Some people? Tell us who? Or was it just you?
Banned. Pfft.. Add yourself to the tyrannts. What a coward you are. I question, and you suggest banning? Really?
I don't worry about your balls, as apparently you do not have any ...
Good come back.

Some people? Tell us who? Or was it just you?
Banned. Pfft.. Add yourself to the tyrannts. What a coward you are. I question, and you suggest banning? Really?
I don't worry about your balls, as apparently you do not have any ...
... What is going on here with these photos, or with the items themselves? ...
... PS I could not see the symbol of Tanit in that one other photo either, I think on page 6? I am quite convinced that ancient visitors indeed came to America but their graffiti is usually much easier to pick out, as at Mystery Hill NH ...
... Were there more of these coins found? Were they all like this, in reverse?
... Also, not to hunt for a bone to pick but Tanit is the patron goddess of Carthage, she was not really much worshipped in the homelands of Phoenicia and particularly in Byblus, for Asherah or aka Baalat Gubl, was the Goddess of Byblos. It is not a major point, maybe; just that the period of Carthaginian expansion and exploration overseas was well after the time of Solomon and Hiram, by a couple of centuries at least so if the symbols are Tanit, the odds are the makers were from Carthaginian possessions and date to 800 BC or sooner, rather than the time of Solomon and David. Asherah's symbol would not look quite like a Tanit symbol, for in most depictions Asherah is shown holding her hands to her breasts, not held to the sky or straight horizontally as with Tanit ...
I am not interested in proving crap .
This is a Tanit and Baal hammon Tophet or if you wish
a worship site know as a grove made of stones
Drive to the Organ Mountain
go up Soledad canyon and cross over into the military base
at the east end of soledad canyon at the base of soledad peak you will find an almost
exact duplicate site as this one .
View attachment 878518
Tanit stone icon
in the areas I described in other post
this will be found
The base is exact, the ball atop of them GLOW GREEN in the light of a full moon
standing on a Ridge that is between Dorcey and Rucker Canyons
find it and stand at it , look northeast at the ridge lines across Rucker and you will see
more of them scattered about the ridge tops
go over into Johnson Canyon and find the other Icons and Groves as well .
all over the mountains
all over the states of the southwest , I have not found or been to all of them .\
last post for today
sorry ,, too sick to type much .
... Our mutual friend Springfield has pointed up the issue with Tanit symbols - the worship of Tanit did not really develop until after the founding of Carthage, and was largely centered there. If that altar of Tanit is correctly IDed in Byblus (and is not an altar of Astarte or Asherah) then it is most probably built long after the time of Hiram and Solomon. See the issue there amigo? Timeline troubles...
Treasminder2 - you wrote
What did you expect that posting such info as you have would result in, from your readers but questions? Did you not expect that we would have many questions?
Treasminder2 also wrote
I have to respectfully disagree; a Tophet or "high place" is in effect, a graveyard. The numerous stone monuments are in effect, headstones. The Sacred Groves of the Phoenician religion (and their later, western cousins in Carthage as well as the Druids) were groves of trees, or where no trees were growing, poles were sometimes erected. This is just semantics though and not a key point. The photo you posted looks very like the Tophet of Carthage, and remember Carthage was not founded until over two hundred years after Solomon and Hiram.
Here is a photo of the famous Tophet of Carthage"
View attachment 878526
Our mutual friend Springfield has pointed up the issue with Tanit symbols - the worship of Tanit did not really develop until after the founding of Carthage, and was largely centered there. If that altar of Tanit is correctly IDed in Byblus (and is not an altar of Astarte or Asherah) then it is most probably built long after the time of Hiram and Solomon. See the issue there amigo? Timeline troubles.
Not saying that what you have said is wrong, just that it is usually good to keep an open mind when looking at ancient signs, sites etc. It is very easy to mistake one thing for another, and while it may be a small thing could still be important. Even the letters of an inscription can be very problematic - as in the example of Phoenician, Hebrew, Punic and the earliest Greek - all appear very similar to each other and are directly related, but the languages are different enough that the same letters can be read very differently in the different languages.
Most historians will not agree that Solomon had ships actually reaching the Americas, and want to see very solid proof before they will even consider that possibility. I am convinced that they were, and this is a key reason why the voyages took three years to complete just as the first Europeans to circumnavigate the world also took three years time to do it. But even if we can prove that ancient Hebrews and Phoenicians were indeed visiting the Americas, how far inland did they get? Victorio Peak is some distance from the sea, and even though the ancient mariners were fully capable of using the rivers as their highways, no major river flows close to Victorio either. Do you see the issues that historians will raise to your statements?
Inscriptions (mostly graffiti, not unlike "Joe was here" sort done today) left by Phoenician (and Punic) visitors to America are still being found, some well inland even into Nevada so it is certainly possible they could have reached Victorio Peak; in fact there is a site in Wyoming over 1000 miles from any sea and not near any navigable river with Phoenician inscriptions.
Treasminder2 also wrote
I have done some poking around in the Organ mountain range fairly recently and in the San Francisco range to the east last spring, but as my home is in South Dakota I can't readily just jump in the pickup and run to Soledad canyon on a whim. If things had worked out as hoped, my wife and I would be there <in that area> in about a week but unfortunately things did not work out so we are stuck here for the winter. We do have relatives in Alamogordo, but I don't know if I could talk them into checking out your site. I will try to go check out the site the next time I am in New Mexico, which will likely be next year.
I know that you have said, you don't care to prove anything, but I would appreciate if you could explain further. Ancient visitors to America from the Old Wrold is a bit of a pet "interest" of mine, I have even written a bit on it. Thank you in advance.
Good luck and good hunting amigos, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.
Actually, the 'timeline troubles' may help to establish a chain of events, but not solve the riddle.
Very simply summarized, one speculative model is that: Solomon's people found Ophir in the American Southwest and exploited the existing storehouses of gold bullion there. Later, possibly beginning in Pre-Columbian times, but certainly during the Spanish Conquest and extending to today, an Organization reclaimed and/or added to and/or relocated the caches to more secure places, leaving enigmatic 'treasure signs', numerous 'treasure legends' and operatives to monitor/intervene in order to keep the caches secure. Victorio Peak is in the middle of the speculation, but all we know about it is circumstantial evidence, much of it lore surrounding Doc Noss.
If Solomon's people were here, we can't assume they left a trail of bread crumbs to Victorio Peak or anywhere else. That said, if they did leave petroglyphs or other rock structures, we have to assume those artifacts fit the era, even though language/alphabet nuances shouldn't be rejected when compared to the perfection of the scribes' work back in the Old World - after all, these were likely educated explorers, not scholars.
IMO, the 'Tanits' could indicate lots of things: unidentified diffusionist explorers following the 'Ophir days'; Knights Templars from the first millenium; recent Organization men who like to disguise their coded messages; or hoaxes.
Mdog - thanks for the kind words, and unfortunately I do not have permission to give out the location of the Wyoming site. I hope to get my own photos of it some time, which I could then post. It is on private land in Weston county, and the owners do not like people trespassing. I probably should not have mentioned it yet.
Good luck and good hunting amigos, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.
Thanks Oro.