This is what keeps me up at night reading.....
19 robber barons who built and ruled America
A syndicate is defined as a self-organizing group of individuals, companies, corporations or entities formed to transact some specific business, to pursue or promote a shared interest. In most cases, the formed groups aim to scale up their profits. These financial syndicates were also referred to as Trusts who had selected trustees of "Trust funds." I believe that some of those funds have been manipulated for many many years by a financial syndicate that grew from a secret society. This money was put with old money the money being made off of that trust grew for years into new money. Secret society? maybe, but if it was I believe it had roots in the O.A.K. which sprouted from the K.G.C. Years and years before the family members in question got their hands on an entire estate they were given a set amount each year from the trust fund out of profit made by the trustees who managed the funds "for them", or was it for themselves? The syndicate I am looking at made billions and trillions of their own by using the trust funds for investment capital. They built vast fortunes and monopolies for the syndicate by using other peoples money and indiscreetly they were able to anonymously by and sell under false pretenses. I personally believe the financial syndicate I am talking about gained political control of this country during the Reconstruction and their offspring made even more during the Guilded years and beyond. This could help explain why certain companies that exist today may have no idea they were formed by a secret society during the Rebellion that had plans to create and control a "financial" empire. There is no way to prove who all was involved, but if a person takes the time to look at the archives of history and litigation they can follow the money trails in question and see the reoccurring actions and events that made them millions. They can focus on the trail of profit, litigation, hostile takeovers, by outs and mergers, to see the same men involved with the money in question and especially any financial involvement with the men we have implicated as K.G.C. and O.A.K. It all begins with speculation based on the facts I have seen and proven to myself to be facts of the matter (s). I have to use what is written as evidence to form my own opinion just like anyone else, but I always like to hear what you guys know and think about it too.
Thanks in advance, L.C.