Hmmm .... and to answer nobody.
My question was not your opinion of the American public. I do not speak for them, nor do I posit questions on their behalf. I asked you why you think YOU are entitled to deposits such as Victorio Peak. By what legal and moral authority.
I'm just a random knucklehead trying to make sense of it all, Rog. Looking for the Truth. If you don't care to answer that question, well, just come out and say so.
Most of us were part of the sheeple at some point Rog. You've thrown a lot out there on da net, including you, as a child, were the author of the LUE map.
I am not as resigned as you. The battle you may think you have fought for years has actually yet to begin. We are in but the very beginning stages of the skirmish, soldier ...
You cannot expect centuries of misinformation and indoctrination to come to an end overnight.
I am qouting Gollum here
quote : "
This question was mostly answered on the other thread. Alex referred to it in a post he had made. He stated that Doc Noss had maps and papers that pointed to six other locations in the general area. There was a name on the map that points away from Villa.
I don't know for certain the answer you seek will be in a book or not, but I suspect so, because it provides a reason for certain conclusions that have been reached regarding VP.
Given that other people are holding out on info concerning the legacy and linage
In fair exachange , I'll hold back a few cards of my own
ONFP can give up the name on the maps Noss found
and I answer you question no body .
as Springfield pointed out in other threads
there are Seven sites , all of which are interconnected
not six sites
There is more than one name attached to these sites
Though Noss may have found a chronologers document
with that entities name only on it
There is in fact nine surnames involved to my exact knowledge .
Staley or Clarence or who ever his name is
may have seen the photos that Cheatum had of nine wooden carved statues of men
in Midevel cloths
these were supposedly smuggled out of VP by soldiers in 1961 or the second dig in 1971 and '72
Who do you suppose these nine Figurines represent ?
Knights Templar
the original nine ( they were not Monks, they resided at times in a Manstery )
not the following Monastic Knighted Knights Templars
The 9 Men who had family linage connected back to an early Kingdom .
You would like to know my connection and if i had rights as linage
That answer is a game changer , re-write books with it .
cool enough ?
I'll reveal linage answers when i see fair exchange
i can give you the name
However , that is a bit one sided
let them kick the answer ( ONFP Group and all buddies thereof )
Fair enough ?
I don't know for certain the answer you seek will be in a book or not, but I suspect so, because it provides a reason for certain conclusions that have been reached regarding VP.
Given that other people are holding out on info concerning the legacy and linage
In fair exachange , I'll hold back a few cards of my own
ONFP can give up the name on the maps Noss found
and I answer you question no body .
as Springfield pointed out in other threads
there are Seven sites , all of which are interconnected
not six sites
There is more than one name attached to these sites
Though Noss may have found a chronologers document
with that entities name only on it
There is in fact nine surnames involved to my exact knowledge .
Staley or Clarence or who ever his name is
may have seen the photos that Cheatum had of nine wooden carved statues of men
in Midevel cloths
these were supposedly smuggled out of VP by soldiers in 1961 or the second dig in 1971 and '72
Who do you suppose these nine Figurines represent ?
Knights Templar
the original nine ( they were not Monks, they resided at times in a Manstery )
not the following Monastic Knighted Knights Templars
The 9 Men who had family linage connected back to an early Kingdom .
You would like to know my connection and if i had rights as linage
That answer is a game changer , re-write books with it .
cool enough ?
I'll reveal linage answers when i see fair exchange
i can give you the name
However , that is a bit one sided
let them kick the answer ( ONFP Group and all buddies thereof )
Fair enough ?