last time I checked they were limited to no more than 3 Watts.
3. Every one of them has a different length of antennas. From a 15 foot long copper wire that is staked to the ground to a 3 inch probe that just touches the ground. The one I use now has a telescoping antenna That has a length of 5 foot when fully extended. Most of the time I use just one length out.
4. That is another thing that can confuse people. There are many Frequency’s used by these manufactures. Take gold as an example. I have about 15 frequency’s for gold. They all will find gold. Some are just better than others in the area where you search. Some are better at finding gold veins and some are better at finding flakes. Some love micro gold. I guess that it all comes down to what was mixed with the gold samples they were using to get the frequency.
You will find no natural pure gold….Art

after postings what i thought was very simple questions to this thread as well as an other thread
i got no reply
the question's would be answered by any one who claims to build or make mods to the devices
1) what freq's are returned to the machine for any giving type of metal
2) power out put of the machine
3) length of antenna
4) freq out put

being these simple questions can not be answered
i have come to the conclusion that the machines are fake

fmerg said:
after postings what i thought was very simple questions to this thread as well as an other thread
i got no reply
the question's would be answered by any one who claims to build or make mods to the devices
1) what freq's are returned to the machine for any giving type of metal
2) power out put of the machine
3) length of antenna
4) freq out put

being these simple questions can not be answered
i have come to the conclusion that the machines are fake
I have to say, I completely agree with your sound reasoning for coming to the conclusion you have. But, the longer you hang around and watch these discussions, you'll easily be able to expand the list from 4 up to, say, in the hundreds? At least that many, depending on who you listen to and what kinds of questions you ask them.

The biggest belief issue I've encountered is the way stories tend change depending on how deeply you try to delve into any single aspect of this "hobby." It's a lot like bowling. No matter how often you knock down what's put in front of you, these guys are resiliant and just keep popping back up. But most of them are also as imaginative as bowling pins, so that adds an interesting aspect to the debates, as well.

Don't you understand the output freq is the GOLD freq??? LOL For silver there's the SILVER freq. For the "treasure" there's the "treasure" freq. For the BS there's.... well, you get the idea. :headbang:

davebien said:
Don't you understand the output freq is the GOLD freq??? LOL For silver there's the SILVER freq. For the "treasure" there's the "treasure" freq. For the BS there's.... well, you get the idea. :headbang:

Yep, it's as simple as this. Another example of how wishful thinking can lead one to take a fact and twist it into sales....

So each material in the world has a resonant frequency. Fine, good, that's great. That doesn't mean for a second that those frequencies can be detected or matched at a distance by a machine that has little or no power output whatsoever. But this fact doesn't matter at all when all someone is trying to do is attach an explanation to what they want people to believe their machine is doing.

The same can be said of teraherz waves. Even though these waves have certain properties that LRLers like a lot, it doesn't mean for a second that these waves are what signal lines are made up of. The term signal line came to life first, and later teraherz waves were offered as the explanation to the question "What are signal lines, anyway?"

If you throw enough big scientific-sounding words into a user's manual, and make the whole thing deliberately impossible to read, then tell the user "All you have to do is hold this in your hand and punch some numbers into this calculator, the machine will take you to a big ol' pile of gold!!" there's always someone out there that will believe this.

Why do people believe this? A number of reasons.
One, because people love treasure, and some people love it so much they'll do or say practically anything at all to get their hands on it.

Two, some people just want to believe there's a machine out there that can find valuable things easily, so they don't have to put a lot of effort into becoming the next Mel Fisher.

Three, some people love to think of themselves as "cutting-edge" or "outsiders" or "rebels" or "free-spirits," and this technology, which by it's very nature violates most scientific laws, is appealing to their unique-wannabe side.

Fourth, some people were fooled into believing this is a working device by slick ads or smooth-talking salespeople, bought the device, and now are too embarrassed to try and return it once they figured out they had been taken.

Fifth, they sell these devices and, whether they believe the false science behind these things or not, they have to constantly promote the things to stay in business, even if that means flying in the fact of all factual evidence to the contrary.

Art.. what ammo? Do you not recognize sarcasm when you read it? I will go along with the idea that BS can be detected.

ok using the terms that seem to be standard in all the threads i could find i have looked up the definitions for the following :

RESONANCE: The emphasis of sound at a particular frequency.

RESONANT FREQUENCY: A frequency at which resonance exists.

lab test have shown that the Resonant frequency of gold is 1729 MHz

by bombarding an object with an electro magnetic source the following you get the this action

the object will vibrate up to its resonant frequency without causing the object to mutate

detection and location can be achieved by the use of a 3 element yagi with the following sizes for the freq of 1729mhz

A. Director 3 3/32"
B. Driven on a side 1 21/32"
C. Reflector 3 1/2'
D. Spacing 1 5/16"
E. Total length of driven 3 5/16"

The totol length of your vertical is: 3 3/32'
by use of simple triangulation you will be able to locate the source of the freq
how ever you will also have to consider the following:

Move the source away or towards you, or you move towards or way from the source (doppler effect). Or have the photon collide with a particle (Compton effect)

so with this information we can conclude that 3 watts of output power can cause gold to vibrate at its RESONANT FREQUENCY provided the source of the power output is within 3 1/4 inches of the object and the object is unimpeded
that means i can use a "lrd" to find "eye candy"

fmerg said:
ok using the terms that seem to be standard in all the threads i could find i have looked up the definitions for the following :

RESONANCE: The emphasis of sound at a particular frequency.

RESONANT FREQUENCY: A frequency at which resonance exists.

lab test have shown that the Resonant frequency of gold is 1729 MHz

by bombarding an object with an electro magnetic source the following you get the this action

the object will vibrate up to its resonant frequency without causing the object to mutate

detection and location can be achieved by the use of a 3 element yagi with the following sizes for the freq of 1729mhz

A. Director 3 3/32"
B. Driven on a side 1 21/32"
C. Reflector 3 1/2'
D. Spacing 1 5/16"
E. Total length of driven 3 5/16"

The totol length of your vertical is: 3 3/32'
by use of simple triangulation you will be able to locate the source of the freq
how ever you will also have to consider the following:

Move the source away or towards you, or you move towards or way from the source (doppler effect). Or have the photon collide with a particle (Compton effect)

so with this information we can conclude that 3 watts of output power can cause gold to vibrate at its RESONANT FREQUENCY provided the source of the power output is within 3 1/4 inches of the object and the object is unimpeded
that means i can use a "lrd" to find "eye candy"

:hello2: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2:

Excellent bit of logical thinking. Plus you haven't even scratched on one all important point... that is the REAL attenuation properties that DO influence all Wave Propagation.

You've just reached a similar conclusion that many of the rest of us "skeptics" reached about 40 years ago. ;D

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