Those that have been scammed..

The above quotes are from the thread that ART started. Of course anything that contains correctly spelled words, etc,. are not his. Seems he does have many "opinions and interests". LOL

Yes Daveā€¦I have many interests. I started that thread in Dec 2007. It now has over 1500 posts and has been viewed almost 24,000 timesā€¦If you notice I post there exactly as I post hereā€¦With real proofā€¦Yes I am a skeptic when I need to beā€¦Wrong is wrong no matter who you are. I do not follow any ā€œcultā€ type websites to get my informationā€¦.Global Warming is a scam that has been proved to be a bunch of liesā€¦.Art

ART... how's your weather there as compared to the Weather service's today??? I believe that global warming is just part of a cycle that has always happened time after time in the earth's history. Thousands of years each. But I have to laugh at the first part of your quotes, most of them in fact.

PS: Its a small mistake but meteorites are the pieces that hit the earth, meteors are the ones that explode above the earth making those meteorites. Its only when a METEOR (or at least a BIG meteorite) strikes the earth that the resulting throwing up of ground affects the weather. If the North Pole has moved at a rate of 10 or 20 miles a year and you believe it has moved 600 miles do the math. 30 or 60 years. We're doomed. And the South Pole is getting bigger due to the earth's axis change? I'm no too sure that a minute change in the axis (a few miles at best) compared to the distance to the sun would have a noticable effect. LOL. Just a few thoughts. Oh, and I'm assuming the the "Bud store" sells beer.

Thanks.... for the laughs.

ART.... what good is all the "gold and treasure" you claim to have found if the world ends in 3 years like you said? Oh, and please address some of those claims which you posted which I questioned. Some just take simple math. And please, no "no answer needed".


GuyinWH said:
Saturna said:
aarthrj3811 said:
If you notice I post there exactly as I post hereā€¦With real proofā€¦

Actually <chuckle> no, I hadn't noticed that.

Haha. Only thing these morons have proven is their stupidity and general disregard for other people.

No matter how you feel about them, I don't consider skeptics morons. ;D

Re: Those that have been scammed..
Reply To This Topic #378 Posted Today at 07:37:54 AM Quote

Quote from: aarthrj3811 on Today at 06:54:52 AM
ART.... what good is all the "gold and treasure" you claim to have found if the world ends in 3 years like you said? Oh, and please address some of those claims which you posted which I questioned. Some just take simple math. And please, no "no answer needed".
They all have been discussed on the proper board,ā€¦All you have to do is read but we know the skeptics will not as it is against the rules..

Rules you write as you go right Art.
You can lie your way through everything and then force everyone to believe of they're in the wrong "belief system".

Talking about rulesā€¦.I do not see 100ā€™s of web sites about LRLā€™s that tell me how to Post my remarks on forums. In fact I can find none. We do not have our own dictionary that can be cut and pasted on the forums..
I am told daily that my belief system is wrongā€¦.I talk about what I know to be the truthā€¦.I do not have 100ā€™s of web site that tell me what I believeā€¦ Art

What you know to be truth is all flawed. Good luck with it though. I for one cannot change your convoluted mind.
Still not a reason to lie your way through everything... Did you get THAT?
Panic time again..

Those that have been scammed..
Posted Dec 23, 2009, 01:19:09 PM Quote Modify Remove

If what these Skeptics are saying there must be thousands upon thousands of people out there that have been scammed by these sellers of bogus equipmentā€¦.I would like to hear your storyā€¦Art

Six months and counting

aarthrj3811 said:
Those that have been scammed..
Posted Dec 23, 2009, 01:19:09 PM Quote Modify Remove

If what these Skeptics are saying there must be thousands upon thousands of people out there that have been scammed by these sellers of bogus equipmentā€¦.I would like to hear your storyā€¦Art

Six months and counting

News Flash.....Art Flowers now declares that 4 months
and 14 days equals six months plus, please adjust your
calendars accordingly.

Art, you have blossomed into the most ardent rediculous advocate of fraudalent lrs and mfds I have encountered over the past 10 or so years on Treasurenet that i suspect you may be getting a kickback. Even your jar of gold dust which you forget to mention the fact in your postings from time to time that you collected one by one via labourously panning over the years from aurafous soils and via hard work and had nothing to do with lifting your left leg to dowse or using a cheap chinese calculator to imbed in your mind that the plastic box of disguised dowsing rubbish and not your mind is occasionally truly mentally dowsing.
That aussie guy that sells the dowsers box of wiring plus a calculator to remind you of what gold looks like when dowsing, REALLY> Cant people recall what gold looks like.?
He lives near me down here in Aussie land but I couldnt pin him down. He was too smart for me.
You are obviously now retired and have nothing else to do.
By the way , I have been waiting for atmospheric conditions to improve for mental dowsing.
NOAA has been e-mailing me that old Sol is awakening after 6 years of inaction and anytime in the next year or so Mental dowsing will again be feasable from time to time via favourable atmospheric conditions Your enthusiasm for lrls definitely makes you a suspect for kickbacks. Regards Max ( dowser 501)

aussie 1 said:
Art, you have blossomed into the most ardent rediculous advocate of fraudalent lrs and mfds I have encountered over the past 10 or so years on Treasurenet that i suspect you may be getting a kickback. Even your jar of gold dust which you forget to mention the fact in your postings from time to time that you collected one by one via labourously panning over the years from aurafous soils and via hard work and had nothing to do with lifting your left leg to dowse or using a cheap chinese calculator to imbed in your mind that the plastic box of disguised dowsing rubbish and not your mind is occasionally truly mentally dowsing.
That aussie guy that sells the dowsers box of wiring plus a calculator to remind you of what gold looks like when dowsing, REALLY> Cant people recall what gold looks like.?
He lives near me down here in Aussie land but I couldnt pin him down. He was too smart for me.
You are obviously now retired and have nothing else to do.
By the way , I have been waiting for atmospheric conditions to improve for mental dowsing.
NOAA has been e-mailing me that old Sol is awakening after 6 years of inaction and anytime in the next year or so Mental dowsing will again be feasable from time to time via favourable atmospheric conditions Your enthusiasm for lrls definitely makes you a suspect for kickbacks. Regards Max ( dowser 501)

Great call, Max, and thanks a lot for stopping by. It's been awhile - glad to see you are still kicking around and still dowsing.

Yes, Art has degenerated considerably these past couple of years or so. Sad really, because he is so close to the situation, he does not see the forest for the trees.

It's interesting you should mention kickbacks. I have suspected that all along; else why push the calculator on a swivel stick so hard?

Take care... and keep "telling it like it is". ;D

Saturna said:
For one who keeps posting 'no reply needed' ...

That's his standard REPLY to tell you he is fresh out of gibberish and nonsense, but just wanted to tack his posting to the bottom of the thread.

See, he thinks by doing that, he is somehow winning some sort of a major battle.

If what these Skeptics are saying there must be thousands upon thousands of people out there that have been scammed by these sellers of bogus equipmentā€¦.I would like to hear your storyā€¦Art
According to the Skeptic there are only 20 units that are in use. The rest of the 5000 units are setting in closets. If close to 5000 units have been sold how come we only have I person that claims he has been scammed. With over 8000 posts in 7 months it sure seems like the Skeptical facts just may be off by thousands

good evening: sorry for posting soo late here but----.

It was posted in various posts that -->so with this information we can conclude that 3 watts of output power can cause gold to vibrate at its RESONANT FREQUENCY provided the source of the power output is within 3 1/4 inches of the object and the object is unimpeded
that means i can use a "lrd" to find "eye candy"

:::chortles::: Bravo

Can you spot the obvious huge errors here?
It also was posted -->No matter how you feel about them, I don't consider skeptics morons
Nor do I except when they refuse to allow a new possible thought into their heads or reasoning.

As for the posts on the earth--> Obviously with the magnetic north and polar axis change, something inside of the earth is moving, this coupled with plate movement, and apparent redistribution of the polar caps cannot help but create an unbalance in the Earth's center of effective mass, there has to be a correction. Will we enjoy it?

Don Jose de La Mancha


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